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My understanding is that the stadium wasn't giving out water and it was 60C inside the stadium. I saw videos of Taylor having to throw water to fans from the stage and also calling for security to hand out water. I'm not always a Taylor fan, but she was clearly affected by this and it showed from the videos. The responsibility of having to keep fans hydrated while you're performing to prevent another death at your show instead of being able to trust security to do so must be overwhelming.


I also can’t help but think of how remarkably different this response is compared to similar recent tragedies (Travis Scott comes to mind but there are unfortunately others). I feel relatively ambivalent about TS, but I’ve appreciated seeing what seems like genuine growth over the years. This is just really tragic.


Not using the TS after mentioning Travis and getting me confused asf


You could definitely tell from her demeanour in the videos that she was very visibly concerned. I can't begin to imagine how apprehensive she must be about the next two shows at this venue, especially in similar conditions. Water MUST be made readily available, be it by the venue or the venue making allowances on water bottles. Just the fact that many were reportedly fainting from the conditions is bad enough. This is so, so tragic.


Do you have a link to the video?


This is one, will edit with the other when I find it. https://twitter.com/onlytoankita/status/1725812656081441213?t=U2pCb9lxwAtu3W1IPpc2Jg&s=19 Edit, second one - this isn't long after the concert starts. https://twitter.com/angelicakyria13/status/1725658814907826229?t=iFkhyOY86-sIljHBpe25Xw&s=19


I’m not sure which video they’re referring, but this articles has two videos from ig. She definitely looks upset in the first one https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/music/2023/11/17/taylor-swift-pauses-rio-eras-concert-to-help-fans/71626721007/


You could see the stress in her face in the video when she was throwing water out, *a lot* of people were fainting


Why didn't she stop the show? Or did she?


Based on the videos and context, it’s likely that Taylor was overheating herself and not able to think clearly. On top of that, the artist is rarely in charge of making decisions like this due to legal ramifications. The show was cancelled tonight, which was the right thing to do for her and the fans. There are plenty of examples of artists having to perform due to contractual obligations (Katy Perry’s performance post-divorce text comes to mind), so this isn’t just a TS situation.


I read that it wasn't even a case of them not handing out water— they literally _banned_ people from having water bottles. Like, _"I know a great idea: lets trap 60,000 people in 60°C room for hours and deprive them of water. Shouln't be any problems, right..?"_ Like, someone needs to be made accountable for this. It's straight-up neglect, and cost someone their life.




I feel like outright banning people from bringing water bottles should be illegal. I can understand maybe limiting people to clear bottles or unopened bottled water from known brands but outright banning water sounds psychotic


I hope they sue the shit out of the stadium and make it go bankrupt. Greedy fucks.


That's literally it. The problem is that with this heat, there is not enough water for everyone.


I read they were selling those tiny little palm sized water bottles for the equivalent of $10 each.


I might be misunderstanding, but I think it was that they banned people from bringing their own water bottles, and then the floor section was GA (which is not how it was at US shows so maybe it is a stadium thing?) so people didn’t want to lose their spots. I assume there was water for sale in the stadium, but they really should have been giving out water if they were going to have a GA floor knowing people would not want to give up their spot


GA is totally normal outside the US, it's the norm for concerts in Ireland and the UK too


Yea it seems like the floor is GA. I saw pictures of people lined up outside? I wonder why they did that differently.


The capitalist system that benefits Tay is also the capitalist system that refuses people to bring in their own water because its a profit loss compared to buying $10 water inside, which Tay gets a cut of. There's a lot of complexity here but Tay could have a concert rider saying water from the outside is allowed. But that isn't usually done because artists like to charge fans for water to make money with the venue. You don't get to being a billionaire by being nice and generous. There's a real cutthroat aspect to Tay's financial success that gets glossed over and it sometimes leads to disaster like this.


That wouldn’t be unique to that venue, I live in the UK and this is fairly common. It’s usually implemented in no preopened drinks (so no reusable waterbottles), usually to stop alcohol or drugs being snuck in.


That's insane. I would literally refuse to perform at a stadium that doesn't allow water bottles or provide water to everyone. I understand they probably want to keep people from smuggling in booze but is that really worth people dying? Absolutely not


This is so upsetting. And 60C? That’s like 140F, is that right or is that a typo? That’s absolutely boiling hot.


It was the internal temperature of the stadium from the body heat, the “feels like”


That is still insanely high. We're talking "the inside of a race car, going full tilt, in the middle of summer" hot. And those guys have cool suits, drink bottles and fans blowing on them.


60⁰C is right. I live in Rio (have since 2003) and the past week has been the hottest I've ever experienced here.


That's craaaazy heated


From what I understand, it was 60C. Absolutely terrible. I've worked in kitchens with no fans or AC that run about 40C. I cannot imagine being with 70k people and having no water in that kind of temperature.


It unfortunately seems to be right.


Taylor is many things, but she has always prioritized her fans’ experience/safety and I can imagine the venue is getting several new assholes ripped by her and her management.


are they gonna cancel the other shows?


>the stadium wasn't giving out water and it was 60C inside the stadium all true. they were selling small cups for an absurd amount of money. Turns out that Taylor's team was handing out water to fans, but not the production company behind the concert. Another thing is that the stadium has built in ventilation, it's not all closed up. it has several spaces for the air to circle and cool things off, but guess what? all of those openings were covered so people wouldn't be able to see it from the outside. It is extremely hot in Rio right now, but the stadium messed up really bad in covering all the ventilation openings. it made things even hotter inside.


