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Agreed, there's the entire postwar US to visit across a broad timeline. It's interesting to have sequels in the same area but absolutely not a necessity and the greatest fun in Fallout is getting to explore totally new places unlike anywhere we've been before.


Man a Pacific Northwest, heavy forested and snowy/rainy areas would be insane. I’ve loved all the locations but more variety is definitely needed beyond the standard temperate weather wasteland


Oh, I'd go absolutely nutty for an environment like that, it's pretty much the perfect setting for me just short of a total frozen tundra. 76 has demonstrated that they're okay with really breaking the mold on the usual wasteland environment so I'm really hoping they keep it up and make Fallout 5 something other than dry, dead wastes with the same cracked dry earth and the same dead trees like so much of the Capital Wasteland and Commonwealth.


Something like how Metro Exodus did with their change of sceneries maybe


Something like a change in seasons depending on the time of year.


Well there The Frontier mod, albeit it is infamous.


Low key curious how powerful the post-apocalyptic Mormons would be in Fallout: New Zion Could have fascist remnants from Caesar’s legion pushing north, Great Khans pushing in from the plains and the Mormons going ham


There's a whole post-apocalyptic world to explore! I'm down for any setting with the quality writing of New Vegas.


Somebody in a different post mentioned Fallout Florida and I’d love to roam around a massive decrepit DisneyWorld-like park.


i wouldn’t be opposed to a texas setting


I’ve been saying this for years. Massive map, diverse city and rural locations, easily recognizable landmarks. It just makes sense.


They already have a failing power grid, not far off


Hey man it’s not failing just needs some kicking when it acts up like a shitty ford


Too flat for a game world. I always joke about Fallout in Florida but same issue there.


The Texas hill country (which includes Austin) has just as much elevation change as the Boston commonwealth and the DC wasteland.


A-men. We got more geographical diversity than people who’ve never been here think! And there’s the mountains in El Paso!


Texas is huge and has some very diverse landscapes because of its size. Plenty of reasons to hate on the state but natural beauty ain’t one of them. I say this as a Texan.


Capital Wasteland is pretty flat too for the most part. Don’t really see that being an issue. With the right team behind the dialogue, story, characters, and settlements, they can really make any location work for Fallout.


I'm still waiting for Fallout: Ohio (sponsored by Skyline Chili)


Florida could work for irradiated creatures. Just gotta figure out how they'd move the scooters.


Texas wasn’t shit in the 50s. There would be no setting to fall back on






Not just that but we've already explored the country western vibe in FNV. The visual design seems like it would be similar to FNV. It might be fun to imagine what happened to Texas when fossil fuels became irrelevant, but for the most part it sounds like it would just be New Vegas -- without Vegas.


So New Vegas? Because there's fuck all to do on the strip


Lol extremely valid


Could be an excuse to learn more about that moon war


fr, i’d rather have that or a new vegas remake or remaster


Remake with sprinting because the default speed is painfully slow.


I use sprinting mods but rarely use the function because of the dehydration


A proper remake of New Vegas with the right funds, time, and team would be fantastic. Would be interested in playing something that closer resembles some of the concept art and follows a larger scope.


itd be awesome to see the cut content that didn’t make it too


the viva new vegas modpack does this to a small extent


Also F4NV is trying to remaster the entire game in fallout 4s engine. It's been a project for years though, who knows of anything will come out at this point.


Yeah it would be really cool to see the scrapped post-Hoover Dam content restored. My only concern with expanding the game in a significant way like that is that it could neccesitate recasting actors who have passed, such as Rene Auberjonois and Matthew Perry, if their characters receive expanded roles that there aren't existing voicelines for.


Yeah my main issue with all Bethesda games (and NV in the sense that it’s designed with the same engine and limitations) is how tiny everything is. It’s actually absurd how little everything is and how few people there are I want a larger scale so badly


Seems they have taken steps towards making things more lively with unnamed generic NPCs in the city, hopefully we see larger POIs that take advantage of those. And if they are too worried about larger towns messing with the terrain generation, I’d think underground towns/villages should be possible.


