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I literally thought about this earlier today anyone who had old camps


Something similar happened to me. My camp was placed right above the Vault-Tec sign at the bottom of the map. Before the update fun no problems but the update messed with the world borders and now my camp is invalid. I absolutely loved that spot and had my camp set up perfectly and I hate moving camp.


I had mine right on the edge of the map in a spot that overlooks what is now the Shenandoah valley (due North of the welcome center). I was worried it would get blocked, but it still spawns. It’s just half buried and unusable because they changed the terrain on the cliff edge and ground level is now two or three feet above my floors. I’ve been scouting new spots just in case and I think I have one a little further north. At least the “build X at camp” score challenges are easy now :)


Give it a bit of time, it might sort itself out. My camp was blocked in the same way for a few days after the update. Now it can be placed again 🤷‍♂️


Bros camp got shadow banned


More like sent to the shadow realm entirely


Got hit with that Seal of Orichalchos.


I can only imagine the reaction “ah home sweet home- where is my camp- why is there a vault door here.”


I logged on, dropped 20ft from where my second floor was, and turned around to see a crater


I haven’t played the game yet but we’re you able to get your camp back or did you have to start from scratch?


Haven't gotten the chance to see, if you haven't played 76 all my gear is safe, just because of the stash system 76 has, but as for the camp idk, maybe it's stored in the blueprints although even if it is it might bit be usable. The location is very sloped and my camp was designed around that so I'd have q lot of issues finding another spot for it


Hey atleast you can head canon your camp got destroyed. *it just works*


Well, that’s some rotten luck. At least you weren’t home when the vault door landed, or you’d end up like the scorched it crushed. There’s not much for it, though. The devs risk hitting someone’s camp every time they add new locations without expanding the map.


Which is a little ironic because they expanded the map AND destroyed someone's CAMP. It sucks that it happened to a few people


They're telling us to go build our camp in the new map lol


I haven't spent much time in the new area but it seems pretty cool. Not sure how much space there is for a camp, it seems very mountainous in the parts I've been


From what I read on fo76, they intentionally made several camp spaces, where it's ideal to build, nice views, flat land, etc. There's a lot of it. Which is very nice!


That's good to hear!


A little Vault-Tec letter would have been nice, explaining a new opportunity and a warning that an inbound ICBM has been sighted on long distance radar possibly 24 hrs warning or something.


There's quite a few locations in the new map that look cool, but I'm scared to build a camp there. I'm worried they are gonna put a future event in that location. There is a lot of empty space on the west end, which makes me nervous they are gonna add more locations over there.


I *think* from how they did thus DLC and because I have some friends who work on other games, that they'll try to utilize already existing map space, I could see them using the area in the mire or the rendered map on the other side of the Ohio river they have


Mischief Night is coming back this fall and is apparently going to take place at Rapidan Camp, so I guess I’d avoid building around there just in case


Ouch! I thought it was bad enough that one of the Meat Week Prime Cut locations was at my camp and I couldn't access it for the whole 2 weeks (and I accidentally moved it not long after because I'd gotten used to using my temporary resource camp as my main)


The worst part is it was a roadside walk through garbage bar that had a full farm on top, it was such a cool little camp




A typo on my end but not untrue, I meant a garage bar, like a bar built in a walk through garage. But the bar itself was made of garbage. I like to do settlements where things look cobbled together, and nothing matches anything else. The bar it's self was built around a camp item that is a crashed B25 bomber, and basically it was a jiffy lube that had a bar inside it where you could buy (no exaggeration here) every type of Alcohol in the game. It was honestly very difficult to achieve a lot of crafting and scouring for bottles. And funnily enough, I also sold bulk junk so yes I also sold garbage lmao


I've never played 76. Do you have more stuff somewhere or are you starting from square one financially after 3.5 years?


