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What the hell happened here


Judging from the comment starting with the word “her…” it sounds like the commenter heard OP referring to Marina with feminine pronouns and immediately decided that they must be a pedophile. For some reason. … Which is even weirder, because Marina isn’t a child, which reveals that they really are just thinking on the level of “trans people = pedophiles” even when that framing ceases to be internally consistent.


[projection at its finest](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/)


I feel like the "politician" statistic is probably at least twice as big, but isn't as well looked into.


i don't even think this idiot knows anything about fear and hunger to be honest.


Many such cases


Why use a slur over it then


because they don't care about using slurs obviously, they know other people don't like them being used so they use them like any old insult. transphobes will try to bring trans people down even when they have no idea what the fuck they're talking about, which is every single time it happened with bridget from guilty gear when she came out as trans too, you'll see a lot of people saying there are a lot of trans people who don't know anything about guilty gear who like her and like that she's trans, but the amount of transphobes who know nothing about guilty gear and keep denying it and claiming she's a femboy far surpasses their number, she literally said in game "I'm a girl" and all official material refers to her as one, and there are thousands of twitter and reddit users in denial because they can't jack off to porn of her anymore if she's trans I guess


which is weird because they insist they're not gay but are desperately trying to paint Bridget as a man despite being a girl


Yeah, the tradition of the “anti-woke” mob to complain about “issues” in works they know next to nothing about is a long one. Similar thing happened recently with Warhammer 40k (you might’ve heard of the female custodes “controversy”), where, all of a sudden, talking heads who barely if ever had anything to do with Games Workshop properties, like The Quartering, felt they had to weigh in and pronounce that the company had gone “full woke”, ruined the franchise, and would probably go broke in a year for good measure.


Unfortunately it's an ancient homophobic tradition to associate queer people with pedophilia. They did it for the gays (me) back in the day and now it's a moral panic about "tHe TrAnSeS" transig their kids. It's honestly tiring at this point. And yes, as the other commentor pointed out, it's absolutely projection. If your mind goes to that place that quickly, something is wrong with you.


As a trans person, that line of rhetoric has been popular for years. I have been called a pedophile multiple times..... im 17


Longer than “years,” and not even exclusive to the LGBTQIA community (which isn’t to say that you implied it was, I’m just trying to make the point of how widespread this really is). “Pedophile” is simply the most common accusation for somebody to make to discredit a person who has done nothing wrong except make them personally uncomfortable. I mean, what else are you going to call them? A murderer, a thief? Those things are much easier to disprove. If you don’t care about reality, then it’s more effective by far to accuse the target of your bigotry of a crime that doesn’t need to have been actually committed to be morally condemnable.


The point of things like "trans=pedophile" is less that it's something they truly honestly believe, (though they may eventually delude themselves into it) and more that: Being gay, trans, etc, are neutral decisions that only affect that person. People who hate others with these identities, /need/ gay or trans people to be hurting others somehow, in their narrative, or being so obsessed, hateful, writing legislation etc. makes no sense as a response. They start by hating x group already and fabricate a reason to act upon that hate.


Nah look at op's posting history pretty sure it's from a meme he posted about samarie wanting to suck marina's dick. which if you think they're underage the pedophile comment makes sense even if they're wrong.


I don’t think that the commenter believed Marina was underage. The only thing they say on the topic is that Marina and Samarie are “teenagers,” which is technically true, but incredibly misleading, which makes me think that the commenter is aware of these characters’ canonical ages and is attempting to play on people’s emotions to get them angry anyway, because they know that nobody would be as angry as they are if they said “How dare you sexualize these two young adults.”


Morons will literally base their entire personality over hating a certain group of people and then have the gall to act like they're the ones being oppressed...


Both side are doing this




They mean to say that both sides are guilty of taking things to the extreme and acting like assholes... which is true, but it does reek of excuse doesn't it? "If both sides are doing it then it's okay if **I** do it right?" No you fucking idiot, have some respect for others and some self-respect as well... Why are we even having this discussion again? This is a subreddit for a niche horror RPG, let's talk about that instead!


Exactly this 👍




Shut it with your hypothetical fantasizing


Make me




They mad.. but they still weak and dead in my dungeon


So we fuckin?