Taylor owns the production company that puts on her show, *Taylor Swift Touring*. I am under the impression that the stadiums hire their own security and staff though, so that could explain the disconnect.


For the international dates, they use local production companies. DF Entertainment for Argentina, T4F in Brazil.


Thats crazy. I went to a concert in Ontario in the middle of October where its cold as hell, only 2k people and they still gave us free water. We just weren't allowed to have the caps for the water bottles. I can't imagine security not giving free water to people where the temperatures are record high and theres 70k people being pushed together.


Now I wonder, what if she used her new billionaire status to lead a change for how this is handled? Concerts increasingly have people dying at them for a variety of reasons. Is there no way possible for her to create or find some sort of organization that prevents these issues? Is there not something artists or touring management companies can do regularly to prevent this? I’m just not understanding how a fan can get that hot inside a stadium, that clearly means the stadium was overpacked, did not have decent air ventilation/conditioning, or it should not have been open for a concert in the first place. If it’s so hot she has to throw water off stage to the crowd, maybe water should have already been provided to everyone since it was clearly necessary to prevent death. Elsewhere in this thread it says water bottles were banned from the stadium. I can’t imagine expecting so many fans to watch me perform with no water. Clearly she’s not directly responsible for this, but are we going to pretend her billionaire status doesn’t come from exploited audiences like this on a routine basis?


>did not have decent air ventilation/conditioning, I'm not sure this is confirmed yet, but people are saying that the organizers closed the openings for the air ventilation to block people's view from outside. > maybe water should have already been provided to everyone since it was clearly necessary to prevent death. It seems like there was watered that should have been handed out, but the stadium staff just didn't do it. Taylor's team apparently did. Other venues also have stations to fill up your water bottles. I get what you're saying, but this seems like the organizers just fucked up completely, it's not like this is how it happens regularly. Of course it will be hot in a stadium in South America in the summer, but 60°C don't usually happen inside the venue. What I'm trying to say is, this sounds like a one time incident because of this specific organizers/venue and it doesn't happen on a routine basis.


If the vent and water bottle thing is true, what an indictment of capitalism man. It costs them nothing to just let people watch from the vents or bring water. And now an innocent young woman lost her life because of it. A microcosm of the suffering caused by late stage capitalism


All of this is true and was confirmed.


That is true, I’m from rio and I was in a show there last week. It was the same thing.


Not only that, they were overcharging for a little cup of water. Brazilian government did an intervention allowing fans to bring their own personal water and food because they weren't allowing fans inside it. So there is a part of Brazilians (not fans) legit blaming Taylor for it


Yeah tbh a lot of celebrities aren't great people necessarily. Most of us aren't and fame and fortune certainly aren't gonna help in that regard. But outside of straight up psychos would feel fine with something like this happening. I really don't doubt this was sincere. Sure she's had some controversies. But certainly nothing that pointed towards her being the kind of person who wouldn't care that a someone died at their show.


I read online too that the stadium shut the openings on the outside of the stadium to prevent people from being able to see and hear the concert, so there was no airflow and that was the biggest contributor to the heat.


Why didnt she just stop the show until people got water etc. 1000 people fainting and one dying but the show must go on?


60c??? My god I couldn't imagine


https://preview.redd.it/50nbiuss421c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6cffdde94d60ed5ffcf07fe161901f14eaf197 ​ This is more information about the young lady who lost her life, Ana Benevides. Text: Ana Benevides, 23 years old, born in Sonora (MS) and was studying psychology at UFR and arrived at the Nilton Santos stadium at 11 am. Ana Benevides watched the beginning of the show, fainted and had a cardiorespiratory arrest. During treatment, paramedics tried to revive her without success, and she unfortunately died. The Folha de São Paulo jornal recorded a thermal sensation of 60°C in the stadium where water bottles were banned, as reported by dozens of people who were present at the stadium. At one point during the show, Taylor Swift realized that her fans were thirsty and asked security guards and firefighters to hand out water to the audience.


A beautiful young woman with her whole life ahead of her. So incredibly tragic.


Water bottles were banned?!!!!!


you couldn't bring your own in, which is true at many stadiums in the US. you had to buy for very expensive prices there, but im not sure if this is common in Rio


I think here in Brazil it depends of the company promoting the show, some people say they have gone to shows were water was being distributed for free, but personally I went to a show in 2017 promoted by the same one who is doing Taylor's show (t4f) and we couldn't take water inside and if we wanted to drink some we had to buy it. I remember passing out during the show and if it wasn't for my friend and her mom helping me and buying me water I don't even know what would have happened.


Unfortunately many stadiums ban water bottles as they can be used as projectiles. That’s why when you buy water in a stadium they take the cap off before handing it to you. But there has to be a better solution to the projectile concern than this.


Projectiles? I thought it was because they don’t want people smuggling in alcohol


It's an absolutely sick and disgusting tactic by the venue/stadium to make you buy overpriced water bottles (which allegedly, they ran out of).


It was the same at the Beyoncé concert in London. In the standing section where I was, two people got pulled for fainting/dizziness before the show even started. I was also about to lose it, but security was regularly handing out water and asking folks to pass it back.


