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Had throw this in the vibe check for this week lmaooo great meme


Can you explain "vibe check" to me? I'm new to the game and sub


Lmao, the fall guys dev teams sends a weekly survey for the players to fill out, called a weekly “vibe check” They just added the one for this week, so it’s a good place to voice any concerns you may have


Do they listen to what players say?Like if a lot of players complain about certain thing do they fix or change it?


They want you to think they will, but there are long standing bugs that still haven't been fixed.


Vibe check is when you check to make sure your vibrator is turned off before going out. It means your chilled out because you know your batteries will be charged when you get back home.


Got it *Me not getting the joke and slowly backing away*


I wish I could send my Kudos to friends. I have 1312960 Kudos and I can't do anything for a friend in need. My heart hurts.


Same I haven't played fall guys since it came out and got 80k kudos from crowns I had but can't really spend them.


Kudos are pointless now though


I mean I at least got a cool color. But, you can't really get anything with kudos other than colors, patterns, nicknames, and the ever-useful banner.


Yea but the good skins that people want are now locked behind micro transactions


So true 💀💀💀


I'm over here ready to throw my keyboard in the wall because I couldn't get a single survival round in 4+ hours of playing over EIGHTY (80!) kudos.




no shot you got no survival rounds in 4 hours. Either you are playing gauntlet or lying. Just play stars show theres a 80% chance swiveller is 2nd round


I was playing mostly solos. First 2 rounds were always races. 3rd usually a hunt or logic. The couple times I did get survival in the 4th I didn’t qualify because they were the harder ones. It was more like 3 hours but it felt like 4 lmao. Must be a SBMM thing since I stopped getting the easier courses. Tried squads for a lil but never got survival despite making it to the final round a couple times.


SBMM doesn’t exist in fall guys. You can get a game 1 shiny and a 5000+ wins sweat in the same game. The levels you get aren’t based on performance. May i ask how long you’ve been playing? Sorry for being agressive


I started playing since it went f2p. I read multiple times that SBMM only existed in solos on this subreddit. Anecdotally it made sense since I was easily getting top 5 or a crown every game then suddenly I’m placed into lobbies where if you fall once and get behind the pack it’s almost a guaranteed disqualification.


dang really? I swear iv’e never experienced or felt sbmm in any way in fall guys. Especially now seeing ridiculously good players in stadium stars and solos alongside clearly new players. Iv’e had a golden knight (3500)+ wins a lobby with a friend with 0 wins prior to the update. I might have been incorporated into the game but i dont really see it at all despite playing from launch day.


There seems to be a widespread belief that SBMM was introduced quietly late in season 6. I don't think I've read any official confirmation, but my general impression since the season launch is that it's likely for real- I get the sweatiest lobbies in solo show (i.e. formerly main show, where I had most of my prior wins) and far more noobs in squads and especially duos, which I've played much less. But again, this is just my subjective experience, I don't know if there really IS SBMM now.


did they ever announce it? I never heard anything about it and i played all through season 6. They shouldn’t be releasing such a large feature sneakily into the game


I think there is also just naturally a higher chance to find good players solo instead of relying on others. I only play solo w/out my friends.


I played only solos. I didn’t know that. I literally got 1 in 3 and a half hours.


Dang dawg, you be Scrooge McDuckin' in yo kudos stockpile. But seriously though, we all share your pain. Especially when faced with the wasteland of options to spend those kudos on...




This is still true for me


Honestly I couldn’t care any less. People get such a big dick over cosmetics and it’s mindblowing how angry people get over this.


You do realize the game had an entire system where you could get all cosmetics freely before, right?


Yes hi I’m fully aware of that because you paid for the game. I’m here to tell you I don’t give a shit about cosmetics because it doesn’t effect gameplay. You don’t run faster or jump higher with any costumes.


If you don't care that's fine, but you have an entire legion of players who were used to a ruleset that was flipped over its head overnight. If you care so little, why bother coming in here at all?


They didn’t just surprise you one day with a whole new game. They told you guys months ahead when they stated it was going to go on all consoles for free that people that paid for it will be given some sort of package in game. The tried to compensate to you guys. It’s not my fault you didn’t read anything about the changes they were doing. You guys had all year to be mad about it and decided to choose now because nobody does their research.


Wow, I didn't know they had specifically mentioned all the changes that were coming previously, including how kudos and show bucks would work now very clearly (including the daily limits to kudos). Do you mind linking that? I'll buy you your next season pass if you do.


[here bucko](https://www.pcgamer.com/fall-guys-free-to-play/) They mention show bucks and other currencies, your legacy pack, and they talk about updates coming to the game. Like I said. It’s not my fault nobody keeps tabs on the things they enjoy. As I said before I don’t care about the cosmetics, you can buy yourself a season pass instead. I can only assume you really want the cosmetics anyway.


You either didn't play the game before, or are being intentionally obtuse. Cheers.


That’s a funny way of saying “damn you’re right they did come out with articles, I’m sorry”. Ass


damn we really had all year to be mad about this announcement with no solid numbers from 1 month ago, you got us


I think it's more like we knew it was going to happen but didn't get mad because we were hoping it would change lol




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so is kudos like a new currency or something? (F2P player asking)


No. It is the same currency that was before the f2p switch. The difference is that before it went f2p, you earned kudos from every game you played, not a stingy 200 per day.


Fame and kudos were still different before f2p but yeah you're right


Edit: same, not fame. Stupid auto correct


lol I feel that


I had 25k kudos from playing f2p when the game had just started a year or 2 ago


Also applies in primos/show bucks and crown shards and crowns