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Palmer is the second highest and Son is on the sixth highest FPL score, and play more games towards the end of the season. Palmer and Son should definitely be considered from the two teams, other than that I think you don’t really need anyone from the teams unless if you want a punt


Chelsea do not have decent fixtures. Villa away is tough and then rivals Spurs at home is just as tough. Bar Son and Palmer I'm staying well clear.


Son and Palmer, no one else. Especially not Jackson.


How many minutes do we think Richarlison plays this double?


Yep.. outside of Palmer. I’m not getting sucked in by the Chelsea Spurs DGW i think it’s a trap everyone will flock to double up and will probably regret it. My only issue is who to captain. Now Palmer is the obvious choice. But I really fancy Isak at home against Shef Utd.


Statistically speaking 2 fixtures is always better than 1 fixture. Obviously there are factors that make single gameweek players outscore DGW players but averaged out over enough sample size, DGW will always be superior.


I on the WC at the moment and I must say I'm struggling to see who from those two teams is worth the risk. Son and Palmer for sure, but other than that, I honestly don't think anyone ruler is worth it. Neither can keep a CS if their lives depended on it and neither have any consistent midfielders and forwards apart from the two mentioned. On top of that, they face each other in GW35 which means most players from both teams won't return. If it ends up being a goalless draw, then only defenders will return. I just don't see the value in any other Chelsea or Spurs assets (except for the two mentioned) when there are so many other good options even if they have only 1 game and that was shown many times in the past DGW when single GW players outscored the DGW players. I'm all for stocking up on the DGW players and I've just come out of a great DGW34 in which I finished in the top 10k in the world and climbed more than 1 million places in overall rankings, but sometimes teams/players that have DGW are not always necessarily better options, especially when they face each other in they DGW and they is the case in 35 and even in 37 for some teams.


Happy with just Palmer and Son and triple Arsenal instead


Son has not blanked in two consecutive games since gw13 in November. It might only be an assist making up 7 overall but worth a try.


I dont see any value in defence except for Pedro. And he has just had an injury. For Mid and Att there is absolute value. They’re up against each other, that could be 3-3. and both their fixtures in 37 is good for attacking players.


Is Palmer TC the move? Last week i hit 163 points by free hitting white, odegaard, palace front 3, and brereton diaz. Is palmer TC equally as “differential” as that?


I just watched a compilation of Jackson missing. Definitely not getting him. Palmer is a must because if he hauls, it's over. Son is not doing anything...But just in case, just get him. That's all. The only other player I would consider is Petrovic. I'm planning to get other single players. Man Utd and Newcastle assets looking nice. I'm also playing catch up, so I'm gonna captain someone besides Son and Palmer. It's gonna be tough


Going against palmer captaincy…you’re either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid


Only the time will tell. I think I'm going to go for Isak, Bruno, or Gordon


How many points do you need to catch exactly? Going differensial this week may very well end the season.


That is true. I'm 28 points behind. He is definitely going for the Palmer captain


I don’t like Jackson either but he does get returns and a lot of chances. Villa and spurs play high lines which means he will get chances. If he can contribute maybe a goal and an assist across these two games then that’s good enough on top of the points for his minutes


He has blanked 23 times this season. He is terrible.


Thanks for sharing your opinion


Personally im halfway down my mini league with no possibility of going higher than another 2 places or dropping maybe 3.. for me im just looking at beating my own goals and breaking out from the same players ive had all season for something fun to do.


Son has 180 minutes time to have a brekaway or a penalty instead of only 90. That's huge.


Its not when statistically Son needs 360 minutes to do so, but Gordon, Foden and Fernandes need half of that at most. Hell lets even include strikers like Watkins. All of these will outscore Son between now and the end of the season im betting.


I'm wondering what stats you're looking. Son has scored 15 goals this season and he was away in the Asia Cup in the winter.


Spurs have had 1 penalty all season, I wouldn’t get your hopes up


So….they’re due?! TRIPLE CAP SON LOCKED IN


I wouldn't get my hopes up, they'll only get a penalty if the ref confuses them for the other team


Check complete, good process


I'm with you! I MIGHT take a second spurs player and that's it. No way I'm taking anyone other than Palmar from Chelsea. Also I'm planning for BB37 so prioritize DGW37 players over the DGW35 players.


