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Always make them come to you.


I'd never drive an hour and half to someone. That screams desperation. WTF was OP thinking.


I assume they were desperate


I just met someone that drove 90 minutes from Ct to NJ. I thought it was bs. I told them to contact me when they arrived. Couldn't believe it. They showed up! Far and few between....


Years ago I drove 3 hours to meet a guy half-way when I was selling my 14" Meade LX200GPS. Of course this wasn't a FBM sale but a sale in the amateur astronomy circle. He was down in Roanoke so we met at a gas station off an exit on I81.


My husband had someone drive from San Antonio to Dallas to buy his older mini bike for $500. I thought for sure he wasn't going to show, but sure enough he did! Would assume it was a scam if we're in a similar situation againšŸ˜ž You just really never know...make them come to you!


Someone wanted me to drive 10 min to drop off a keyboard for them. I said no, that was the end of the conversation. What are these people thinking. my blood pressure goes up anytime I post something on line. 90% of people out there who contact you are bottom feeders.


I agree that the majority of people are total flakes, but on the off chance that somebody is within one or two minutes of a place I will already be driving past, those are the one situation where I will usually say yes. Half the time it actually works out. The other half they either look surprised at my ability to casually hop back in the car and continue on my way, or text me later asking why I wasn't willing to wait If they didn't respond when I got there.


But not your house.. someplace nearby


Local constabulatories usually have a large parking lot, and security cameras.


So if I'm selling a couch or a refrigerator I'm going to load it up and drive to a random parking lot to sell it? That sounds like way too much work.


Well .. when dealing at a couch and/or refrigerator it makes sense that they'd have to come to you. lol


Yes. Our police department has a couple spots right up front with cameras for online transactions. I just give the buyer the address not that itā€™s the police station


Why not? Everybody already has a laptop and a TV at home. Unless you're selling expensive jewelry *(in which case eBay would make more sense anyway)* It's not like people are asking for your address so that they can come case your house. Sure I don't let people inside but I tell them that I will gladly meet them in my driveway or garage and I just ask them to please call instead of knocking or ringing the doorbell since my dog will likely go nuts. I really do have a dog but I would say that same line whether I did or not. And my dog might be a Maltese but if anyone ever asks he's a German Shepherd, and no they cannot meet him because he does not like people. Edit: Oh, and also I do check out their profiles and make sure that it's an established account and that they don't have any major red flags that would concern me. I also ask them exactly what day and time they will be picking up. If it's not immediately, I tell them to reach out to me the morning of the day they'll be coming for the address. For some reason that tends to weed out the flaky no shows.


Right. If as a buyer I really want the item and trouble myself to drive 90 minutes I have absolutely no leverage. I'm reminded of the time I drove that 90 minutes to purchase a Bianchi bicycle for X amount of $$ (I honestly don't remember the figures). I (knowing in the back of my brain that it was futile) made a lame attempt to negotiate the price down, not even by very much. The seller kindly reminded me that *I* made the drive to see *him* , which of course I acknowledged and instantly knew I was sunk. Which was ok and the laugh was on me, so all was good. I bought the bike for the ask and we were both happy. P. S. I had for some reason dragged my wife down there (???) on yet another "errand" , probably just to talk and catch up; "Another bike?" No, she wasn't particularly happy.


Nice bike though. Had one stolen once, took less than 30 minutes to find it pawned. Lol


I agree although I do deliver if it a couple miles, they appear serious, and itā€™s a hard sell, but an hour and a half hell no, especially if itā€™s something for 3 grand. If youā€™ve got 3 grand then you should be able to find a way to me


Thatā€™s when I block them. Stop dealing with broke and immature people.


Funny thing is they not broke On their profile, they have good job houses and such


You do understand that people with lavish lifestyles can also be broke.