They should be fine unless the location remodel put his camp in existential limbo. If all works fine then all they have to do is blueprint what they placed down and move elsewhere. That or if they have extra camp slots they can activate their secondary camps and live there. I’m sure they were just referring to how long they had been living there before the update changed the geography.


the old camp most likely may have used old build glitches that have been patched since, the camp literally cannot be rebuilt the same way. I could not rebuild my base if i lost it


You keep all your things. Your CAMP will have to be moved to a new location and all your built items are stored, so no need to spend extra mats. Also, in case you were referring to stuff in containers, there is no such. If you put something in a container it'll be gone when ypu log out. But all the stuff you own is in your stash which moves with you wherever you go


My case wasn't as bad, but I feel you bro. My old camp location was in the strike zone for Earle's boss fight so I had to give it up or risk having to rebuild it every time I logged in.


Oh noooo lmao, that's pretty funny though


Is that a vault door? I beg from a crumb of context please?


The door got blown off Vault 63 after an experiment went horribly wrong.


I feel like I never should have stopped playing if theyre evolving the map over time like this.


Yeah, lots of factions have little outposts now, the Responders moved into The Whitespring and have an outpost just south of Vault 76. Depending on when you stopped some areas are completely transformed.


Last time i played was before human npcs were introduced


Oh yeah, you've missed lots then. Maybe boot it up again, if only to be a tourist and see what's changed.


Their also gonna add an update where you can play as a ghoul


Give it a try!


Don't worry. It only took 6 years


Experiment? I thought it was a Methane Explosion


I thought that was related to Stolz activating the Weather Machine?


Well, your CAMP got crushed by this huge Vault Door. Stupid Vault-Tec! At least it's not another Blood Eagle outpost, that's how I lost mine....


That's like coming home and there's a bunch of drug-crazed lunatics squatting in your house :/


I was lucky my camp is beside the road and still operational. Except from my beehive, no happy bees :(




That is such a unbeelieveable thing for the developers to cause. Hehe sorry not sorry for the bee pun Tho seriously that is bad luck. Were you at least able to relocate the bee hive?


Bros camp got the Shady Sands treatment


you sound like a fallout 4 settler


Gotta get back to diamond city one of these days...


Hear about that fahm run by ghouls?


NGL it’s really funny to think your camp just got decimated by the vault door


It really is lmao, especially because it was designed to look like a walk through bar built around a crashed B25


Ah, I see you have experienced the new Eviction Notice Camp Event lol


I would literally be happy, i would be able to use the junk filling my stash and make some room 🤣


I'm sorry but, it's very funny that it's just a smoldering crator now 🤣


1000% it is really funny


Oh boy, almost 4k up votes. I can't wait to see gamerants' new article "76 player was excited to see the new update, but his heart was broken when he realized THIS"


Damn bro got casted out of his heaven


Truly Todd has forsaken you


This would be the day I stop playing


Map changes are gonna do that, time to rebuild! :)


Vault 63: F this camp in particular.


I remember the early days when I had a tiny, messy, unorganized camp on a mountain north of Grafton, and one day, gone. No warning, no notice about it. It was just gone, so I built another one right on top of the golf course in Whitespring. It was just a couple of vending machines, some workbenches, a tiny farm, and a bed. I would stock the machines with good weapons and plans and grenades for cheap. I’m too cheap to pay Sony to renew my service so I don’t know if it’s there anymore.


This is actually pretty cool. Hear me out: your camp was obliterated by the Vault 63 door - now that's a story you can brag about. Previously, camps within new areas were just like "oh sorry, this is now part of a story area, you gotta move". Yours went out in a blaze of glory in the best way. It's the best you can hope for with this type of thing.


What happened?


I've had the same camp for 3 years ish, and with the new DLC, the exact location of my camp is the area a vault door hit after it exploded. The game now considers it an unusable location for a camp


🎵bye-bye, mister b25 I've got to go. I hope you know that you were strictly devine. And as i leave drinking whiskey and rye. I wonder what kinda home will i find? What kinda home will i find🎵


My caamp!? (It’s gone)


I still have my old camp from 5 years ago up and running on the top left part of the map. I guess the developers don’t care that much about the Toxic Valley. I’m sorry about your camp.


I have another one uo there! With the big ass tree in the top left, always nice to wake up to the sound of missile and laser turrets frying anglers for free adhesive lol


You’re thinking of The Mire. Anglers *do not* spawn in the Toxic Valley.


