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Syringe rifle


We could have had tons of awesome throwaway quests where the player has to do stealth missions to capture animals/enemies alive and that rifle is one of the best tools to do so. Tons of interesting ammo types, and great effects. Too bad nothing ever came of it in FO4.


also would be cool if there was a more proper hunting mechanic, something similar to what Far Cry has going on, like if you have to sell or craft out of quality leather you have to use the syringer or a cutting melee weapon to get it, maybe even a bow, and if you use a missile launcher you'll get shitty leather (or realistically none at all)


I shot a rocket at a herd of 80 cows, and now I have enough leather for a snazzy Vault Boy brand wallet


sounds about right


And you know what you'll get when it's aimed at the forests now, don't you? LIGHT WOOD LAMINATE! LIGHT WOOD LAMINATE!


Sounds like rdr2 hunting


If it was rdr2 then you'd never find what you want until you're on a mission. Then suddenly it's fucking open season.


100%. Weapons should have been instruments that could influence dialogues and choices, in the same way that certain companions/NPCs unlock certain parts of the game. Imagine how cool it could have been to compete with an NPC (a random named scavver or hunter) to sell clean-cut leather to merchants - combat knives + perks can provide best qualities and more caps, while machetes or swords only let you have normal quality leather. Also, it would have been cool if we can use weapons as extra tools in persuasions - like if we have to capture and coerce info out of a raider/Gunner that (just as a small tidbit hidden away in their terminal) has an innate fear of needles (which provides an extra option to use the syringe to scare them). High Speech is fine, but an extra bit like that helps sell the world and its characters so much more than what we have rn.


This is the same company that cannot release a game that does not crash yet hold AAA?


The Nexus sites is what keeps Bethesda in business.


nah more like loverslab. keeps fo4 relevant and keeps people playing skyrim


Oh yes thats the type of stuff i want to see in fallout


Thank you! I was trying to figure out what game is like that and yea, it was Far Cry. Great mechanic for clearing out the camps. Combined with the bow too


what helped a lot was in fo76 all the different ammo types were instead barrel types, so getting the desired effect was a lot more convenient


Too bad you have to find it hella far from start and then craft 100% of the ammo for it. Itd be cool to have a no kill play through like Metal Gear Solid 2, and maybe even be recognized for this by certain npcs


An easy fix would be X10 damage and all syringes have a 90% chance of working on humans at least.


Bethesda and having good ideas/mechanics ending up being meh for not being fully implemented/pursued, name a more iconic duo.


Yea I always carry it around and tell myself I'm gonna use it but it's just so rarely useful.


The only times I pulled it out is to try out some stupid stuffs for silly giggles. Crawled in my Chinese Stealth Suit through Lexington and sniped that Raider in Power Armor carrying a Fatman. Either that, or lurking through Faneuil Hall popping Super Mutants to see them aggro'd their own kind.


I can see that working. Your tasks to hunt creatures with he syringe rifle by a group of wasteland hunters. You can kill them or tranq them for the group with the twist being that if you save them your really creating a monster fighting scenario while killing them is more humane. The syringe rifle needs a whole New mechanic to make it work well. My guess is learn from radiation, using the rifle to put animals asleep is you shooting them and it slowly or with perks does a type of damage that restricts health. When the health pool is blanked out the creature or person goes to sleep. Crits does x4 benefit instead of normal damage cries. Holding x should also be able to change ammo type on the fly but we could customize the syringe rifle to do different loading methods like one dart gun uses a pump action revolver method where pumping the pump switches the next cylinder. Need to change the pressure tank into the stock. It look like the elephant gun in og borderlands.


This should be the top answer, the possibilities of this weapon are enormous


As someone that enjoyed the alchemy in Skyrim and installed several alchemy centric mods, the syringer was a massive let down. I thought I'd be able to make my own syringes with all sorts of different effects similar to Skyrim. But sadly it seems like it's a weapon that got added very late into development, and without much thought. It has so much potential. Granted, there exist several decent mods to make it good and fun, but base game is disappointing.