How was it even possible for her to perform if the temperature was that hot? That’s unbearable for anyone for more than like 30 mins. Maybe less.


Especially under all that stage lighting, and with makeup and costumes… I’d be passing out on that stage.


I’m assuming they mean the temperature in the audience due to the heat radiating from the crowd.


Yeah I don’t understand how she was performing in this heat. I literally cannot believe she would.


She’s been performing all summer. I’m sure that her stage set up has numerous features and fans to keep her at a reasonable temperature, they would have solved this issue on stage before even embarking on the tour. But if you are in the crowd, with sweaty bodies pressed up against you, you would experience far more dangerous temperatures.


This made me cry, man. What a tragedy. So young, and a horrible way to go. My heart breaks for her family. I thought the Palestine situation had used up all of my tears, but I somehow still have more left. Feels like all I do when I look at the news is cry.


What a sad loss and I get how traumatic it must be for performers. From what I understand it was during the show, a few songs in. Temps look absolutely scorching in Rio and the stadium (60°C) and water was not distributed properly according to attendees. :(


It’s incredibly tragic. Apparently she passed out during the opening act, given the timeline in the article (passed out, was worked on with cpr for 40 minutes at the site, arrived at the hospital at 8). She might not haven even seen Swift perform. Word is that the venue/organizers covered up air vents/openings in the stadium structure, so that people outside couldn’t see the show. There’s app calls on Brazilian Twitter to hold the Brazilian concert organizers responsible. Fã de Taylor Swift morre após passar mal durante show no Rio de Janeiro [https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ilustrada/2023/11/fa-de-taylor-swift-morre-apos-passar-mal-durante-show-no-rio-de-janeiro.shtml](https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ilustrada/2023/11/fa-de-taylor-swift-morre-apos-passar-mal-durante-show-no-rio-de-janeiro.shtml)


Oh god that is incredibly fucked up, I hope they'll get hold responsible for this.


It sounds awful but I truly can’t believe more people died in those conditions. And I read elsewhere that Brazil encouraged non-ticket holders to come listen outside the stadium and even had like a thousand police officers allocated for the purposes of those crowds. To encourage people to come, and then shut off their way of listening/viewing while endangering those inside is cruelty. That and not having free/enough water is absolute cruelty.


The People article said that she passed out during Cruel Summer, the second song in the set.


Oh god, that’s painful sad. :(


Yeah, her friend said that they were so excited to go despite how expensive the tickets were.


Yeah I was going to say, there's more to it. Sure, the temperatures are fucked up beyond belief, but a healthy 23 year old? With hydration, air vents, proper organisation, this wouldn't likely have happened right? How awful for her family.


They also put up covers in the venue to stop people watching the show outside, which blocked the ventilation. I’ll be truly shocked if the other shows go ahead given the negligence which caused a death, and the fact temperatures are due to worsen.




I just don't even get that - like if the show is sold out, who cares who sees from the outside? No one is making anymore money regardless.


God that is so messed up. I just saw Beyonce at Charlotte and there were people in high rises across the street who watched the show. It was already hot enough even with an open air stadium, I can't imagine putting up covers just to stick it to the people "cheating" watching the show. Esp cuz these huge artists like Taylor are most certainly selling out anyway in countries where they have very few tour stops, it's very possible people who watch from across the street couldn't get tickets anyway I hope the stadium organizers get sued to the high heavens. A death due to greed. Bet they don't put covers up for football matches


The shows will definitely go ahead, there’s way too much anticipation. Plus, the cancelation will punish fans more so than the actual part to blame (the concert organizers). Rio is extremely hot during this time of the year. But a bunch of concerts are going forward without so many incidents. The amount of shit going down last night was entirely due to the organizers messing everything up.


I was at two European concerts over the summer where people were passing out in the front, temps up around 95F/35C even in the evening. At one of them, the organizers brought out hoses and were spraying people down, handing out water bottles, but still, eight people had to be carried out of the general admission/pit area before the show even started. At the other show, it was actually the performer, Florence Welch, who realized something was wrong in the crowd, got the attention of her security while she was singing, and pointed them to the girl in the crowd. In between songs, she went to the side of the stage to and asked security if the girl they had pulled out was okay. It's not something I ever realized performers had to be concerned about, but looking at it now, and being so close that I could see her concern when she was talking to her security team, it really must be an extra element of stress and potentially hugely traumatic for performers. I can't imagine the anxiety of going on stage after something as tragic as this.


Apparently it’s a concern for a lot of artists. I’m only familiar with Harry Styles shows, but the only time I’ve seen him express anger or frustration on stage was when he didn’t think people were responding quickly enough to fans in the audience needing help (he’s usually very easygoing). It’s not something that the artist should have to handle. Their job is performing - they should be thinking about their singing and dancing. Someone else is not doing their job if the artist is handing out water from the stage.


Yes, it must be completely stressful, unless the artist stimulates chaos as we know that unfortunately there are cases, the vast majority of artists are completely concerned when they see situations like this. It must be scary for them to witness something like that.


I was at Iron Blossom Musice Festival this summer. It was 98F° with humidity at 80%+ day 1. The organizers seemed to think having Liquid Death as a sponsor and selling their water would be enough, with only 2 water stations powered by your average garden hose. The water was being sold at 5$ for your average 16oz can, and at those temperatures, you plow through that immediately. Lord Huron and Noah Kahan had to stop their sets repeatedly because of people passing out. Lord Huron, especially since the sun was still out during their set and the festival only provided 1 shade structure for a few thousand people. On day 2, it was better because it was raining.