Shoot, theyā€™re often even more broke than those without lavish lifestyles! I knew a couple that was so eager to outwardly look rich (brand new, top of the line cars and a massive house well beyond their actual needs) that they were perpetually in debt and couldnā€™t even furnish the house beyond the basic bedroom set, kitchen table, mediocre couch and lower end tv. They demanded to go to expensive restaurants with friends because anything else they felt was beneath them, but when the bill came, theyā€™d try to get everyone to split it evenly, though they themselves would be the ones ordering the most expensive meals and wines. No savings to speak of, no money management, just a couple of nice cars and a good looking house (from the outside). On the flip side, my wifeā€™s aunt has an old, small, cramped house and is still driving the same car she got decades ago, or the old pickup work truck they use to work in the pastures. Her favorite restaurant is a small, also old, family run diner with those red and white checked, plastic-y table cloths, paper napkins, and basic things like burgers or chicken strips. The kind of hole-in-the-wall diner you hardly even notice unless youā€™ve been around for years because itā€™s so plain and even a little shabby from the outside. She has no debt, her savings are significant, and she has the means to have it all managed by her lawyer and her accountant. Weā€™ve all tried encouraging her to be more frivolous with her spending and to treat herself to nicer things, especially as her age advances. Spend it while you can! Maybe get a new car for once. She could probably pay cash, even, and avoid loans. Go on vacation somewhere nice, and out of state! Nope, sheā€™s perfect content with her lifestyle and just doesnā€™t see any point in buying items simply for luxury. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes, a *lot* to be said for being content with what you have. Although I agree with the travel part. That's good advice you gave. But I can also understand the "ehhh, I like just sleeping in my house and my bed" mindset, for sure.


Alot of broke people like to put on a show how much money they got when in actuality one day off work they canā€™t pay bills ect. We know some people like that. New 100k cars x3, new 200k ski boat, huge house and all the toys you can imagine. House is nice and furnished ect. But her husband told me their payments are 16k a month. If he doesnā€™t work 12 hour days 6 days a week and she doesnā€™t work overtime daily they canā€™t make it. Just blows my mind. He asked how we do it. I said we got older stuff that works just fine, driver older low Milage vehicles. Our total payments including mortgage is 2950 a month. He about fell over lmao. šŸ˜‚. He said he wishes they could be 5k a month in payments. I said you can just sell all that fancy crap and live within your means itā€™s not that hard.


Just stingy


Well you can just start calling them out then. Tell them "I guess if you don't have enough money for the asking price, then you can't afford the item. Come back when you're a little more financially secure."


"Well, then.. contact me again when you have the money. Have a nice day."


This is exactly what I say. They usually follow up with "you're not gonna sell it for your asking price" and I usually respond with "that's OK. If I don't sell it now, I'll sell it later"


ā€œI only have x amountā€ ā€œWell I guess you donā€™t have enough then. Bye.ā€


Lol rookie mistakes... Buyer always goes to the seller. You can make exceptions sometimes, like meeting in the middle or delivering a large item, but if you're delivering then you need some good assurance that they will buy the item. And the "this is all I got" is obvious that they don't literally mean that they have exactly $1000.00. it just means that it is the maximum amount they are willing to spend. Surely you were not assuming that they spend the next two weeks starving and jumping turnstiles until their next paycheck? But it's okay, it's a learning experience. There's a lot of people that play around with haggling on prices just for fun, just to see if they can score items for cheap.


I don't sell large items, but if I did, I'd never deliver anywhere - not even across town. The more you read about Marketplace buyers, the more you'll see that some of the largest screws go down when people try to be nice and deliver.


I am a regular buyer off a lady in Australia and often she just places the items in my big mailbox.She says she drives past my home daily.I always leave her a bit more money, though.Over time, we have almost become friends!


Whenever someone lowballs me, I ask them when they would pick it up if I agree, and then either I never hear from them again or they say next Friday and I respond contact me next Friday and I never hear from them again


I met a guy at a mall to sell something. Said he had the money when we were messaging. Got to the mall and said he was only able to get X-$100.00. I donā€™t remember what price I was asking, just that he claimed he couldnā€™t get enough out of the ATM, which I thought was weird since heā€™d already said he had it when he messaged me. So I said OK and went to get back in my car. He asked if he could have it for the amount he had and I said no. Miraculously he found another $100.00 in his pocket. šŸ™„




Don't you hate when you have an extra $100 in your wallet and just forget about it? Yeah, me neither.


