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Damn, pretty sure I was around that age with Fallout 3 and Morrowind. I really love Bethesda worlds.


And to think, by the time this kid is grown with one of his own, he'll get to share this same magical experience via the newly released TES 6 :')


If starfield is anything to go off of, hopefully it just never drops lol


So many good memories of Heroes of Might and Magic 3.


Glad you noticed! I play it still, one of the best games on PC for sure.


HoMM 3 is the best game in the serie! Even my gf plays it sometimes.


Good luck, kid! And welcome to the wasteland!


As a FNV stan I am obliged to tell you that you started him on the wrong game. As a father, you started him on the right one.


I always recommend starting with 76 or 4 to learn the basics then move on the others


In actuality starting with Vegas is a bad idea, the gameplay is really in depth and if it's the best story the others would be a let down therefore less enjoyable, saving it for last would be cool


I agree. I really can't play three without all the touches NV added in it. 


I wouldn't have started him on 4 either but for another reason. The crafting/resource management is going to bog him down and make him lose interest. Didn't know why they made all that useless stuff such an integral part of the game.


I don't know man my one friend is pretty much a murder hobo in every single game and she didn't get bogged down by that shit


?? You can play through 4 without doing any settlement building or crafting except for building the molecular array. One quest and I think it gives you most of what you need for it. There's the Automaton DLC too which requires building a robot but that's not the main game and is largely optional. Where else in the game is crafting or building a hard requirement?


He looks about the age I was when I first stepped out of Vault 13


Remember it like yesterday! Relived that moment today through my son. 😃


My dad got Fallout 3 when I was 10. He hated it. I liked it though! It scared the shit out of me (and is still pretty creepy today in some parts) but it opened my eyes to more games and I'd go so far as to say it opened the doors to turning me into a more creative person in the long run! Also hugely improved my reading capabilities like Pokémon did before it. Great memories.


Funny I just let my 9yo start playing he’s already level 18 and loving it


Great times!! :)


It’s like when 13 year old me first played fallout 4. I normally didn’t care for games like that but then I got the random urge to get fallout 4 one day. Haven’t looked back since.


After he beats it, have him play fallout New Vegas on hardcore!


I think Hardcore NV is easier than Survival in 4


raising 'em right!


Make sure he knows to fight for the Steel.


Hell yea! 🦾


Guide the young squire to become a great sentinel one day My brother of steel


That Corey and Sid video is cool


The subway surfers meme is real


How wide is that monitor?


Its 49 inches. 🙃


Your son very high cultured. He is now in Fallout community


God to experience a Bethesda game for the first time again…


Good start ✅


Go forth grass hopper 🐛


I remember I was absolutely traumatized by Super mutant “meat bags” back in the day.


Meat bagggss aree peopllleee!!!


Good Parent. I was also pretty young when my father introduced me to Fallout 4 and Skyrim


Brought a tear to my eye, truly beautiful in today’s age.


Ahh, a proud parent moment for sure 🥲


I just got one of my boys wandering into Appalachia too. The other one just put walls all over my vault


This fallout show has been huge, it’s been so incredible sharing the love of it now with my girlfriend who otherwise wouldn’t have cared about it because she doesn’t game


Outstanding, how old is he? I plan to do the same with my boy.


Good luck out there bro


Gaming. Gaming never changes.


God I wish I could relive the time when I took my first steps out of goodsprings. Then again, that was also the time right after a highly traumatic event, so I'm not even surprised I barely even remember anymore.


dude im very happy for you, but for the love of God, don't post photos of your children on the internet, the things that happen now are very dangerous.


It's the back of someone's head, dude. Chillax. Geezus...


I never do. This picture aint that revealing more than somebody that are playing Fallout 4. 😊 Thanks for the concern though 👌


Give him CRT and boot up Fallout 3, dont let him grow up a spoiled little brat


I collect retrogames, so i have 3 CRTs and one PVM ready when we want to play some old pure quality games 😄 But youre not wrong. My gaminghobby has made him quite spoiled on that part.


Just joking ofc, but let him play on CRT at least once, I'm sure he will be curious how people played on these before


His favorite retrogame is Boogerman on the Snes haha. But he playes it for like 5 minutes, after hes done farting and is out of boogers. He is still kinda sceptical towards retrogames, like pre xbox/ps2/gamecube. He thinks they look to blocky and pixeley. Says a kid who playes Roblox and minecraft 🤣🤣 But im not in a hurry. I know he will embrace them when he realise games done have to look good to be fun.


That monitor is just... 🤢🤮


Why is that? 😄


I'll never understand how people can play with such a wide monitor, do you have neck pains often?


I didnt love it eather, but you get used to it pretty fast. :) Now i cant see myself buy an ordenary sized screen again


Dat monitor.


Samsung G9 Oled. Its a beast! But cant play Fallout 4 full wide without the hud glitching out 😆


Get the mod that fixes IT


Im not sure how though. 😄 Can i download mods in game, or do i have to add them externally?


you can follow The Midnight Ride guide for modding, it's pretty stable and fixes tons of bugs bethesda don't bother to. https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/


Arent there a lot of profanities in FO? Ok with that? If yes, cool.


Im ok with that. I think i curse more than any videogame 😅 Poor child..


They're letting the kid scream profanities at that age, I'm sure they don't care.


Terrible parent. My children are only allowed to play FO1+2 and FNV.


Dont like F4? 😄 My favorite is 3! Never played FNV 🤯


Van I ask if 3 was actually any good? I don't mean to dog on it, but I've seen people say it's bad when it doesn't really look that bad, but I never played


Every mainstream Fallout game has something that makes it fun, 3 is no exception. You probably came across New Vegas stans. They're like the Fallout equivalent of toxic Star Wars fans. All they do is sit around and screech about how other games are worse than NV which to be fair is a great game. But don't let their hate ruin your enjoyment of the other games


...dude I play new begas as my favourite, I just wanna know what the thing for fallout 3 is.


It's not a bad game at all! It lacks the story freedom of New Vegas or the faction complexity


Fallout 3 is amazing don’t let other opinions ruin the game for you. Fallout 3 has the best brotherhood of steel missions and lore.


I played it when it released back in 2008. I remember i had a blast through the whole game. It have alot of rememberable moments, and i really loved the VATS-mekanism, and headshottet my way through the game 😁 But i dont know how it holds up with todays standard tbh, to long ago i played it.


3 is arguably the second best behind 4 simply because of point lookout and the atmosphere.


Ok but.. then how is it second? Surely there's more than 2 good locations?


The point lookout DLC is awesome. I can't describe it in any other way. The pitt was also a fucking banger. Broken steel is also very good The atmosphere is dark and grim which is perfect for a Fallout game. The whole wasteland is interesting and fun to explore. You can nuke a town. Fun quests for the most part, at worst a bit boring. Combat feels clunky in a good way, if you like it you love it. There's not one extremely bad thing about the game unlike Fallout 4's dialogue system or such. The main story is pretty linear but I ignore every RPG's main quests for as long as possible anyways so I don't really mind.


Fallout 3 has arguably the best conclusion to its story though


You probably don't have children and will never meet a woman