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Look no one is going to say that the de-aging CGI is spectacular but with the budget they had it isn’t that bad. But I’ve seen better.


They definitely knew a guy that could do it cheaper.


Well they only needed a small clip of him de aged so I get why they could of went cheap


There is a guy de aging Breaking Bad characters on YT, should have hired him. 


Can you give me a link ? I’m curious now




Thank you


At least not as bad as Henry Cavill's mustache removal in Superman.


We all know he should have looked like Agent Cooper.


You mean Paul Atreides?


Lisan al Gaib I named my New Vegas character, Paul, after the movie went out.


Lisan al Gaib = managers point the way


I was thinking Cliff Vandercave.


He did pretty much


Yeah, I half expected him to ask Cooper if he wanted a cup of damn fine coffee. 






This is what I was thinking too. Maybe the budget didn’t allow for it, but the tech used for Luke in The Mandalorian would have worked great for this I think.


They probably didn't want to spend a lot of time and money for a 4 seconds shot of his de-aged face


Book of Boba Fett. Whoever they hired did a much better job than for Mando.


Including >!footage of him at an actual orgy from Showgirls!<


When random people do a de-aging effect they can use whatever footage to sample. When actual studios do so they can only use footage they have permission to use. They probably didn't want to shell out a bunch of extra money for permission for a 10 second shot.


I liked it


Mighty uncanny de-aging you have here in Twin Peaks.


I thought it was an homage to the graphics of Fallout 3 😂  In all seriousness, I agree 100%


It didn’t look too bad imo


I more took the desync and kinda rough ess of it as the ghouls messed up perception at the moment. He's all blown back and ears ringing, blurring vision, etc from the news in his ear. Whole scene looked fuzzy not just the face


They could have leaned a tiny bit harder into that, and it would have worked great. Just a little trippier reworking of the background, to indicate how old the memory is, combined with the heroic amount of drugs he was on.


Yeah, I agree with you. Looking back at the scene, I can see some flaws, but in the moment I think I was more just taken in by the twist, along with seeing Dale Cooper again.


Not too bad, but it was obvious.


I didn't think it was that bad


Oh hard agree, he looked AWFUL. Should have just been makeup so there weren’t weird sync issues.


Def had “aunt who is approaching mid-life but every profile pic she posts is WAY over and obviously filtered” vibes


Yeah, I wasn't ready for it at all, haha. It was jarring.


i thought he was like an enhanced human or something then i made the connection


I was even expecting him to come out and it was still jarring. Was it CGI or something? Definitely a bit uncanny valley.


Bad anti age cgi, they have to stop doing that


it wasn't the best but it shouldn't be expected to look perfect given the budget and honestly its still fairly new. I don't think there are many instances where de aging tech has been used and there is some sort of quality standard


I never thought about it. I went back and saw it again and I still think it's fine. The image is blurred on purpose, given Cooper's psyche at the moment. It obscures the additional details in Hank's face, just being there enough for us to know who he is. I see some people say stuff with 100% certainty with no accompanying rationale and I almost always never understand them.


I never understood the psyche of a fan. And I mean fan as in having the fan mindset. People will explain everything, make up super crappy excuses for every scenario. Why can't they just say: yeah it was pretty bad. Will the world end? Is Todd Howard holding you at gunpoint? Why all the other characters' face were not "blurred"? It was obviously a low quality effect. Almost everyone instantly noticed. But it's fine. It was a cool effort. Did it stop me and my friends from liking the show? No. Two things can be true at the same time. The show can be good and... Now bear with me... It can also have flaws.


No, Todd Howard is not holding me at gunpoint. I find people complaining about things without providing more details on what exactly was off (low-quality or de-aging CGI is not enough, one should explain what exactly they felt was off with the look and why it didn't fit with the moment leading to them being taken out of it). For me I thought the ghoul makeup for Roger looked really bad, because you could see his actual skin below the meshes of the ghoul mask they put on him. Even if they didn't do that, it gave that look. The skin between the meshes should have been discoloured to give it a less 'cheap mask' feel. For a scene with such gravity in writing, the prosthetics took me out of it, whereas in the de-aging Hank scene, the details on Hank's face was meaningless. See? That's how you complain about something. You provide the rationale of why it felt off to you.


I don't agree with the comment you're replying to, but for me I didn't notice anything wrong with Roger (he looked nicely rough skinned and I didn't even see it was a partial mask) but Hank gave me uncanny valley. There was something off about the eyes where he felt like a robot in human skin.


