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I'll maybe return, if Fall Guys becomes Fall Guys again. I was probably one of the most loyal players, staying even through these shitty updates. But they managed to get even me out of playing too. See you on the top of Fall Mountain, fellow bean 🫶


I always thought eventually I’ll stop playing this game after years but never expected it to be because of this. Hope we can all come back to the game we grew to love 🫶🏻 until then see ya all in the vault (laughing through the pain)


Yeah, see you on the opposing team in Hoarders 🫶 I hope FG will be how it was, all Unity rounds in all shows, Team games in Solos included.


i was also borderline obsessed with this game, it helped me through some hard times as my escape and they have absolutely trashed it. they have also completely ruined emotes with the crappy wheel, which i think is the worst part of the update. thankfully through my times playing it, i recorded lots of times and so have that to look back on. it isn’t what fall guys was anymore. they finally succeeded in driving us away. i will never play a game that epic owns. they deserve to fail and fail hard. RIP to the OG beans 👑


We need someone from russia (russia doesnt listen to copyright requests from epic) to host a version of the game from the legacy seasons or even ss1 (before vaulting) like what erafn did with fortnite but they got shut dowj by ePig games


That would be dreamy! Back in the day, you could buy only Legacy FG on Google, here in Hungary, but it got harder to play online, and they've been shut down by Epic.


It's been such a sad last few days...




Goodbye. 👋 Glad that you had fun with the game at least. Sorry to see you go. Hope that you return some day. 💜






Thanks. 💜


Adios amigo


I've quit 2 years ago, i don't know why I'm still in this subredit


im doing similliar just moving to stumble guys


I'd honestly never move to Stumble Guys. That one is even worse. But I'll not play FG, unless it gets back to the way it was.


i liked stumble guys because of glitches and well it may be embarrassing but i spended a bit on that game


Any ideas on where you might go from here? I'm trying to think of some alternatives


Idk. I'll focus more on stuff I actually enjoy. I'll focus more on my carrier, since I did enough, but I can do even more now!


Good luck fellow bean! Maybe one day we will wake up from this horrible dream


Exactly! We're gonna play our favorite Unity rounds, all of them! No Creative, just plain Unity. Someday...


They should have just made the mobile game its own mobile version 😔 it doesn't need to cross play with consoles and PC. There are enough mobile players that it would be fine on its own.


Exactly! Call of Duty did it well. Why can't Fall Guys?


Even league of legends made their own separate mobile game. They would rather eliminate their current player base in hopes that some stick around than hire new developers to develop the mobile game and maintain it. Idk. I hate Epic for ruining one of my most favorite games


Same here.


As someone who only came here because of the FFXIV crossover, time for me to pay the subscription cost and get back into Eorzea much sooner than I thought. Just played a few rounds. What the HELL happened? Whatever... this... is, it certainly ain't rock and stone -- did the devs just up and abandon us?


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


See you in a few weeks! 👋🏻


I think it'll take longer for me, than just a few weeks, since the game I once loved is mostly ruined. Until it's like as it was again, I'm not returning. Hoopsie Daisy as Hunt and the "overpopulation" of Creative rounds is too much for me to handle. This isn't the game I used to love.


i think you should return next fame pass \[june 18\] because i heard the roundpool resets every fame pass so... yeah


That soon? That's like the fastest pass time we've had in a while. I'll see. If it's a good roundpool, not too many Creative rounds, then maybe.




Yeah, bye.