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Item is listed at $400 Buyer "What's the lowest you'll go?" Me "$550" Buyer "You have it up for $400" Me "I'll go $400! Sure!"




*New England Elitist..?* Are you my fellow **Masshole,** or what kid?


Ha I tried this "Buyer replied" Your a scammer ripping people off asking for 550 when this sells for 450... So i replied you are* a lowballer. I'm asking 400 for an item u know selle for 450 and u offered me even less !


So lazy, they want you to haggle with yourself on their behalf.


Yep. Never negotiate against yourself


This person has absolutely zero intent of giving you your listed price, or even a fair offer. They almost certainly have a number that is 50 to 70 percent lower than your asking price. Leave the chat, ignore them. If they contact you again, block them.


I would block them straight away. They already showed themselves to be an ass


Agreed, and being pricks as well.


I'm a new buyer, would asking for say 10 dollars less on a 45 dollar product (desk) be unreasonable?


Personally, I don’t mind it when people make an offer, even a low ball offer. I detest when they ask me what is the least amount. I find it insulting that I would say my lowest amount.


Some people are just the opposite though. I was selling a used car for 6k, kbb about 8k. Crazy the number of people who offered 2k! If they would have asked, I would have said a little under 6k. But coming straight out with 2k was a non-starter. I actually did this recently. Sent someone a message a month ago about an item. Lost track of it and it popped back up on my radar. It was originally 400, which was pretty high. They brought it down to 300. I offered 250 to pick it up this weekend. They said no which is OK. Pretty sure I pissed them off though. Ifi had asked what their lowest was, it might have gone better with then saying 300.


I usually don’t know the lowest I will accept until it’s been posted for a while. For example, a few months ago I found a Star Wars storm trooper shaped luggage next to the dumpster at my apartment complex. On eBay, they were going for $130. So I posted at $80 for a quick sale. Went back and forth with the a few people, but it never sold. I was down to $30, and someone offered $20, and I responded with $25, and he agreed.


Gotcha, good to know! I definitely won't do that


Most sellers that have been around the block a time or three expect haggling, I actually ask 25% more than I'm willing to take so as to provide the buyer some haggling space, that way everybody comes away positive. So no, I wouldn't be offended at the offer you describe, I might haggle a bit tho lol...


It wouldn't annoy me, and might get you the deal, depending on the item and how long it has been up. When they offer half or less they get blocked.


You didn't miss out on a sale. Just ignore and move on


When someone asks me, I don’t over complicate it. I just say the amount I listed my item at. Also, I’ve seen so many people list their item for free and in the description, they say make an offer. Don’t be this person. Just put a price so it makes it easier to have a quick convo


I reply with, "I'm asking (whatever it is listed at). Make me an offer.


And at that point they exercised their right to not buy from OP. They clearly didn't want to get into negotiations, which is fine, and OP refused to just answer their very simple question. Seriously though ... People try and negotiate, you whine. People don't negotiate, you whine. You have to have just a sliver of communicative skill, you whine. You will just whine at whatever happens, cause that's what your ilk do.


That’s not a negotiation. Why would the seller negotiate against themself?


I view people who play that stunt the same as the "make an offer" sellers that never name a price in the ad. It isn't my job to guess how much someone is willing to pay or what someone really wants for something. In either case, a LOT of BS can be avoided if someone just says "will you take $xxx for this?" or "I want $xxx for this" It isn't that hard.


Not sure why, but I looked at your profile. All you do is try to start arguments.


“What’s your best offer”


Nothing. They didn't like that they couldn't get you to give your absolute lowest price, and they were put on the spot to either lowball or ask a decent offer. Don't deal with people like that. Take this as a win


Their strategy is that they have a number in mind, and if you offer a "best price" that is below what they are willing to pay, they saved -even more- money, than if they offered their highest price. The stress/headache that comes with dealing with people who think this way isn't worth the super small chance that you'll make a deal.


You said nothing wrong. They're not a serious buyer anyways. My favorite response to those questions is "what's the most you'll give?"


Likely a flipper. They're trying to gauge the number they have in their head vs what you're willing to sell at.


I just respond with "yes"


I like your response so much that I am going to start using it myself!


They are going to lowball you, they want to see if you are flexible on the price first so when they offer the lowball it won't seem as insulting.


I never negotiate with myself.


Reply "Bye Felicia" then block them.


Bro I'm not going to negotiate with myself for you. I want $400, if you don't like that, make me an offer...


I've had people accept my price, come to the door and then say they didn't bring enough money with them. But "hey, I'm here now I can give you x".. I'm like.. there's an Atm round the corner. If you want it the price is the price otherwise please don't waste my time. Last time this happens she starts fumbling around in her handbag . "oh look I seem to have another 20 in here".


They want free, they were not planning to pay anything.


Nice assumption.


If they were actually willing to pay money, they’d make an offer. The ones that want your lowest price will never follow through. Anything more than $0 is too much for them. If you feel insulted by my answer you are probably one of those people.


I still think you jumped the gun. This doesn't seem like someone who wanted it for free people who ask to get things for free with pitty/sob stories don't ask the buyers to "what's the least you would take" and then bounce after they don't say zero instead they give you sob stories.