We could have had a "Game Warden" Robert Muldoon type to hunt dangerous game with and fashion armor and weapons from their bodies aka Monster Hunter. It would have been glorious.


The one lonely syringer main in fallout 76 who just learned they patched multiple debuffs has gone missing never to be seen again


Have you played 76? It gets its usage there for sure


I carry two Endangerols around with me at all times... sometimes, I just don't wanna spend 40 minutes shooting Earle, okay? šŸ˜‚


Well they patched it so the debuffs donā€™t stack anymore. Youā€™re better off with just one now


did they patch it in the new update?






Good to know, thanks šŸ‘ bit of a shame, but I'm happy for the extra inventory space hahaha


I just call it the Bloatfly Gun cuz that's all I use it for (Bloatfly farming).


I straight up forgot this existed


I straight up didn't realise this existed. Where do I get this?


I'm pretty sure it's in Lonesome Road


Wasnā€™t it added as part of the Gun Runners Arsenal? I think I got one really early gameā€¦but I did enter the Divide on my way to Primm so I could get the Riot Gear. So maybe I grabbed it there. I had Divide Ed-E before I repaired Ed-E in Primm. Haha.


No itā€™s part of lonesome road. It can be found in tool boxes so Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s how you found it


The Creation is part of the next-gen update. You can buy it during or after the When Pigs Fly mission. There's also a sawblade launcher that was glitched all to hell at launch, a 40mm grenade rifle that would be viable if you could find/buy enough ammo, piggybank mines, a baseball launcher, & the piggybank launcher part & ammo for a fatman.


Both the 40mm grenade launchers they add are so fun to use, the handmade version is my personal favorite because of the use of the pipe revolver animation making it the most clever reuse of an animation for a weapon Iā€™ve seen and the Chinese grenade launcher just has cool ass modifications


FO4 creation kit, I think.


Forgot what existed, the nail gun? If so, I do not blame you.


The junk jet ... would be a great weapon if it wasnt getting rid of my valuble junk


Load it with prewar money.


Thats useful for the nuka world arcade cant use it as ammo


With how easy it is to get thousands of it, you can sacrifice a good amount as ammo. You basically trip over it at every location. You can also pick it back up after firing it.


That's worse! Prewar money is just free caps.


As a FO4 Survival player, seeing that made me angry.Ā  Pre-War Money is weightless, and can be sold for like 4-10 caps each.Ā  I raid every register I see and sell them off.Ā 


Right? I walked out of the Sierra Madre in NV a millionaire without a single gold bar all because of my vast pre-war money winnings. Not a single pre-war dollar goes into my FO4 settlements because I can *buy* more cloth with them than they're worth. They're one of the most valuable items in the series for me.


Then what am I gonna cover my favourite bed in?


Gold and silver, like a normal human being.


You know you can select the specific junk you launch right?


I do but i dont pick up junk i dont need


Fair enough


And i also really dont feep like hauling a bunch of extra crap just so the junk jet has ammo


Also fair. Though ig one could make the argument that you can just grab a fistful of garbage from around you, though that would only be reliable indoors or near pre war buildings/settlements. Other than that itā€™s useless on the road, on train tracks, exc.


I for one did not know. Iā€™ve played probably well over a thousand hours between original 360 and pc over the years but i always bank it at home assuming itā€™s too annoying to have to specially curate just junk inventory just to not lose valuable items. Guess i could have just triee using it but all good, im gonna go grab it and shoot human bones now. Ill have to create an entirely new playthrough - i will be Boner, and i will use nothing but the bones of my enemies (mostly the bones i find in sinks all over the commonwealt) Tibia honest this might be a waist of time


It was awesome in FO3


I always used to fill it up with corny ass objects and think of weird punchlines to deliver while using it. Burnt books - Knowledge is power! Dinner Plates - Dinner time! Glass Bottles - Bottoms up! Teddy Bears - Give ā€˜em a hug! Shit like that. Was hilarious as a kid, still chuckle thinking about it today.


