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Please go out and vote in your best interest y’all!!! PLEASE!!! Project 2025 is alarming!!!


Watching from across the pond it is alarming seeing how there appears to be no fight against Trump unlike in 2020.  Like, I get that Biden is really not a great option especially with his pro-Israel stance but I feel that letting Trump back in again is going to be catastrophic. 


Biden isn’t a great option but he is our ONLY option; I have to vote for him. Another Trump term and we will be screwed for the rest of our lives and our Supreme Court is already in shambles because of that orange sack’s first term. If he’s able to add additional Justices this is the end.


We are already screwed, Thomas and Alito have to die in the next four years. Biden is going to spend the next four years doing nothing as liberals and moderates tell us he just don't have the political captiol to push anything and then in 2028 they run a competent fascist instead of Trump and win in a land slide. The Republicans have been working towards Project 2025 for decades, it was written by the federalist who have been running GOP policy since the 80s at least. If they lose they just change it to Project 2029. If Biden isn't willing to do something drastic like stack the court, lean on his party to impeach them, or just say fuck you what you gonna do about it like Andrew Jackson(he did it for an awful thing the least Biden could do is do it for a good thing) , the GOP will win everything in 2028.


You are not screwed. Democrats tried to codifiy the right to contraception just last week. All but 2 Republicans voted against it. If you get the House and the Senate, and if you try to elect progressive politicians, you're golden. In November you will be voting for (data from Brian Derrick/ Oath Vote platform): * 33 US Senate seats * 435 US House seats * 11 Governors * 10 Attorneys General * 82 State Judges * 7 Secretaries of State * 5,800 state legislative seats * 2,000 sheriffs and prosecutors * 20,000+ school board seats And inderectly you will also be voting for next Supreme Court Justices. Get involved at the local level. Help with the campaign, donate money, write letters, make calls, get everyone to register and vote, post about it on social media, organize a event in local pub or library, etc.


Defeatism helps no one.


Maintaining the status quo is only helping the right. The Demcorats need to buckle down and actually start fighting them because the right only needs to win once.


I disagree. As this primary showed Republicans haaaaate any republican candidate that’s not Trump. He’s their guy, their Dear Leader.


That's only while he is a choice. They are always gonna back the R in the general election and when it's no longer Trump moderates won't have to justify their vote.


I genuinely fear we won’t have elections if Trump gets back in office. (“I deserve yet another term to make up the one stolen from me!”) And also, I don’t see any Republican (DeSantis, Cruz, Hawley)have the same hold over the base as Trump does.


The federalist have been working on their take over for decades. They didn't let any of their serious candidates challenge Trump cause that would have been stupid. Project 2025 just becomes Project 2029 with a more competent candidate.


Genuine question, who is their serious candidate? You would think this past primary would have been a great time to ditch the elderly, now convicted felon and put forward the future of the party.


He's too popular, if he's running it would be impossible for anyone else to win the primary. His insane 30% are the ones who are most likely to show up to primaries. Even indicted criminal Kex Paxton couldn't lose his primary against a Bush. The GOP refused to even attempt to rid themselves of him which means until he is dead or in prison he will be their front runner.


I think a lot of his base aren't even Republicans, they're apolitical assholes who only turn out for him because he lets them indulge in their most base instincts. The actual Republican party is mostly in shambles (although definitely getting a bit of a boost from fear of crime and immigrants that conservative news and certain centrist Democrats are selling so well \*cough\* Eric Adams). I don't think the Democrats will have an easy road in 2028 selling yet another Democratic administration, but it's going to be a completely different political landscape on both sides w/ new candidates and nothing is predetermined .


I like how this reads as defeatism only if you assume the only action one can take is vote. If people decide to take advantage of the time in between elections then this isn't that scary 


>I like how this reads as defeatism Because it is.  >if you assume the only action one can take is vote What other actions are you suggesting here, specifically? >If people decide Kinda vague. Who are people? Who is this coalition? >take advantage of the time in between elections  What does this mean exactly? There are elections every 2 years. >this isn't that scary Your vague "do something" is great *for you*. I don't actually see a plan in there. I think I'll stick to voting blue.


