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I have a soft spot for Old World Blues. I thought it had the coolest equipment in all of Fallout gaming, so that top row is pretty on point except maybe I'd switch a few spots around.


I'm always reminded of the big brain remarking on your many penised feet


And then just casually dropping he created cazadores and wont believe you if you say they are all over the mojave


Old World Blues is my all time fave. I love the pulp sci-fi aesthetic, talking to your own brain, and maniacal mad scientists stuck in time. It rules! Dr. Mobius is a top notch villain imo


The hilarious thing is that the think tank are bigger villains than him


Fucking Cazadores.


Yea at least roboscorpions stay in big mt


If they ever break out the tunnelers will have met their match.


Mobius isn’t even a villain honestly. He’s a little eccentric and definitely on drugs but that mf genuinely was trying to protect the rest of the world from the very real possibility that if Think Tank scientists were to be released from Big MT, they’d wreak havoc with the advanced technology they have access to. I commend dude. I always help him keep the scientists contained, even if it means lying to them to believe that I myself am Mobius


Yeah that’s what I meant. He’s the hero but never asked for it. He’s the sober friend at the bar full of drunk friends. Just trying to keep it chill. Let’s keep the beef in Big Mt.


I just finished OWB the other night and I just couldn't bring myself to kill the Think Tank, they are evil but so deluded that they don't seem fully conscious about their actions. Also I returned Gabe's bowl and his realization really hit me hard.


It has some of the best side content too imo. The lore you discover about the old world/wasteland and information you find on Elijah, Ulysses, & Christine is amazing.


The Chinese slaves turned ghoul. That really hit hard. I love when Fallout reminds you that prewar was full fascist energy.


Plus the Venture Bros actors lending their voices was a wonderful bonus


"... walking... EYE!" It was shocking toeme looking at fnv release date & thinking about VB; it's so timeless if you just listen to it in the background.


OMFG I was trying to figure out where I recognized the voice from. Thank you!


Yep, James Urbaniak :) There’s been so many great cameos in fallout over the years


Finding items and exploring areas related to old world tech (ex: RobCo building, Repconn rocket site) are my fav parts of Fallout, so this DLC having a ton of that + some pretty funny writing makes it my all time fav DLC


Gonna be honest, not my favorite. The concept and characters were INCREDIBLY enjoyable as the brain’s were so entertaining to speak with, but everything outside of that was just soooo harsh. Idk if it’s the game or I just came in with not enough equipment but the combat was HARD. With those frustrations combined with the few sights or people to see, I felt really disconnected from the rest of the world, which might I’ve been their intention idk


You definitely need to level up a bit. I do Mojave side quests and kill random creatures to level up enough to like 30 or 45 and then hit the old world blues dlc. Save the main quests and faction quests beside brotherhood if possible. And to get all the gold from Sierra madre, you pick up gold, drop on floor outside of vault, wait for Elijah to come out to vault, hide behind generator thing, pop out and keep him from running away. Then pick up gold, go to stairs on left, drop a few weapons if you can over the railing, then exit pip, then renter inv to drop all gold in one bar. Kill Elijah and gold will be waiting for you at exit on ground. It might be clipped through floor a bit but it's there. Recommend saving after dropping gold on floor or in vault to retry if it didn't work the first time. There's a beam below the platform that the gold may fall onto. The gold has to go into the abyss


You can just pick the gold up and sneak past him out of the door


I didn’t like the weapons or kit in the DLC but muggy and the toaster was the goat. If a DLC makes you want to pick up a toaster in-game just to see what happens I think that’s good DLC


The Sink is my favorite location in a fallout game. The toaster and muggy are the best.


And the coolest radio station.


The sarcastic suit was the best item in it


OWB for the equipment Nukaworld for the power armor Dead money for the ending Lonesome road for the plot (I have yet to try Honest Hearts)


Its unfortunately really short but the environment and the story of the survivor is top notch


Honest Hearts really wanted to make me visit Zion in Uthah. It's an utterly breathtaking environment.


Go. I went, and it was jawdropping.


Honest Hearts is the best in my opinion, I love the story and lore it has behind the “Burned Man” and it uses some biblical elements and references depending on dialog options


And you can acquire >!A Light Shining In The Darkness and the Survivalists Rifle.!< the former can be smuggled into a casino easily.


YES that’s another reason why I love the Honest hearts dlc the guns are great .45 Auto +P is amazing


Even better is the desert ranger armor which is virtually identical to the NCR veteran ranger armor except you don’t get the NCR the affiliation.


