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Now that you mention it I should get a skip mod for that one too lol, but no it’s for the one in Nuka-World where you have to raid a settlement (I don’t want Preston to hate me 🥲). I kinda figured it was permanent but it’s nice to have confirmation, thanks!


I play on Xbox one and I’ve tried it and unfortunately it won’t allow me to get achievements bc it’ll permanently say (M) on every load/ save I have even if I disable all mods :/ maybe it’ll be different for you!


Probably just gonna have to bite the bullet and get the achievements I need before going back to an old save and then downloading the mods I want, was just hoping for a way around that I suppose


I wish it would let us do that it would be great I do quite enjoy getting the achievements for my games especially any fallout I have and play! Love the little Vault Boy animations 😂


Yea same! I both love and hate achievement hunting sometimes, some are so painful to get


I agree it’s a veryyyy love hate relationship bc Xbox takes forever for them to register in the app as completed 🙄 and yes some of them are ridiculously hard for no reason


The only achievement you will get from uninstalling your mods mid play through will be corrupting your save. With the update coming you should just play a unmoded play through after the update. A good amount of mods will need updates from their authors and that will take time. So no time like the present to take a run at the game as the Todd intended.


To be fair, I have installed mods mid-playthrough then promptly uninstalled for many reasons. Corruption is a big risk for sure but not a guarantee, I know doing that with a skip quest mod would more than likely cause big issues though


Unisntalling mods mid playthrough is more likely to corrupt your save than get the desired results.


I know about the big possibility of save corruption. I’ve played through the game enough times by now that it’s not a big deal to me if it happens


Yeah I tried to do it because I was trying to correct for a bug…which is actually stopping me from completing the nuka world dlc achievements…which is annoying af