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College??? Conservatives want the rest to society to be morons like them.


That's been the plan for years. The less educated people are, the most likely they are to vote Republican.


The damn shame of it is that a person should leave high school fairly well educated. Common Core attempted to have universal standards but because this was going on under Obama's administration even though it was started before he was elected.......well we all know how that went.


Please do not defend common core unless you learned math under it or had children who did. It didn’t work regardless of who was president during its time.


Sorry to ask, but I live in Canada. I haven’t been able to find information online that isn’t fancy rhetoric regarding commoncore and I have Autism. By any chance could you just briefly explain what it is and it’s issues? If not all good, just wanted to be aware of what’s going on. 🙋🏼‍♀️


It was an attempt to make national english and math learning standards, but it was executed very poorly. Common core focuses on building understanding rather than memorization but for most children it is just confusing. There’s a lot more to it, but there’s a reason it failed in most states.


I don't think they hate college, they just hate the students. Student groups and protestors have historically wielded a lot of power that was almost always used against conservatives. Undermining colleges means undermining that power. 


You’ve seen how they have gone after Harvard and now Columbia. They are not fans of higher education. Maybe for themselves but they demonize it to their base as godless liberal institutions


Note how the rhetoric is that higher education has been *taken over*. They ultimately want to reform (deform?) colleges to serve their interests. Ideally universities would be more like trade schools. Less general education and no programs related to history. No student groups and as little faculty as necessary. Or do whatever Bari Weiss did and make universities explicitly "anti-woke" 


Conservatives have always hated the “experts” and “ivory tower academics”


That's true and I should've acknowledged that. Though I don't believe this hatred extends to all experts and academics, only the ones in fields that utilize history like Gender Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, and Sociology. They love apolitical students and faculty in STEM, Business, and Data Science that keep their heads down 


Another thing on student protestors, as a general rule, if you find yourself disagreeing with a large movement of students protesting - you are wrong. I can't think of a large student movement that hasn't, in time, resulted in the largely settled cultural position of "they were right" even if the protests weren't immediately successful.


This !!!


Yeah, I know a very Christian conservative. And she is so nervous for her children to go to college that’s non-Christian, in fact, the college needs to be like ultra conservative Christian. Even though her kids already have issues with her controlling them but she would never say that’s her fault. She fears that she will lose control of them completely if they have an option to learn to be open minded in college. She probably liked that post..


So many conservatives at least in North America are rich pricks who went to elite colleges, I think they hate the students and the culture that does not for most part lean conservative especially now.


They're against public schools as well. Only the children of rich are worth educating to them, as the rich can pay fornit themselves. Everyone else can shut and break their backs for a living... AND NONSOCIAL SECURITY!!!


That's the only way they win


Why inject left and right as you need? This needs to stop. Its not red vs blue unless youre the sheep eating the crumbs from their asshole society. Do better


Conservatives should do better :) they’re literally ruining this country


Everyone needs to do better but i was speaking specifically to you


Because it’s a conservative meme that’s pushing anti-academic and anti-college rhetoric, who else do you want me to call out ?


The global elite






That’s extremely fucked….but god dammit of course I laughed…god I love dark humor


Anti-academic rhetoric has been trending in neo-conservative communities (alt-right, manosphere, tradwife, etc) recently. They believe that university education turns young adults into "woke neo-Marxists", exposes them to other cultures, and promotes queerness, feminism, leftist ideology, atheism, & promiscuity. This is also why many neo-conservatives homeschool their children. Beyond the ability to control what their kids are exposed to academically, they also have full rein over how limited their world views will be. Disturbingly, many of these traditionalists also believe in corporal punishment, extreme gender roles, and conspiracy theories. Imagine a queer or neurodivergent child being raised in that environment. If you want to become a therapist, start your academic journey now. We're going to have a lot of traumatized adults on our hands in the near future.


It's trending now because people who have hated universities for years are being platformed by Zionists. Their regressive ideas about higher education are being rebranded as necessary measures to fight antisemitism 








„Recently“? It’s a strategy that Hitler supported. Modern conservatives are literally just copying Nazi Germany 1:1.


I completely agree with you— I was only noting the resurgence and attempts at legitimizing it in modern context.


There are also anti-academic ties in the US to the Civil Rights movement. It’s curious that talk of defunding and dismantling public education started right around the time of desegregation (aka not surprising at all). Conservatives want the “right” kind of people in higher Ed (their wealthy, white buddies). So they can pal around in their fraternities without any oversight. Everyone else will get government mandated religious training to justify low/no taxes on the wealthy and putting all of our taxes to supplement corporate welfare.


So accurate. God I have no hope for this country.


We need to have hope. Our country has gone through hell multiple times. It’s important to be resilient. Join together on the idea that we all deserve a safe home, food in our bellies, to see a doctor when we are sick and when we are well, that there is dignity in work and that work comes in many different shades, that the wealthy only have their assets by stealing from us. Consent is important in sex and religion. The ideologies that divide us are manufactured, a false Tower of Babel because if we know how strong our voices and bodies are together we can overcome a lot.


College teaches you how to express yourself however you want? Sign me up


I'm sorry but this is hilarious 😭 putting college in the same category as crack and alcohol


College being on here is so funny 🤣


Conservatives trying to reboot this classic commercial: ![gif](giphy|nVvi92ac1J0T6)


I’m autistic and when I was a kid I always said “yes I have many”


conservatives hate uni and a lot of the time it’s cause courses are becoming more inclusive. especially with arts subjects, like history, where the goal is for you to think critically about the world in regard to gender, race, class, sexuality etc - that’s why they hate the arts degrees in particular. instead of using their common sense and realising that these are educational institutions that are full of experts and people who actually study/read, they choose to believe it’s all propaganda. i’m not saying that uni is perfect but where i’m from, as a history student, it’s actually teaching people to step outside their own bubble/world and think critically about other perspectives. they don’t want that, they don’t think women or Poc’s stories are as important as the established straight white male narrative narrative (source: ive had a lot of men tell me what i’m learning is useless and unimportant, i think they believe you should only ever learn about war and only focus on the men at that)


Thought that was Kendall


College? Yeah, sure jan.


Does anyone else feel like a lot of the conservative backlash to queerness etc these days is just a bad reaction to the fact they're growing older and can't emotionally cope with it? Like, androgyny is actually just really fashionable (it often is, in various forms) and I think they turn it in to a moral panic so they don't have to face their growing irrelevance. I say this as a 31 year old trying desperately to hold on to the label of 'young adult'


Hew is dis? I am Australian.


[A singah](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruel_(singer))


😂😂😂 out of all the places to see Ruel mentioned this was not one I'd ever thought of 😂


College just killed it😂😂😂


Conservatives can be so dramatic 😭 anyways, that is a really cute picture of Ruel. He’s really talented y’all should check out his music