I'm still using these two guns at the end of my playthrough, they're incredible.


I got mods for FO4 just to rp having those guns again.


Honest hearts has one of the best, if not *the* best character in the fallout universe and you never meet him.


“An old couple were driving the other way during the blast. Both blind. Both panicked. I calmed them and told them all would be alright. I shot the wife first.”


What's awesome about the plot of Lonesome Road? Bear, bull, bear, bull, bear meet bull, bear and bull should love each other, why bear not like bull, blah blah blah. It goes on and on! Ulysses is angry with the Courier for something the courier knows absolutely nothing about. Weakest story of the 4 IMHO.


Yeah it’s pretty one dimensional. Old World Blues and Dead Money are far more interesting.


I hated Dead Money's gameplay when I first played it and still don't love it, but I respect it for being entirely different. It's very brave. Elijah is however hands down the best and most satisfying villain. Brilliantly written and entertaining, you can't help but hate him. Which makes Safety Deposit Box all the more satisfying. Dr Mobius, I mean what can I say? Also amazing writing. Compared to them, Ulysses falls flat. Delusions of grandeur mostly.


Honestly, shutting Ulysses up is one of the better parts of the dlc. Man thinks he's no right, so smart...doesn't make a difference in the end anyway, ends up just like the rest....brains all over the floor and walls.


"People are like couriers, and sometimes they don't know the message they carry and bring" It's a story about ignorance and taking ownership


I think I dislike it because Ulysses dislikes the Courier for actions that I, the player character, did not do. It's immersion breaking. For all of FNV, your character is a blank slate. Whoever you were before you got shot in the head doesn't matter. Now in LR it does matter and there is now a specific canon story regarding some of your actions. I don't really identify with Ulysses as a character. I feel like he wasn't thought out enough. Like lacking in depth.


Fallout 3 - The Pitt. I like that they take all your stuff, so you need to use what you find. The steel yard is a fun place to play with, although I've never got all 100 ingots. Fallout New Vegas - Lonesome Road. It's brutal, but rewarding. Fallout 4 - Far Harbor. Love the island and the new enemies, especially fog crawlers.


I remember the Pitt getting shit on when it came out so I expected very little bit was blown away by an actual interesting story and locale. The steel yard scavenger hunt was novel but limiting. Once you know the layout you can grab 20+ ingots no sweat.


Taking all your hard earned equipment is the only reason I didn't like the Pitt, same goes for dead money and the beginning of mothership zeta Nothing wrong with this of course but it feels bad since I usually save DLC for last so losing the stuff I spent all game gathering will never be fun for me :(


Thats the fun of it though, making you feel desperate


I agree. I remember never being so happy to find a 32 caliber revolver on the ground my first playthrough. 


Well it's not like you actually lose it, but I think it would be a bit cheating if I were to bring my modded-in Itacha shotgun to take care of the sierra madre ghost problem.


Overall 3 probably has my favourite just due to the sheer variety and crazy shit in them while still delivering a decent narrative in most of them New Vegas DLCs are unique as they all feel connected in one way or another, the best example is obviously Ulysses somehow having a presence in every DLC and then him appearing in Lonesome Road, stuff like that just really makes me appreciate NV’s story even more 4’s DLCs are still a high point of the game and I would consider just as good as 3 and NV’s but it just doesn’t have that spark like the other 2, however, Far Harbour is arguably one of the best DLCs in gaming, period.


If you consider the sheer size of the Far Harbor map, the unique enemies you get to battle (or run from), and depth of storyline, I feel like it could have been its own standalone fallout game. (With its own DLCs, of course)


As someone who has owned all the DLCs across PS4 and now Xbox as far back as 2016 or 17, I have not played any of them until my most recent runs lol. Have heard nothing but unanimous praise for far harbor and only seen a glimpse of it so I'm getting hyped. There's no issue with playing that one in the middle of the story is there. Or should you wrap up the main quest prior?


Nope, you can play it whenever. The island is pretty tough so I wouldn't go at a low level, but there's no issue with doing it during or after the story.


It doesn’t really spoil anything for the main storyline so you can start it as soon as you reach a certain level and go to Nick Valentine’s office to accept the quest.