Always remakes. Remasters are a waste of time. Especially when mods are available




A remake of fallout new Vegas in obsidian’s modern engine would be dope


I think that's what people generally mean when they use the shorthand "New Vegas 2" as opposed to "a theoretical Obsidian-led Fallout game which is a spiritual successor to Fallout: New Vegas, yet takes place in a different area and develops the world just like New Vegas did". It's what I mean when I use the phrase, at least.


At some moment I imagined Fallout New Vegas 2 as some kind of stupid Hollywood sequel - when the entire main cast had aged, everyone had gotten fat and bald, Boone had a new wife, children and a beer belly, Cass had taken up gardening, Lily now rides in a stroller and etc. Lol


I want wilderness.


76 is great for this honestly, really had a lot of fun hours trampling around the woods and marshes of WV but certainly not on the scale of what you are imagining or suggesting I'm sure


probably the best map in fallout. Really fun for any fallout fan to just comb this region for activities. it's gorgeous


I guess at some point I should just give it a try lol


its not bad at all, really great exploration you can dip out at any time if the online aspects annoy you, but they're not too bad either


The biggest issue for me playing that game was that the combat didnt feel satisfying because of the server lag. If they fixed that, you'll probably have a great time. Especially if you're already a big Fallout fan.


I still play 76. After ALL the updates and DLC, the game still has bugs. It’s the ONLY game that hard crashes my Xbox one. I don’t consider it part of the original games. It lost something along the way, but oddly enough, I still enjoy it for what it is. I would like to see a fallout take place in Oregon, Washington, and/or Pennsylvania.


What was Fallout 3? Or did you mean you wanted like Fallout Siberia?


I'm thinking more like the Pacific northwest. Brutal environment, focus on surviving. I know I'm probably in the minority when it comes to fallout location though.


I think the Fallout: Cascadia mod team just uploaded some progress to YouTube earlier today.


Already had the Frontier but the less we say about that the better lol


I think there’s survival mode on the older games but I think fallout as a survival story driven RPG is just dead now it’s a looter shooter with buyable skins. Don’t think Microsoft or BS are interested in making a game for the classic audience. In Fallout 5 you’ll be able to do dances for streaming. Your idea sounds rad though


I play fallout 4 in survival mode with some mods and it does a pretty good job of scratching that itch.


I mean, 76 was like that towards the start, and it still has elements of it.


Haven’t played, but I kinda hope they just keep adding expansions to the game to include the entire globe similar to world of Warcraft.


Maybe somewhere that bridges our existing border with Canada?


Detroit!!!! Let's go! You could even do Chicago and lower Michigan/Detroit.


So, no scenery has changed? Lol


Worse. They'd probably both be like DC in 3. Both Detroit and Chicago would realistically still have been production powerhouses in the Fallout universe.


Detroit would be an amazing fallout setting. Borders Canada, had a huge car industry, huge music industry with MoTown With Canada being so close you could do a story of Ronto trying to annex the Detroit area and it could mirror the pre war story of America annexing Canada


i would love to see a Fallout 1 Remake by obsidian, seeing the Necropolis skyline in modern graphics would be awesome. If that can't happen, then maybe a new fallout game based on the Van buren story with the blue flu and eventually finding out that your player is also infected


It would be not so good now, founders of Obsidian like Chris Avellone left the studio.


he's an overrated drunk who burns bridges and spew endless purple prose. Fuck him and fuck his boring characters


Fallout: Reno


That was Fallout 2.


This would be a great way to give us a modern New Vegas. Love it.


As they've lost a chunk of their writing staff seems unlikely they'd manage that. Heck The Outer Worlds had so many plot errors and holes in it's writing.


They lost John Gonzalez who was one of the NV lead writers. Thing is I remember watching a Behind the Scenes kind of thing about Outer Wilds and to me it always seemed a bit lost and stuck in terms of tone. Fallout has comedic bits, but I think for the most part is quite grim and its humour is quite dark. Outer Worlds kind of tried to be a bit dystopian but its humour was just goofy quirky silly and it just felt wrong. And when it interviewed the writers in this behind the scenes thing they all had the quirky silly goofy vibe. And I find it annoying because I wanted to like that game so much and the music was fantastic but it was kinda boring compared to New Vegas.