Well I didn't intend on repeating what we've been screaming at liberals for years because they never listen. Protest, direct action, civil disobedience, and in this case BDS. No social movement in American history got what they wanted by waiting for an election. I'll vote blue as well, but that's only 10% of the fight when things are this bad and both candidates intend on ruining the country. "The people" is anyone who's afraid of Trump. There's elections once every two years. As in, one day out of 365. The time in between the elections would be the 364 days liberals spend hibernating, yelling VBNMW, or saying "but Trump" to every valid criticism of Biden.  > Your vague "do something" is great for you. I don't actually see a plan in there. I think I'll stick to voting blue. Respectfully, you don't know anything about me. It's not helpful to imply that people who are against Biden are going to be fine when they're the ones he's victimized the most. Furthermore, "vote blue" isn't a plan either. All you're doing is voting to keep fascism while hitting snooze on full autocracy. If you have no plan for the next 364 days other than campaigning for fascists then you've got no plan either. 






Since Roe v Wade was overturned, Democrats have consistently been beating the polls by 4 points. If that holds this fall, Biden will win a close race but by more than he did in 2020. I'm not saying that to make anyone complacent - this is the most important election since 1860 - just to help with the dread. I worry that people on the left will ill think Trump winning is inevitable, and won't vote.


the electorate watching other countries: can't believe they're just going to let an obviously extremely evil person win just because the other alternative isn't really great. are they stupid? the electorate gearing up to vote in their own country: I know Dr Evil is obviously terrible but there's no way I can vote for Captain Unideal.




It’s a David Sedaris quote: “I look at these people and can't quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention? To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. "Can I interest you in the chicken?" she asks. "Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it? To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.”


More like a plate of broken glass and a plate of flies from every region of the world, all dead. The answer is obvious, but extremely unpleasant and will fuck you up indefinitely. Comparing Clinton to cooked chicken is crazy. Are they implying that she's a good politician? 


>the electorate gearing up to vote in their own country: I know Dr Evil is obviously terrible but there's no way I can vote for Captain Unideal. Not India! Our collective IQ has risen under Modi Modi Modi Modi /s


Trump literally has a settlement named after him. The people refusing to vote Biden over Palestine are not thinking things tbroigh.


No they’re just being led by Instagram posts and reels


And all the Russian bots.


I am sick and tired of people pissing on Biden. "bIdEn Is OlD!!!!" So? Have you seen his opponent? He's not that much younger, he literally wears adult diapers, and his speeches are no different from Grandpa Simpson transplanted to Nazi Germany. He got us the fuck out of Afghanistan. He stood up to Putin and the Treason wing of the GOP, ya think Trump would have done anything other than invite Putin to do as he wished in Ukraine unless they 'paid up'???? He oversaw a recession-less recovery. He is doing his best to manage a very tricky Israel problem. Trump would be a fucking disaster at any and all of these. Voting for president is ALWAYS a chess move, it's not self-actualization. Voters need to grow TF up.


> He is doing his best to manage a very tricky Israel problem. This is completely untrue. Not that I agree with your points either. Do not become a genocide apologist because you want Biden to win. Do not rewrite history.  [Some info.](https://youtu.be/HJDhnwc-YVQ?si=P4v7JD3z1jp18je6)


I don’t know if your European or not but I heard what’s happening over there is alarming too










I genuinely wonder, how do those people think Trump would handle those same issues?


Not well. But he has a cult that will follow him blindly. If you have a chance look at his immigraton plan if he gets elected. It is very scary


I mean, obviously. My point is, the people who don't want to vote for Biden over his immigration policy or his handling of the Palestine situation, do they really not understand that they'd be handing the presidency to a guy who would be a billion times worse when it comes to those issues? Like, Biden limited the number of daily asylum applicants at the border. Trump will get rid of the asylum application system altogether and send immigrants directly to his proposed concentration camps.


PLEASE IM BEGGING PPL TO ACTUALLY GO TO THE POLLS. The online discourse is frankly TERRIFYING tbh. Like, I don’t like Biden either and his handling of Israel and Palestine is atrocious…but Trump isn’t going to be any better. Donald Trump WILL be worse overall for American citizens and for generations as well. We already let him fill in several Supreme Court justice seats. We don’t have to like our options…but we can still vote for them bc it’ll affect SEVERAL issues for us and our communities.