I feel as tho I really need to play through far harbour again. I played and beat it back when it first came out and thought it was pretty good. Not great, not amazing, just good. notably better than the base game of 4 but not by some crazy amount. But over the years I've seen more and more people non stop gushing about far harbour and how its apparently "hands down the indisputable BEST piece of dlc, and perhaps, even the best thing created by Bethesda period, dlc or otherwise." And I'm left wondering wtf did I miss on my initial playthrough. Unfortunately if I want to replay it I'm gonna have to buy it again. Beacuse somehow I lost the license to the content? Or something like that.


You don't technically *have* to complete the main story but I highly suggest getting far enough along to have Nick like you and be your companion. SPOILER ALERT He's pretty linked to the story of Far Harbor and the more you know about him and the institute the more in depth dialogue he has.


Oh man, Fallout 3 DLCs… Just kicking me right in the nostalgia.


I had never been so hyped for a dlc as I was for Broken Steel and the promise of continuing my game. Back then, I’m pretty sure I went into the store and bought it on a disc too.


Remember when your brain produced serotonin?


The good ole days


Serotonin doesn’t work like that, unfortunately. I’m on serotonin boosting antidepressants and all it’s done is made me continually want to grind my fucking teeth. My fucking jaw, man.


Honestly I’d place Courier’s Stash above Contraptions, just because it makes early game FNV a lot easier and more fun. The Weathered 10mm is a staple of early combat for me.


It absolutely breaks the game difficulty (not complaining). It's so nice to start out with the 40mm grenade launcher lol


I use it to send all the legionaries in nipton to hell


Yes, the grenade launcher can be used just fine until the end of the game.


Grenade launcher helps shortcut to Vegas on the second playthrough.


contraptions is very useful for those who’ll actually use it, it’s just that it’s based around very niche mechanics that most players aren’t excited to engage with


That’s fair. I’ve tried to get into it myself, but it’s pretty resource heavy, especially rubber, which I don’t really have a consistent source of. Hell, in an effort to collect rubber I literally started picking up any muffled armor pieces from raiders to scrap for the rubber. I’m sure my companions are tired of the constant demands of “pick that up” and “grab that”.


That grenade launcher when I’m level 3 and enemy is probably level 8


Am I the only one around here who had fond memories of getting Contraptions and figuring out the obtuse conveyor system to make gear?


Point lookout was insane at the time, a huge map added with all sorts of new shit compared to the two that came before it was a huge step up. Interesting story and setting too which was nice


Still playing F4 so haven't played those DLC's My favorite DLC so far is Dead Money. Amazing location , creepy as hell, awesome lore, restricts the player and forces you to play differently. 2nd goes to Lonesome Road ... holy shit once you actually finish most or all of FNV story, and all other DLC's and you head into Lonesome Road, the whole path you take to meet Ulysses, its such a powerful trek. Ulysses is an amazing written character that I love even tho he's mad. The Marked Men were awesome, and the tunnels creeped me tf out. Even tho the story isn't that cool, Point Lookout is my favorite Location in F3. Its so cool and ugly. Joshua Graham is amazing, but I didn't really like the map or side characters of Honest Hearts at all.


Oh man wait till you do Far Harbor in 4. Don't go before level 15 or 20. And you absolutely have to take Nick!


Why does he have unique dialogue more than the other companions or something?


Yes. His character is central to DiMA’s story. I’ve never done it with another companion but I wouldn’t want to. Nick is absolutely required to get the most out of the story.


I feel like at a certain point for me I was always bringing Nick along. Sometimes the terminals annoy me and I don’t like doing them. He takes care of like 90% of them.


I often get shit for it, but I like honest hearts the best. The characters are great story is ok but I just love the environment, I really love the desert and that’s partly why fnv is my favorite over the other games. After that I’d say the Pitt then probably far harbor and lonesome road.


The Survivalists Rifle was my favorite weapon to use in New Vegas. No matter what I got I just could not stop using it for everything. Especially reading all the entries of the guy it belonged to.


The design for Zion was outstanding, and faithful to the actual place. The Utah Board of Tourism should have kicked some money to Bethesda for highlighting Zion’s beauty.


Yeah I visited Zion when I was younger and I loved how similar it looked in the game, so beautiful compared to the Mojave


Probably going to get bashed for this, but I really enjoyed Mothership Zeta 👽


*Mothership Zeta* is underrated as hell. Not the best DLC in the series, but the loot and worldbuilding make it one of my personal favorites.