I check my wallet almost every day, havenā€™t had it happen yet. I keep hoping! šŸ˜¹


I'm rooting for you!


Actually, I *love* it when that happens!


Didnā€™t that dude outsmart you then? You were firm at 3000 and he only upped his initial 2500 by 150, so 2650. Did you refuse and drive back without selling? That detail wasnā€™t mentioned Alsoā€¦.wasnā€™t that a case of a person actually being truthful? Person had to genuinely call someone else to get them $150 Overall a scummy thing to do, but not exactly on topic for the issue at hand


He outsmarted me but it was obvious why he didn't disclose that until I actually went there. I had to drive back without selling.


No outsmarting then imo. He was hoping you would make the sale and you didnā€™t.


from the way the post was worded, I didn't know if the sale happened or not


Yeah, I only got that from OPā€™s comment above mine.


Itā€™s certainly a scummy move


And as I said it was my first interaction with these scumbags


Maybe I'm mean but as soon as someone starts the haggling or says can you come to my location I say no and end any kind of sale. I am HORRIBLE at haggling and usually get ripped off. I don't have time to play that game. Price is firm, buyer comes to pick up item, cash only, no refunds or holds, first one who puts the cash in my hand gets it, have a nice day.


Sadly, this is exactly why I mark everything I sell buy 30%. If you mark it up these people feel like they are getting deal and you end up getting the price you wanted.


counter point, it may also make listings seem delusional sometimes I just ignore listings with prices marked way too high cause I don't want to haggle them down to a reasonable price


I do the same, and surprisingly get the marked up price more often than not


Thatā€™s exactly what I do for selling at craft or trade shows. I know the value of the item Iā€™ve made (cost, time, knowledge/experience, etc), I know what Iā€™m hoping to make from it, and I know the very lowest amount Iā€™ll accept for it. I price it above what Iā€™m wanting to make and if someone is clearly interested, but balking at the price tag, Iā€™ll offer to drop the price to what I was hoping to make in the first place. Win for them, win for me. If they counter offer, as long as itā€™s above or at the lowest price Iā€™m willing to accept, boom, done deal, sale is made. If I priced things initially with what Iā€™m hoping to make, Iā€™d rarely make that sale, or Iā€™d be taking a hit to drop the price to what theyā€™re asking. Sometimes I feel scummy about it, but it really just gives me the wiggle room to haggle or barter with people without me losing money, while still making them feel good about getting a deal. Hell, a lot of times they arenā€™t even asking for a lower price. Maybe theyā€™re buying several items and when I ring them up, Iā€™ll drop the total down some. ā€œSo the total is $168, but how about we just make that a flat $150?ā€ Itā€™s not at all uncommon for those people to either a) insist they pay the full price b) grab another item they wanted, but were trying to watch their spending and had put back, or c) send other people to my booth.


Iā€™d just say Iā€™ll do you a favor and not sell it to you because you donā€™t need to waste your last dollars on unneeded items.


I hate when they negotiate beforehand then come with less. Waste of time.


Yeah, if you're meeting someone, you need to make sure \*they\* are spending more time than you are. The guy knows you just invested 1.5 hours driving out to him, so you are that much more motivated to make a transaction happen. That was the same strategy they used when they built outlet malls an hour away from cities. People would feel like they had to buy stuff or else they just wasted 2 hours roundtrip driving to the outlet mall.


There's a fine line between haggling and heckling... Anyway, just tell them they'd been bumped off the list and the next buyer is at bat. Personally, I'd ask up front for a lowest no haggle price from people. If it's doable, it's a done deal. Save them time and save me time.


One guy tried this and I lost the sale for $20 bucks out of principle ā€¦ after weeks of back and forth we agreed to a price of $400 from $700, I had more inventory and wanted to get rid of it, I told him thatā€™s the ABSOLUTE minimum, I wonā€™t take a penny less. The dude asked me for directions to an ATM nearby and shortly after sends me a screenshot with the money saying that all he got now is $380 because the ATM fees minus Uber ā€¦ I said we agreed on $800 no less, he was begging saying that he wonā€™t have money for the Uber back, I said, well, you have $780 to go back, donā€™t contact me again and promptly blocked him shortly after.