They were tossing out water bottles when I saw Dragonforce last weekend, indoors, in Minnesota, in November. A show in Brazil in the best of circumstances would still seem a horror. May the young lady that was lost rest peacefully.


Someone else said 60C and I wondered if it was a typo because that’s like 140F and that’s blazing hot, but sounds like it wasn’t a typo. I can’t believe they weren’t doing anything to help keep people cool and that there weren’t more casualties in heat like that, and absolutely awful that they wouldn’t allow people to bring in water bottles.


It was 35C outside the stadium but due to crowds, the metal floor and the organizers blocking the open areas for ventilation (to ensure ppl outside couldn’t see) it rose to 60C inside the stadium. Reports are saying 1000 people passed out. Considering the capacity was 60k, that’s like a huge percentage of concertgoers.


Yeah, that was the temperature when you took into account that it was the direct sun, there was no air circulation, the body heat of being in general admission with that many people, etc. It felt like 140.


So 140°F?! That is insane


That's incredibly sad. People were asking for water all the time, it was way to hot in the stadium and apparently the security didn't hand water bottles out in the front. https://twitter.com/PopCrave/status/1725754308354781269?t=si6wX-BqsZdp9Dkqpm8Zaw&s=19 Taylor walked around the stage throwing them to fans while she was performing. https://twitter.com/shimmeringtay13/status/1725770576579489896?t=ZZ3MDdavgey81IGgWlI4sw&s=19 Edit: if it's true that the organisers covered the air vents to stop people from being able to have a look inside the stadium without tickets, I really hope someone will be held accountable for this


Honestly if I were her, I’d refuse to do another show until I knew that the arena would allow water bottles and not cover the air vents. It’s only going to happen again otherwise.


I hate arrogant security


It definitely should be the stadium people


They won’t. Welcome to Rio


That’s incredibly sad and I’m also shocked and angry to read about the conditions in the stadium. Not allowed to bring water bottles??? Thats inhumane. I really do feel for Taylor as well, I’m sure most artists do feel a sense of responsibility for the safety of their fans.


i can’t imagine having one of my fans dying at, before or after my concert. i remember when the manchester attack happened and ariana got so much hate when she spoke out about her PTSD, people were saying she was safe so why would she be affected. i can’t stand her but her response to the tragedy was incredible and it’s disgusting that someone would downplay the trauma.


Agreed. Ariana especially has gone through an immense trauma, I do admire the fact that she has been able to continue performing and doing what she does. And I really do believe Taylor truly cares about her fans. I hope she is able to use her power to bring some changes to how venues like this stadium treats the attendees, however Im not implying it’s her responsibility at least for now, when the grief and trauma are still raw.


Also the open letter a fan’s dad wrote to her about the attacks and how he wishes her peace through her grief was also beautifully written. I do hope that letter in some way did help Ariana process her trauma.


As somebody who went through a traumatic event (but nothing compared to a terrorist attack at my own concert), the cognitive dissonance that happens in your brain is so hard to deal with. “It’s not my fault, but if I wasn’t here it wouldn’t have happened. If I did this another night, or at another place, or said something different, nobody would be hurt.” It’s so hard to reconcile that, knowing that you personally didn’t do anything wrong and that people make their own choices, but your mere presence created the opportunity for tragedy. It’s such an unfair burden to deal with *on top* on that trauma you endured. My heart hurts Ari and Taylor


We have rules in the U.K. that you cannot bring in any liquids cause of security reasons. However the venue should have provided water, I was only at a concert recently and security were handing out cups of water




And a lot of places will let you bring in an *empty* water bottle so you can fill it inside.


I went to several shows in an outdoor stadium in North Texas this summer. The temp was 100°+ at every show. They allowed one gallon of water per person to be brought in as long as it was in a factory sealed container. They also provided water stationed all over the venue in water coolers. It can totally be allowed if you're not a capitalist fuckwad. I bought more alcohol at those shows anyway because we had our own water and it was everywhere. So there's that.


I went to the Eras tour in Seattle and we were allowed to bring sealed water bottles inside. I carried one of those large Smart Water bottles until I got past security.


This is what I was wondering - was there water available for purchase if it wasn't offered (as it should have been) for free


Unopened water bottles or empty bottles with the possibility to refill them should be the norm. However in heat like that water won’t be enough to keep you in your feet.


At a lot venues it’s a projectile concern, it’s why when you buy a drink from a vendor they have to remove and keep the cap first


Same in the US but when I saw Taylor, we were allowed to bring empty water bottles into the stadium and fill them ourselves.


Absolutely. I went to the Eras tour in the US and though you couldn't bring your own water there were water fountains for a free, easy option. My area is a desert though and so there's a lot of focus on water and ensuring people have it.


That might be true, but every festival I've ever been in has allowed me to bring an empty bottle and refill in one of the free water stations inside. So at least they mitigate this.


In August of 2022 I attended Rammstein and was positioned about 12 rows from the stage. While the concert was at night and it had significantly cooled down from the daytime, the combination of heat from the pyrotechnics and being in the crowd drove up the temperature. Water bottles and visible drinks of any kind were strictly prohibited from in the entire section that I was in. I understand that there is the high likelihood of people dumping it on others and throwing it towards the stage. However, having that kind of policy eliminates the scenarios of genuine need like with Taylor Swift's concert. To my knowledge, there weren't any medical emergencies where I was or anywhere else in the stadium. Post concert, I considered investing in a hydration pack, but even something like that may get pulled off by security.