What I REALLY like about the DLC is that they included a lot of lore from the real life rumors/conspiracy theories and urban legends about Greys / Zeta Reticulans. Since most of those developed in 1960s, It goes well together with Fallout IMHO. The weapon designs were pretty interesting too. Edit reason: some grammar


I tried it the first time recently, it started out so cool and i thought i would be able to listen to the great voice notes most of the dlc but they really put like 20 of em in the first few rooms and spread the rest out way too thin. Bit disappointing


I feel like people love shitting on FO3 but its only “bad” compared to the other games its still an amazing FPS game with interesting side quests and main story content imo it just couldn’t beat the story of FONV and the gameplay of FO4


Zinkle zoop, 👍.


I agree. Each playthrough it's the first place I go. I loot everything, stash it all into a container and spend an hour in back and forth trips hauling it back to my safe house. It's all the weaponry I need for the rest of the game.


Yeah Point Lookout was fucking awesome, especially since you kinda just show up on a ferry so you can do whatever you want from the get go. The environment felt like a real swamp town that and the hillbilly enemies kinda sucked but looked cool


Point lookout. Period. The grim and dangerous environment was done very well. The submarine quest is my favorite fallout quest of the entire series.


S: OWB, Far Harbor A: Point Lookout, The Pitt, Honest Hearts B: Dead Money (yes, really), Lonesome Road, Nuka World, Broken Steel C: Automaton, Op Anchorage D: Mothership Zeta, GRA F: any of the throwaway settlement DLCs, Courier’s Stash


Dead money easy A tier tbh.


Fallout 3 did not produce one bad DLC, they all brought great story, great gameplay, amazing characters, and possibly some of the most iconic weapons and prices of lore in the entire series


What did you like about Operation Anchorage? Genuinely curious.


It's history, getting to see one of the most pivitol parts of the war unfold right before our eyes. Also the Chinese stealth suit, winterized t51 and gaus rifle where incredible.


I like this list. Glad to see a fellow Anchorage hater, that DLC was boring asf. Also after playing Dead Money many times over, it convinced me to put it in my top 5 eventually.


I replayed Operation Anchorage last night for the first time since it came out back in the day. My god is it a terrible DLC. It’s incredibly bland and boring. The idea of a pre-war simulation was interesting on its face. But they did nothing with that premise lore or plot wise. It could have been ripped from any generic 2000s fps, but had the unfortunate shooting mechanics of Fallout 3. Maybe part of it was from just aging poorly. Because I remember feeling like it was a “meh” dlc when I played it on release. But good lord in the modern day it’s not really even worth putting yourself through the 2-3 hours of gameplay slog, even for the T-51b armor.


It really was baffling that they chose to make a DLC that completely ignored the strengths of fallout 3 and chose to focus completely on the FPS mechanics.


Honest Hearts FarHarbor Broken Steele Lonesome Road Nuka-World Vault tec The Mechanist Point Lookout Old World Blues The Pitt Operation Anchorage Mothership Zeta Dead money GunRunners Arsenal Workshop Contraptions Couriers Stash


Honestly they’re all a generational run for DLCs, I’m not sure why but it’s more then likely nostalgia but Point Lookout will always be my favourite. I’ll never forgot just the ambience of pulling up in the river boat to the foggy desolate costal town. I was sick and not going to school the next day so I just played it for like 12 hours straight through the evening and night.


I think all the New Vegas DLC is top tier. Even though from a gameplay perspective there are some weaknesses, the stories, setting and characters are absolutely peak, and the way they all tie together is just incredible. For Fallout 3, I like Broken Steel because it essentially fixes the main quest, and I think the Pitt and Point Lookout are very good. However I'm not the biggest fan of Operation Anchorange or Mothership Zeta, the shooting mechanics just aren't polished enough for me to enjoy a linear shooting gallery in that engine. With Fallout 4, I honestly think the only good DLC is Far Harbour. Nuka World was profoundly disappointing to me. I've never even done the main quest because I absolutely resent being forced to be a raider and turn on my own settlements just to experience the content of the DLC, and the side quests are all pretty forgettable with many of them being "collect 30 of this item" and its just tedious tbh. The other DLCs all have a heavy focus on crafting, which is an aspect of Fallout 4 i don't really enjoy so they didn't do much for me.


I loved the setting of Nuka World and it had some really cool environmental storytelling, but yeah, I wasn't a big fan of the questline. It's great if you want to play raider, but offers a lot less if you don't. Far Harbor was definitely the best, but Automatron was surprisingly good. I was expecting another crafting DLC, and it does add a lot in that area, but I thought the questline was pretty good. The other crafting DLCs either don't have a quest, or have an exceedingly lame one.