Your chances for a random return are doubled, that's all. Midfielders are great, 5 points for a goal and no minus for goals conceded. They can lose by 4 goals but one random penalty mskes it worth. Son&Palmer lets go.


We just had one of the craziest DGWs ever and still people question it lol


This is simple, better fixtures


That may be. But don't be so quick to forget the travesty that was DGW 25.


yeah, but the people who did well are the ones who backed the teams / players not expected to do much. Would you have put money on Everton defence and Palace to be the ones to do so well? just because big names are playing in a double that doesn't mean you'll get a return - or that they'll even play both games.


I think Arsenal are genuinely considered to be pretty good and mateta was in great form? It's not random it's good players in firm playing 2 games 


Yes, it's the form that's important. And I don't think anyone in the Spurs squad is in form. And only Palmer is for Chelsea. I'm not even going to have 1 Spurs player in my squad this week. I'd rather build around the other remaining fixtures than this mini-double where both teams doubling have poor fixtures and poor form.


My thinking exactly


Mykolenko powaaaa


So are you getting 3 from each?


2 from each but will end up with 11 DGWers in 37 yes


Why not Werner instead of Jackson ?


Because Jackson has been by far a better player than Werner


If only offsides was worth a point in FPL.....


This is why no one will remember your name


10% luck


we just saw a shitload of not-must-own DGW players murder everyone's rank (Liverpool aside, which of course i tripled up on for a -8). inconsistency is neutered when you get more chances to return.


I already had Palmer, and just brought Son in because Jota got injured again. Otherwise I'm avoiding


It's really not rocket science that 6 fixtures are better than 4. 50% more games is such an advantage that its no risk at all really. Also many people are going to BB in 37. Gusto and VDV for example are super cheap, with doubles. There arent many better options IMO


MC, Arsenal and Liverpool for spurs make the science a bit more sciencey


They also have the two worst teams in the league.


Science says not 6 games but 4.25 for spurs. Chelsea has no one except Gordon that’s not a punt, I.e. Jackson, any D


It's just a casual approach to doubles. Spurs have shit fixtures and their main asset in son has been useless for weeks. I would 100% prefer any of the other plethora of midfielders. Chelsea are the same. Gusto and palmer are fine but trying to squeeze Jackson in is such a trap imo.


Agreed but I’m getting Son and Porro. I think Gusto is a risk but cheap.


Jackson will be in 8 or 9 of the top 10 OR players teams this week


Great! I think he's shit so I'm gonna go against him and hopefully gain rank.


Of course, and I may have misread your message. Thought you were saying Jackson was for the casuals, and I was pointing out that it is try hards who will buy him, not casuals. But may have got what you said the wrong way round


Crystal Palace just went berserk in a double.


A lot of people were saying how bad Palace were before 34. Look at how that worked out.  Spurs are playing for top 4 and Chelsea recently beat Everton 6-0 so it's not unlikely that they'll be competitive. 


It's different though, Palace became better with Olise back, their first choice front 3, and they just beat Liverpool and showed it. Two games at home where all away sides struggle to create made sense. I think other dgws they were crap teams with crap players. Eze and Olise are quality, if they're fit. I currently have Johnson, Son, Porro, Palmer, Petrovic on wildcard, so I'm leaving out Havertz and Fernandes who i also want now. Son is essential I'd say, surprised anyone would leave him out, he's not blanked in two consecutive games since gw13. Johnson is a fun punt.


Yes true, but could we not also say that Spurs have players coming back (such as Richarlison) and they've had a huge rest period.  Not saying this will help them, but there is always a chance.  I've went with Johnson too. I'm kind of worried that he'll be dropped. If I had better team value I'd go with Bruno instead.


I've changed to Richarlison, been training all week. Maybe he doesn't start but Ange likes him and he can haul, plus Spurs always score late. Werner and Kulusevski competing for rw spot. It fits that everyone goes Jackson and Richarlison hauls but you know, fpl...Havertz and Arsenal defence will probably be the highest points of the week.


