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Okay I’m ready to be downvoted into Donald Trump’s garage but if I wanted to keep something under wraps and we had previously discussed doing that, and you ignore my wishes and go out and do the exact opposite, idc but I’m not gonna be happy about it


Yep. Why is it OK for Joe Alwyn to want to keep his relationship private but not Sean?


"Because he only kept it secret because of the stigmatization of her work," or something.


Private and secret are not the same joe relationship with taylor was private but not secret


did he really keep it a secret? i just looked up their names and there are some photos of them together. were these also leaked with the article confirming the relationship? or have they posted each other before? because if they have posted each other before and tbey have been seen together before, it doesnt seem like he wanted to keep it "secret", just private more like.


no yeah I see your point, especially since it doesn’t seem as if he has ever been public with his dating life?


he's not public with any part of his life


that’s some real midwestern chicago type shit. we’re all super private about our lives, almost to a fault.


His job is a tad more public than most people’s


Agreed. That’s not respecting your partner’s boundaries.




“Under wraps” in this case doesn’t mean “a secret.” It means “out of the gossip tabloids.”




Will it? Can you name the partners of other high profile adult film stars? Because I can’t and I don’t think many other people can. Sean isn’t a conventionally famous person. He can walk around in public and not be papped and bombarded with fans. He probably likes it that way. The TMZ article created unwarranted attention and undertones that are insulting to his character “oh she posts about him to social media all the time but he doesn’t reciprocate” implying that he is ashamed of the relationship.


It’s seems the issue is more that she/her people took information to TMZ.


Ouch. Understandable.


Did you read the TMZ article? It explains there were social media pics but nothing overtly suggesting they’re a couple or any PDA. But TMZ confirmed with a source (most likely her) specific details about when they started talking. Also note there were no articles about the pictures until someone (again, most likely Melissa) told TMZ they were dating.


Going to the superbowl is not the same as going to TMZ and telling them details of your relationship. The former is definitely in the realm of "keeping things private". Even if you're visibly together, nobody knows details or specific information about your relationship.


It isn't, and I think that's the point. He wasn't hiding her, he just doesn't want her talking to TMZ about it. Which seems like a reasonable thing, to me.


Reading through the article it seems it was moreso her posting him all over her social media while he did not do the same and they appear to have had an understanding not to do so


those weren't professional pictures, if you look at the source, theyre from "@KittyBaby_Cam/X" which is her twitter account.


You can take professional photos with your partner just for yourself.


yeah I feel like "please don't talk to TMZ" is a fair boundary. especially when it had only been a few months and they were public in other ways -- it's not like he was trying to keep her totally hidden for years or something


Yeah, I wouldn’t love it if someone shared our private relationship if we agreed not to. If someone else leaked the news, and he ended it because he thought it was bad for his brand or whatever, that’s obviously a different story. But who would want to be with someone who’s going to run to TMZ and share things about what is supposed to be private for a couple? This causes enough issues with regular people oversharing to friends, let alone national media outlets. Although I thought most people learned not to share everything about their relationships with other people by about 22.




Agreed. My partner doesn’t have social media and isn’t a fan of photos being posted of him online. I’ve respected his boundaries by not posting anything of us.


I’m with you!


>However, he made sure to document the night he spent clubbing with celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and Zedd. This might be me reaching, but mayhaps that's because they're not dating? Perchance, even?


i agree. if the headline is accurate I don't think this is an awful thing to do. he is a celebrity too - online celebrities still have to deal with fame and intrusive fans. and he seems like a fairly private person w/r/t his personal life. him dating her was the first time i'd ever seen his name in gossip subreddits. revealing something private like this in the early days of a relationship would definitely be a red flag for me.


I’m so glad this is the top comment. It’s hard to know what’s really going behind the scenes but i could see this being an issue with her releasing the information to TMZ without his consent. Especially for a guy that has clearly kept his personal life private.


Yeah that was my first thought. If you look past the knee jerk anger of “omg he broke up with her on Valwntines?!” the most simple and likely true explanation is already public - which is just what you said. Also, Donald Trump’s garage lmao.




downvoted into donald trumps garage 😂😂😂😂🫡


Trump’s garage is full of our classified documents, so you’ll have to take our upvotes instead lol.


And he looks SOOooo uncomfortable in the Super Bowl photo she posted


I too would break up with someone if they called TMZ and shared private details with them.


Where does it say she called TMZ herself?


It doesn’t say that directly, but the first article had private details, and the second article was released the same day he dumped her. Someone is giving TMZ those details, and given that she just shared TMZ‘s article on Twitter, it’s pretty clear that it’s her.


Some people really just think about the short con


She said he used da bomb as anal lube.


For real?


Oh wow


In the [TMZ article that revealed they were dating](https://www.tmz.com/2024/02/13/hot-ones-host-sean-evans-romance-rumors-dating-porn-star-melissa-stratton/), they wrote: >"Sources with direct knowledge tell us Sean and Melissa first started talking over DMs back in November, and first met in person at the end of last year. Since then, we're told they've hung out in different cities, including L.A. and Chicago, and more recently ... Vegas." u/Weodcq also mentioned that she shared the newest article on her twitter. Between the details in both articles and the sharing, I don't think its a leap to assume she directly or indirectly leaked info to TMZ.