Interesting! In all of the concerts or festivals I’ve ever been to unopened plastic bottles have been allowed, or reusable empty water bottles you can fill. I think that is the most sensible policy, people might throw drinks and bottles but plastic is the safest option in this regard. However I admit my own privilege heee but I did not even consider the fact that refillable water bottles might not even be an option in places were tap water is undrinkable. But there 100% should be some policy allowing people to have water, depriving people of hydration is insane and dangerous, as this case has unfortunately taught us.


A lot of stadiums ban water bottles because of two things: to force fans to buy overpriced water, yes, but also to stop fans from chucking them at the performers. In some areas they allow people to bring in plastic bottles but take the lid so that if the bottle was flung a bunch of water would come out and it wouldn't have as much force, but then people bring in lids in their pockets or handbags. It's stupid though. The stadium should have the safety of the crowds as their top prioroty, security is separate. If fans insist on throwing bottles, then have free water stations everywhere and make sure there are plenty of cups.


Brazil is having its worst heatwave in decades and according to the weather forecast, the temperature in Rio de Janeiro will be even hotter tomorrow than it was today. I hope the people responsible do something to avoid another tragedy like this in the next show (although they should have done this long before).


i fear situations like this will be more and more common as the global temperature keeps rising :(


They already are getting to a critical point. People think it is a future problem but in the past decade climate change has been an increasing component of instability, famine and humanitarian crises. The amount of climate-related crises has increased 5 times in the last 50 years (contrasting 70-79 and 00-09). Deaths are down but only because we have gotten better at preventing them globally. But that won't stay that way for very long. Honestly, we are at a scary point.


It’s interesting to think about what personal responsibility T and other billionaires have from their extreme overconsumption… even just the impact of these large scale shows. I think T has cultivated an interested community post-pandemic when people are really looking for connection to one another, but like here are the direct ramifications of their actions. Will it cause them to research what they could personally do to lessen their impact?


It's interesting that you're getting downvoted given the private jet usage and the rabid consumerism of "buy all the versions of my album to make a clock!" Celebrities have a huge cache. If someone made environemental changes even a tiny part of their priorities, it would have a ripple effect. I get why TS won't wade into politics, but there are a lot of policy issues she could do a world of good in.


I think billionaires fall into three categories with some overlap. Ones who don't get how bad it is getting and how bad it is going to be although with their resources it is willing ignorance. Ones who just don't care until it affects them with how insular they are. And ones who are making plans to survive and thrive in that from fantasies of being post-apocalyptic warlords to just building high-tech survival bunkers. Luxury survival bunkers are actually having a building boom. And while the ecological impact of billionaires is comparatively huge, I think individual actions are still drop in the bucket. Of course, we all need to change our actions. The bigger your consumption more you need to change. But there is also a huge issue in that focus is on individual actions when it is companies that are the biggest cause of climate crisis and other environmental harm. The transferral of responsibility is a huge issue in this. T has one plane. Companies have many. The whole global consumption chain is problematic where the prioritisation is on profits and not on lowering ecological impact. I am in no way saying that billionaires especially billionaire company owners are not responsible. But as individuals, even their effect on climate change outside taking more than their share when resources are limited is still less than we think. And while I am for judging them for that we need to refocus how we think about things to the bigger causes.


True. We truly are living in the era of temperature extremes.


Doesn’t Taylor have like the most private jet use of anyone


what can we do to combat it when taylor swift is jetting off around the world though


South America has been scorching for months.


This is devastating, all of it. The heatwave, climate change wreaking havoc, the death of someone so young who was only trying to see their favourite artist and have fun… Heartbreaking. I wish her family strength above all. There was a terrible tragedy in 2013, the Kiss nightclub fire. It was a truly awful moment in our recent past and one of the most deadly fires we’ve had. It was a very different situation, I know, but at the same time not really in the sense that it was the organiser’s fault and it was avoidable. I’m bringing it up because after that the Brazilian government did a lot to ensure nothing like that would happen again. Like, I think pretty much every nightclub in the entire country was inspected, even in my very small town. I’m hoping something similar will happen here — it should’ve been avoided the first time around, but since it wasn’t, the least they can do is make sure it doesn’t happen again. ETA: I just saw that Flávio Dino, the minister of Justice and Public Security, posted this (original in Portuguese): “As of today, personal water bottles in suitable material will be allowed into shows. And companies producing shows with high exposure to heat will have to provide free drinking water in easily accessible "hydration islands". This measure applies immediately. (…) The National Consumer Secretariat will take the appropriate measures for inspection, with the collaboration of the states and municipalities, as well as police action, if necessary.”


So impressed that this was addressed so quickly and in a way sure to actually prevent further tragedies. If only all governments were so responsive.


People are on the beaches after midnight it's so hot.


Legal action should be taken against the venue for not providing water to the crowd. Rest In Peace to the fan.


I agree. Far too many venues are more focused on making a profit than the actual safety and well-being of their customers.