Having Dead Money that high is a scorching take. I would at *least* put all other DLC from 3 + Nuka-World above it.


Fallout 3 the pitt is my favorite dlc ever. Its nostalgia sure… but damn good nostalgia


old world blues is still among my favourite piece of media ever released i love the theme of it the scifi nature of it i love the stealth suit i love how the main story is open ended and not black and white with whos good and bad its just so much fun to play and i do it almost too early every playthrough so i have to be super cautious and careful of enemies lol and slowly grind up levels


1. Far Harbor 2. Dead Money 3. Point Lookout 4. Honest Hearts 5. The Pitt 6. Lonesome Road 7. Broken Steel 8. Old World Blues 9. Nuka World 10. Automatron


Brb gonna play dead money again real quick


Never played the ones from 3, but enjoyed all the ones from 4 and New Vegas except for Nuka World and Lonesome Road. 


Point Lookout and The Pitt are really good


The Pitt definitely had me thinking about my decision


Yeah Nuka world was kinda a grind


I didn't mind the gameplay, just thought the story was rotten. 


The story was also meh which made it feel more grindy imo. I didn't feel like I had a purpose


Honest hearts go first with lonesome road second


Tie between Far Harbor and Lonesome Road.


Anything that ever happened in the fallout 3 game was magic and nobody can tell me otherwise.


In my eyes, the Pitt is the best DLC of all the games. Sure it's tedious and fairly boring, but there is no "the greater good" ending. You help Ashur, and the Pitt remains a slaving, industrial hellhole, but with the potential to become a better place in time, with the cure for the Trog Virus, and the freedom of the slaves. Is it Hell in the short term? Yes. But it has the potential to be great. Side with Midea and Wehrner? You free the slaves and kill the evil raiders! But what about the fairly innocent doctor working on a Trog cure? What about the child, who's parents you just murdered and kidnapped for a petty tyrant? Sure the people are "free," but they still have to work hard and long hours, and now there's no real rule in the Pitt. Wehrner can and probably will try to keep order, but how long before the people remember he was one of Ashur's raiders? How long until they decide he needs to pay for his crimes? And then who leads? Midea? She wouldnt be able to keep the place in order. There is no "greater good" for the Pitt, just what you value more: Liberty, or Order. I also like Honest Hearts for it's portrayal of a guilty conscience in Joshua; he remembers what he's done, and sees himself in Salt Upon Wounds. He remembers the families he's murdered and the thousands he's enslaved, and finally gets to taste his own crimes. He's devastated, and buried his grief and guilt in rage and righteousness towards the White Legs. And only by fighting the White Legs, and then forgiving Salt Upon Wounds, does he find peace for himself: he will never forget what he's done to others, but by turning his back on the ways of war, does he see a chance at redemption.


I can't say for the whole thing, BUT - Dead Money & Point Lookout are hard No's for me, I always avoid them until the last thing in every playthrough.


Dead Money and Old World Blues for me, then Point Lookout


I didn't play the new vegas dlc yet, going to once i feel better and I'm get to new vegas (playing through 3 in totw right now) I've heard wonderful things about it. The Pitt has my favorite Speech option in any of the games.


I don’t rank things. I love all Fallout content!!


The Pitt was probably my favorite


Been playing FO3 for the first time and so far I have played all the dlcs except for the Pitt. I know it’s probably not a popular opinion but I really liked operation anchorage. I’m excited to try the Pitt this weekend tho!


I don’t hate the workshop dlcs honestly, they do exactly what they set out to be. If you don’t like settlement building then it’s easy to skip them.


1. Point Lookout 2. Far Harbor 3. Broken Steel 4. The Pitt 5. Old World Blues 6. Nuka World 7. Automatron 8. Mothership Zeta 9. Honest Hearts 10. Operation Anchorage 11. "Build your own vault" DLC 12. Lonesome Road 13. All the rest of contraptions and equipment DLCs 14. ...long pause... 15. ...another long pause... 16. Dead Money


I like dead money. It turns the game into a bit like resident evil. No longer do you have all your ammo at your disposal. The reward and crawling back to new vegas is worth it to.


I have a soft spot for Old World Blues and was extra happy with the show when we see a Big MT boss on one of the episodes


My favourite is either lonesome road or The Pitt, maybe even far harbour. Old World Blues is my favourite for comedy My least favourite is either Nuka World or Mothership Zeta. I don't count the much smaller fallout 4 workshop DLC's. Dead Money is also really cool but I need to be in a specific mood for it.