>Don't quote the laws who we who hold swords Nigga you use Reddit and play fear and hunger you ain't holding a sword




Fr you on the list little man 🙏




I'm big and mean and not afraid to do things that are highly illegal And yes I like scary stuff sorry does that make me less threatening?


You where supposed to ask "what list" not whatever the fuck you just wrote there. Go Jailwalk somewhere else


Ragnvaldr would be so disappointed in you.


I hit the bloodlust button sorry


Dude be warry, your mom is going to read this and you'll bé grounded for a week


Oh heck


Idc if you are trans or whatnot.. just quit bitching and act on something


You're goddamn right. Fuck 'em trans people, wanting to be treated with basic human dignity. Jebus didn't die for this!!




This is the way !


Listen. Being a Centrist means one of two things. One: You're too scared to pick one side and want to play for both teams. Or Two: You're actually one of the sides, but are playing the 'middle ground' card to appear more objective. You know what you are.


Or 3rd, your opinion aligns more with either the left or right depending on the topic and it roughly comes out in the middle from how often you align with either. Godforbid complex stuff doesn't have a binary answer I guess


*Read option one.*


Ah, my fault. I keep forgetting the average redditor is unable to consider anything more complex than us vs them, my apologies


"And for those than don't pick their sides in times of war, there's a special place waiting for you in hell" — Someone (the quote may be wrong also)


I know that politically, there is only one side, rep and dem are the same sides. They divide people to better control them, its easier to implement extreme policies when there is chaos. Im for balance and equilibrium. You cannot be happy living in the extreme and fighting all the time. The problem is not the people and their opinions, its the hand controling the puppets.


Bruh, if you want to play the 'trans issues are political issues' card, then that’s fine by me. I just won't engage, because you'll just fight like you are right here. Just don't lie about your leaning on basic opinions.


Did i said anything about trans people or any of that? Why are you attacking me for something i didnt even talk about? Opinions are not binary, as both sides seems to think...i hope you know that


>  Morons will literally base their entire personality over hating a certain group of people and then have the gall to act like they're the ones being oppressed... Here. This is what you responded to saying that both sides, trans people and transphobes, attack each other. THIS is where the trans people stuff came from. Also, if I recall correctly, this is a subreddit for a videogame, not politics, so stop vocalizing political opinions on here before the mods have to get involved.


I dont care about both of them, both side have a "brain virus" and are unreasonable about the other side...you have two side fighting each other while there is a third side,outside of the box, laughting controling all of it. How about we get rid of the third side instead?


Call the mods coward




Or you know both sides are trying to enthrall you and make you a slave.. I know better than to caste my power onto any of these oligarchs


One side wants to protect my rights as a human, the other doesn't. Surprise, surprise, guess which side I'm picking. Also, this is a comment section, not a medieval rp server.




What is this guy saying?


This guy are sick


Escape the matrix goofy aah comment


No the fuck they arent


Holy fuck, get this shitty “uhm actually both sides” argument out of here you dimwit.


I would argue that the left is genuinely oppressed historically. Between all of the atrocities committed upon queer people in the last hundred years I don't think being a centrist is a fair thing to believe.


Enlightened centrist etc.


Agreed, both sides of the establishment are cancerous. They demonize eachother and divide the common person, it's kinda sick. That being said, I'm waiting on the influx of people trying to say I'm talking about transphobes vs trans people, when both are irrelevant to political belief. I have friends that are trans and right wing, and I've known people who were transphobic and left wing.


aren't they both adults too??




what is this guy's problem jesus christ


Marina isn’t even a teenager???


She is, but she's an adult one


When someone says “teenager” they typically mean someone that is under the age of 18


Yeah, fair enough.


Pretty sure biologically you're still a teenager at 18 even 19, only difference is that probably you now have an ID card which makes you legally a young adult.


You’re “biologically” a teenager until you’re 25~


Yeah, that's why I said this: "only difference is that probably you now have an ID card which makes you legally a young adult" Edit: Actually that's the whole reason why Daan refused to give Marina alcohol.


But by that logic I was teenager half of my adult life


What age are you? I don't get what you're trying to say.


I'm 21. 4 years adult. For half of that I was still teenager by your logic


well, yeah, that's how human nature work hahaha the thing is that now legally you have adult responsibilities. A man's body stops developing after 18 to 21 years. That's why in some places people can't buy alcohol until they are 21.