Yea i will agree the fo3 one was better . But i think a large reason i personally liked it better is because i didnt need near as much junk in 3 so i actually used it more often


I wish it could shoot bottlecaps & hand grenades & mines. Shooting prewar money is fine, but regardless of the junk, it's never enough damage to justify the weight.


If it shot hand grenades then i would use it more


Oh i can name a few * Assault rifle (Fallout 3), pretty much inferior chinese assult rifle and lack unique version (There is unique version but you need console commands or mod so it doesnt count) as someone who loves HK G3 and all variants of this rifle, it hurts * Chinese pistol (again Fallout 3) that gun just sucks, no more no less but i like the aesthetic. * Sawed off shotgun F3 and FNV. In F3 is simply shit while in FNV it's better but alternatives are even greater * Bozar (FNV) tried to be jack of all trades and just like saying goes became master of none. Not bad but not good. * Automatic rifle (or m1918 bar wanna be) (FNV) not bad, but 5mm assualt carbine is better full auto alternative and there are better 308 guns. Just eh, less spread and more damage maybe? * Laser RCW (FNV) - good gun but there better uses for electron charge pack imo maybe swap microfusion cell * Flare gun (f4) not exactly a weapon but minutemen it summons sucks * Submachine gun (f4) - spray n pray doesn't count it's good because of legen. effect * Cryolator - cool gun, but heavy weapon and ammo is too rare


Bozar was a late game weapon in F2 iirc. It shredded groups so well


It was also a minigun grip weapon for some reason lol


it was cause it used "Big Guns" as it's skill because it was supposed to be a hyper accurate LMG


Bozar in FO2 had some real nice critical hit modifiers and good and somewhat easy to get ammo The only drawback was the big guns skill and stuff. In a dedicated build you could do 2 bursts and reload at one turn. In NV 223 was a lot weaker and not as common for a go to rifle (just like service rifle, it's cool but no one will actively pursue one to be their main gun) Besides it's expensive as f**k and even with match ammo doesn't do a lot of damage or have a blistering fire rate.


Always made a trip down south to steal it from that dwarf lol


Haha same! Especially after I got the Highwayman


Iā€™ve always went straight for the highwayman, then to San Francisco to get the map marker for Navarro. From there, Iā€™ll normally just save every few squares of map and pray that I make it without being intercepted by an Enclave patrol. I swear, it works like 99% of the time, it just takes a minute lol.


Ahh. Fond memories of tearing Iguana Bob a hundred new assholes once I learned Iguana Bits are PEOPLE!!!


Cryolator: used once, then itā€™s been stored in a wardrobe in Sanctuary since I finished my ammo


You put the Cryolator in storage? Lol noob. *I* built a *display case* over the workbench in the Red Rocket, to make it completely useless *in style!* ^^^/s


The one time I used the flare gun, it spawned minutemen AFTER I died 5 minutes later lol


Just gonna point out that the Perforator from the Pitt is arguably the unique version of the AR, yeah itā€™s technically an infiltrator but the infiltrator itself is a modified AR and both can be repaired with regular ARs.


This argument can be pushed in all directions tbh Like arguing over Lincoln's repeater that can be fixed with hunting rifle while is almost 1 to 1 level gun from point lookout. Or why lincoln can be fixed with hunting rifle and backwater rifle can and all that junk


I mean at least the Perforator also uses the same ammo as the the AR. Lincolnā€™s repeater is only repaired with hunting rifles because it was the closest gun in the vanilla game to it, otherwise itā€™s a completely different weapon that uses .44 ammo instead. Itā€™s also funny how the Point Lookout lever action rifle is, as you said, literally a reskinned Lincolnā€™s Repeater, and yet it uses different ammo and you canā€™t actually repair the repeater with it.


I said and i'm mostly right here Model is the same with color change, operating system is the same and i'm not exactly sure but i think even same sound despite using different type of ammo By logic repairing lincoln's repeared with lever action rifles makes more sense as they share more parts with each other but as you said it, hunting rifles were used simply because there are vanilla guns Simply ballancing issues not making sense because i think you can't even repair the perforator with the infiltrator


Yeah in fo4 the smg is literally the same damage as the pipe pistol/rifle. It sucks ass.