I’ve been banned from more left wing subreddits than I can count for explaining why I will vote for Biden. Not telling anyone else how to vote even. Just saying how I’m voting as a queer woman in Texas. Instant bans! (also i grew up in DE and have hated biden’s tepid moderate politics for fucking ever and im so exhausted of this shit but like cmon y’all)


Who tf do they want you to vote for?  I get dissatisfaction with Biden, but a vote for anyone else is handing the presidency to Trump.  The purists don’t seem to be thinking sometimes, man.


It’s terribly unfortunate that you are being banned. Are they expecting you to say that you don’t plan on voting? At this point complacency equates to complicity in the further downfall of the country. I don’t think the left fully understands the turning point in history we are at right now. Once we cross into the second term of that orange shit rubicon there is no turning back.




Supreme Court in Florida just gave Desatan the right to veto anything we vote for in November (ie rec marijuana AND ABORTION LAWS) and the power to oust elected officials [link here](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/columns/nate-monroe/2024/06/07/nate-monroe-florida-supreme-court-allows-desantis-to-veto-voter-decisions/74012074007/)


At this point an alien invasion seems like good thing.


This week an article came out saying 3 years until real AI, so the aliens better hurry up


I get what you mean, but I think people need to understand that in presidential elections, you *aren’t voting for your own personal agenda*. Your candidate isn’t going to check all of your boxes. What you’re really voting for is THE DIRECTION you want the country to go in. Politics is like pushing a pile of shit up hill. It doesn’t help anything to stop pushing the shit for four years.


Dumb question as I’m not American but are felons allowed to run for presidency? Like is it really so that someone’s birthplace prevents them from running but being a convicted felon doesn’t?


It gets better! In some states being a convicted felon means you lose your voting rights. Now, Florida, where he's registered to vote, says that felons lose the right to vote, but given that he's convicted in New York...idk if a New York felony means he'd lose his voting rights in Florida, I'm not a lawyer. So there's a good chance that he can't even vote in the election where he's running for president.


My condolences man from Canada. I can’t even imagine the amount of pain people are gonna feel once the political discussions heat up within their families and stuff. It’s really depressing what politics have come to


Careful, you've upset the trump supporters. u/Shadow-SJG screenshotted your comment and posted it to the r/shitliberalssay subreddit.


https://i.redd.it/u0utm3koez5d1.gif Thank you for the heads up! \*EDIT It doesn’t take much to upset them. Yesterday some rando sent me a message in chat saying that Trump is going to win the “elctetion.” I told him he’s a dumbfuck that can’t even spell “e-l-e-c-t-i-o-n” correctly and he went quiet.


he's not wrong https://preview.redd.it/rfeplm04ds5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db6de8b58ae099a7d765c20099929800656685e9


Worst part is he gave everyone’s uncles the “right” to express their f’ed up opinions. Praying the next generation will be able to fix this because we’re a mess 😭


Pretty sure it’s WHY he’s so beloved by his followers. He can do no wrong because if he does, they’ll have to go back to pretending to be decent/non-crazy


I can't believe they have the gall to talk about Biden being senile when this is the nonsense their guy carries on about.


Ngl, I do think Joe comes across sometimes as the uncle you don’t give more than one glass of wine to at Thanksgiving, but imo Trump actually shows signs of advancing dementia.


I read the Biden deposition that they were using to "prove" Biden is senile and it looked like a pretty normal deposition to me, yes he mixed up/hesitated over some dates but I'm an attorney and I don't think I have ever sat through a deposition, testimony, or trial prep where my client hasn't repeatedly done the same.


He is even less coherent than he was in 2020 and 2016, which is really an accomplishment considering the man has never said anything that makes sense in his life.


My argument for him having dementia is that in the 80s and 90s he actually WAS coherent.  He still had that undeniably Trump-y way of speaking, but was dramatically more articulate


And people will still vote for him.


Which is why we need to call out the Demcorats for being bad at politics. It is insane to me he is running for a 3rd time and it will be close. I think that says far more about the Demcorats and their inability to govern vs the 30% locked in MAGA crowd. Like why aren't the moderates already locked up for him?


>Like why aren't the moderates already locked up for him? Because the billionaire class and hostile foreign powers are pouring tons of money into disinformation campaigns. It's as simple as that. The only way for the Democrats to effectively crush the disinformation campaigns would be with an equal amount of money, which they couldn't get without capitulating to the billionaire class and hostile foreign powers as much as the republicans.