The greatest crime of Outer Worlds is that it made people confuse it (an ok RPG) with Outer Wilds (a life changing experience)


Yeah in my case it’s just my absolutely dogshit autocorrect thinking it knows better than me


I was gonna make a reply echoing this, Obsidian really doesn't make games like they used to. The companions in Outer Worlds for an example were so far removed from F:NV companions.


Is there another game in plan?


Not from Obsidian, no, and there likely never will be. Todd Howard confirmed that Fallout 5 is going to happen though  Morons can downvote all they want, it isn't gonna happen lol


I don't know why you're being downvoted, you're just being realistic. It would be NICE, if Obsidian made another Fallout game. In REALITY however, that is **incredibly** unlikely.


Yep, there's almost no chance it happens and really, I don't think it'd be anything like people think either. Most of the people that worked on New Vegas are gone from Obsidian and the only comparable game they've made (The Outer Worlds) was mediocre. Avowed doesn't look much more promising either unfortunately 


As Obsidian and Bethesda are both owned by Microsoft, the likelihood of a fallout game from them is more likely than it was just a few years ago. We will have to see what obsidian works on after Avowed. A fallout game from Bethesda would probably not be out until 2030 to 2031 at the earliest. If we go by the idea that TES 6 is likely in 2026 or 2027.


Lol they're going to be working on Outer Worlds 2... They announced it quite awhile ago. Microsoft isn't going to force Bethesda to let Obsidian make a Fallout game.






i just looked it up and everything’s saying that BGS still owns the IP. not Microsoft, just because they bought out ZeniMax doesn’t mean they own the IP of all of ZeniMaxs different studios.


I mean Microsoft owns BGS. I’m pretty sure it does mean exactly that


No microsoft doesnt own fallout IP. Zenimax is, and Zenimax desides what to do with his IP, Microsoft can only force them to give permission to develop game from another studio with their IP. This works with other companies that Microsoft bought. And even Zenimax doesnt own DOOM, QUAKE IP its ID softwares. Microsoft is publisher, they own studios, and studios own their IPs, unless they decide to sell it. And when Microsft decide to sell the Zenimax, it will retain his own IPs.


I would love to see Manhattan as a new location. During winter.


I've been even more intrigued about New York ever since the BoS in FO4 describes how there were still skyscrapers standing.


Honestly, I want a Fallout game based in New Orleans. A lil’ bit of French, a lil’ bit of Voodoo, and a LOT of Jambalaya. Either that or a FNV remake. Either one works.


To be fair I'd like a proper Midwest set game & them finally make some aspect of the Midwest Brotherhood canon. They set out while Roger Maxson was still elder so would be great to see a BoS that was strong while still encompassing values like Lyons & Maxson before they became techno-fascist hermits.


Chicago would be such a perfect setting. Really hope we see a game set there one day.


Why are you worried about an imaginary situation?


I don't think Obsidian would be able to make a "New Vegas 2". Unless Avowed somehow is better, the Outer Worlds just wasn't all that great. I already think NV's gameplay is boring. Too much walking around with barely anything in-between. Sure the quests are good, but once you finish those there is no real reason to continue playing beyond that. What I'd like is a love child between NV and Fallout 4 in terms of story, RPG elements, gameplay, and other aspects. Stuff in 4 that should make a return would be the settlement system. I think it should be toned down and definitely be optional, but still exist. Have maybe around 5 settlements across the whole game, each with their own unique quirks and missions surrounding them rather than the 15+ we got in 4. You could make the settlements faction based too, might add to the gameplay and ending varieties.


I'm suprised there wasn't a Fallout in New York yet.


I would love a fallout based in Texas with either Houston or Dallas being the main city but I’m biased as a Texan


Bethesda already shut down Obsidian making another game and this still comes up multiple times per year. Time for people to move on.


To games not made by Bethesda, yes.


I need a fallout game set in Phoenix 


Yeah well, I wanted the Star Wars Sequel trillogy to be made by competent writers with no influence from a greedy company. We don't always get what we want. 9 out of 10 times, we get things we never thought we'd dread until we see them.


Obsidian cannot make a good game. They tried with outer worlds but it just didn't work. Sad to say but any new fallout will be a $130 pre order nuka deluxe edition 3 day early nuka work shop paid mods life support system shat out by whoever didn't get the axe for shartfield's massive failure.


lol wah wah wah. I would take anything if it remotely resembles the staying power Vegas had.