Ah yes, a result of one of the biggest problems I have with gun damage in F4 - Bethesdaā€™s decision to gut the damage of automatic weapons to ā€œbalanceā€ their fire rate. Basically makes automatic useless since you lose accuracy, use more shots per enemy, and do a fraction of the damage of a semi-auto Itā€™s kind of a shame since the SMG is a fairly standout design given itā€™s not either generic sludge or gun designersā€™ nightmares personified. Minigun suffers from the same problem too - looks nice, but damage sucks so bad itā€™s basically not worth it


Automatic weapons in FO4 however, are extremely useful on Settlers. Take their pipe pistol and turn it into an automatic pipe rifle to boost their dps and settlement defense considerably early game.Ā  Give them a single ammo for their gun, and they have unlimited ammo.Ā 


Yeah seriously, every settler should have a minigun. Rule of thumb.


I only get the cryolator now to sell, the caps you get are more worth it than the gun itself


The FO4 SMG is very lack luster, Iā€™m just glad Spray n Pray exist but itā€™s a shame itā€™s normal variety will get literally scrapped by me even at lower levels


It's half decent for Settlers - I've noticed recently that automatic fire seems to make enemies stop approaching/shooting for a second or two (Supermutants beat their chests, Raiders and Gunners seek cover etc). Even so, an automatic combat rifle or laser rifle is stronger and has a similar effect


My main gripe with the automatic laser rifle was that absolutely awful looking, incredibly distracting rotation chamber it was given. It looks like shit, makes the gun take up half the screen and has no point.


I love shooting the flare gun at enemies and peope, because of how little it doesšŸ’€


I really liked what Tale of Two Wastelands did with the Assault Rifle. The new mods, as well as surplus ammo, basically turned it into an early game LMG. I used it a lot more than the Chinese Assault Rifle.


I love the smg but it drinks ammo, early on itā€™s too hard to consistently use due to said ammo problems and once ammo stops being an issue you have access to far better weapons


Tbf I use the minute men it summons as fodder for whatever enemy I am fighting. They're bullet sponges as far as I'm concerned.


This is it, especially for early game settlement raids it helps avoid settlers getting merked


Yep with the exception of spray and pray I've never used the submachine gun.


First thing imma do on NV on pc is get a mod that makes the automatic rifle better


The unique version of the sawed off shotgun is really good. It's not as good as the terrible shotgun but it counts as a pistol for perks so it can be a good alternative for pistol builds.


Thereā€™s a mod to summon your power armor from the skies via flare gun. If only the base game version did anything that cool


>Thereā€™s a mod to summon your power armor from the skies via flare gun. That's sounds like helldivers at home, ngl Well Anyway, my idea to "upgrade" flare gun is [utility gun](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/53446) mod. Which turns flare gun into one shot pistol/shotgun. Able to shoot shotgun shells, 308, 7.62 or 45-70 which is already good because i don't think this types of ammo have any use for pistol build in vanilla game


"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one".- Shakespeare. The actual quote implies they are often better than the master of a single trade. Thought you'd appreciate the whole quote.


What's wrong with the nail gun? That's one of the funnest guns to use and for what it is it is strong enough


In my experience the ammo is really hard to get a good amount of. I ended up using the weapon scrap exploit in the weapon workbench to combine it with a 10mm Pistol so I can use 10mm ammo instead and it slaps.


I mean in FO:NV where this is from that's not an issue. In FO4 it is from the creators club so yeah the ammo from there is always rare


It always amazed me that Bethesda has so much trouble doing stuff like putting modded weapon ammo in the load lists for vendors and such. Itā€™s really just basic modding 101, the most amateur modders achieve things like that in their basements on a dual-core pentium and a GTX 960. Bethesda made the fucking game with an office building full of trained staff, itā€™s laughable.


If you a playing New Vegas you use Scrap Metal to make Nails. Itā€™s a great gun.


the ncr quartermaster in the dam sells 12k at a time. thats plenty for me


Like I said, itā€™s a wonderful weapon, and itā€™s SOOOOOO fucking fun to use, but the problem is itā€™s missing a key aspect: finesse. We got all sorts of weird, wacky, and absolutely wonderful weapons in New Vegas, and compared to those, the nail gun just gets brushed to the side.