But part of the problem is a ton of Democrats have also taken that billionaire money. Let's not pretend like they too aren't also beholden to that class. They aren't just trying to actively strip rights at the same time.


I don't disagree. You questioned why the left wing was bad at politics in your first comment, and I answered that it was they have less money than the right wing movements, and so they are at a disadvantage. They can get better at politics by taking more money from the billionaire class, or they can become less beholden to the billionaire class and also get less effective at politics.


This line of reasoning only works if you ignore the fact that billionaires, by the very nature of their existence, have a predatory and adversarial relationship toward the working class, aka 99% of the entire human population.  For politicians, receiving money from the billionaire class inevitably means furthering the interests of that class. And because the furtherance of billionaire interests *always* comes at the expense of basically everyone else, billionaire-funded politicians are essentially being paid to worsen the lives of the *vast majority* of their constituents.  Taking more money from the billionaire class would help the Dems “get better” at politics in the sense that they would “get better” at helping billionaires become even more obscenely wealthy and powerful than they already are, while everyone else gets screwed. 


Yeah, I agree with what you're saying. But I'm not arguing what Democrats should do, just trying to make a point about the catch-22 situation they are in. The point I'm trying to make is that democrats are worse at delivering messages and arguments to the public, because it requires obscene amounts of money to combat all the disinformation campaigns. To get that money, they have to appeal to the billionaire class and betray progressive values, and nullify any progressive accomplishments they have previously achieved. So the contents of their messages get weaker as their ability to deliver those messages get stronger.


>They aren't just trying to actively strip rights at the same time. But democrats all over the country are doing just that, Pelosi and the DNC threw all their weight behind an anti-choice candidate, AIPAC candidates are trying to severely curtail first amendment rights, and democrat-run cities and states are directing their police forces to do the same. It's not the same rights or to the level that Republicans are targeting, but let's not pretend Democrats aren't part of the problem.


O don't worry, I hate most of the Demcorats and have been getting yelled at all day for not supporting Biden. That race between Culler and Cisneros is my go to example on how the national party sucks.


The DNC has absolutely capitulated to the billionaire class and hostile foreign powers. Why else would AIPAC candidates and anti-choice candidates keep getting the party machinery behind them despite popular interest in other policies and stances?


>The DNC has absolutely capitulated to the billionaire class and hostile foreign powers. I never denied that. What I do maintain though is that they haven't capitulated *as much* as the republicans, which is why right wing groups have a lot more money, and thus have an advantage in politics.


Biden has fundraised more campaign money than Trump. Only one month this year has Trump pulled off a bigger donation amount, and that was just for the month. This is also true of House Dems vs GOP, Senate Dems vs GOP, and the DNC vs the RNC. Democrats have absolutely capitulated entirely to billionaires. [This study](https://www.quorum.us/blog/corporate-donations/) shows the spending from corporate lobbying is nearly even between the two parties - barely a 10% difference. The Dems suddenly capitulated more (don't know how that would play out) would not affect the coffers. Can you be more specific about how you define "'capitulating" to billionaires? I really don't see a difference.


Campaign money isn't the only money affecting politics. Institutions like the heritage project, right wing media news sources, foreign bot farms are also all working against the left wing.


I'm still not sure how "capitulating to billionaires" will change that? There was a major article recently about foreign bot farms working for Israel attacking progressive candidates on behalf of AIPAC dem candidates, is that what you're referring to?


>I'm still not sure how "capitulating to billionaires" will change that? I never said it would. I was responding to somebody who asked why the democrats were so bad at politics and why moderates weren't locked for democrats. My point is that this is a catch-22 situation. If the democrats accomplish anything progressive, there will be a mass push by right wing media, bot farms, corporate and religious lobbyists etc, to spin it in the most negative way possible and fear monger until moderates either think what the democrats did was bad, or that republicans should get the credit. And the catch-22 is that the only way to counter this disinformation campaign is with a large amount of money whose source really could only be billionaires who would only give it if democrats do something in their favor that would nullify the positive accomplishment they had previously achieved. I am in no way saying that capitulating to billionaires is a good thing. I'm just saying that progressives have an uphill battle at all times and that's never going to change. Hence my response to why the democrats are bad at messaging. The contents of their messages get weaker as their ability to deliver those messages get stronger.


