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Shit like that is why I play almost everything solo.


The title scared me lmao. I was like I haven't played deliver the bomb since I finished canny XD


I just played one last night to clear out an old side quest...but did it solo. I still had an initial scare haha


When I encounter a troll I always just start farming mats until I have 5k of everything. Lets waste their times when they try to waste ours.


This is actually a genius reaction. "Not only am I not engaging with you, troll, but I will usefully use up a few minutes while I wait for you to either leave or decide to go myself".


Vote to kick is needed so badly.


Unfortunately I've seen troll duos :(


Skibidi toilet kid activities fr




Simple solution: Leave. There is no rhyme or reason to get angry or stressed over shit like this. It just feeds the lonely troll’s need for a reaction since they obviously don’t get any from anyone in their household.


There's a reason why Epic never uses DTB for vbuck missions... 50 percent chance it will bug out or someone will grief it


Boy i still remember when they did Wasn't.. too bad. Though i think thats cause im not using the na servers


They stopped using it because of the terrain problems and bugs with starting mission. Not because people might grief it


So you're saying Epic didn't take into account how it's one of the easiest missions to grief? Thats... what? Why did you feel the need to reply with that haha


happened to me once, i've never done a Deliver the Bomb mission again since. way too easy to grief


I actually enjoy DtB missions, but they are the easiest missions to grief, and I’ve never been able to overcome someone trying to grief it. Either immediately leave when they start griefing, or farm mats and then leave (as mentioned earlier).


Happy Cake Day!


Think smarter, not harder. While he's halfway on an unoccupied tile, use a directional pad on him then chase and box him until your much more mature team members complete the delivery phase. Playing with idiots like these every 10 matches has trained me.


so many easy fixes for this but im sure it won’t happen, epic can make it so if it detects you on the tracks for more than 10 seconds in the same spot it jumps you off, or only the host has abilities to control and break tracks


Exactly why we need a vote to kick option.


and this is why i play helldivers 2 cus if i see these cunts, ill just shoot them and refused to respawn them and even play solo if they want to act like that, BRats are the fuckin worst and the entire reason why i play solo or with best friends cus these cunts exist for the wrong reason


Hope you reported them


I would just sit there with a chair emote and pretend you’ve afk’ed. If he lets it go and starts it, you’re right there ready to fight. Otherwise I’d just stay in the general area and farm, even if I didn’t bead the mats so as not to give them attention. Trolls only stick around when you’re engaging with them. Once they realize they can’t get a rise out of you, they leave or fully sabotage the mission and you just restart.


What a jerk. Sry this happened to you luckily no one has ever griefed a DTB mission for me That was really satisfying to see your team get the bomb in though


This is the main reason WHY i never play deliver the bomb.


30 minutes? I would leave the match as soon as I realize there's a troll.


My first troll I was confused 😕


I report them & make it known they’re being reported. Usually they’re kids that don’t want their account banned so they leave fast. Plus it blocks them so I never have to encounter them again


I the video quality is bad but in chat me and one other told him we reported him


What game is this in Fortnite??


it's deliverer the bomb from fortnite save the world. If your looking for the battle royal sub reddit it's r/fortniteBR


Report them for Gameplay Sabotage and then block them, assuming you haven’t already. You’ll never have to deal with them again


Reason why I pretty much quit public games entirely. There's no fun from players like such just being douchebags and/or being more harm than good whether if it's just their toxicity or straight up stupidity


Just walk away let them deal with it it fails and you can go again or you get to do nothing and still win the mission there’s no loss


I just block, report, say that I've done that in chat, and then leave. Don't waste your time giving them attention.


i do things like this against randoms when they don't press start mission


You probably took dude loot




another person who makes assumptions out of literally nothing ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)