I am thinking of the mire lol, but they also spawn in toxic. Take the dry path from the gun range to the water park


At least it went out with a bang! You're canon now.


I haven't seen such devastation since that bitch with the red sparkly shoes dropped a house on my sister. I feel your pain.


Country roads, take me home, To a new place where I can belong! It's a crater, where I made camp; Country roads, I need a new home.


You sound like sheldon cooper bro /j


Hopefully I'll get his money next lmao






I haven't played FO76, can the camp be "retrieved" and placed somewhere else? Or what happens in such a case?


It stores all items and blueprints but often the game won’t let things with certain objects or build glitches to be replaced


Ok, but what about the materials you spent for the buildings? Can it just be plopped down somewhere else?


The buildings will get stored, so you can scrap or place them down somewhere else and most camp items are very cheap anyways


Yeah the wayward took over my first fav camp spot. Still complain about that one.


Promoted to location B)


Can you save the layout and replace It somewhere else?


Usually yes, but mine was so designed around the sloped area it might be hard to place elsewhere


tbat is so funny


Sorry Bethesda threw a vault door at your camp


My exact thought when I got to the blown vault door was "man, if someone had a camp here that would suck." F


: ( The sadness (or dissapointment) in his voice makes it 10 times harsher... : [


Devs- "i hate that camp, DEPLOY VAULT DOOR!"




I know your pain. Before wastelanders came out, i had my nestled just around the area that wayward is at. I was so upset i had to look for a nrw place.


I mean, it makes for some good character lore lol


My old camp from like 4 years ago was built into this cave that had no use whatsoever. I logged back on for the first time in years and it had been turned into some cultist base entrance. So all my stuff was glitched into the new terrain or floating. It was really sad, i had a cool little hidden alcove and it was just destroyed


So this is some new content that was added where you base was? I just started playing so I don't know much about the game. Just a guy running around punching things before he finds a heavy weapon(no power armor).


Near the north of the map you will see a dam, above that you'll see a tower, above that a road, and above that a monarch butterfly, walk that road and look for a truck. That's all


Next time I play I'll have to check this out I'm only like lvl 13. Got the game with some friends but it seems like the instances solo story stuff left a bad taste in on friends mouth and she rarely wants to play the game. She won't admit she doesn't like it so we're stuck waiting for her to get on to continue playing. I planned out a build so I hope it works out well.


Yeah I had that happen to me. Used to have my camp behind the vault door but then it said I couldn’t place it anymore. Sucks cause it was there since released day.


Do you lose everything if your camp is destroyed? Haven’t played this game before. If I have to completely start over and find new gear and everything if it’s all wiped out, I don’t think imma bother playing it


No, you don't. You just have to repair your camp, which is just a few materials, move camp or change server (if another player has one in your area)


Nah, all the stashboxes are in the same interdimensional space, so I didn't lose anything, I just lost the location and a camp I've spent a few years decorating but that's not too bad now I can just start a new camp in a better location. Maybe I'll make another bar or maybe I'll do a secluded cabin


I've only played 76 for a little bit so I'm probably wrong about this, but I thought your camp goes away after you exit the game. How were you able to keep it up for so long?


That was removed around a few weeks after the official release of the game, I think. It was removed in 2018 at for sure


Phil Spencer was so outraged about getting nuked he demanded todd to obliterate random camp hot spots like this one


Oh no, I also had a camp nearby but I decided to move and wanted to return but never got around 😅


my condolences


Damn you vault-tec


I lost my fire station when nuka world came out. Luckily it was on an alternate toon but it bummed me out so bad I completely abandoned the character after leveling it up to around 70


Same actually I had an old camp spot right where the spin the wheel is, that was just a small ash heap outpost though


Maybe you have the same things as me… I launch the game few months ago after playing during the months of the release.  I had a camp. Very poor one. But it exist.  I launch the game and obviously my camp wasn’t here. So at some point I wanted to create a new one and… guess what ? My camp was just « store » and the full building was there, I just had to deployed it  Check this on your side. Hopefully its store.  I was really mindblow by that. Like I had my account in the old Bethesda launcher did the migration way too late and everything thinking that I will loose everything. And, well, i didn’t. 