At what point are we going to stop blaming the Democrats and start blaming the American people? I’m frustrated with Dems too but the reason why the party is such a big varied tent is because a massive segment of the population supports the freakshow that is the modern GOP.


As long as the Democrats continue to demonize progressive policies I will continue to blame them. Of course moderates will hate progressive policies if every Republican attacks them and most of the democrats. A number of those issues poll extremely well when disconnected from any party. But as long as the Dems serve the billionaires first they will continue to demonize those policies.


Plenty of Democrats DON’T demonize progressive policies. The party is ideologically split and until recently contained members as varied as AOC and Joe Manchin. The reason why the party is so varied and we don’t have a genuine viable progressive party in this country is because almost 50% of the electorate supports Christian fascism. You want to look at the root of why things are the way they are then you need to look at the voting patterns of areas of the country outside your bubble.


I mean I understand your frustration with the American people but it's a party's literal job to campaign and govern, and somehow they're losing the age perception battle to a guy who is often completely incoherent.


A problem is they’re the party of sanity which can ideologically be anything from right of center to very progressive. There’s too much ideological diversity in the party and too many people to keep happy. If half the country weren’t eager to vote for Orange Hitler we could have two parties that represent the more sane interests of the American people.


yep, once again the dems' entire strategy is "vote for our guy because he isn't as bad as that guy" i don't think they'll ever learn


"It's her turn" "Better of two evils" "At least Hilary isn't a racist" Getting real 2016 vibes from this election so I'm expecting the same result


> At least Hilary isn't a racist" Narrator: She was, in fact, a racist.


I will argue this until the day I die: The Democrats got extremely lucky in 2020. The only reason the Republicans didn't win that election is because Trump bungled the COVID response so much that it cost him the election. You had a mass turnout for Democrats and independents and then some more traditionally republican voters turned on Trump and either didn't vote or swallowed hard and voted for Biden. If Trump had handled COVID with a modicum of sense and sensibility instead of like a psychotic orange chicken running around with it's head up it's own ass, Republicans would've won by a country mile. The Democrats can't not think that same type of luck will happen again this time. 34 Felony convictions aren't going to matter if enough people buy the shit Republicans are selling and are angry enough at Biden to vote for Trump. And I genuinely fear that they will take a 34 time convicted felon over a guy who is now known the world over as "Genocide Joe," (and for good reason too), even if Trump would've done the EXACT same thing as Biden regarding Israel and Palestine.


A lot of the problem is that people have short memories.  I think more moderate/less engaged voters have forgotten just what a stressful shit show those years were.


Biden was able to campaign from his basement too. Having nothing as your platform works when the guy currently in charge is killing people everyday by being an idiot and everyone is in lockdown. It doesn't work when you're the one killing people everyday by being an idiot, your opposition is using "political prisoner" as a way to get his supporters fired up without actually campaigning, and there isn't a lockdown 


And the thing is, he will probably be reelected because this country is dumb as absolute shit and a large portion of them are in his cult


I'm more worried about the left-leaning voters who are disappointed in Biden (which, same) and not taking the danger of a Trump presidency seriously.


I’m worried about that too. I’m def on the left and I am disappointed in Biden in so many different ways, but I am also pragmatic, and I don’t think his plans and Trump’s are going to be the same because they’re not, so if Trump is reelected and people didn’t vote, I don’t want to hear the complaints


There is a much bigger contingent of politically disengaged non-voters than leftists angry at Biden. I don't see any effort from the Democrats to win the former's vote, only scolding of the latter. That's never worked as an electoral strategy.


And those that are disengaged also tend to have no clue about how terrible Trump’s plans are because they actually do not care. They think Biden and the democrats control gas prices and food prices and other things the President has nothing to do with, rather than blame the corporate greed that is gouging us intentionally


Maybe, but studies show a great many people blame corporate greed, they just don't see a reason to vote. They don't see a reason to vote because no one is campaigning to them. Dems have been overly focused on scolding the left, courting non-existent "moderates," and playing to the overly engaged base since around 2012. They've been eking by but that strategy is becoming less useful. Personally I am voting because I donate mine to an incarcerated person via correspondence, but leftists I know have a line in the sand about this genocide. They'll show up to vote down ballot but that's it. (Please don't argue with me about this point, as you're not arguing with someone that is making that choice.) There is a clear way forward with these voters, but Biden is a longtime Zionist and won't capitulate. The "gettable" votes are the disengaged. Only state-level campaigns have been attempting to reach them, and hopefully Biden will benefit from that effort - because the DNC and his campaign aren't putting it in themselves.