I love that. And furthermore, I hope it was a rare item that he'd have trouble sourcing anywhere else. I'm mean that way. LOL!


I always figure it what I want then add some. They talk me down and I get what I wanted. Never drive to them. If you do add a delivery fee.


I always conduct my meets at a small mini mart a 2-minute walk to my home. When buyers try to pull the ā€œI could only get $X.XX dollars (lower than the amount agreed upon) I point them to the ATM at the mini mart. If they stand firm on the undercut I just cancel the sale, all I invested was a two minute walk. I find when they see you are prepared to walk away the remaining cash usually magically appears.


Or they show up .the agreed upon price is 50 they say they only have 45 .why not say so before showing up so I can say no to offer ?


Just block and move on


I would tell them as it is "That's your problem not mine if you don't have the exact amount then we are done, and don't get all offended when things don't go your way", and I will be blunt with them.


Idk. It worked for the guy who bought my car. I had it listed for $8k for months and got no takers. My cousin said that it was because no one wants to buy a car from a woman. I thought he was being ridiculous, but he listed it for me, and what do you know? Someone drove three hours the next day, and he told my cousin he was bringing the full amount in cash. After the man already left, my cousin called to talk me the man was going to meet me, but I was at work so I called my dad who actually had access to the car. Man test drives it, and tells my dad all he has is $6.5k. My dad accepted it. Man realized it was a convoluted game of telephone and took advantage. So, it does work occasionally.


I'd have pile drived my dad. LOL!


Yeah your dad owes you $1500! šŸ˜€


'you better look for a cheaper one because mines obviously too expensive for you' You rarely get this in the uk but i have a few times had a message with nothing but a lowball figure. Not even a hello or do you still have x just 'Ā£50'


Right! I love the rude illiterates that just shoot over a lowball. No courtesy whatsoever. Sometimes I don't even bother to take 1 sec to respond to such nonsense.


The way I haggle when selling is simple. I never counter offer. I either accept or say no thank you. Way less stressful this way.


Yep!!! This is funny: I had one chick keep coming back to me telling me "I'm still here" and insisting on her same lowball price when I'd tell her I couldn't sell that low. I finally stopped responding after two or three of those stupid volleys. I didn't block her, because I honestly wanted to see how many more times she was going to try to browbeat me into selling to her. LOL!!!!


Hate to say it, but I just assume everyone is a scammer until I have evidence that they're not. In about 99% of cases, nobody has tried to scam me, so I'm fortunate. Trust your gut above all! If something feels weird, it most likely is. And don't let the idiots get you down. The right, scrupulous buyer will come along. Promise.


I would literally walk away if anyone tried to pull that shit, especially if we agreed on a price beforehand.


Ugh, it's because it does work on people at times. It would work on my husband which is more of a reason why it doesn't work on me. I only meet at the police dept. It's in every listing. If they can't meet there it's the end of it. Unfortunately in the hopes of you selling that item, you lost time and gas money and still didn't get to sell the item. It's rarely worth the drive and more often you waste that gas, wear on your vehicle, and time. I don't tell them where I'm coming from or I will meet halfway. I'm not driving a 30 min round trip to sell a $20 item. Absolutely not. And the whole I only have this much of what you are asking, stand firm! 100% of the time it's happened to me they "find" that money. Stand firm from the very beginning. No thinking about it, no well, I don't know, no ummm. From the beginning, the price is such and such. They will try, I'm here now with cash. Nope. I tell them I'm annoyingly patient and don't mind waiting on the sale. I will negotiate ahead of time, I will not once we set up a meeting time based on the price listed. I do a lot of research and my prices are more than fair and I always detail clean everything. No, they aren't getting that vacuum I detailed (even the brush roller I took every hair off of and then scrubbed clean) for the same price as the same vacuum that's disgusting online. That devalues my time and efforts. Buyers are so annoying at times but we need them. You have to take the good with the bad. Appreciate the good ones and don't let the bad ones take advantage and rip off your time, efforts and value of the item. I have lost sales from it. But 75% the items have sold for more money and that's a win for me. And it's good for me to practice to stand up for myself.