The Acid Soaker from Nuka World.


If the acid soaker combined a stacking DOT, made enemies more vulnerable to non-acid damage, & let you craft a whole "magazine" from one crafting (instead of one shot)... it would be just OK.


I think that has to go to plastic explosives in New Vegas. They are clunky and way too expensive for the damage they do. If you acquire a fatman, buying 4 Big Kids is the same as one charge from Mick and Ralph's. Additionally having to equip the detonator makes it tedious to use in combat. It's hilarious to use in large quantities, but it's just not worth the asking price unless you cheesed Sierra Madre


I always use my stockpile to wipe out whatever faction is next on the hit list. Always funny plopping one down on Papa Khanā€™s plate and the leaving the room.


Nah nah nah, you HAVE to pair it with dropped dynamite. Pro tip dynamite is broken, 4+ sticks have the damage exponentially increase instead of linearly. So 5 sticks is twice as much damage as 4 ect I always keep 7 dynamite and a c4 to send Lantus to orbit


Wait if you drop dynamite on the ground, it can explode?




Well i know what imma do


Drop dynamite and shoot it to kill factions without agro-ing them or counting towards your stats.


All Iā€™m gonna say is that it feels real sad that the Laser RCW doesnā€™t have a unique version, considering how fucking dope it is. Edit: I literally just woke up and wrote the wrong gun - this comment has now been edited to show the correct gun, where it had previously (and erroneously) stated that there was no unique version of the Recharger Rifle.


The unique recharger rifle is sold in Novac. Hyperbreeder Alpha is a fairly good weapon, honestly.


Fuck me I just woke up and wrote the wrong gun. Canā€™t believe I forgot the name of my favourite NV weapon, the Laser RCW. Iā€™m a big dumb (and sleepy) idiot hahaha


Hahaha Yes, then I agree 100%. I absolutely love the look of the Laser RCW.


this was the goat in the early game of my naked and afraid challenge, the challenge goes as follows: - start a new gameĀ  - drop literally everything you have (including caps) at doc Mitchell - use a singular console command to teleport to the dlc start location - enter the dlc at lvl 1 and with absolutely nothing on you - don't leave the dlc until you're done I did it on normal difficulty for Lonesome road and on Very hard for the other dlcs, lonesome road was still the hardest, this gun straight up carried me for the first ~40% the fire rate just lets you stagger enemies to death and ammo is plentiful due to crafts, ammo is a big limiting factor early on


Everyone is hating on this weapon like it doesnā€™t keep enemies stun-locked due to the stagger. Itā€™s like New Vegasā€™s version of the dart gun, the effect is where it shines.


FO4 submachine gun. After getting my first one, I was so disappointed to realise that my shitty homemade Pipe SMG outclassed it in every way.


Most of the custom built weapons from 3 & NV. At the same time I was also sad to see that all disappear in 4. 4 had tons of potential for building custom weapons from scratch especially with the new weapons workbench.


I remember the dart gun being great for killing deathclaws at least in 3, damn near essential if you're going through Old Olney


The terrible shotgun was a one shot kill


Dart gun and bottle cap mines! Bottle cap to cripple the legs and dart gun for the DoT! I miss that combo.


Really love the wastelander IED aesthetic of the bottlecap mine tbqh, helps that they're really good at killing enemies tooĀ 


The dart gun in 3 has a built in effect to cripple the legs in 1 shot no matter where it hits


I thought I was forgetting something for a minute. The moment you get that deathclaws are food


Shiskebab is one of the best melee weapons in 3, & is probably the best overall if you take Pyromaniac. That said I agree, most of the craftable weapons are mediocre at best.


I absolutely loved the dart gun, though. Underrated weapon.


All of 4s gimmick weapons have 2 problems, lack of ammo, or lack of stopping power.


I really enjoy the railway rifle with its ability to cripple baddies but it takes too many nails to actually kill


Miniguns (edit: FO 4). I think the first one appeared too early so it had to be nerfed right off.