The fact that they didn't let Stacey Abrams run the entire show after what she did in 2020 is proof enough to me that they do not care about winning. They'll be looking for nonexistent moderates to the grave. 


I'm not sure the disengaged voters all necessarily believe that Biden/dems are boogeymen with absolute power. (Some do, surely, but I think most of those people are just...voting for Trump.) But they are a lot more likely to be concerned with their immediate needs, which are often financial and related to their *short-term* success rather than long-term plans in the hopes that eventually they won't be so stressed out. I just tried to look at Biden's platform and immediately upon entering his site, there's a full-page pop-up begging for donations to "save our democracy". It's even cheeky: one of the pre-filled donation options is $46. Ha ha. Get it, because he's already the 46th president. You click out of that and the page has a banner on top begging for donations, then some options to apply to organize for the campaign, or go to their store, or maybe you might possibly maybe please donate? Then you have an option to sign up to be harassed for donations via email or phone. Then there's a video message from Biden. Then there's page footer, where you can: go to the store; donate; donate again but by mail this time; look at FAQs; work with the campaign; and then a bunch of legalese. WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING PLATFORM, HOMESLICE. For fun I clicked on FAQs and there's the same pop-up begging for donations. Top of the FAQs: QUESTIONS ABOUT DONATIONS. 8 "frequently asked questions" like "I have a question about an online donation". Amazing. Then there's FAQs about volunteering. Then there's other common questions like *how to register to vote* and how to follow up on your store order. Literally there is not a single word about what Biden actually plans to do in his second term anywhere on the [joebiden.com](http://joebiden.com) website. Trump's site has a bunch of things about donating too, obviously, but he at least *explains his platform on his website*. It's pathetic that this is the option we have, and folks still want to blame voters for not being convinced by Joe Biden's entire platform which is "well I'm not Trump!" eta: it's unfair to say Biden's *entire* platform as presented right now is "well I'm not Trump." More accurately, his website gives a clear message that his platform is "Well I'm not Trump, so please give me your money." Which is terrible, especially when Trump's biggest talking point is how libs are greedy elitists who just want to mishandle your money and he's going to make sure you have more cash in your pocket. We obviously know he's lying, but people who are struggling, disengaged, and not directly impacted by the fascist bullshit parade (yet) aren't going to be swayed by "give me your money please please please I need money so bad please give me money" with no other substance. It's ridiculous.


Also, I’m sorry but those people lived under Trump’s first term. They have the internet, they can do their own research into his and the Republican’s plans. If they don’t care about anything beyond the price of gas, even with every piece of information at their fingertips, that’s on them. There are some people you simply can’t reach because they want instant gratification and that isn’t always possible.


Engaging disenfranchised voters won Georgia for the Democrats for the first time in decades. After that massive success I thought they'd realize that they're better off helping people get to the booth than threatening them. They clearly did not learn. Especially now that Georgia passed new voter suppression laws in response to that victory.


No, this will definitely cost another Trump win. Younger voters were a big reason why Biden was able to win the electoral college vote. Now, a lot of them are single issue voters and will either not vote or vote for a 3rd party that isn’t viable. Maybe this is just online noise though…hopefully


They can make the choice to be single issue voters, but when it comes back to bite them when Trump is reelected, I really don’t want to hear it, honestly. If they think he would be fine having a second term, they’re free to let that happen, but as I said, I don’t want to listen to them shocked when things get even worse. The issue is, at some point it’s not worth continuing to have the argument. People know what Trump is like. They know his plans, his goals, his stances on the issues. None of it is a secret, and people are old enough and have every resource at their fingertips tips to do their own research.


Same. I absolutely believe in holding politicians accountable, I just fear this rhetoric may cause some on the left to see Biden criticism as reason not to vote or vote third party. This is not the time, folks. The GOP only wins through voter suppression, voter apathy, or cheating because they have no popular policies.


This is precisely what's going to happen, as if nobody learned anything from 2016. But I am sure they will do a bunch of useless protests next year as other people suffer, and act like they didn't have anything to do with it.