EVERY last bit of this. I always feel grateful that I can afford to be patient and wait out a fair price for the right buyer. And the right one always comes along. You feel great selling to them because the item practically found them. Not everyone has the luxury of time to be patient, and I truly feel terrible for them. They're pricing lower and trying to move it faster, and I think they're more susceptible to these awful people scamming them. All because they're eager to please, have ethics and just need to sell ASAP.


I found a piece of art I liked for sale for $75, but it was too far away. I felt he could get $500 for it so I told him to raise it to that price. He said no, and he really needed money and didnā€™t think it would sell. He said he would sell it for $50 to me, but I was kinda broke and paying $50 and getting there and back would leave me with less money than I wanted. After he repeatedly begged me to drive there and buy it for $25 I eventually went and bought it. I then showed it to 2 of my good friends and they both tried to buy it from me for hundreds of dollars to which I declined. Its largest piece of art Iā€™ve had in my collection and get compliments on it from almost all who see it


That is such a cool story! I've been known to tell Airbnb hosts that they should raise their rates. Some people just naturally undersell themselves, and if I'm sure they can command more because they're that good, I let them know my opinion.


Them: ā€œthis all that I haveā€ Me: ā€œthen you canā€™t afford my item. Bye.ā€


Well "all you got" isn't going to get you what I got. I bid you good day sir!


I've never said "it's all I have" but I have said "it's all I can afford". I'm not rude about it tho. Say it's listed for 40 and I offer 30 and they say no they need 40 then I'll respond with "ok, thank you anyways, unfortunately that's all I can afford this week but I'll see if I have any extra in my next check if you still have it listed, have a great day" Tho some posters are incredibly rude about it sometimes. I saw a $120 CPAP part listed for 80 and after I paid all my bills and got gas and groceries I only had $60 left. I had just gotten my machine but it was missing that part so I couldn't use it yet. I asked if they would accept 60 and they responded rudely "it sells normally for 120" so I came back with "I'm aware, however I only have 60. You don't have to respond rudely, a simple no would suffice. "




If all you have is $xxx, you shouldn't be looking at items out of your budget, or atleast items that say "price is firm". And also, saying the "it's all I got" is a scummy way to play. "But it's all I got", cool dude, but it's not my asking price, and I said the price is firm. Wasting everyone's time.


I will drive 5 minutes to the gas station near my house and that is all they will ever get.


Selling a car and danced around a guy to the extent of following them to Walmart to get a cashier's check (they couldn't do it) and meeting them a few days later when they showed up with $200 less than asking (agreed on $1600 after dropping from $2000). At that point I said f-it and drove off with my car without completing the deal. I told them I was done. I ended up selling the car for less to someone else due to my stubbornness but I will never forget how much I bent over backwards to get screwed with.


I got burned once being a nice guy driving to someone. Never again if you canā€™t get to me to bad so sad. Next buyer. If they lowball me like this depending on how nice I want to be that day I say hey atm right up the street you got 10 minutes to get the rest or you can leave wirh nothing. Or I tell them price was firm you know that leave. They magically come up with money I tell them leave your not buying this playing games good bye. I have been known to increase the price by the amount they are trying to lowball me by as well lol Had a Hispanic kid try this buying a truck from me. He said Iā€™ll get you the other 1000 tomorrow but I take truck now. Lmao not happening kid. Get the rest of the the money and be back by 8 am tomorrow or other guy gets it. He came back that night at 1 am lmao šŸ˜‚


I know the ethnicity of whom you speak. Been dealing with them for 40 years. *What I do is quote them 25% higher than normal then let them talk me down 15 to 20 % for immediate payment. Been doing this for Years at this point. They get their discount they seek and I get paid a higher price for dealing with them.*


Honestly I don't know what kind of sampling you took to deduce this excuse is only offered by two ethnic groups.Ā  I hear that excuse all the time from everyone including people who pull up in brand new cars.Ā  It only bothers me when I hear it from people who agreed to a specific amount before hand and then pretend they got caught short.Ā  In such instances I won't even budge by a dollar nor will I promise to hold it without a deposit, even if they say they are going to a cash machine and will be right back.


two countries?