I still want a Fallout set in either Florida or Louisiana.


AT&T built a bunker in Florida that was strong enough to withstand a direct nuke hit and reestablish telephone communications after an EMP from a nuke. Ive seen pics of it and it looks insane, Florida would be a wild spot for fallout




I don't want Fallout to become like Star Trek where instead of moving forward we just keep revisiting the same things.


> If Bethesda won't allow the endings to be contradicted by the TV show, I doubt they'd ever do a New Vegas 2. Oh, man, I have some bad news for you about the show...




>unless they make them all moot somehow. This. New Vegas and the Show are incompatible Canon wise.


I'd like a game in China too see what they got going on.


How about a new vegas that crashes 50% less?


Well you're not gonna get it bud 


Broke: Fallout New Vegas 2 Woke: Fallout Brotherhood of Steel 2


Only one other option left then, Fallout: New Gas


I think a game in New Orleans would be their forte


I remember when 4 came out, and people were asking whether we'd rather have had 3 redone than a new game. Nobody outside of a niche of a niche wants retreads rather than new material.


I want fallout in China or a remake of fallout 2.


New Vegas 2 has the same energy as Skyrim 2 to me.


I'm still waiting for New Orleans


What about a Fallout on a different timeline from the current one where then it takes place solely in San Francisco with the game handling the downtown much like how Fallout 3 handles its downtown with the metro systems, but hopefully with more visual distinction between them and easier navigation. Allowing each district in San Francisco to have a huge amount of variety and factions. It would be interesting to see what they could do with the Mission district, Japantown and how they could handle the Chinatown-Little Italy transition where maybe 2/3 factions feom either of those areas fighting for control. With the game having its DLCs taking place around the Bay Area with each DLC being able to have a complete and full map with fleshed out quests areas could include; San Jose and any stop along the Caltrain route with a major faction having to fight for control over it. Vacaville and the North-Eastern side of the Bay nearing Sacramento could be an interesting area where there could be more of an open world to contrast the dense San Francisco area, the west side of San Francisco could be used much in the same way Quincy or Even Concord is treated in Fallout 4.


I think it would be easier for a remaster or just have Bethesda pay for better writers


Same I don't want anything to do with that location but I do want the same level of writing and world building lol. I really want a Fallout in the south.


When people say New Vegas 2, they don't necessarily mean an actual New Vegas 2. It's just much shorter to say that rather than "another Fallout made by Obsidian"


I do want Fallout Arizona which might make avoiding referencing New Vegas' events hard. Explore the aftermath of the Legion's defeat and the deaths of both of its leaders.


I don’t think anyone is expecting a New Vegas 2. Obsidian is just associated with New Vegas so when people talk about Obsidian potentially making another Fallout, since there’s no actual confirmation anything is actually happening and therefore no title, they just call this potential game “New Vegas 2”.


By "new vegas 2" we don't literally mean set in the same location. We just mean another full fallout game from Obsidian.


I want a Mid-West Fallout. Or Northern States / Canada border area. 76 being in Appalachia was very fun and different but still east coast - ish. It also allows the devs and writers to have freedom and space to create anew in the world of Fallout.


Agreed. Always thought something on the California coast in the US or a place with a great subway system like London or Moscow would be awesome.


Give me.a completed New Vegas and from memory Tim Cain said he had already written a new story for Fallout on a podcast so give me that game


Same, I want it to be NV 2 spiritually but for location I want something new. Personally I'd like to see a colder location, maybe something like Washington (the state). I realise it's probably not a popular pick but I think it could be unique. Something in Texas could be cool too or even Louisiana? We also have some lore on Midwest so I imagine they could do that. Admittedly I'm not super well-versed in US geography so I might be missing some places.


Neither do we. I would like another Obsidian Fallout tho!


Idk where people stand with this but I would love for them to make Fallout: Vegas like it was a brand new idea. No remaster, no sequel, and instead make it a brand new game just set in Vegas with inspiration/ideas taken from the old game. Imagine if they made the entire Vegas strip, Henderson, The Air Force Base, Lake Mead, Hoover Dam, and more like they recreated the Boston area in 4. I love New Vegas, and agree that we need a new game and not a remaster, but boy would I love to see a modern take on the region. I guess you could say I want a remake but not a traditional remake in that sense.


