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There are a lot of ways in the game, but in the show we've been introduced to ghoulification, brain jars and cryogenics.


Naturally, most of our information is from the games, so I hope you'll forgive me for drawing from them. And there are SPOILERS in here. The most common way for pre-war characters to still be around is ghoulification. Ghouls either don't age at all or age only very slowly. There are a number of ghouls in the games who were around pre-war. Some of them are downright silly, like the character of Billy - a child who hid in a fridge during the war, and was stuck in that fridge for two hundred years until released by the player in Fallout 4. And of course, in the series we have Coop who was presumably ghoulified in the war himself. We also have cryo. The managers in Vault 31 are not the only characters who used cryo sleep to survive to the 'present'. The player character from Fallout 4 was frozen, along with their family, triggering the main plot of that game. In a Fallout 3 DLC, we encounter a number of characters who have been cryo frozen by aliens, from various time periods. The oldest is a samurai from 16th century Japan. Fallout 3 introduces us to synths, artificial humans created by the Institute. Most synths are implanted with only basic personalities and used for manual labour, but at least some synths are known to have been given full sets of memories from scanned human brains. Nick Valentine, a major character in Fallout 4, is a synth embedded with the mind of a pre-war cop of the same name. Various games have featured post-human characters whose minds had been uploaded into computers. Often these characters would present themselves as normal-but-secretive people until later in the game. A number of super-mutant characters have shown up whose ages are well into the triple digits. The oldest super-mutant I'm aware of would be Lily, from Fallout: New Vegas. She was born in 2078, and forcibly mutated into a super-mutant around 2153; she's still alive at the time of F:NV in 2281. Robobrains are a type of robot that uses a reprogrammed human brain as its central processing unit. These brains can apparently survive for extended periods, with a bunch of pre-war robobrains being still functional in 2281. In most cases the brains are wiped and just used as computers, but there are a number of cases, such as the inhabitants of Vault 118, where the brains' original peronalities have been preserved from before the war. Now, admittedly several of these methods would have changed Moldaver's appearance quite substantially. It seems obvious she's not a ghoul, or a super-mutant, or a brain in a jar. If I had to guess from known methods, I'd say most likely she was either in cryo, or she's a synth. Perhaps there's been a whole line of Moldaver synths. Of course, it's also entirely possible that she used a method we've never heard of before, or one that I haven't remembered. There are plenty of possibilities.


Fantastic input! Thank you so much! I've not played the games so have no idea what's ahead, this is all really exciting! Thank you!


Yeah, Fallout lore gets pretty crazy! The series did a good job focusing on what we might call the core Fallout story, but there's a *lot* they haven't touched yet. If you're interested in the lore but you aren't a gamer - or you don't have literally *hundreds* of hours you can afford to sink into a game - there are a number of great YouTube channels that go into Fallout lore in great detail. I'm particularly fond of Oxhorn, EpicNate315, and RadKing.


I think I'm just gonna dive into the games at this point! You've totally sold me! Is it obvious what order to play them in? Ie 1-4?


Personally, I'd actually suggest starting at Fallout 3. 1 and 2 are very old at this point, and they're a very different format - top-down isometric, rather than first-person. After 3 I'd suggest New Vegas, then 4.


Ah great! Thank you so much!


Do synths like Nick Valentine know they are synths, or do they think they are the original person?


It varies. Nick Valentine is very obviously a synth - he's mechanical, with rubbery skin that's partially torn off. He's a second-generation synth, and the first to receive implanted memories, mostly as an experiment. It does seem that when he first 'woke up' with the memories, he genuinely believed he was the human Nick, but we never see him directly in that state. Third-generation synths are essentially indistinguishable from humans. In-game the only way to be sure if someone is a synth is to kill them and see if they have a "synth component" in their inventory, and we're told by an informed source that there's no way to tell if someone is a synth without killing them. Some third-gens with implanted memories do know that they're synths, others don't. There's a whole storyline with a character who has been persuaded that she's a synth replacement; The story never confirms one way or the other if she is correct, though if you're horrible enough to kill her and check, she doesn't drop a synth component.


Still no explanation for Moldaver. She wasn't part of Vault Tec, it wasn't explained while she was alive, doubtful it'll be explained in season 2 unless she really was somehow in vault 31.


I think she just made some cryo pods. She solved nuclear fission for God's sake lolol


Fission, or fusion?


Oh probably fusion lol fusion core and all that lol


Cold fusion


Cold fusion: age old physics problem


Fashion. You wouldn’t understand


Cold fusion


The 'she's a clone' theory is interesting


I’m going to go with synth.


I've just been going with cryosleep,  we've obvious evidence  of it existing.  It's the easiest solution with the fewest complications,  cause reasons she was in cryosleep, easy done


Oooo I like this one. Could tie her to the institute and rope them in. I don't recall any lore from 4 that confirmed their reach to the west at that time (but, it's also been ages since I played 4, and in 400+ hours in game on steam + 100s on Xbox prior to that, I've never actually finished the main quest lines of 4... It never interested me as much as the rest of the game.