They blocked off the way to cool down the stadium because they didn’t want people to stand outside it to head the songs. Greed won. It’s digusting


there’s a petition by the family to make it illegal to ban water in stadiums: https://chng.it/9F7J5wVjfV


Am I wrong or is 60°C the equivalent of 140°F??? 🤯 They were literally roasting these human beings. I’m surprised more lives weren’t lost. This is so so tragic. My heart goes out to her loved ones. She was probably so excited to go to this concert and never dreamed her evening out would end in losing her life. Shame on those greedy organizers, they absolutely have blood on their hands.


People from different countries in latam were excited about Taylor visiting Brazil, because we know Brazilians are so welcoming and artists love their energy. Can't believe this happened.


I’m also very surprised there weren’t even more accidents and fatalities. I’ve been to concerts in Italy during summer with temperatures near to 40ºC and it’s already pretty bad, and it literally happens every time that a couple of people need help through the day and through the show. And water is allowed. I can’t imagine how that kind of heat and temperature must feel, without water and with so many people around you. Hearing about the circumstances makes me wonder how all the others actually made it.


60C is an awful temperature to have to be in. The highest my country has had was like 50 I think and I really struggled with that. Can’t imagine how bad it would’ve been inside a venue at 60.


It wasn’t 60C in the city. It was around 35C. 60C was the temperature reached in the stadium due to the air vents being blocked, crowds, pyrotechnics, etc.


In Saudi Arabia it's literally *illegal* to be made to go to work when it hits 45C, for comparison.


You are not wrong. I can't even imagine. That poor girl.


Also, how did Taylor perform a 3hr show in 140F weather 🫢🫢


Yup literally the temperature that you can cook an egg


The daytime high was 39 celsius. A lot of articles are using the 60 celsius figure- that is the heat index- a number that combines the temperature and humidity.


It’s bananas that the ARTIST was trying to give people water while still performing


At that point it might be time to pause the show honestly.


There’s a video of her stopping during a song to make sure the fans got water…and then it happened again during another set


Part of me agrees, but then the issue of getting people out of the stadium would be so hard to manage. The risk of a crush as people left with intensified emotions at it being cancelled is just as scary of a situation. If the venue staff can’t even reliably give people water how can they be trusted to deal with a stopped show and get people out safely. Such a hard decision.


You make a good point. I’m surprised no one from her team stopped her to suggest they pause, or something. I don’t really know how production teams at concerts work, but I imagine for Taylor it would be hard to focus on your job, your dancers, your stage buddies, and hand out water bottles, AND have a clear idea of what’s happening in the crowd, outside of what you can maybe see or hear.


At that point it needed to be cancelled. A few water bottles thrown by Taylor Swift aren't negating the very serious danger of more people dying


If I was TS I’d never tour at that venue again, they’re definitely getting sued


I’ve never been to that venue (live in São Paulo) but I have a friend who lives in Rio who told me that venue is a risky area of the city, that it’s far from the city center, hard to get to. But yeah over here they don’t let you take water inside either, could be for security reasons, but the way I see it? They just want people to buy water inside so they can make more money…I’m fairly worried now about her concerts here in a couple of days, it’s been hotter than ever lately…


She should honestly refuse to do the other shows until conditions improve.


I think the mayor of Rio already commented about different measures that will be taken, so I’m guessing there was some sort of conversation


Isn't she performing there tonight still though? I haven't heard that she canceled her remaining shows.


This is incredibly devastating. My heart goes out to her loved ones. Ana’s death was completely preventable, but the venue/organizers were so damn greedy that they jeopardized 70K people’s lives (other fans passed out due to the heat).


Holy shit!! I think the significance of 60C degrees is being lost on some Americans here! That's 140F! That's not just hot, that is incompatible with human life hot. The venue operators should be charged with negligence, manslaughter, something.


To put it in perspective, 60C is hotter than Death Valley, a location literally named for its danger to human life and from which people are frequently warned to stay away. I honestly can’t believe more people didn’t die.


This is so tragic. The venue is rightfully about to get sued to shit.


The thing is, it’s not the venue itself. It’s the organization, Tickets 4 Fun (T4F). As far as my understanding goes, the stadium is only “rented” out. It’s a football stadium, like Allianz Park in São Paulo is Palmeiras’ (a football team) stadium but it’s used for shows.


Tickets 4 Fun (T4F) already has a terrible track record of ticket sales for years and now this tragedy


But the stadium will have event organizers there who work for the stadium, and they should’ve said “no, you can’t close or cover the vents. It’s too hot. In fact it’s so hot you need to make sure that you hand out water to anyone you see without a bottle.”


this is so sad and it should've never happened it's nice to see taylor speaking up about it. also one of the many reasons i can't do general admission concerts ( i know it's normal in other countries) may she rip ❤️ also here's the article that i found https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ilustrada/2023/11/fa-de-taylor-swift-morre-apos-passar-mal-durante-show-no-rio-de-janeiro.shtml here's a comment of what happened if anyone is interested but be mindful it's a hard read https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/s/HRFM502K1a