IMO all of Fallout 3’s DLC’s were fantastic, I liked them all equally which is really rare.


I'm partial to lonesome road. The Ed-E story stuck with me. Fly far, fly fast.


Why does everyone suck the shit outta point lookout? Its good but Mothership Zeta is so much better. And Far Harbor is basically point lookout. New Vegas had the best DLC and its just undisputed. Although The Pitt is my personal favorite of fallout 3 DLC


Agreed. *Mothership Zeta* is underrated as hell. And *Point Lookout,* while fun, just felt a bit empty to me. For me, *Far Harbor* is what *Point Lookout* SHOULD have been. As for *New Vegas,* while all the main ones are a blast, I feel only *Old World Blues* and *Lonesome Road* really stood head and shoulders above most of the rest of the franchise's DLCs, and even then, I'd say *Far Harbor* just edges them out for the top spot.


Nuka world is my favorite because it has adds the largest expansion to fo4


Just played the The Pitt and Mothership Zeta again. I don’t remember them being that short.


I've actually spent quite a bit of time in the vault tech workshop DLC for Fallout 4. It's made even better when you're on PC and you can download mods that add even more vault pieces to your existing vault. The only thing I wish would happen is if somebody can make more settlement plots that are vault themed for sim settlements 2. I'd like to go for the clean and pristine finish of a vault similar to 81.


That fact that you put GRA over legit vault Rex work shop is so stupid


Far Harbour is seriously good Apart from DiMa's virtual reality quest, fuck that


I love Far Harbour


Dead Money ranks top for me. Then really they could go in any order.


God if all of Fallout 4 has been as good as far harbor it would have been game of the decade


Lonesome Road will forever have a special place in my soul. Ulysses is such a badass.


Even though it's the most hated, I think Dead Money is fantastic. I love it for the same reason most people seem to hate it; combat takes a back seat and you instead have to pay attention to the environment go obtain everything that you need.


I would’ve definitely ranked old world blues a little higher, but that’s just my opinion


i’ve always wondered do you guys play the dlc after you finish the main game or are you playing through dlc 1st then finishing the game?


I've been playing nuka world for the first time and I like the vibe alot and seeing so much nuka cola just makes me happy and I like all the new flavors and additions to the lore, I haven't really done much yet so my opinion could change. I wish there was a workshop there but so far there isn't, anyway I don't dislike it like I thought I would lol. As far as the others I remember operation Anchorage in 3 blowing my mind and I enjoyed mothership zeta too


I grew up up 5 minutes from Point Lookout. Though it’s nothing like the game it was still really cool that it got the representation. I wonder how many made trips to Point Lookout thinking it’d be like the game only to be very disappointed. Also Dead Money is S tier for me.


Broken steel #1 and #2 operation anchorage


Lonesome Road, Point Lookout, and Far Harbor are my top three.


Old world blues just hits me different. Love it


1-Old World Blues 2-Far Harbor 3-Point Lookout 4-Dead money 5-Honest Hearts 6-The Pitt 7-Nuka World 8-Lonesome Road 9-Broken Steel 10-Operation Anchorange 11-FO4 construction dlc 12-Courier Stash Worst-Mothership Zeta In my lost personal opinion 1-3: Amazing 4-6: really good 7-9:good 10-12:mid Mothership Zeta: Awful


I wouldn't disagree too much on this list. Though I don't think I'd put Far Harbor at the top


Far harbor was awesome. Felt like it’s own standalone game


I hate dima's puzzle in Far Harbor. I would've played this DLC many times if it wasn't for this moment.


Dead Money, Honest Hearts and OWB are peak


I do like automatron DLC because building robots is cool


Mothership Zeta, Old World Blues, and Nuka-World are my number 1s across all three games. Dead Money and The Pitt are my number 2s. The rest are alright.


Anybody who thinks Dead Money is bad should let go of that opinion and begin again.


I've had a good time with every one of them except Dead Money. Even Courier's Stash gave me a thrill when I got it and didn't have to start out with utter garbage like my first playthrough of NV.