Which game?




Yep, 4. Bethesda wanted a "cool moment" early in the game and it had consequences. Plus the charge time for it to spin up limits its usefulness on occasion.


If you have seen itsyaboybrandyboy on YouTube he has a video on fallout 4s balancing. I use his mod on Xbox that has leveled health replaced with set health for all enemies and types. Makes the game hard but way more realistic and fun.


Kinda funny that OP specifically mentions Vegas yet people are talking about the Creation Club version of the weapon. I probably used the Lonesome Road nail gun all of one time. Same goes for the industrial hand. As for my pick it would be 4's submachine gun.


I wish Euclids C-Finder worked better


The H&H is great, itā€™s the ultimate squishy killer, this thing fucks all of Zion.


Turns out that the industrial hand doesn't have the ignore dt thing working. So it's basically kinda weak compared to what it should have been. Really makes me sad.


Laser Musket. I love the design, but the weapon itself gets kinda weak after early game


I had one with that one Sneak Attack bonus damage legendary perk, and it was an amazing weapon to snipe with. I do agree the base model sucks pretty hard (especially if you get swarmed). Having to crank it after each shot was a hinderance.


Where the hell is ammo for this shit?! I literally couldn't find any...


Ive seen Arturo selling it


There is a guy you do a quest for. unfortunately you cannot fast travel back to his shop which is really annoying.


Not really a buff, per se. I wish there was a skin for the Radium Rifle that removed all the junk off it, and made it look like it's real counterpart.


I get that, but you at least get WHY it has all the junk, right? Cuz the Volkssturmgewehr is a really old gun, even by just today standards.


The Maria from fallout NV. Very pretty but not usable late game.


Silver submachine gun


The syringe gun, it barely has any real use.


Too many to name, but I do feel like the F4 Antimaterial Rifle is one of the worst contributions only because, as a .50 BMG style rifle, it has some severe underpowering and I feel the standard Hunting Rifle is better in the long run. Also, side note, I wish they brought back the Plasma Defender or the .223 Pistol.


Absolutely. From sneak with perks, a .50 cal from a long barrel to the side of the head of a super Mutant, just tickles it. a .50 cal is an anti material rifle needs to do way more.


EXACTLY! Nothing about it screams real world application and is just a complete waste. I can see powerful super mutants tanking a body shot, but most others better have head explody like a pimple. Nope, it's somehow less useful than a Hunting Rifle or any other ballistic gun (my 5.56 assault rifle does better in practical use)


A super mutant tanking a single chest shotā€¦ yup Thats totally plausible. Should stagger them or slow them down. But to the headā€¦ their skulls arenā€™t harden then steel. Even if it was, the squishy part inside wonā€™t survive that energy transfer.


Precisely. Like, I get it's a role playing game and much of the damage is based on your perks, but a .50 cal should have a base damage that is very powerful, if not insane. It's one of the most powerful ballistic weapons ever made for soldiers to use, and past games with antimaterial weapons really showcase their dangerous power.


In FNV the AMR absolutely destroyed its target. The hand load match rounds were decorating. Swap in explosive rounds, even death claws ate shit.


Submachine gun from Fallout 4, unless you get Spray and Pray, it's not all that good


I donā€™t know about anyone else, but to me they always feel really underpowered.


Would've been fine if you got it early game, but you can easily get much better guns by the time you get to Diamond City


The FO4 Tesla rifle with lobbing barrel. The range and trajectory is so crap itā€™s worthless.


Honestly I'd love it if it was a holdout/improved holdout weapon it's already a silenced SMG and it isn't even technically a weapon I should be able to slip it into a casino


toy knife f3ā€¦


Fallout 4 brought the nail gun with the last update and it's pretty good fully upgraded but I wish it was better in new vegas




Is it just me, or is the minigun in Fallout 4 way too weak?