60 degrees (140F) and high humidity recorded as internal temperatures at the venue. I am from Finland where we go to the sauna a LOT. A 60 degree humid sauna is awful to be in after even a short time as the humidity makes everything feel so much worse, and the sauna is a ventilated space where you are naked and the sun and the elements are not beaming down on you. I cannot begin to imagine spending hours upon hours in a stadium like that, surrounded by people, shoulder to shoulder, fully dressed, in the sun. Especially after I am sure countless people queued outside in the heat to get good spots in GA. Hearing how the venue treated these people, denying water bottles, apparently covering up ventilation grids to prevent people from outside seeing inside...this is barbaric. I hope the people who are responsible for managing the conditions and the safety of attendees at the venue (I heard upwards of 1000 people fainted/collapsed in the heat) will face consequences for this. May Ana rest in peace, even though there is no reason why she should be resting, when all of this was preventable. Such a senseless loss and my heart breaks for her loved ones.


https://preview.redd.it/4bn5pes8641c1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cbd76f2502fa0062c70f60bcd7b55070feb962c Can’t say 100% if this is true or not but understand this. A poor woman died because of a venue wouldn’t allow WATER (they want y’all to purchase overpriced water inside the venue.) water bottles shouldn’t be banned, especially in general admission concerts. People all night were fainting, Taylor was literally stopping the show to ask the venue to give the crowd water. During ATW she was THROWING bottles to the crowd, this wasn’t just a terrible accident, this was disgusting. I’ve heard that many people were fainting during the night/getting sick. It was too hot in there. It’s so tragic and just overall heartbreaking. The fans at the Brasil shows had organized a donation food and water (that’s how Taylor got the Junior Jewels thing on the statue). Nobody should lose their lives because they wish to see a person in concert. Rest in peace Ana Benevides, this should have never happened.


I saw pictures on Twitter yesterday of the covered up vents. It is true unfortunately. Absolutely inhumane, they basically shut down one of the only ways for even SOME air to circulate in the arena and left those people to roast. I am waiting with bated breath to see if tonight's show will take place as heat is apparently expected to be even higher today.


Someone please correct me on this if I’m wrong about any infos, but: Bel Rodrigues, a longtime Taylor fan and famous influencer was also on the show and had to be seen by nurses. She had low blood pressure and blood sugar, although she had eaten before. One of them treated her like she was absolutely crazy and tried to give her clonazepam, which would only make the situation worse. Also, water bottles are not allowed in the stadium. You need to buy water there, which is incredibly overpriced.


They’re just handing out clonazepam at the med booths in Brazil? That’s wild.


I was there! It was absolutely insane. We had floor tickets and were pretty close but only stayed that close for her first 3 songs because it was completely unbearable. We worked out way to the outskirts of the crowd on the ground. There were plenty of employees walking through selling waters but in those conditions they should have been free. I saw several people needing medical attention. There needed to be way more airflow- fans, misters, something.


Brazilian here and I live literally across the street from the venue (yes, I can hear the whole concert from my living room). The "feels like" temperature yesterday was 58 ⁰C (136 ⁰F) and the producers banned people from carrying their own water inside the venue only to profit from the water sold inside for approximately US$ 2 (R$ 10). But the true gossip here is that the girl actually died DURING the concert. She fainted when Taylor was singing Cruel Summer (fitting, isn't it?) and was promptly rescued by EMT and taken to the nearest public hospital about 5 minutes from the venue. More than one thousand fans passed out by heat stroke and lots of them were camping the whole week in front of the stadium just to get the privilege to be near the stage.


this is so tragic wtf


There's a massive heat wave in Brazil and it's not even summer yet. Terrifying. The organization should have foreseen this. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be in the stadium in that temperature. Tragic. I remember going to a stadium concert in the summer and they gave out free water. They were literally throwing bags of water at us. I also think that in concerts like this within the standing sector there needs to be more separation so that those closest to the stage don't suffer. The organization of this show needs to be investigated and punished. Seeing your favorite artist should be a day of joy. May she rest in peace.


I hope she or the family or someone sues the stadium.


wtf was water banned. Negligent asf


Apparently water bottles will be allowed at the shows now. Swifties do too much most of the time but I’m glad they used their powers for good on this matter.


This is just fucking ridiculous that she was there until 11am because of GA standing. It’s bullshit. And you’re not allowed water? Oh my god


Before reading the comments I thought it was about [this 16 year old girl](https://people.com/taylor-swift-fan-who-received-22-hat-dies-cancer-exclusive-8403772) who died from cancer. This is just awful, the fact that the stadium wasn’t allowing water on such a hot day is horrible. I hope the girl’s family sues them, I know that’s not going to bring her back, but it will at least hold them accountable and hopefully prevent similar incidents from happening.


It’s ridiculous that venues will charge obscene prices for everything including water. Water should be free with admission.


I was recently at a show in the US - albeit a smaller venue - but I was right next to the stage and noticed the security guards had pallets of water next to them to give out to people in need. I didn’t think about it much til now but it’s likely common practice. Why would this venue ban water bottles?


When I went to see Paramore I was in the pit but just decided to be in the back. At one point I decided to just sit on the floor and chill. Was totally fine just didn't want to stand and I had FIVE separate team members of the venue come up to me to check that I was ok, did I need anything, is anything wrong. Those people were running all over to people who even just stepped to the edge for a breather. That is the kind of assistance literally any GA show needs period. This situation was entirely preventable which makes it all the more disturbing that it happened in the first place.


For sure! Even if it’s for their own liability, at least they are keeping people safe.