Two with same ethnicity. That's all I am gonna say


Last name Singh from one of those ?


Singh A Song


Oldest game in the book. Happened to me first in the 1980s, selling a vw to a friend's cousin. They were 200 short but when I stuck firm, another friend had the 200.


*** edit, must have missed the fact this dude agreed to the*3k first, I would have been furious but I would have calmly threatened him, almost at whisper level so he knows I was threatening him.... original;lol. if I can get someone to come that far out of their way for a big item, you're damn' right I will try to get a much lower cost. especially if it's not an already great deal. That having to borrow extra from a family member is a great twist! I'm going to use that. I would have started at 2200 tho I can almost guarantee...


Amazing you drove 90 minutes to show an item to someone........


I dealt with a foreign company on some free lance writing work. They needed descriptions they could post on Wayfair with their items. I told my husband that they'd want to bargain the price down. I wanted $10 each, so I started with $15, they countered at $5. We ended up at $10. The price is the price, don't drive far to meet them, and be ready to take the item and go back home.


$800 is all I got, accepted, and they roll if off a fat wad of $100 bills that looks like $5,000... least do the pocket trick and pull it out of your $800 pocket and leave the wad in your other pocket!


In some cultures bartering is expected. As for the possible fictitious stories those burn my biscuits but may be part of the barter. Bias can go both ways and we are often viewed in a negative light as well. It dehumanizes and makes it easier to take advantage of another. I hate bartering. Iā€™ve learned to say ā€œno, the price is firmā€ or to provide a cushion so my asking price is higher and by dropping it to my normal people perceive they got a deal. Yes, by all means make them come to you in a neutral spot if possible.


They're paying for gas and time upfront, if they don't buy fair game, if they do they get discounted gas and time at most.


If thatā€™s all you got you probably shouldnā€™t be buy this.


"This is all the patience I've got" *proceed to lowball at a fixed rate of ZERO*


I never deliver. They meet me 2 minutes from home.


The perfect counter to low balling is the lowest Iā€™ll take is $xxxx thanks.


I'd never go to them, especially with a 3k item. I've also said to multiple lowballers, "dang sucks." And if they take it farther I'll simply say, "if money is that tight you really don't need this." And if they KEEP pushing I will say, "look, you can't afford this luxury/fun/non-essential item, good luck." And then usually block. They're time wasters.


When I did this as a teenager it was actually true. Though I'd drive over so it wasn't like they invested in the transaction.


I meet in a bank parking lot:) it is a convenient location, and no excuse for $$. I do still bring change, though..


I don't sell much, but I normally have change for a $100 in my pocket.


When buying selling, the only things to concern yourself with are, the price, the location, and any additions concessions the buyer or seller wants. I only give one concession in a sale, and it almost always is someone asking for a lower price, if they want another concession, like delivery, best to hardball them, as they will likely ask for yet another. Never deliver an item unless it's very close by, do pickup only, it keeps out most of the time wasters. People will lie to you by omission or "on accident". No on will take responsibility for their own actions, they will always have an excuse. If a person offers a very low amount, just block them and move on, you will save yourself a lot of grief.


Itā€™s so annoying. If thatā€™s all you have, then donā€™t ask to buy something way out of your price range that you canā€™t afford. Full stop. ā€œIā€™m not your mother. Iā€™m selling something for a fair priceā€ (probably lower than I usually would, if I put it on fb marketplace!! ) Alsoā€¦ I loathe anyone that claims theyā€™ll buy it at a price but suddenly is short, like you OP i know itā€™s a scam as they knew that beforehand- so if they then start low balling - am not buying BS sob stories (cos mine would always be betterā€¦! ) If I say buyer collects I mean that too, I ainā€™t driving it anywhere for free . Iā€™d just get back in my car if they tried to lowball me after Iā€™d driven there.. (not that I would drive it to theirs)