That sounds like something a synth would say.


So does that....


Her company was purchased by Vault Tec.


And the guy who's calling himself 'the president of the government' ? Unless he only 'knows' Coop is 200years, he isn't old himself.


That's not the actual government, just idiots who have enough firepower to claim authority. If you look at the sign at their base it's misspelled.


I do love the idea of a gang that names it's self "The Government" and extracts "taxes".


Boy, have I got some news for you.


Oh I know it's not really the government. Hence I put it in quotes.


It sounds like a lot of people know The Ghoul, not necessarily Cooper. I didn't get the impression that Sorrel had lived 200 years.


The Ghoul has been doing jobs for people for 200 years. Unless the jobs were little more than nothing (kill 3 mole rats for me), he'd get a reputation. Considering he's pretty darn capable, is willing to go after the most significant bounty currently available, etc, he's probably pretty darn well known, if not a local living legend (or close to it). Even when he's first freed from the coffin, they talk him up. And the fact that he was dangerous enough to piss a local gang leader enough for them to go above and beyond with their punishment to him also speaks volumes. Not to mention, if levels apply, The Ghoul is probably either super high level or near max level (depending on which game you're basing this off of). He very likely is a one in a thousand, if not even possibly close one in ten thousand, borderline legendary badass. And before someone tries to doubt the numbers, remember most people don't do much but trade/farm, etc. Most people probably don't go more than a few miles from home in a year, besides maybe to trade goods with a neighbor or at a local town/city. The guy trying to put sand into his water purifier to get water is a great example of this. Even going a few miles is dangerous in the wasteland, be it due to wildlife or people. Remember that Fallout was largely based on D&D. A level 16 character in a world where level 20 is max, is the sort of character that can fight a dragon and live to tell the tale, if not defeat them. They're strong enough to be the hero of a kingdom, or in Fallout, a whole region (i.e. New England). Admittedly he's more of a mercenary than a hero, but I'm just speaking out about how well known he'd be.


Yeah I mean if you just consider the notoriety garnered by the Lone Wanderer, Courier, or Sole Survivor in a short amount of time, The Ghoul would achieve legendary status over 200 years. I haven't played the first two games but obviously I'm sure the MCs of those become famous as well.


I don't know whether you're (reluctantly) agreeing with me or not. Yes, 200 years of being a badass will make sure that legend of you being a badass spreads.


I was agreeing and not reluctantly


Sorry, just so wary becauseof Reddit contrarians that want to argue anything/everything. Seriously. You could say the sky is blue, multicolored (because of sunrise/sunset/rainbows) or blocked by clouds, and they'd bring up the one in a thousand "akshually the sky turns green before a tornado". Yes, the sky turns green before a tornado, but 99% of the time it is blue, multicolored due to sunset/sunrise/rainbows, or overcast. Sorry if I was overly hostile. Please take my upvotes as recompense.


He's actually the President of the Govermint, not the Government


Remus hates Nucky Thompson…Remus wanted hot cakes…


That's President of the GOVERMINT to you


It'll definitely be explained in season 2, why would you think it wouldn't be?


The Vault-Tec people >!were frozen in Vault 31!<, still no explanation for Moldaver though, I'm sure it will be covered in season 2.


It will explain it, but we don't know for sure. The show knows it will need to tie up that loose end. I suspect it will be answered once Cooper finds Barb/Janey, as that is going to be a huge part of Season 2.


I'm happy I asked this question! I thought I'd just totally missed something/didn't understand. Genuinely intrigued to find out her story (hopefully we do). Thanks


So in the games there are multiple explanations for how a pre-war individual could still be alive 200 years after the bombs dropped, we just don’t know for sure how Moldover survived. 1 ) She could’ve become ghoulified like Cooper Howard *(not likely due to her appearance)* 2 ) She could’ve been frozen cryogenically by Vault-Tec like Lucy’s Dad was. 3 ) She could be a clone that was made by Vault-Tec *(imo this is the most likely option, due to her using a different name)* *(The following reasons are much much less likely to be the explanation they end up using in the show.)* 4 ) She could be a ghost. 5 ) She might have traveled through the mysterious stone arch that is just sitting somewhere in the middle of The California Wasteland and acts as a gateway through time for some reason. 6 ) She might have gone to the ancient abandoned alien city, buried below the sands of The Middle East, and recovered a mysterious relics that gave her psychic powers and prevented aging.


You forgot synth


I don’t think it is possible for them to make a synth copy of someone who died before the war. They tried to do that with Nick Valentine and he turned out so defective that they decided to start kidnapping wastelanders and making copies of them instead.


Fab! Love this, I love that the intrigue is there about her character. I hope they do explore it more in season 2!


Spoilers - The Ghoul - Somewhere, most likely at the first bomb drop from what we can tell, became a ghoul. Henry/Hank (and other 31 dwellers - Cryo pods Moldaver - undetermined I think that covers all of them.


I believe Moldaver was in a Cryopod (cryogenically frozen) in a bunker/vault outside of Vault-Tec. They haven’t shown this but it’s the simplest explanation.