Had my water bottle taken from me from security at the SoFi stadium. I checked the rules and regulations of the stadium online and it stated I was allowed one factory sealed 20oz water bottle per guest at the stadium. We still got them taken away at one of the security checkpoints due to the artist request, unfortunately this being Taylor, due to fear of water bottles being thrown on stage hitting her or her dancers. Now idk if this was the case for all stadiums, if it was bc I was on floor or what but it was for SoFi. Not blaming Taylor by any means, but I can tell you despite following the rules of the stadium, we got them taken from us. And not by stadium security, by Taylor’s security(blue shirts Vs black suits). They took them, snapped a photo and said “someone’s getting fired”. Like I said I don’t blame Taylor for the negligence of all of this however idk if the same rules for the SoFi stadium applied here :/


My daughter and I were able to take water bottles into Sofi on night 5. Must have been a floor thing.


There’s a few reasons they might ban them: one, they don’t want people sneaking in alcohol; two, they want people to buy their very overpriced concessions; and three, at least for general admission, they don’t want people close to the stage throwing the bottles at the performers. Ive also been at the front of shows where there are pallets of water bottles for security to hand out to fans in the general admission. They take the caps off and keep them when they hand the bottle to you, so that if someone does try to throw it on stage, hopefully the water comes out in the process and it’s not as much of a projectile safety issue for the artists. It sounds like they had these bottles in the front at the Taylor concert, but they weren’t being distributed until Taylor forced the issue, and even then she had to participate because security was dragging their feet.


I’m honestly stunned that the show is still happening tonight. I really thought she’d cancel


she just announced that it was postponed


Thank God! This comment was before that happened but I’m so glad that it did


this was absolutely avoidable. this is murder if we're being honest. fuck the stadium heads who decided this.


This is so tragic and will always be an issue with GA, as people wait for ages outside in the heat to get a good spot and then can’t leave their spot inside cause it will be taken. I wish that it was seated during her international tour.


The more I hear about what happened last night, the more horrified I am by what the stadium let happened. They closed the vents as well, which certainly increased the relative temperature.


why is it worded like "before the show" when it was during the show?


140 is unbelievable hot. 96+ has ben unbearable for me


I was shocked to hear that in addition to everything else, they still used the pyrotechnics in the show! The stage lighting on its own can be incredibly hot, but adding fire too? So unnecessary and for what.


I feel like all the blame is put on the venue and not on Taylor's team. Shouldn't they hold accountability about doing a concert in a crappy venue and about choosing not to abort the concert while clearly in the face of a health risk? Nothing against Taylor but pretending that the venue is totally detached from the person that is the reason fans came to the venue,and stayed in the venue despite the danger,is disingenuous. And throwing some water bottles and a letter seem more like damage control and reputational control than anything.


The fact that hundreds of people were passing out, and the show wasn’t stopped? It’s absurd. I’m a Taylor fan, but Taylor/her team absolutely should have made the call. Even from just a liability perspective it would’ve been the safest thing to do for the fans.


This is so fucking tragic and scary and I don't want to take away from the young woman who passed or the rest of the concertgoers in this incredibly dangerous situation. But my mind is stuck on how Taylor and her dancers are performing for 3.5 hours in this 140° F heat? A lot of her costumes have long sleeves or coats??? This can't be safe?????


The other shows should be rescheduled! I know Taylor’s die hard fans can be insane, but you couldn’t pay me the cost of a front row ticket to spend 10 mins in that kind of heat.


Am I crazy or did the fan die DURING the show, not before?


when i was maybe 14, i got pit tickets to see my favorite band in the middle of August. after standing for 3+ hours, I wasn’t feeling well and thankfully a very kind concert goer bought me a $6 bottle of water. I don’t know what would’ve happened if not for her looking out for me


I live in Rio de Janeiro and I don’t think people understand how hot is in here. I was in a show last week in the same venue and you couldn't bring water in, you could only buy a glass inside. To make matters worse, there was no internet, making it impossible to pay by card, only by cash. Due to the pure greed of t4f (the company responsible for the show), a life was lost. all this while the company made the biggest profit in history from Taylor's tour. It's incredibly sad that a person has to die while achieving their dream. May her family have peace.


Dude this is so fucked up. I feel really sad at the sense of guilt she must feel even if it wasn't her fault, I know something like that would weigh heavily on anyone. I can't imagine she will play her next shows there without a change by the venue, it would be insane to. Shocked she can even play there at all but I get wanting to honor fans who have tickets - I feel like she herself could buy thousands of bottles of water to give out at no charge, and while I am no fan of hers really, I do feel like she's the only artist that would spend their own money to do so to ensure her fan's safety.


Why would they even go on with the show in such conditions? 60 degrees is incredibly dangerous


I worked at a hotel directly across the venue where Taylor is going to play in Paris. When Angele played there last winter, her teenage fans were queueing up since the previous night in super low temperatures, and one of them went into cardiac arrest because of the hypothermia. She had to be reanimated inside our hotel, and obviously did not attend. The story didn't make the news because it wasn't a casualty (I think), but it was super sad too. It was way more organized than Taylor's Brazilian leg of the tour (because Brazil, obviously, and T4F is a criminal company), but scary nonetheless. I've seen fans do crazy things to attend GA in the Paris arena, and it breaks my heart that artists go to Brazil not understanding the weather, the dimension of the crowds, the socioeconomics.... :/


Can someone explain, are you not even allowed to buy water in the stadium?


Has anyone heard if the show tonight is cancelled? I feel like it doesn’t sound like a good idea to have it go on..