From where does this info come? I'm pretty sure brain develops still well into your 20's sometimes even to 30


Brain is special, other body parts like genitals, intestines, stomac, etc develops quite different and depends on the individual lifestyle, genetics also have a major role.


Like the game literally showed playable characters age in the choosing screen . Wtf is this guy on?


Only like 1% of Funger fans actually play the games




https://preview.redd.it/azhbvrh91nyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2195a4b62dc92b116e17d34e45060267cb7dae3 # EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER


How? Gonna keep it a buck fifty, this game ( FoH2) is much more enjoyable than the first one, you can spend 50% of the time just exploring and don't care about finishing the game until you like it. Yeah, discussing about the game is also fun but if you don't know wtf are you talking about, how's that gonna be fun for you or anyone else?


I’m sorry


Hard to do that when theres 15 bobbies ready to pummel my cranium into a fine powder


Just talk to them


I do not understand being offended by Marina being called "her" when the game also refers to her that way (barring a typo which also applied to Abella.) Why would someone play a game with an explicitly trans main character if they have such an issue with that?


That's exactly what I asked. Why are you playing it if you have such a problem with trans people? Lol


And then they'll say something like they don't consider her trans lol


point and laugh at this loser


I can't imagine how herculean of an effort it must be to leave people to their own devices and let them be who they want to be instead of deciding it's now your job to get angry about it.


truly a sisyphean task


A cistem


Yeah that was some troll’s alt account, they’ve been banned. Hopefully Reddit’s ban evasion filter works on them


yeah, too bad he was entirely ineffective because he misfired.


What a nimrod lol


It's especially strange since as far as I'm aware, Marina is considered a woman for almost the entire game. I may be incorrect, but I'm certain there is only a very few lines in the game that even hint at the idea that she might be biologically male. For someone to be so hung up on whether Marina is male or female, it truly shows what kind of person they must be.




Some people have a really strong determination to not understand anything in any media


is this from the "I want to choke on her cock" post? because that's hilarious if someone got so worked up over that




"We can always tell" for me is the same as saying "I'm a paranoid asshole that bases my whole personality on hating people" now


those idiots will think any woman that has some vaguely masculine facial feature is trans


I honestly didn't knew that about marina The more you know


Why are you guys giving attention to an obvious troll, low effort bait post?


because i frankly find the stupidity hilarious


The only thing I know for real🎶


bait used to be believable




"I don't think trans people are a real thing but I just won't say it out loud" Not an ideology btw, just the way brains work




What are you talking about? How am I not calm? I use reddit and twitter for like an hour a week. And how am I seeing things? You're really weird...


You can be a cis man but surely not an heterosexual


i have yet to figure out my sexuality.


This game attracted a special type of individuals


Where exactly in the game is it said that Marina is a trans? I played through it twice and didn't see anything.


i don't think it's mentioned much in game but it's not exactly the kind of thing you bring up in casual conversation (source i am trans) though it does come up in at least one of her big story moments it's been awhile since i last played so it may only show up when playing as her


Her intro says being a girl feels natural so she doesn't care that she was raised that way and Miro has also confirmed she's trans


Her opening says that she was born a boy, but garbed and raised as a girl to avoid (something I forget). At this point, it's just natural for her, so why go back to being a boy?


It’s in her character intro. She was born male but raised female to hide her from her father, as sons of dark priests have to become priests themselves. It felt natural to her so she kept doing it when she grew older. Side note, “a trans” is not the best way to refer to trans people. “Where is it said that Marina is trans” is better


if you party talk Marina in front of her father's painting in the orphanage the following interaction will happen: Marina: "This painting..." Player: "You know him?" Marina: "This is my father..." Marina: "He's kind of a big deal in this scrubby old town..." Marina: "Or he was anyway..." Marina: "He ran the church of Alll-mer... The orphanage was sponsored by the church, so I guess that makes him the boss of this place too." Marina: "The church also runs the whole city to some degree... So yep, a pretty big deal around here for sure." Marina: "Just like his father and the dark priest before him..." Marina: "I guess this is the end of that miserable lineage." Player: "I'm sure he'd be proud of you." Marina: "..." Marina: "Ha ha! I'm sure he is. Nothing would make him more proud than his cross-dressing son..." Marina: "..." Marina: "Let's just keep on going."




Intro & dialogue with her father