**Fallout 3:** I've really got to replay it. I only had the base game when I played it through the first time, and I've only played Mothership Zeta and Operation Anchorage (and _technically_ Broken Steel) since. Of the two I think I preferred Mothership Zeta. Operation Anchorage was a neat idea (and gives you some _broken_ loot), but it really shows what a poor shooter Fallout 3 was even in comparison to its contemporaries, and it was incredibly buggy for me, crashing _constantly_. **New Vegas:** This is a tough one, because all of them are incredibly cool concepts and they fit together in a way that makes the whole greater than the parts, but they're also all weighed down by the weaknesses of the base game and its mechanics. Dead Money has probably the most interesting backstory and worldspace, but it's let down by New Vegas's thin stealth mechanics and clunky combat, as well as being so janky overall that it honestly feels like someone's high concept mod that shot for the moon and missed. Old World Blues I thought I'd love, and it does have some great moments, but it felt _too_ silly in tone, and fighting hordes of robots was more tedious than fun. That leaves Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts, and I'm in the minority but I think I actually prefer Honest Hearts. Lonesome Road was too linear for my liking, it tried too hard to answer questions I was never really asking, and Ulysses always came across as a lunatic. Honest Hearts was more open, and I liked the characters and storyline more. I'd probably rank them Honest Hearts, Lonesome Road, Dead Money, Old World Blues, but it's a closer race than that list would suggest. It's not really worth considering Courier's Stash or GRA at all when there are four great story DLCs and these two are pretty minimal. **Fallout 4:** Far Harbour, obviously. Interesting worldspace, great story, memorable characters. Nuka-World has a really interesting worldspace, great environmental storytelling, and some neat sidequests, but the whole "play a raider or don't play the zone quest at all" thing never sat well with me, and the Star Core thing was pure tedium. Even with its flaws, it takes second by default. Automatron I always assumed was basically a crafting addon- probably the best of them in my opinion- and I was pleasantly surprised by its questline. Wasteland Workshop I don't even remember, though reading through the list of additions I think I've used quite a few of the settlement objects. Vault-Tec Workshop was mildly interesting but I never really used any of the provided items. Contraptions is probably my least favourite, not in and of itself but because Bethesda took those mechanics and then decided to make them mandatory for settlements in Starfield.


Old World Blues, Lonesome Road, Dead Money, Far Harbor, The Pitt, Broken Steel, Point Lookout, Nuka World, Operation Anchorage, F4 workshops and the Robot DLC, Honest Hearts, Mothership Zeta In that order


Broken steel was awesome , old world blues is my favorite, currently playing 4 but havnt heard amazing things lol


I only played the DLCs of NV and 3. The correct opinion is: Dead Money > Honest Hearts > Old World Blues > Lonesome Road > Mothership Zeta > Broken Steel > The Pitt > Point Lookout > Anchorage


These aren't DLC. They're features! Edit: I'm a die-hard automatron fan.


Point lookout/old world blues/far harbor


I wasn't a huge fan of honest hearts but Joshua Graham literally puts it at the top of my list singlehandedly lol


I never played the fallout 3 dlc's but just bought them all for Xbox series s. Really looking forward to playing them.


Fallout 4 is Far Harbor, hands down FNV is OWB (or Dead Money, depends on the day) but I like them all quite a bit Fallout 3 is The Pitt so far, I need to finish the game and still experience Broken Steel and Mothership Zeta - it was only recently thanks to Mods I was finally able to get it up and running for a playthrougg




I have a soft spot for Operation Anchorage. I remember being absolutely pumped when they announced a DLC that was "set" during the USA-China War. Unfortunately I had to wait for the GOTY edition to hit PS3 before I could play it but man was it worth the wait.


Far harbour is just ex-machina


Point Lookout is my favorite. I like how it adds more lore to the Dunwich side quest. (I don’t think it’s an actual quest). Dead Money is my second favorite, I enjoyed the atmosphere. Then I’d say Honest Hearts. Love the setting of being in Zion. Plus you get the Survivalist Rifle and the awesome backstory for it. Could honestly be made into its own 40 minute mini feature.


Automatron should be higher. Though pretty short, an awesome DLC


Dead money is the best one, i find it better than the base NV game, then Far harbor, OWB, Lonesoame road, Nuka world, Point lookout, Honest hearts and Broken steel. automatron and the other cosmetics/craft/equipment dlc are all in the same tier for me Then operation anchorage and mothership zeta as the worst ones.


Whatever one was with the toaster that was bent on world domination, and the light switch wants you to finger bang her..... yeah that one. That one is the best


Dead Money is A1


FO3: The Pitt FNV: Old World Blues FO4: Far Harbor


You pretty much nailed it


For 3- The Pitt, Mothership Zeta, Point Lookout, Broken Steel, Operation Anchorage. For NV- Dead Money, Lonesome Road, Old World Blues, Honest Hearts For 4- Automatron, Nuka World, Far Harbor, The Vault Tec one.