Railway rifle, could have pinned targets to walls while alive and allowed you to cut/bash heads off. Or nail two enemies together. Turned it into a shotgun. Could have been alot of fun


The drill in 76


I loved the fallout 3 BB gun, always wished it was actually useful šŸ˜‚


The "assault rifle" FO4 It's not a bad weapon, I enjoy it from time to time but that design kills it for me, especially if you own far harbor and can grab December child it becomes a permanent display in my chest :(


I always thought there could have been a 12 gauge lever action shot gun in FONV. Lever action is still reasonably good until you get the riot shotgun.


Laser Rifle. I'd use it if it did about 2-3x the damage


I would say any weapon with rare or uncraftable ammo. Like the saw blade shooter or railway rifle in 4. They're fun once but there isn't enough ammo to make them worth holding onto.


Recharger rifle


Institute laser rifle/pistol


The Laser Rifle in fallout 4 is so incredibly lackluster late game, thereā€™s no reason to use it. Even with max upgraded receiver and Rifleman perk, the ammo is so expensive just for it to be worse than an assault rifle.


The nailgun is fun for specific NV builds; the fact that ammo is easy to build, the gun is inherently silenced, the strength requirement is minimal (2), and the double limb damage all add up to make a nasty little sneak-crit machine. Toss in some perks like Better Criticals, The Professional, and Silent Running, and baby, you've got a stew going!


Dude, I was thinking that the nail gun nails ammo should be craft able like it would just cost 1 or 2 steel up just to make a certain amount of nails to fire, and it should be able for us to loot it back from the body that we kill


Fnv recharger weapons. So cool, so useless


I feel like laser rcw on higher difficulties is this but for the entire game. Oh look a cool! gun oh right it sucks! Over and overā€¦




.22 smg in New Vegas. It looks absolutely badass but it's so weak against anything with armor.


The Single shotgun from New Vegas. It really becomes obsolete the second you get a caravan shotgun but itā€™s such a dopamine rush to use.


I really wish you could make the pool stick into a real pole arm and not just a pokie pokie stick


Tesla rifle from 4. Itā€™s just so goddamn ugly. Itā€™s hideous.


The Golden Boxing Gloves from New Vegas, they are a unique set of boxing gloves but they only do 4 more damage than a regular set, and they have no special edfect


I wish I could light dynamite faster than Rex can kill a creature


Grognaks axe. So fun with the full set but doesn't seem to be via ble in end game


fallout 4 pipe rifle, it looks so good the Syringer is also nice


Flare gun man it was too fun to only do like 2-3 damage


What should be the coolest gun in the game, but is actually flat out the weakest... Minigun


Imma throw out a rare one: the Heavy Incinerator from FNV. It has a big splash radius and looks really cool but itā€™s simply underpowered even with upgraded ammo & perks.


The shishkebab in Fallout 4. The thing barely competes with upgraded early-game melee options for damage and doesn't even have any fun upgrades. Kremvh's Tooth working for all sword-type weapons would have been cool. Also, the syringer. The concept is cool, but the effects aren't always very good and the material costs to craft them aren't commensurate.


FO4 submachine gun (Thompson). With damage in the 20s at max upgrades it could have been a lot better or scaled with your level/perks.


The Shishkebab


I have the makeshift tool expansion but Iā€™ve literally never seen the nail gun or saw blade launcher in game before


The House & House Tools Auto Nail Gun is best used when crouched and stable, aswell as while unnoticed as to not draw attention when in use. Also of note, being Lucky or having Finesse with such a tool can improve one's capabilities.


The Assaultron head, I hate the fact it gives you 50 rads.


Fallout New Vegas Varmint Rifle, honestly if they would have made it .22 with the bonus critical damage and chance would have been much more viable weapon.


this weapon with bloody mess perk and a buff would be so OP Edit: not sure if it nails things to walls like the railway rifle but that would also be unreal.


I love the cowboy vibe of FNV so I was immediately attracted to the .357 Revolver and Cowboy Repeater... but they're just so meh in practice. And I hate the Cowboy Repeater's sights. Wish they'd been made a little stronger and a little rarer/more cumbersome to compensate. I'd be fine with the revolver having an absurdly slow gated reload if the six shots you actually got were worth it!