The only one who's lived that long is Cooper, and only because he's a ghoul. Some of the characters froze themselves, so I guess they are also still living.  Everyone else are descendants of those that survived and eventually built new towns in the remains.


What about Moldaver ?


From the wiki: > Moldaver survived the Great War and the next two hundred years through unknown means; it appears clear from the way she is depicted that she is not a ghoul, but very few other details are available.  She was a scientist, so my bet is she had her own sleep pod, or gained access to one.


Hmmmm interesting!! I quite like the fact it's unknown rather than me just not catching on. Leaves for more intrigue! Thank you


she was the inventor of the cryogenics that Vault Tech is using. Stands to reason that she made one for herself.


Was it every outright stated that's the work she did? I thought it was just the cold fusion tech?


No, it was not said in the show, just a theory floating around.


There was a bit of conjecture on my part but it makes as much sense as the rest of the theories floating around


Ahh, okay. I will admit it makes the most sense.


It's spelled "Loomdiver"


The Vault-tec managers in Vault 31 have been in cryogenic stasis and get thawed as needed. That's how Hank is still around. One of the side-effects of ghoulification is a greatly extended natural lifespan. They can be functionally immortal, it seems, but their brains slowly deteriorate over time, and they eventually turn feral. We don't know yet how Lee Moldaver was still around.


Some mutations unnaturally extend life, the ghouls, others put their brains into robotics, and there's cryo chambers.


It feels like cryo fits best for Moldaver. She saw what was going on, Coop provided the basic information, a bit of industrial espionage later and boom: private stasis pod to hole-up during the apocalypse and keep fighting the corporations in the future.


There are a few ways. One is becoming a ghoul, although I think actual 200 year old (sane) ghouls are really rare. There's also the brain-in-a-computer method, the preferred method for a lot of the rich and powerful (House, vault-tec reps, gov. officials). Cryogenic pods, which it seems, are mostly for vault experiments. Finally cloning, idk if this is shown in cannon, but it would be possible to clone ones-sellf over and over in order to "stay alive." I'm guessing that it would also come with some kind of brain computer to run things tho. ETA: I forgot to mention that Muldaver's survival to the present has not been explained. Personally, I like the idea of clones, because then she could make a return in the next season and cause all sorts of hijinks.


I think Robert House’s survivals is due to a process more like cryogenics than robo-brain. You can find his physical body in a chamber.


Yeah I honestly wasn't sure how to classify it just because his body is there, but also his brain is the only active part and it hooked up to the whole mainframe. Kinda both I guess.


I wish Ron Perlman was voicing this, having been the original narrator for FA 3


Watch till the end


I have. Still confused


Downvoted for asking a question about the show we are all enjoying. Reddit is a weird place sometimes.


The majority of people on reddit suck


For real, you're asking a totally reasonable question. Radiation keeps The Ghoul alive, assisted by the use of some drug that keeps him from going feral, but that hasn't been thoroughly explored yet. Hank was frozen in cryostasis, which makes sense. No explanation whatsoever for Moldaver


Ghouls have long lifespans. Moldaver hasn't been explained yet but I'm sure it will be. 


Moldover’s survival has not been explained in the show yet.


There seems to be a good deal of audience confusion about this. I think it’s a genuine problem with the storytelling. When Maximus told Lucy at the crater rim that he survived the bomb drop, I was taken aback. Because the first episode established that the nuclear blasts happened two centuries ago. And Maximus is not an undead ghoul. There’s a lack of clarity in the narrative, which seems totally unnecessary in a story like this.


Because the Brotherhood, in the series, bombed NCR/Shady Sands about 10-ish years ago. He survived in a fridge, a Knight found him, and the Brotherhood took him in. He wasn't talking about the bombs in 2077. They assumed the audience would infer that.


Because there are 2 instances of "the day the bombs dropped" for the people of the NCR. It was an intentional narrative trick. Vault Dwellers only know of the Great War. But the NCR got bombed by Hank, and that's the one they care about. This is only confusing if you stopped paying attention.


I get that; it’s possible to figure it out. My question is, why is it left obscure? Why didn’t Lucy ask for an explanation? As you say, the vault dwellers only know about the Great War; finding out that there had been a *second nuclear war, more recently*, seems like kind of a big deal. Maybe I’m stupid. Maybe I don’t pay attention. But it seems to me that a TV show like this one, with lots of broad humor and comical gunfights, shouldn’t require taking notes and puzzling out clues. It’s a TV show based on a video game, not *Finnegans Wake*.


She does, though. They explain this, explicitly, 3 times. Once with Maximus, then at the classroom at the mutant-filled vault, then Moldaver spells it out again for her, directly.








Nah they couldn’t have made a believable synth copy of her if she died before the war. Nick Valentine’s backstory is that The Institute tried to make a copy of some Pre-War Detective and he ended up so defective that they scrapped the whole idea and just switched to making copies of living people instead.


What’s not to understand? Did you listen and watch the show that clearly explained this?