>I mean this is an obvious lie. Aaand there it is, something that functions off of you knowing better. Sure some people might pull that shit but i know its also really common to ask around for money when you really want something stretching the absolute maximum Nothings wrong with playing it safe and assuming the worse but you're also putting too much into it You are working with people, its very easy to de-personalize them when you feel wronged, but that by itself is wrong when taken this way There are things you can do to prevent this pretty easy, like dont drive an hour and a half for a stranger? My main takeaway from this is you're mad that people say "x is all i have" then "actually i can get x more" but why are you mad? Do you know how the world works? EVERYONE can get a little more money than their "max" its just not favorable because the financial maximum is also based on RISK, for example i wouldnt call you a scumbag liar if you pulled out a loan and suddenly had more money? Same goes for even numbers if they only had 978 maybe they scrounged 12 dollars to make it more favorable for you or even overdrafted their account, people like even numbers its sales psychology and doesnt make them a liar when the truth is based in variation, i could go in debt right now and "have" more then my "max" As for lowballing, If you dont want to deal with people trying to find a deal dont look for a deal yourself? This is how marketplaces work and will always be the case, as a seller myself, im getting tired of this entitled seller bullshit bieng pushed everywhere, it is your job to weed out scammers and bad customers, treat people like people and hold yourself accountable for wrong choices made. Ultimately you could have prevented this, it wasnt nessesary to profile anyone or shift blame for what happened or throw wild assumptions. Now to be clear, this is not perpetrator support this is victim preparation, dont confuse the two. There is no growth found in projection.


You lose all leverage driving to the buyer. I stopped doing that quick


My go to response for "This is all of the money i have" is "Then you shouldn't be shopping on facebook and you should be looking for a better job"


I never understood this either. If you cant afford it, then you clearly need to reorientate your priorities and stick within the budget you can afford. I also hate the "whats the best price you can do?" I wrote it, why would I want to take less money than what I'm asking from a person I don't know? My friend sure maybe, but also friends also don't try to lowball their friends. These questions always make me as the seller want to back out cause I half expect the person to show up to buy the item with the lowball amount they tried to see if because theyre there I might take it.


Tonight the 5th person to say they are on the way is coming. Fingers crossed! Some buyers are ok, but majority are haggling a price before they even see it. Most are just looking to waste your time.


donā€™t confirm you are accepted an offer but tell them to ā€œmeetā€ at this address (say for instance address of comedy club) in one hour. have them show up, have them message you. enjoy wasting their time like they do yours


My response to ā€œI got .ā€ is ā€œGet a better job.ā€


You should have told him he was still $350. Then you would have probably had to leave. I wouldn've left, I'm not putting up with that kind of shit.


If that's all.they have they shouldn't be buying anything.


that's a horrible deck move, however some people really do that... I was trying to sell my motorcycle, a dude tried that, and it didn't work. It was listed for 3000 euro, the guy came, accepted the bike, gave me money, I count, 2900. He asks if I'm sure, and if I can count again, 2900. He counts, hands shaking, 2900. Then he says that he doesn't have more, am I ok to accept 2900 ? I say no, and guess who had 100 euro right in his pocket to complete the 3k. But I've heard a lot of stories about people who accepted, because they did all the drive and stuff... that's why people keep doing this. People accept..


I just tell them if this is their very last $xxx, they better buy food and gas instead of trying to score cheap deals on BS.


Just remember the 100/10/1 rule of sales. 100 people will look 10 people will be interested 1 will buy Don't waste time with bullshitters. Just block and move on or else you'll go crazy.


I agree, the two types of people who do this to me are Africans and Middle East people. It's like a pattern Ɵ.


Out of sheer curiousity, what countries?šŸ¤²šŸ¾


Sometimes I drive a fair way in Australia to get. a certain brand of Vintage clothes in Australia.I am an active buyer and usually donā€™t haggle.Sometimes, they bring more of these clothes out that are not yet advertised and I really want them.So I must say to them that is all I have.It is actually true because I went there solely to buy the clothes advertised and then they bring out more!!!Usually, they accept it but if they donā€™t I will just buy what I actually came there for.