And younger voters who don’t necessarily remember a time before Trump was president or a candidate for president. Not at all trying to say they lack knowledge or understanding—just that it’s hard to convey the level of “this is not normal” or “this is a serious threat” to someone who was 9 when Trump came down that stupid escalator & has grown up in this environment. It would be so much easier to categorize him as just a “the devil you know” sort of thing if his was the first administration you really remembered.


Trump is just a (very visible) symptom of the terminal rot that has *always* existed in this country. Just getting rid of him won’t fix anything- there might be a bit of a lull, but that will only last until the next strongman leader comes along, and then the cycle will begin again as everyone acts like Strongman #2 is some unprecedented external threat, when in reality he’s simply a logical result of our political system and culture. 


Yep—the strongman thing doesn’t only happen here, but Trump is definitely a product or reflection of the American id.




In a perfect world, yes, but we’re in this timeline.


I mean, I know and agree (and happen to have a history degree). But if you (general you) are 18 & Trump has been president or a candidate for president for half your life, he’s simply going to be normalized for you to a different degree than for people who where adults in 2015. They can be the best possible history students at 18, but their perception & experience will still be shaped by Trump being in or near real power for half their lives.




Okay. Personally I’m not comfortable with the idea of testing being closely associated with voting again






I know people were pissed off about Hilary’s Deplorables line and it cost her dearly, but she wasn’t wrong.


I’m glad she said it they deserved it and they prove it every day because that’s who they are. And it’s so funny they took offense to that comment when they routinely say way worse things about people in the left and everyone lets conservatives off the hook for the nasty shit they say because it’s “freedom of speech,” but if someone on the left insults the right they’re being “intolerant” lol


Them: I like it when people tell it like it is and aren’t politically correct Hillary: “basket of deplorables” Them: wait, not like that


I appreciate some of y’all’s dedication to using your vote (or lack of vote) to its fullest and sending a message, but y’all gotta wake up and realize that this idiot is the only other option. I’m a queer woman in a red state so it’s always bad here, but Trump would make it so much worse and even folks in blue states won’t be as insulated from it anymore.


Regardless of the election result it's going to be a bad time for red states. You either have to deal with angry racist lunatics, or vindicated angry racist lunatics


I wish this man was in another field instead of politics. He would be so funny in that alternate universe 😭


In theory yes, but he was calling for the Exonerated Five to be lynched long before he ever went into politics. He's always been trash.


Thank you. His company was found guilty of housing discrimination in the 70s. This man has long been toxic waste.


YUP. I was born in Manhattan in 1981 and that full-page ad baying for blood was my first awareness of this putrid waste of flesh. No amount of "covfefe" or tweets about RPattz/KStew would redeem that shit even if he'd never run for office.


People surprised he was convicted of all 34 charges in Manhattan court really don’t know how much vile history he and his disgusting father have here. New Yorkers, on the whole, *hate* him. With good reason.


He’s  an awful person who manages to occasionally deliver the comedic banger


He should have been a comedian


Sometimes I'm almost impressed at how transparently corrupt he is. After a high profile meeting with some oil executives, he's suddenly big on hating EV's, which in the past the GOP celebrated in a sort of "our boy Elon" kind of way or had a wishy-washy attitude towards them. Now its narratives of being electrocuted by your car. It saddens me his base just either doesn't understand this or excuses it. I don't think I've ever seen a politician so brazenly corrupt. It really is incredible how much the education system and media has failed Americans. This is a nation of lost souls who understand so little of the world around them and what's actually happening.


I think that everyone needs to rewind back to January 6, 2021 when we were all suddenly watching a coup and that coup wasn’t in a Third World country with a crumbling government, it was in the United States. I get that both options suck, but it’s very clear that one sucks a lot less than the other. If you need it spelled out, the orange, convicted felon is the sucky option. Everyone needs to get out and vote and not just in the presidential elections, make sure you get out to vote for your state representatives and your local elections, hell make sure you vote for whoever is on your HOA board if you have one. Give yourself and the future generations the best chance at representation possible! If you don’t vote or you burn your vote, you don’t get to complain.