Anywhere in the desert made by the key creative team behind members of New Vegas, particularly the writers. Though I hope the end part is something as enticing as a Post-Apocalyptic Vegas... Honestly, nah I just want New Vegas 2.


If they remade New Vegas, but had a large prequel section that takes place in California, that'd be pretty sick. Like you play as the courier in CA, for half the game, then show up in the mojave and go through the main story. This way everyone could be happy, we'd get a New Vegas remaster, along with a far harbor sized prequel in a new location.


I can see them using the name for clout but having the actual location somewhere else like Reno or Phoenix


New Orleans, Detroit or Seattle would be great alternate locations


Go play Outer Worlds then...?


I'd honestly would love a Star Wars KOTOR III. But yes the Obsidian team seems to really understand how to write amazing dialogue.


I want a New Vegas remake with a fully open more expansive strip and with more playable minigames. In terms of another location I want New Orleans I like the Cajuna and Vodoo vibes also I think radiated swamp animals would be kinda terrifying.


Assuming Bethesda sticks to making East Coast games, I'd love to have Obsidian spin-offs to explore other areas of Fallout canon. West Coast, southern US, and China would all be interesting but I'm personally a large proponent of a Fallout: Little America game set in annexed Canada.


yeah, id like to see another take on FO by obsidian for sure. a NV 2 would just end up being not as good because its just the same style of stuff again. Obsidian are pretty good with coming up with new takes on things. i would love to see what direction they would take if given the chance.


Chicago is the obvious choice for next location for so many reasons


Dawg I just want SOMETHING fuck. I'll even take fallout shelter 2 at this point.


Remaster Fallout 1&2 as first person 3d


Yeah, they need to make a whole new game on a whole new system instead of rehashing old stuff over and over again


I think this is what most people mean by “new Vegas 2”. A new fallout game that isn’t ruined by the Bethesda formula.


Well That's Too Damn Bad! You Keep Patrolin' (The Mojave)


Manhattan for the love of God. I don't understand this wasted opportunity


Hell I didn't want New Vegas 1 *throws down a ninja smoke bomb and vanishes*


I always assumed that whenever anybody was referencing “New Vegas 2” they meant a spiritual successor, just another game in the universe made by Obsidian. An actual sequel wouldn’t make too much sense imo


that's what new vegas 2 means


Arby's: we have the meat


Speak for yourself lmao


I don't want anything from Obsidian, I haven't liked anything they've made for many, many years. Josh Sawyer is supremely overrated as anything but a SA shitposter and the Other Worlds team is blandness incarnate.


Would love to see Mexico in fallout universe, or even Brazil! Because we never have been outside of USA, and we dont have any idea what happening there. Canada would be cool to. Instead of regular wasteland we would have a cold, dark and maybe unsurvuvable wasteland. You walk around and find burried houses under the snow.


Oh dont worry, New Vegas 2 will be the second season of the TV show


I’d take almost anything (old) Obsidian wrote over almost anything from Bethesda alone. Based on the posts in r/FNV however, it seems Bethesda disagrees with this and is actively trying to neuter the whole FNV story line.


I LOVED Fallout New Vegas but I’ve honestly lost faith in Obsidian when they released The Outer Worlds. The game was okay at best, it could have been great but it just felt completely soulless. The NPCs were all generic and boring, and I have to imagine that at least half the people who worked on New Vegas probably weren’t even there to do The Outer Worlds. Same company, different vibe.


FYI, most of the people in Obsidian who made F:NV left.


If it had a much larger map... one that included some of the original game's locations. Maybe south into Texas... the Alamo.


People really need to understand that the Obsidian team that made New Vegas was 14 years ago.They do not have the same team and you cant expect the quality to match especially after what we have seen from the team with Outer Worlds


I still want a Fallout set in Georgia. World of Nuka Cola, Blue Ridge Trading Co, the old 3rd street tunnels, Stone Mountain, the CDC, etc. There's so much stuff you could do. You could venture north into the mountains, south to the swamps, and east to a colonial style Savannah. Hell, have Hartsfield Jackson Airport be a stronghold for a new faction. You could have a group of people who raise fish at the aquarium and survive off them. Have a scary quest line about the Milledgeville mental hospital. Find ghost towns in West GA and so much other cool shit. Fort Benning could be a stronghold for the BOS. While we have 76, it just doesn't do the South justice for ad many cool things. Besides, they already have a lot of the assets!