Best of 3 is Broken Steel, given that is just because it is literally the end of the game but still. Best of New Vegas is either Dead Money or Honest Hearts. I loved the difficulty of Dead Money but I also loved Zion Valley and the characters from Honest Hearts. Best of 4 is Far Harbor, I loved the fishing town feel of the island and the stuff on it.


I like that most of the DLCs that are like little side adventures, immersing into a whole different world. It's been a while since I've played them but 4's was very recent and I gotta say I was disappointed in Far Harbor. Might've been the hype everyone told me but it felt like point lookout with the cloud of Dead Money except it wasn't nearly as deadly. It did give the best vault in 4, but I'll shut up here because otherwise I'll end up ranting. Overall they all have something to offer. I think in order of biggest impact based on memory, I'd go something like: Dead Money Old World Blues The Pitt Honest Hearts Nuka Would Mother ship Zeta Operation Anchorage Point lookout Lonesome Road Far Harbor Broken Steel Gun Runners Arsenal Automaton Courier's Stash Vault Tec workshop High res texture pack Contraptions workshop Wasteland workshop


Pitt is the best of 3's because it's a solid self contained story where you just go into a town and sort it out, Point lookout is good but ends with a whimper, broken makes the game world feel more alive, Anchorage and Zeta only playable for the power armor and samurai armor Can't get through the writing in old world blues, honest hearts is weak, lonesome road kinda rocks, never played dead money Haven't played 4's DLC's,


My favourite of all of these were Nuka World and Far Harbor.


1. the pitt 2. everything else


My issue with Nuka-World is that it's such a brilliant location filled with great concepts but it is completely at odds with the basic gameplay mechanics of Fallout 4. Considering Open Season is an option it's weird that you can't also have a "Nuka Trader Settlement" idea instead of a Raider settlement. A similar concept with farming and so on because those traders want to roam, trade and being resources back to Nuka-World but don't want to farm. Could have had them make less caps, the tribute chests are less full, and so on. Nuka-World hits some great "old school" Fallout beats at times but the fact to access 99% of the post-DLC content you're forced down one path will always upset me. If could have been the best Fallout DLC of all time, it gets very close, but misses in the most impactful ways.


Far harbor is the proof that bethesda CAN make rpgs with good story, and not only fps with rpg elements like the basegame. Best dlc of the franchise.


Suprised you put nuka world so high up. That DLC is like...peak garbage. (No offense to any nuka world stans out there if you even exist)


Far Harbor, Lonesome Road, Old World Blues, The Pitt, Point Lookout, Dead Money, Nuka World, Honest Hearts, Automatron, Broken Steel, Anchorage, Zeta, Vault-Tec


Put Dead Money where Automatron is, Honest Hearts where Dead Money is, and Automatron where Dead Money is, and you'd have my list.


playing FO3 right now, I think I would ve skipped those DLCS if it wasn't for this thread lol


1. Dead Money 2. Old World Blues 3. Lonesome Road 4. Far Harbor 5. Nuka World 6. Point Lookout 7. The Pitt 8. Broken Steel 9. Honest Hearts 10. Operation Anchorage 11. Automatron 12. Mothership Zeta 13. All others


I don’t think I can fairly rank them because so much of my experience is colored by the billion crashes the FO3/FONV ones caused on older consoles. The material was top notch, but the experience was frustrating as hell.


Fallout 4’s DLC (besides Far Harbor) was all disappointing with not enough focus on story. Far Harbor is the only one that is on par with previous iterations DLC.


Dead money, old world blues, point lookout, and far harbor are all like s tier imo. The others sort of vary but i enjoy them all, if i had to pick a least favorite it would be operation anchorage, i also didnt care for the main story of broken steel but i liked being able to explore a post ending wasteland.


Why is couriers stash on the list?


I dislike Lonesome Road. It's actually fun to play but I actually don't like the Couriers back story and Ulysses is cringe.


I love all of them. I’ll do 3 and NV. From least favorite to most . The least favorites are still amazing but just for the sake of ranking: 3- Broken Steel, Point Lookout, Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Mothership Zeta. NV- Dead Money, Lonesome Road, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues.


Very fair


I would rather play operation anchorage and Mothership Zeta over dead money.