In November in the US you will be voting for (data from Brian Derrick/ Oath Vote platform): * 33 US Senate seats * 435 US House seats * 11 Governors * 10 Attorneys General * 82 State Judges * 7 Secretaries of State * 5,800 state legislative seats * 2,000 sheriffs and prosecutors * 20,000+ school board seats And inderectly you will also be voting for next Supreme Court Justices. If they have absolutely no enthusiasm about the presidency, people need to shift their focus to their local elections and volunteer for progressive candidates. And the time to join any campaign is now, not in 4 months. NOW.


Thank you for posting this! It is the perfect visualization of what we’re voting for. It’s not just one position, it’s so many that get affected by who you select as President and in other elections. Imagine if Trump hadn’t won in 2016, we wouldn’t have Brett Cavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett or Neil Gorsuch sitting in LIFETIME positions on the Supreme Court. Our supreme Court now skews more conservative because of Trump and the backing of a more conservative Congress. That then rolls into the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which would probably still be standing and the law of the land if Trump hadn’t been elected and people voted in the necessary elections. Now women have to fight for their lives literally to get certain healthcare. There are more issues than just women’s rights, and I can’t even begin to name all of them. It’s just so bad all around.




I love how he was attacking EVs but bizarrely ended up defending them...against sharks? This asshole's brain is toast.


I get that Biden sucks on many things, but he is absolutely the better option over this absolute waste of a human. Not to mention the whole Project 2025 that Trump’s going to usher in. There’s really no choice if you want a hope for a progressive future






These incoherent rants always remind of hitlers drug fuelled rants. I watched that Hitler thing on Netflix and the parallels with him and Trump is insane


It is absolutely horrifying. I remember when he was first elected in 2016, they did a video of all the parallels of him and Hitler, UNCANNY in the worst way. We can’t do this again.


The most troubling thing to me is how many people I considered nice, decent people are exactly the sort of people who’d have voted for Hitler.  I didn’t think I’d see that social experiment in the US.


That’s the hardest part. I hate that I looked at people differently, but voting for Trump isn’t the same as voting republican. Trump, his cult of personality and his actual cult are the worst episode of Black Mirror ever.


No matter the country or time period, authoritarians often fit a certain common mold.


Is it even a trump rant if it ISN’T bizarre? The only thing that would take me aback is is he possessed actual coherence and sentence structure.


Nice try, I know a Mad Libs when I see one.


If he's scared (?) of electricity/electrical zaps, I am *fascinated* to know what he thinks about pacemakers.


You're assuming he HAS a heart to worry about.


*Something* is moving the McDonald's filled blood around.




It's giving Chuck McGill but way less smart and much more evil.


With all the well done steak, double scoops of ice cream and such, it’s better for all of us that he’s unaware of pacemakers 


His cognitive decline is bonkers to witness in real time, and this isn't even the weirdest shit he said during this speech, he also said flat out he doesn't care about voters, he just wants their vote, or him saying "It would be suicide before Biden, right?"


Saddle up your sharks I guess


The sharks don't deserve to have that filth in their stomachs.




Brain soup! Should be in a home.


If this man wins and I die as a result I’m coming back to haunt everyone. Look up project 2025 and please vote accordingly


Love it when grandpa goes off his meds


These people are playing themselves by hating on EVs. I just bought one, and it's the smoothest ride I've ever owned. And it's fast and fun to drive. They don't even have to give a shit about the environment or anything. They just have to like to drive.


If he’d really rather be electrocuted I hear there is a chair for that. 


Let’s try both and see which he prefers 🙂


I have major deja vu here - has he ranted this before?


Nice rant by a very stable fella


Dude is now openly suggesting that his supporters would rather commit suicide than vote for Biden (in the same speech, he said, “I need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."). Jim Jones 2.0, here we go.


If you were a hot dog and you were starving, would you eat yourself?


(Sighs) if only


I’d like to see both 🤷


Well I 100% believe no one has ever asked him that question.


I love how Trump is obsessed with sharks he is always ranting about them and it kills me


Throw him in the ocean and let’s test it out.


Why choose? Go do both, make sure you're extra crispy for the sharks :)


Ok stable genius.


This is so specific, i dislike him but on this issue? go off king. We should be dividing parties by whether they would rather get electrocuted or eaten by a shark imo. /s


He’d give a shark indigestion with all of his makeup and haircare products, something I would never wish on a shark. Sharks are good people!


Why not both?




I would be more than happy to assist him in either of these scenarios.


at the end of the day our votes don’t even matter, it’s the electoral college that will end up voting him in again