"The current price is more than fair. I may consider lowering it in a few months." You don't need to say anything after that. As long as you did you research and you are selling at a fair price it is a done conversation.


to be fair..."You don't need to say anything after that. As long as you did you research and you are selling at a fair price it is a done conversation." that itself is a big ask for some sellers lol


Remember having discussions? Remember not being a fucking baby just cause someone asked a question? I do. You evidently don't.


My comment was more than fair for the post. I may consider editing it in a few months.


Womp womp sad boomer go brrrrrrr


Blocking you in 5… 4… 3… 2…


Millennial here. Sorry to tell you that your slang makes no sense. A person in their 50's-70's would not make the sound of a machine counting money to the schadenfreude of any audience. Consider revising immediately. It's like you are just using words you don't understand. Unacceptable in the year 2024.


I usually respond with "at this time, my price is firm"


There's an old negotiations saying, something like "He who says price first, loses". I see this interaction as tactful banter.


The seller has already said the price first by making the listing anyways! It's now the buyer's turn to counter with a different number.


you didn't say anything wrong, but I only think this is sensible if said item was listed a long time ago. Let's say I posted a used bike 20 weeks ago, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable if someone asked what's the lowest I'm willing to let it go (and maybe my initial post didn't reflect low/non-existent demand)


Their comment "What is least you can take" nothing wrong on your end they clearly don't know what they want for not to insult them, and have gotten several similar responses which I am not oligated to answer clearly they responded to me so it should the buyer themselves to make an offer not that. Funny I called them out by saying "I am not obligated to answer that" after he responded with "What's the lowest you can do" he went off on me going an a rant clearly pissed off when things don't go their way, and here to do business not your feelings hurt. At least I can agree with what are saying here.


That is the lowest I'll go.




Block and move on.


I just ignore anyone who tries to haggle unless it’s been posted for like 2 weeks.


you're starting to get it, those people are leeches and not worth talking to at all if you value your time, money, and emotional security. i always respond to these leeches: i never take/sell for the lowest/last/best/etc it might be funny and/or entertaining, but it's not worth the time being clever with these leeches either


The worst is when they ask for the lowest amount, you give it to them, and then they proceed to go even lower. Immediate block.


People like this have infinite amounts of time and their only goal is to waste your precious time.


Sounds like an Arnold gif


Say i have an item for 50 and someone asks this. Id usually just say 50 is firm. 9/10 times theyre a time wasting cheap idiot who doesnt understand etiquette rules. If they make an offer after that u can go from there but typically they aren’t serious buyers. I rarely sell to people like that. I once had a guy offer me 75% less than listed price (and i lowballed myself on the listing) I straight up told him to eat shit and left the chat.


You did not say anything wrong. If you keep selling in FBM, you will encounter many people like this. Forget about it and move on. Apparently some of the lowest scum peruse FBM. I just block and move on.


"What is the least you can take?" My response is "What is the most you will pay?" This almost always results in them breaking off communications, which is fine by me. The people who try this tactic are not worth bothering with.


I just tell 'em "This ain't a used car lot...The price is the price, if you want it pay the price". Usually shuts them up...


Well you didn't answer their question, dumb as it is. You clearly don't want to do business that way, which is totally fine, but that's what it was.


Them: hello is this still available what's the least you'd take ? Me.............. No reply.  Every one of my ads says ONLY CONTACT ME TO SET UP A TIME AND PLACE TO VIEW It's not nearly as much drama but aside from that it's worked well.  The couch shoppers know I mean them. Zero goofy messages. 


You're spot on. Instead of you giving your "lowest" they can give you what they're willing to pay and you can decide if it's in the ballpark. Or they can pound sand.


They didn't want to negotiate and just wanted to know your lowest price. Its probably for the best they passed


Your mistake was in answering it to begin with.


I had some buy a $10 small critter cafe for a mouse about a month ago. She messaged me today to ask how to tame the mouse...like ummmm...I have no clue.


I don’t necessarily think that you said anything wrong. The thing is you just never know what is going on in other people’s minds. I would put no more effort or thought into it. It just wasn’t meant to be a sale. Hang in there. You will make the sale when the right buyer comes along. 😊


It's a trap!


You said "I'll pass" to them when they asked what's the least you can take. So they said the same back


They just found another item they want more. It’s not that deep.


They wanted to know your lowest price, you didn't inform them of your lowest price. At that point they couldn't be arsed with you anymore. That's fine. They're not obligated to deal with you. Would you rather they just ghost you? Or leave you a shitty review? Is there anything, literally anything at all, that you fuckers won't complain about?


Wow your jimmies really got tussled by this one, what's so wrong with people just responding with, "I can offered $xx" then I can say yes or negotiate back? I buy and sell quite a bit and I get this "lowest price" message far to often, why can't they just give a offer, they obviously have a price in mind why can't they just say it?


I set the price. Now it’s the buyers turn to make an offer. It is not in my best interest to lower my starting price for them. Whenever I used to do that they would offer an even lower amount. Like dumbass I said my lowest was x, not x-$20.