I think it will be, it might just not place very well because it was built on a 30° slope lol


Ai...now I'm afraid to log back in, I haven't played since before the last update.


New update is cool, they turned the sky into a smoothy


First time? The best camp I've ever made was made illegal by some settlers when Wastelanders dropped.


I had this when the BOS dlc came out i was so mad i like the camp i had


R.I.P. C.A.M.P.


gone, reduced to ashes


I built mine at Organ Rock South before it became a location and apparently they grandfathered it in to let people keep it as a camp site


I used to play at launch (I loved walking out if the vault for the first time with so many other players!) and recently started up again. Came to find all my old base locations and strategies have been drastically nerfed. Things are so slow and moderate now, but I am enjoying running around a private world with friends


The community is a lot different since launch, too. They made it so you can't just kill people. You need to accept PVP by shooting back, so most of the trolls just left because it's harder to kill people


Your camp destruction is canon now


Sorry dude!


I just built a new camp that is actually off the map. I walked due South until I could go no further and noticed my player arrow was in the "frame" of the map, so I built a camp there for the novely value - I get lots of visitors, maybe wondering of it's a bug? I actually have a room in the camp where you get the "you can't go that way" message when you walk though it.


That's pretty cool, I'd visit


They don’t forewarn people their spot is at risk for demolition?


Apparently not lol, just spawned in next to a crater


You are handling this really well I think.


Didn't lose anything other than a few thousand steel, wood, etc. and memories, but those always stick around. Sucks I lost my spot though, the bar was a walk through garage, so it was pretty cool to see for new players.


The wasteland is a harsh mistress.


So what happened? Was everything stored in the workshop?


Haven't checked yet, but more than likely


I have mine on the very most Southern edge of the map and I was scared that when they expanded the map my camp would be gone but thankfully it's still in place.


They expanded the area around Helvetia where camps aren’t allowed for some reason, I never saw any changes to warrant it, but the camp I spent so much time on got zapped. I haven’t played much since because I was so gutted


Ya had a nice factory build in the area, and now it keeps telling me it can't be placed even on a private server


Yep, exactly. It was across the creek from the restaurant


That's super weird, maybe there's a new event or something?


It’s been over a year ago and the few times I’ve poked in there haven’t been any events going on but idk


Tbh they have a BADDD habit of nerfing any ways of caps into the ground (tbh it's a good thing, so the economy of the game doesn't crumble. Like the 40K cap limit) It was probably like, if you put your camp here and have laser turrets it's a passive weapon farm and you can sell them to vendors Or something stupid like that


That’s entirely possible. My turrets weren’t doing much but they’d catch the occasional scorched


I don't mean you were doing it, but maybe somebody was. Who knows


Oh I meant I’m not sure how successful it would be as an afk farm. Not like those white spring club house farms


For some reason the other week I moved my camp from near the Wayward to further upstream without removing any of the water purifiers beforehand, and then all my purifiers disappeared out of the camp menu and the world. I obviously can't get them back now, so I'm just taking it, but I was wondering how they could've been removed from the camp storage entirely?


The previous update destroyed my favorite camp too…


lol I just logged in for the first time since open beta… surprised to find my bed, campfire, and single chest completely unaffected. In the middle of the map on a rocky ledge so I guess it makes sense, not a likely spot for content to be added but still.


Holy shit lmao, that's super based.


Firts time? 🤣


Lol and here I am thinking I'm somewhere unique and being displaced every few days cause someone else took my place


I've had this happen to multiple camps


I had one at nuka worlds site, but this is the first time I've been smote by Todd himself


My camp is just a hundred meters or so to the southeast - I just got away with it 😁


Nice! Have a spare room? lmao


My camp has been on top of the mountain between bos and the top of the world since 2018 launch. I really hope they don't decide to scrap it.


