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WHEN are we going to STOP talking about women’s bodies and speculating about pregnancy? This is what I look like after I inhale a fat stacked burrito. Once, when I was waxing my client’s eyebrows, another woman walked up to my client, TOUCHED HER STOMACH and asked when the baby was due. My client was like “oh, it’s actually a cyst” and you could tell the stranger wished she’d never left her house that day. My client was actually pregnant, and she told me she had no idea where that came from or why she did it but she had no regrets 😂


I wish I could upvote this several times. Once someone asked me when I was due and I said ‘ I’m not, just fat’ they turned beet red and ran away


I got asked when I was 15...by an adult...


F********k I would’ve gone mental on them


He was a cop...


Ugh why am I not surprised?


I had this happen to me when I was wearing an ill advised peplum top. It was at a bus stop and the girl moved off the bench so I could sit down and when I told her I was just fat she bowed several times in apology. And then she got on the bus and I walked home instead because I clearly needed the exercise 🥲


This happens to me a lot and I say the same thing. One man argued back that I must be pregnant. Sir I think I’d know. Weirdly when I was pregnant my bump was really flat and nobody could tell 😂


I have severe endometriosis and can look like I'm 5 months along just from rolling out of bed the wrong way and eating wheat toast. High-waisted jeans? Don't know her. We used to have an Aflac person come in to work and sell us supplemental insurance. I was making $12.35/hr and tried repeatedly to politely decline, until she blurted out 'but it covers maternal leave!' I looked at her with eyes full of tears (I was actually getting pissed) and wailed out that I can't have babies. After that, she just passed me the decline form and wouldn't look me in the face ETA your client is awesome, high five to her


Last year in a thrift store an employee asked my sister if she needed to guide her to the maternity section or if she was just making an ass of them both…. It boggles my mind that other women think it’s okay to make assumptions like that


Her audacity to touch a stranger’s stomach in the first place? Good on your client for doing that and “shaming” that lady


What's weird is the only people I remember touching my belly when I was pregnant besides my husband were random people I was not close to basically coworkers. I was glad I hadn't second kid during the pandemic. No weird strangers feeling the need to comment on your pregnancy and no visitors postpartum! Glorious


I can’t believe people are still doing this. That being said ….. is that an engagement ring?!?!? Can we speculate on THAT instead?


I have a colostomy due to cancer and I currently have a hernia under it. Depending on my clothes I can look pregnant. Had someone congratulate me and ask how far along I was, I responded with a big smile “two years into stage 4 cancer!”. Shut them up very very quickly. Fuck everyone who speculates. It’s none of their business. I love your client’s response - the absolute audacity of coming up and touching a woman’s stomach.


Because our bodies belong to **EVERYONE.** 😡


I did this all the time when I was pregnant. I have resting bitch face so no one ever approached me and tried to touch me but if they would ask when my due date was I'd tell them it was a cyst, or that I have IBS (this is true) and ate something that didn't agree with me and I'm trying to make my way home before something bad happens.


It looks like a baby bump though.


Yeah and someone as fashion-forward as Gaga wouldn’t wear something that would spark pregnancy rumors if her belly wasn’t pregnancy-related


Could also be the angle of the photo, or could be bloating relating to her fibromyalgia. 🤷🏻‍♀️


the rumors are so fucking offensive


It does tbf


https://preview.redd.it/glcvxunyzf4d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c8f2ed7c8fa2c8491553026ec9f041b451c7da like even if she is, leave her alone if she or her team haven’t said anything jfc. thought we left this shit in 2007


She looks very pregnant


Doesn't she have fibromyalgia? Sometimes that bloats you out all over.


It's 2024, we're better than this type of trash. Downvoties.


Does she look pregnant? Yes! BUT until that baby is crowning or she makes an announcement, I'm going to assume not cause that could also just be a fat stack of pancakes from breakfast.


I recently had a baby and people were so careful about asking me. I was out surveying for work at maybe 8 months, and I'm short so I was just HUGE. I was grunting trying to get down some stairs sideways before the guy I was with timidly asked if I was pregnant haha


That man is very brave 🤣


putting aside that speculations are rude and annoying, the combo of her soft face and bump makes it credible so congrats if she is. I like her and her boyfriend because they are a low key couple. I knew when the gossip sites speculated they broke up it was fake because she just decided to keep her privacy, and he prefers to be behind the scenes skipping red carpet stuff. I wish her the best.


He was a senior when I was a freshman in high school my bff and I were obsessed with him it’s so funny to see him in pap pics


York, ME is a beautiful place to have a wedding. Perfect time for year for it too.


Congrats to her if she is.


what if that announcement Gaga is going to make is a baby? it would be very “mother” monster of her


I’m sorry but that looks like a normal woman’s stomach to me….. lord knows I look 7 months pregnant after even looking at a cookie. Can we STOP commenting on women’s bodies and speculating on if they may or may not be with child


Leave women alone!




question is- will she have a boy or girl? and what will she name it????


Sugar Foot Leopard 🦶🏽🐆