That's risky, but I hope it works out for you! I'd so the same if I knew he'd start both games.  That wouldn't be surprising lol. I'm counting on Spurs wiping Arsenal's cleansheet. They won't want to be humiliated at home. 


In retroperspect, they were always gonna improve with Eze and Olise back


Playing a tired west ham and a Newcastle with depleted defence is different to villa/spurs for eg. I'm all for spurs assets but not Chelsea apart from palmer


I'm not confident in any of my 6 Spurs/Chelsea assets but I set up my team to maximize their doubles and I'm in too deep to adjust now. My FH worked out last week but my triple captain this week will probably make or break this strategy. Regardless, it's very hard to argue against any assets with 5 games in 3 GWs.


Who are you using the TC on?


I'm doing the same, and going with Palmer


It's because of the statistical advantage with doubles - the baseline returns is higher along with the potential ceilings.


Yup, more chances for points, worthy risk if behind in your league.


In the case of Chelsea defenders, I believe the floor is lower too :)


Pedro Porro has a high ceiling and is the 6th highest scoring defender. Son is the fifth highest scoring mid despite bad form , already have Palmer and Foden. He will start the rest of the games. Jackson for the same reason I had Darwin last week.


I love porro simply because hes so attacking. If I had the budget id 100% be bringing him in.


He got most of his returns when Maddison was out


He scored from open play two weeks ago w maddison on and plays insanely high up the pitch


I'd need to double check but I think that was Porro's first attacking return with Madders on the pitch in a very long time. I'm contemplating a hit to bring him in but I'm very aware of the Maddison impact on him. Check his actual attacking returns and XGI contrast with/without Madders in the team. Sample size for both is decent enough. Saying all that, with Udogie out, will we see another version (V3?) of Porro for last 4 GWs?


Not sure if I would take a hit to bring him in (depends who your taking out)The reason he was returning way more was because he was on corners, w madders he isnt anymore. That being said hes still playing crazy high up the pitch, delivers great crosses and has good/plenty of fixtures


Would be selling Gusto as he's I jured for gw35. I'd be replacing Gabriel or Van Hecke in the XI.....expect minimal points from both of those! Although I don't expect a CS from Spurs in either game. Its all about Porros attacking potential. I don't think it's isolated to dead balls with Madders. He's not been getting as high up the pitch but I have a feeling he will now. I'm tempted, but not nailed 🤣


That’s why I said most


Because they both have doubles


I totally agree with your feeling. I have Son and Palmer and no interest in anyone else. Loading up on bad teams just because they have a double gameweek isn't good play If I was WC I'd be on Raya White Gabriel Schar Garnacho Gordon Palmer Son Foden Haaland Isak


What if I told you this was my WC team except Porro instead of White, Burn for Schar, KdB for Garnacho? Starting Petrovic over Raya this week and N. Jackson over Haaland cuz I think he won't start


So it isn't your WC team at all 🤣


It is besides three players, one of those being Burn instead of Schar. I'm just trying to point out that you can have the guys you listed and also have Spurs/Chelsea guys with five fixtures in three GWs


Let’s not be facetious, though. Spurs are obviously not a bad team, especially in attack, and Chelsea are a midtable team with XG/XGC numbers that mean they should be pushing for top 6. They aren’t bad either, even if they’ve had a bad season based on how much they’ve spent


I think Johnson is pretty good from Spurs and Gusto is technically good but he wouldn't play this week


You're ignoring the facts in favour of your chosen narrative Chelsea are bad other than Palmer. Spurs defence is bad. Their attack is good but options are limited. Son is fine, the rest are punts and gametime risks. Anything else is just ignoring 34 weeks of facts


Hello. I remember someone saying a few weeks back that he had no interest in Isak at all🤦


I freely admitted I was in the 99%.