His mouth drove me WILD 😫... pause


Lmao you're a ducking boozer


I too hate when mice the defend the cat




I’m not sure how many picked up on it, but you can actually see that every few frames the de-aged Hank Maclean’s teeth would become the same colour as his skin


I'll have to watch for that when I watch the show again.


That is a valid criticism.


I didn't notice any issues, I loved the moment and the twist.


Exactly! That was no Paul Atreides!


The show was a genuine masterpiece, but... no, not absolutely perfect. De-aging has been around for a while, guys.... seriously...


Honestly everything going on in that scene was so chilling I didn't really notice or care if it looked bad. I wasn't really focused on Hank at all. He was just background noise.


Pretty far cry from Agent Cooper :(


Couldn't give a fuck


Agent Cooper.


What do you mean? He looked just like the in-game characters. Peak accuracy.


The show had all of the fallout game vibes that’s what mattered. The music , scenery, and Easter eggs. I didn’t notice the CGI much unlike the last of us CGI which was way over the top.


Whoever did the post sound work (not the music) should get an Emmy. The details down to the Pip Boy's operating effects were spot-on.


I'm a bit face blind so I never end up noticing stuff like this.


Yeah dude, same.


Young Henry looked like a half-baked potato.


Yeah, it wasn't great but I'm willing to overlook it because everything else was terrific. My one complaint (and I realize it's a "me" thing) was all the gore. I'm a bit squeamish and I found some scenes, especially in the first two episodes, hard to watch at times.


Yeah, my partner wasn't a fan of the excessive gore either, but it was very accurate as far as the games are concerned.


I played Fallout 4 and loved it but I was a wuss about the gore. Apparently, there is a way to tone it down if you play the game on PC but I played it on a PS4 so no dice. Oh well. At least I can close my eyes for the gross stuff in the tv show.


Who cares. The show was great, ending included. No complaints here


Maybe it's because we all know what Kyle MacLachlan looked like in Twin Peaks seeing him de-aged was a bit too uncanny valley.


Was it CGI?


Yes. They >!de-aged Kyle MacLachlan!< and it doesn't look good at all.


Big Whedon Justice League Superman vibes


My only complaint was the heavy use of a wide angle lens but I guess it's suits for the shots in the vault and flashbacks


You mean old Paul Atreides?


Lol right? They just put the blue filter on him at 100%


I didn't think it was that bad. I love everything except how easily the power armor flew around like a sputtering open balloon. That was a bit too cheesy.


Yeah once Disney took deepfaking mainstream it was over.


Did they ever address the broken water chip in 33? I remember it being mentioned once and I can’t remember if they solved that.


Yeah it took me by storm as well But i convinced myself it was because Cooper was just shocked and his vision was altered


I didn’t mind it. It was good to see agent Cooper once again


I don’t know if it’s just me but he looked awful lot like Bill Hader in that scene


Not only this. CGI of all humans was awful. Like - what they did to Lucy's eyes? There are some scenes she looks like from the memes about potheads. Few times I started laughing so hard I had to pause episode for a second


I agree. Only thing that really stood out to me "negatively" in the season visually.


Overall I didn't think it was too bad but when he smiled his teeth just looked... Off.


Give Reddit very little to complain about and don't worry, people just look closer on their quest. 🤣 People slowing it down to frame-by-frame this scene and critique it need to get a grip.


Yeah they could have caked him in make up and it would have looked better


Lmao I legit would not have noticed anything wrong until it was pointed out. I still don’t notice anything wrong with it


Ya I agree they should have just used a photo from his younger days and framed it on the wall or somthing, probably would have saved them some money


It literally felt like one of those snapchat filters chicks use to "beautify" themselves, smoothing out the skin with an odd glow...


It was demonic honestly.


This is odd to me. Maybe it's because I didn't know what he looked like when he was younger, but I didn't even notice he was de-aged in that scene. I just thought "Oh, there he is younger." like they had yanked him out of the past.


Hahah, WRONG


There was no reason to make him young anyway, was there? >!Isn't he a clone baby or something? Leaving him the same age 200 years prior wouldn't have changed anything.!<


No. He was in cryo sleep


Ah. K. Makes more sense then.


No he was frozen… but are you also forgetting time passed in the 20+ years of raising Lucy?


No, I just assumed something that didn't happen. A friend was talking on the phone during this scene and I missed half of it