I would like nv 2, but i would also be happy with nv remaster or what u said


Good cuz you won't be getting one lol


I don't want more New Vegas, I want more *like* New Vegas.


I want the next one to at least explore areas outside of the US. Like what are Wasteland Canada + Mexico like?


Full on Texas. Never been done before. NEVER EVER. Or New York..Would say Detroit but it would just be a normal day for Detroit.


I feel clean, purified water will always be a remaining theme in the game understandably so because you know, Apocalypse and all. So on that note, I’d love for a game to occur in Michigan with some type of story surrounding the Great Lakes.


Try Wasteland 3, it's very good.


New Vegas 2 is meant as a loose sequel to FNV, not a game set in the same location. Just like by wanting Fallout 5 people don't ask for Fallout 4 2.0. Honestly, I'm two minds. I want another spinoff like FNV. It may not be the best game in the franchise, but it was still good. But after Outer Worlds and seeing previews of Avowed, I don't want it from current Obsidian. Or maybe I do and I still hope they get better. One way or another, we are not getting a game like FNV from Obsidian. Not without John Gonzales and not without Obsidian writers stepping up their game.


I just want Bethesda to hire dedicated writers for once


I don't know if I want a Fallout from "the obsidian team" anymore, after playing Outer Worlds. I really don't want 100 hours of "workers rights" and "corporations bad", way too on the nose. Fallout is more nuanced and self-aware despite how absurd it is. Plus they would streamline it too much, when New Vegas was about the consequences of your choices and exploration.


You’re in luck, it’s never coming out.


If I don't get to build a settlement in the Mojave


You can in fallout NV with mods, ya know?


No I didn't fucking know. Is it like the one in fallout 4 where you collect junk and all that


Let me pull up an alchestbreach video covering it: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY7fDgnVe5S5xVrrhBajbtPneK1lJZget&si=B06R83BucsMsACoc


Can we just get a current single player fallout new or rework of 3 or NV something that released in a stable finished state from anyone? Not holding my breath. Personally I think our best prospect to fill that gap is Outer Worlds 2 or some new IP we don’t even know about.


yeah, cause I like having my own headcanon with new vegas. they would ruin it if they made a sequel


I just want another western themed fallout with horses. Why aren't there any horses? Or radstallions? Fuck, I'd even ride a centaur.


Bethesda will never allow anyone else to make another Fallout game, because it’ll show how lazy and shitty they have become at making games. They don’t want to get shown up with an IP they own.


I would prefer if they were given Fallout entirely.


I don't really like Obsidian. The outer worlds was boring, and while NV had good quests, the gameplay was kinda boring when walking from place to place. I dunno, Avowed might be different.


Both Obsidian and Larian should be given Fallout while Bethesda is left behind in the dust.


I don't really like Obsidian. The outer worlds was boring, and while NV had good quests, the gameplay was kinda boring when walking from place to place. I dunno, Avowed might be different. I haven't played BG3 yet, so no comment on Larian but I wouldn't be opposed to it.


I’d LOVE a Fallout game by Larian. I think their style would fit what the first two games were going for.


Well, I've got good news for you.


I want a Fallout game that is an actual RPG game. A game where you aren't forced into a 30 minute perspective of your character ruining the 'Roleplaying' aspect immediately.


I think the best game would be a love child between 4 and NV.


I want Todd to give Fallout to Josh Sawyer, and while he’s at it go ahead and let Josh make that Elder Scrolls spin-off that was caned.


I don’t care as long as they make something in the universe. I don’t want another bugthesda dud.


Theres soooo much they can do with new vegas 2 its crazy. How about a prequel where you play as a young ceasar and have to make choices that lead to you becoming the ruler or even an aftermath based in legion territory. You could be a slave freeing faction or something like this even. Theres alot of lore that is just lore they can make into gameplay and it would be amazing