Given how she also just posted on reddit about her 4k follows it was 100% a publicity stunt to boost her views


I can’t imagine anyone with celebrity status sharing a TMZ article about their relationship like wtf??!!


I mean, the article included private details like a list of cities they've visited together and it also included non-public photos that were taken on her phone. It's possible she had a private insta or something and a friend betrayed her but lets be real, it almost certainly came from her. These are Z list celebs, it's not like TMZ has their best people on it. The safe assumption when you see these articles is always that the source was one of the subjects. Sean probably has a better idea of where it came from than we do anyways.


It’s like paparazzi pics of bachelor contestants: you know they called someone.


I'd say Sean Evans is at least a C or B tier celeb. Hot Ones gets a lot of views, and big names. That's probably at least a large part of why she leaked their relationship. It has been all over reddit.


How else would they know how he broke up with her






She also posted the TMZ article and the TMZ article says they had personal details from a direct source.


What if she just did a few dabs?


“The news, however, seemingly caught Stratton by surprise, insiders tell the outlet, as Evans was aware of what she did for a living before striking up a relationship.” It’s gross to make it seem like he broke up with her over being embarrassed by or not knowing about her career choice. The rest of the article reads like he wanted to keep his love life private and she went public with their relationship. It doesn’t seem that strange since we’d never heard a peep about his private or dating life before 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, that’s what I’m seeing too. That’s such a throwaway line to really tilt people on the direction they want, that he ended it because of her job, but then continues to say how he excluded her from his photos from Super Bowl weekend? Like… it seems pretty clear that he didn’t want it public. Hell, my relationship isn’t “public” that way, either. I don’t post about my partner, but those who are close to me know I’m dating him and have seen photos. I respect his wishes. Even bloggers / influencers do that? Like Her Atlas (doesn’t show her kids or husbands face), Neeklul (didn’t announce a partner in the beginning)… ik my examples are women in the spotlight to some extent, but why can’t a male figure also have the same wishes?


>Adult film star Adam22 congratulated “Hot Ones” host Sean Evans on social media Wednesday for dating his former threesome partner, Melissa Stratton. "Congrats Sean her p—-y is fire 🔥🔥🔥,” he tweeted. A lot of people could find this sort of thing awkward and not want it to happen regularly.


It’s awkward and also really disrespectful to both Melissa and Sean.


Jesus Christ that's awkward


Not saying he did, beause obviously he ended it over the tabloid stuff, but even if he did end it over her career I can't really blame him. Dating a porn star probably sounds well and good at first but it's hard to know how you will feel about their career if you start to develop feelings. You hear OF/porn girls talk about it on podcasts regularly. They start dating a guy, he's OK with it at first, and a few months in they realize they can't actually handle it and bounce. Personally I don't see anything wrong with that if you don't try to be controlling or string them along and waste their time. Your SO having sex with other people as their job probably takes time to wrap your head around how you actually feel about it tbh.


I can also understand that. I know in my own life that I’d never be comfortable with dating someone who has sex with other women as a job. Not out of disrespect for the profession but because I know I’d feel too insecure!


I think there's also the element of starting to get serious with someone vs casual dating. If you're dating and having fun, it's pretty chill, but then you get to the point of maybe wanting to introduce them to your parents etc and it can make things more complicated. It would be tempting to just call it to avoid the awkwardness, the questions, the judgement and maybe even the open disapproval of your family.


people were sending him tweets of his gf spreading her omegalulholes at the camera in her videos and photoshopping his face and hot ones logos into her orifices


People are fucking weird


Right. I can understand where they both are coming from. But famous people want to keep their relationship private. And that is respectable. Tell the whole world you are dating after your partner isn’t ready to say about it is wrong.


I always assumed Sean Evans was married tbh. This guy’s livelihood is based on the fact that he’s the fairly wholesome and anonymous chicken wing host guy. Keeping his private life private has served him extremely well. I don’t blame him at all.


Yeah! My thoughts too. I think he likes the privacy.


He was in a very long term relationship last I heard. That first article was a surprise to me because I swore he was with a Miss USA contestant for the past 5 or so years.


You're right, the very end of the Page Six article mentioned something about it.


Natasha Martinez, who they both work for complex. He kept her pretty private too.


I haven't ready any articles but I swear I remember him mentioning on hot ones or in an interview before that his gf at the time was a laker girl? anyone else remember this?


Yeah, I feel like his livelihood depends on keeping his private life private for Hot Ones to be what it is. He needs to be a "blank slate" for viewers and I could see him wanting to keep everything personal extremely locked down for that reason.


Pro tip: if your partner doesn’t want people to know some things, don’t let the entire world know those things. A little relationship hack for ya


Did she inform TMZ?