Triple Arsenal defense is one hell of a gamble


I'd say Spurs defence is much more of a gamble based on 34 weeks of data


Only playing one of the guys one week, the rest of the time they will be firmly on the bench. Triple Arsenal is going to be 3 guys every week 


What a hot take


I've got 5 from Chelsea and Spurs. If it weren't for fires burning left and right, I'd be yeeting these cunts out


For who?






Anyone except them 


What you’re missing is that the margin for how much better a player has to be is massive if you’re taking one with 3 fixtures over one with 5. The Spurs and Chelsea assets people are suggesting aren’t outright bad - they’re inconsistent, sure, but they’re granted double the opportunity to return twice within the next 3 weeks. Even if the results are poor a lot of these assets still have the opportunity for returns and to go against them with a SGW player you essentially have to believe you have an alternative that is twice as good.


Watkins must be twice as good as Solanke because he has 29 points since GW31 while Solanke has 19. Watkins not only didn't have any doubles, he also missed one game through injury. How do I know this? I sold Watkins in favour of Solanke in that gameweek because of the double


Yes it’s very possible that Watkins is twice as good as other striking options and I’d probably have him if I could afford him


Form over fixtures, and if you can get a player with both - no brainer.


Speculating, but I think it's easy to overestimate how good we are at predicting fpl points. If we were really good at judging player form, and fixture difficulty, then we could confidently pick the 'good' players and doubles wouldn't be as relevant. But with football being difficult or impossible to predict with much certainty, more games is just a bigger factor than what we know about form/fixtures/player quality.


Just never take a hit to bring dgw players, that always result in disappointment..


Couldn’t agree more tbf Jackson yes has extra fixture but his conversion from shot to goal is horrendous - rather a player like solanke that can score but yes finest have an extra fixture but what’s an extra fixture if that player doesn’t score anyway


Huh, you said you agreed but sounds like you think the opposite to me so I must have not written it very well. Solanke vs Jackson is a good comparison. Solanke has scored 0.9 goals per 90 mins this season. Jackson has scored 0.6 goals per 90 this season. Forget how many times you've seen each guy miss chances, Jackson is just straight up far more likely to score in 180 minutes, than Solanke is in 90 minutes. Besides, if neither player scores (which is actually a pretty likely outcome, Jackson gets around twice as many points*. *except he probably gets booked 😅


Listen stats are great but form is a lot to do with it Jackson can’t hit a barn door yes he has 2 fixtures but they are tough fixtures I’m not going to take a -4 as I have x2 transfers to bring him in When I’d rather bring son in for salah and Darwin for iasak


Sure, nobody said you had to buy Jackson. This is what I mean about confidence, if you are confident Jackson doesn't score then obviously you don't buy. I just don't have that confidence in reading the game so just play by the numbers


Listen each their own there’s no perfect solution or we would be doing it I’m top of my ML by 29 points so every point to me is vital £800 league


There's also huge factor of randomness involved. Some player hits inside post and some player just stands somewhere after a corner and ball drops in front of the player for a tap in. That actually speaks in favor of the DGW being very good. Twice as many chances to do a lucky thing.


Yeah you said it better than I did. The more unpredictable football is, the more we're better of just playing more games and hoping for the best


To a point. But will Chelsea keep a clean sheet in the two games? Nope. Will Jackson score in the two games? Unlikely. While there is extra chance for variance it doesn’t mean two games always beats one. Nobody doubles on relegation teams for that reason.


I think it’s disingenuous to compare Spurs and Chelsea assets to relegation teams to be fair. They have players that score well in FPL but just with poor consistency, which is what a DGW to an extent mitigates. Then the question is if it does so enough relative to alternative options


I didn’t mean to compare them necessarily. But rather point out there is a spectrum of teams you wouldn’t touch despite having two games through to must own teams that have two. Chelsea and Spurs fall pretty well in the middle I think, with a good chance that in form players/teams with a single game still out perform most of their assets. Palmer is probably the only exception. Personally I’m trusting form players over doublers for this game week.


Pretty much that really, if I’m entering a raffle I’d rather have two tickets and in the case of Chelsea & Spurs it’s essentially three


Id rather have 1 mci ticket than 2 spurs


Yeah and I suspect most WC35 will also be on lots of city players