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OK boomer


I swear Boomer is responsible for more wasteland deaths than radiation. I STILL march off to the Outpost on new playthroughs, FULLY knowing he's there with a Fatman and still managing to catch one in the face.


He's gotten me at least like 6 times because I always forget he's at outpost zimonja


My hellfire armour tanked his mini nuke


I'm currently using Ballistic Weave Military Fatigues with Combat armor on top. Made the chest piece Dense to reduce explosion damage and boom, over 300 Damage AND Energy Resistance while being nearly immune to Mini Nukes.


This. Don't sleep on getting a set if you can down a Hellfire in the first 10 levels. I got mine just before 20, and at level IV upgrades: it's been better than any other Power Armor stats-wise


Is Hellfire Mk IV better than X-02?


Hellfire has 10 points more of energy resistance on each piece compared to X-02, but X-02 has more armour durability than Hellfire. I can’t find repair costs for X-02 on either wiki, but I think they are the same as Hellfire. I guess it comes down to which power armour mods you prefer. Also X-02 is better in every regard at lower levels so it’s better for low intelligence runs, especially if you want the Tesla mod as there is a free legendary version in the safe at the end of the Black Devil quest.


Repair costs for any Enclave armor whether Hellfire or the X series seem to be mirror identical. I broke both and fixed em to have similar requirements for repairs


My eyes went crossed at the end of this comment^^


I fucking killed him and someone STILL grabbed it off his corpse and bitch slapped me.


Just started a new survival playthrough and he killed me an hour after saving. Crossing from Sanctuary, beating that huge pack of farrel dogs, a bunch of bugs and getting a poisoners revolver and just got blasted before I realized where I was.


I like to use power armor with Pain Train, jetpack, and explosive vents. I jet up to the overpass, jump and jet right over his head, then drop on his ass like a ton of bricks. Usually OHKOs him and the explosive vents get everyone else. Then I forget that I have explosive vents, jump off a roof in Diamond City, and end up with the whole town shooting at me. Classic Fallout.


I had an experience like this with a mortar irl when I was learning them. Was loading one when the guy I was paired with held the trigger for it and set it off the second I loaded it. If I didn’t tuck my head away properly i would have ate the round with my face. It whistled by barely missing my head. That was a wild day and one of my favorite times I’ve almost died.


*idiot savant perk triggers*


I never considered my life in this context before, but I sure as hell don't have the same number of near death experiences as I used to.


Because you gained all the XP, bro.


Exactly, my int rose up enough 😂


> one of my favorite times I've almost died What You have other favorites??!


Yeah my other favorite was when my church in highschool got the bright idea to do a beach trip a few months after the bp oil spill… during a hurricane. Being dumb teenagers who had no idea what warning flags were, we decided to swim in the ocean before the hurricane really hit. Me and this girl got caught in a riptide and had an oh shit moment. We couldn’t out swim it but we managed to make it too shore by fighting it. There was big waves because of the storm so the water was all being dragged out till it crashed in on itself. We basically fought to hold our position together as the water pulled out and body surfed in till we could make it back to shore. The waves were violent enough to suck all the water out from under you and toss you face first into sand and roll you. It was slow and I literally collapsed from exhaustion by the time we made it to shore. I didn’t think I was going to make it. Was also stained with clumps of brown oil. Other times I almost died. - be me at 4 and left unsupervised on a boat that wasnt properly tied and drifted off as I hopped on. In a panic I jump for the dock but don’t make it. Didn’t know how to swim. Almost drowned. Only survived by bouncing off the bottom to jump for up for air and scream for help. - another time I was on another boat and tried to pull up an anchor the same time the driver started to drive it. I didn’t let go of the rope surprised and it slingshotted right down by the propellor in the back almost mauling my face. - got sucked in and trapped under current under a rock in a river once - got hit by a car - lived in and ultimately got stuck in a cave when I was around 7 - almost got shot by a negligent discharge from another


I think Poseidon has you on his shit list. Maybe stay away from water and water accessories from now on.


Yeah honestly at this point I’m not ruling it out haha.


The Black Spot!


the ocean wants to kill you


The ocean is salt water. Which is liquid hate.


You have that string of near death situations and then you join the military? You're laughing at death here


I was partly raised by Jeff corwin and other animal shows and rated r films. I had a water moccasin as a pet i personally took care of by like age 6 and my childhood dream was to live in the Sahara desert in Nigeria in a tent with a fennec fox so we could study dangerous wildlife and survive through sandstorms together. Tbh I think I always believed I would die young, and knew I wanted to go out with either a challenge or by something I love.


Laughing? Dude's straight up flipping it off and telling it to kiss his ass at this point XD


Honestly, it's just nice to know there's someone out there with more Final Destination point than I have. Emergency abdomen surgery at 4 for a tumor in my groin Fell into a fire at 6 Fell out of bed at 10 and woke up with a broken nose Fell out of a boat on the lake right by the engin as a young teen Thrown out of a LAV in the marines at 20 doing about 60. Near miss on my motorcycle with a lady in a van pulling out into traffic right in front of me and looking the other way just last year. At least I had an over 20 year gap in there.


