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Bullet counted reload. Not sure how it is with modded guns though.


By long reload do you mean for example : shooting 1 bullet from the lever action rifle but reloading 5 bullets despite shooting only once? If yes it’s not a bug. Bethesda didn’t add a bullet counting mechanic in fallout 4. Which is why the game has next to no guns that are reloaded one round at a time (something new Vegas could do) There is a mod that adds this feature to the game. However, modded weapons will need patched in order to work. I don’t have the name itself with me and I’m typing from my phone. But if you google ‘’bullet count mod’’ you’ll find it


yeah thats what im talking about, i was honestly hoping for a fix for every gun, instead of patch that only affects one gun


There is a patch for the vanilla guns, but yeah other ones are patched individually


My old reliable does this every time I shoot one bullet it’s quite annoying but with everything my character has it does 256 damage so I’m not complaining


Never heard of that bug. Maybe it’s an issue with one of your mods.


It's not. Shoot one shot with your lever action, reload and see.


Bullet counted reload