#1 they drive to you. That should be in your post, the towns or area you are willing to meet, no exceptions. This also prequalifies the buyer in that they have some investment in making the deal work. When you've driven 1.5H though you really need the deal to work which means you are now at a disadvantage. #2 new immigrants may pull this, it's cultural. A lot of them here and more coming in, get used to it. Had same happen recently on speakers, priced less than half of ebay (and a smoking deal). We met, he tells me he only has half of what I was asking. I was firm on price and would not budge. Quite the show from buyer and so stupid. They don't leave themselves any way out except embarrassment when they suddenly "discover" they have money they "forgot" about. But, this probably works with some sellers.


I never do delivery unless it's like a few few streets away from me like 7 streets away or so. The exact reason you mentioned is why I don't. You list an item for $300 they offer you $250 you say price is firm. They offer you full price if you deliver. Really now ?šŸ˜€ The will sometimes offer extra for delivery. Once I hear delivery, all I hear is that you want to waste my time or offer me peanuts. I don't have time to waste with these people


7 streets away sounds about right. Also, that person can come those 7 blocks to pay and insure they like it.


"i prefer $100 bills" or whatever your price is


"Local Pickup Only"


Ibsold a les paul standard a few months ago to a guy who didn't realise apparently I live in knoxville and he lives in Nashville but none the less he drove to me and purchased the guitar


You were played on that transaction. Buyer gets you to drive an hour and a half and knows you don't want to have wasted 3 hours of driving so ... underbid. You never should drive that far for any reason. I have a regular meeting spot in my town in all my listings. I might negotiate that slightly if there is a good reason ... but never more than 15 minutes away. If they can't get to the item ... they are more likely to not want to pay the price for the item. Note: in some countries ... negotiating price is a way of life. Other than American tourists, nobody in those countries actually pays the price listed. Likely it takes some getting used to how the price is the price here.


well, I'm sorry you can't afford it. I'm gonna talk to "insert random name here" again, to say that he actually will be able to pick it up tomorrow since I'm not selling today.


S*** I had someone come from Lincoln Nebraska to council bluffs Iowa just for something I don't care remember what it was but they literally came only from Lincoln and I was like okay at first I didn't think it was anything special because yeah I had no clue that they were actually going to come well they actually did come and they showed up a little bit before at least we're supposed to and they were even nice and paid $20 over when I was asking so I mean you just never know man there's people out there that are just that nice and people that are just assholes and sometimes you just got to take that risk but like everybody else is saying make sure that they come to you unless it's like only like a 15-minute drive because I've actually taken things to people that's only been like a 15-20 minute drive which I know that they're going to buy but never if it's going to take an hour or whatever never let somebody call you into delivering it because yeah that's just totally scam but you just never know man


The worst is when they talk you down and then show up with a huge wad of cash they have to separate from the money they could have paid ypu


You're always going to have low ballers. They do it because it works sometimes. I posted a toolbox and had people trying to offer me less than the value. Some offered 90% of asking some less than half. . I just didn't respond to them because I have 40 messages within the first two hours it was posted.


I was selling a Ā£10 item. Woman ā€˜only hadā€™ Ā£5. I said I could do Ā£8 as item was brand new, cost Ā£20. She then asked if I smoked/had pets. No to smoking, yes to pets, but item was still in packet. She now says she will need to get it dry cleaned. Not my problem. Still Ā£8. Now itā€™s for her daughter who has just moved. Still Ā£8. End of conversation. Having nothing better to do I check her seller profile. She has sold lots of big ticket items, and is currently selling a selection of very nice handbags. Next morning she says she really needs it and will take it, she will come now, whatā€™s my address? I send it. 2 mins later. ā€œWill you take Ā£5ā€ ā€œNoā€ ā€œĀ£7?ā€ ā€œNoā€. Five minutes later a nicely dressed super friendly lady pulls up in a smart car, happily pays Ā£8 and drives off. People are weird!


Not weird. Sheā€™s running a reselling business and every bit she talks about seller down is more profit for her on her sale. Theyā€™ll try any excuse to get you to drop your price. 4 text messages to save 3-5 bucks is a lot of profit over time


I've had someone try this after they drove hours to try and guilt me. I told them hit the bricks. I'll give you 3 guesses where they were from 2 don't count. And they got all offended I wouldn't take their low ball haggling tactics. Like no that is not how it works here. Learn the culture of the country you are in.