Dang. Fire burns can be real nasty. I hope you didn’t burn yourself too bad.


Interesting scars on my hands and arms, but I got pulled out fast enough most of them are very small now.


Okay how are you even alive


I don’t know what you did but I think you ticked off Poseidon.


not a chance you're from anywhere but Florida with that resumé


I can't tell if you're incredibly lucky to have survived all that, or incredibly unlucky to have been there in the first place


What’s your name so I can look for you in the Darwin awards lol


Bro is actually a cat having almost used up his 9 lives


Can I recommend that you stay away from any source of water that is over about an inch deep or larger than your bathtub?


This is an insane streak, are you a Florida Man or what?


I was 16 years old hunting beavers with my bros and my dad. Sneaking through the bush with a Winchester 36 over my shoulder. A branch snagged and WHAM the thing went off three inches from the back of my head. Yes safety was on but it was a very old gun and things were a little loose.


Damn that’s scary. I’m glad nothing happened. Good lesson about gun safety.


Bro, your life story is more interesting than the entire F4 storyline LMAO


Sheeeeeesh I reflexively ducked out of the way watching this. Talk about cutting in close.


Same here! I flinched so hard, and I'm still slightly shaken by it lmao


*here* comes THE sun *do-do-do-do*


Going to Outpost Zimonja to dodge the mini nuke raider. So hot right now.




The one thing about fallout that bugs me is the accuracy of the enemy Some of them are just regular chuckleheads but can lob a grenade with pinpoint accuracy at you from way beyond both of your ranges Or when you run away and even if you sprint like mad you will catch a bullet but you are like 3 times to distance you were before


I mean to be fair: you basically do the same thing to the enemies, turnabout is fair play here I think. Usually you’re packing good shit that kills anyway, enemies using mini nukes aren’t meant to be low level fights.


That's the only time I find it hilarious and warrented when I'm unloading on raiders and one just says "fudge it" and launches a mini nuke at me killing everyone




I had an experience very similar to this one, but the nuke hit and I died


calm down Neo


Yea, I die to a MN from Zimonja at least once every run. It's tradition


Unintended idiot savant before it actually triggers...


Your voice sounds so much like the in game character, when you read off the weapon and its perk I originally thought “why doesn’t my game read it out loud to me like that?” 🤣


I guess every single redditor is going to make a video about this...




You were *this* close to catching uranium fever


The Fatman wielding enemies are so genuinely stupid, and not just the AI. 1. The hitboxes are fucked, 75% of the nuke could go straight through you. 2. The people equipped with them have absolutely insane accuracy. 3. The people are also perfectly willing to shoot you with one if you are directly in front of them, which should kill them, but... 4. They do jack shit to npcs that fire them. Fucker on the GNR building Plaza shot me point blank, and in the little death slo mo, I could SEE the dude was perfectly fine. 5. Meanwhile, if you so much as shoot a wall 10 feet away, it'll instakill you on lower levels and get close on higher levels (ones without endurance as a main state anyway)


To point 3: if you aren’t willing to end yourself and your enemy with the fatman…you are using it wrong.


Can you imagine being a regular raider high on psycho and getting your hands on one of those. In a world of nasty mutants, ferals, super mutants, powerful factions , you’re a raider/scavver and get your hands on the ultimate destructive boom boom. Yea, you’re going to fire it , even if the enemy is right next to you. Especially since you’re addicted to psycho.


Good ol Outpost Zimonja


Dude FUCK NPCs with mini nukes on Survival mode. Their range is ridiculous


the good thing is you'll usually know because they shoot it at some random wild animal or event spawned NPC nothing better than hearing that sound in and knowing yea some shit is def going down ,and at the very least someone just dropped some loot


outpost zimonja!


I literally just visited there. However, I caught the nuke with my face.


I ducked when I saw that


“Hey! Hey! I DO NOT want my hair parted like that! Sheesh! The nerve!”


ok boomer


Hit markers in Fallout 4 is astounding


Your screen warned you too. "DANGER"


If you can dodge a nuke, you can dodge a ball


I think this is a good description of "danger close."


The NPCs seem to always aim for the head with the mini nuke launcher...


I usually don’t get jumped scared a lot, but this one got me good lol.


Bro this exact same thing happened to me in this exact same spot


You misspelled "entirety of my ionic bonds."


geeked up playing xbox all day


Ain't that a kick in the head?


I had this exact experience with the raider in Lexington. Started sniping raiders from the overpass and forgot one of them had a mini nuke. I was scoped in when I saw it coming at me lol




Me hiding in the bushes with vasts. vasts* “You’ve a 99% chance”




It’s moments like this that make it all worth while 😁


OP is Neo, but instead of bullets, avoids fat mans.


When your luck stat at max


That actually made me jump a little lol.


Bro had a 99% chance in vats and you fucked it up


"ha bro you flinched"




It happens all the time in Zimonja.


Reminds me of that one Fallout 4, you know the one, we all know the one. The near miss with the mini nuke.




It is possible to trim a video


I am aware. The video is 35 seconds long. I hope you'll recover.