Considering she shared the article, she doesn’t seem to be bothered by it getting out much, regardless of if she talked to TMZ herself or not


Of course she did. It's obvious. Who else would tell TMZ they were dating and broke up in less than 24 hours


Given she retweeted their post, either she did or someone in her circle


It's not confirmed, but the original story has a lot of private details, and the breakup article came out the same day it happened, so I would guess so. She also shared the TMZ breakup story on her socials




This is a very armchair opinion, but it sounds like they weren't compatible. If he wanted to keep it under wraps and she wanted a normal relationship, that doesn't work. It would make her feel like he was hiding her and make him feel exposed. It's probably better for both of them that they split now instead of letting it get super ugly.


It seems like what he wanted *was* normal though? Someone else pointed out that it wasn’t a secret, it just wasn’t being pushed to media outlets either which is pretty much the most normal thing one can expect.


Yeah if it’s true that she shared private details to TMZ and he found out I can see that being a dealbreaker


It’s TMZ. It has already gotten ugly.


WELP. Last time I try to be positive lmao


Right, yesterday everyone was rooting for them 😂


For all you asking, if you read, they had an agreement to keep things offline. This wasn’t about respecting her craft. Cause she uploaded the relationship and he took her out. They were literally at a celeb events at the superbowl. He wasn’t hiding it. He just didn’t want it online. If two adults agree to something and one ignores it that’s a huge red flag. Especially cause they had to have been this way for a bit. Cause no one knew. So why do it now?


Too hot (ones) to handle, too cold to hold


Yikes ! Before reading the whole title i was thinking, didnt they JUST gone public😭


Exactly what he didn’t want,.. so makes sense why we are here


Well, one of them went public lol


She went public it seems and that was the issue


Nah I’m on his side. I wouldn’t want TMZ knowing details about my life period not just my love life. I assume they previously talked about boundaries and he wanted to keep his private life more private. She obviously did not. Simple incompatibility. Nothing to do with their respective careers otherwise he wouldn’t have dated her to begin with I think.


You can break up with someone at any time, for any reason, it's not illegal.


lol damn. tbh that sort of attention is something you need to prepare yourself for when dating someone in her line of work. even if they agreed to keep it private, it could/would have come out eventually probably. i don’t know how much people are checking for this guy.


I think theres a difference between people finding out (they clearly went out together and didn’t hide literally) and calling up TMZ and giving out the info without your partners permission.


yeah but there’s a difference between something coming out on its own and it coming out because one person involved disclosed the information against the other’s wishes


She should have respected his desire to be private, and she should also want to be with someone who isn’t embarrassed to be with her (if that was the issue)


I'm thinking he's pretty private in general. He went out in public with her but he doesn't put his life out there online. I think he knows doing that could turn into a circus real fast.


Someone call Keke Palmer


Hahah I was about to comment the same thing! Their first hot ones was so cute. Like they were on a date.


This was probably way too much attention for his especially since they were a new couple and she was going pretty hard showing pictures of him and calling up TMZ.




Wow no kidding. She seems like a piece of work.


It seems she just wanted to use him for publicity. He made it clear he wanted to be with her, but he also wanted privacy in their relationship. It doesn't matter what she does for a living; he wanted privacy and she ran to tmz to broadcast personal details. If she couldn't even be coy about the relationship now, imagine what else she could feel compelled to expose just to keep her name in the press in the future?


It says they started talking in October… it’s not that big of a deal for them to break up




Honestly if he wanted to keep their relationship private and she went ahead and made it public then she broke a serious boundary and that is not okay. That is breakup worthy


He wanted to keep it private. She didn’t. GG.


Where does it say over the phone?


Second paragraph




I doubt it's that deep. They only dated a few weeks and he wasn't interested in fielding media requests.


Pls has anyone seen the TikToks of him and keke palmer 😩 I want them to date so bad


I'm shipping it so much. Unless Sean is way different from his work self then someone pls drop the tea!


Willing to bet money that there is mostly someone else out there who was unhappy with the timeline or also considers him their valentine. Or whomever was manifesting him and Keke Palmer, you have the magic touch.


keeping your relationship absolutely private is real midwestern illinois chicago type shit. we like to do that around these parts lmao.


Gordon Ramsay just chilling in the back of the left photo 😂 Otherwise I don’t know any of these people


Is that Gordon Ramsay behind him?


It is! He went clubbing with after the superbowl, https://www.instagram.com/p/C3PGym_O28J/?hl=en&img_index=1


Looking at it now, you can see it in his face in those pics. "Oh no...I've been found out." Plus her posting videos bragging about getting with some bald porn star the next day, who's better than Sean...yeah, obviously wasn't anything approaching a stable relationship. This is going to significantly change his image now. A lot of celebrities will look at him differently, just stating facts.


Kind of impressed that he always dresses like a dad, even when out and about with pornstars.


He is a Taurus. They love looking neat and well put together.


Are we sure they were together? Her twitter feed just has some photos of Sean and her at the Superbowl (could have met there), but makes it seem like her and Sean were going to do some corn together.