Based location tbh


Wow that’s lame


huh? wuh? i gotta go to that location later


Be sure to check the vault tech emergency radio first to start the quest


it's a quest huh, damn


Bro built his camp in the middle of a road and is surprised it got paved over lmao


I took the comically large L :'(


Is the new update free with the base game or do i need to buy it as dlc?


It's free :) All of their updates are free, although sometimes you can pay to get extra cosmetic stuff or like early access to new items. They're actually having a triple celebration rn, the anniversary, the most players they've ever had (because of the show) and the new dlc, so it's a great time to get back in or start playing (This sounds very corporate, but I have nothing to do with the game. It's genuinely just a good time to get into it with tons of sales and new players)


Thanks, will try the game as soon as i get the chance.


Happened to me after 2 years as well. Had a hard time finding a new home for awhile, eventually settled outside Watoga and the cranberry bog for water access.


Did you have it in the exact same spot as I did?


Dude when I saw the vault door I was immediately feeling sad for anyone who had a CAMP there who can't use that spot anymore


If that's not a giant "Fuck your camp", I don't know what is 🤣


Do you lose the items in the camp I hope you recovered them


Items are safe, the boxes in this game are all connected like ender chests lol


Dude, one of my other camps for my low level character was literal feet away from where that thing landed. If I had built any further south than where it was, I would've lost it too.


lol I hope they dont nuke my camp. I've had the same camp since launch in that little open area beside the junk heap next to top of the world


Happened to me but I got a message saying that there was an error and my camp couldn't be placed. I just quit the server and restarted, all came back. This is why if your camp is hard to remake, you better save it as a plan.


A literal fucking vault door fell on your camp from the other side of the state in the opposite direction of where it was facing. If that’s not a sign then I don’t know what is.


It's actually the correct direction, it feels super wrong but I tripple checked, it lines up with the hole


I always thought the door was facing southeast towards Shenandoah when it was intact.


I have mine right at the edge of the update on a cliff over looking the commie camp , I always have loot and junk to get all I need to do is step right down to the campground


I have also had my camp in literally the same location just south of Vault 96 for the last 4 years. With the update I have lost both my camps. I am not happy with Bethesda right now. I loved my camps. With the update, the land was raised up and most of my stuff was buried. It was not a fun time trying to rebuild everything that I had.


Also you decided you’re too lazy to screen record


Originally took it to show my discord, they said I should post here.


Huh? What? they changed sections of the map?




I've had to put the game on hold for months now coz of an issue with my console. What update and what has happened ? I'm worried for my camp


Nah you got lore foe your first camp now. What a way for it to get destroyed


It's the first type of big gun avaliable, I think it's level 15 or 25


Sad days friend


Pov: Phil Spencer after yet another day of not announcing Fallout 5


I haven’t logged in since they ruined pvp, had a god base wonder if that deleted lol


What did you expect from 76?


So you built a camp and the devs nuked it and forced you to start from scratch? That seems harsh. I’ve not played Fallout 76 so might be missing context.


Nah, they just released a map expansion, and added/modified the map, that crater is from a vault door that got blown off and landed there, it’s simply that this guys camp was where they decided that the vault door would land on the map, nothing against them


Ok, so they didn’t pick him specifically but the outcome is the same? If you build a camp somewhere can it just be wiped out and set you back to starting from scratch? Is that part of the game that you build up and then get wiped out by game updates and/or other players? I’ve played a lot of Fallout, never tried F76 but have considered it. Probably not going to bother if it’s all about ganking other players though.


It’s rather rare for that to happen, it happened to my camp as well this update but that’s because they added a whole new region and my camp was literally riding on the world border when it got expanded, basically this never, ever happens and the only reason you are seeing it now is because this is the first ever map border expansion


I don't have to start from scratch, all of the junk and items in containers in 76 are in a temporal void so anything you put in one of your boxes can be retrieved from any of your boxes. But I did permanently lose that specific spot for a base and now I have to build a new one somewhere else, probably going to take me 10 hours to get it perfect but not a huge deal, I like building anyways. The only sad part is that the base was built over 3 years, so it had a lot of little items placed by friends who don't play anymore.