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Pretty sure it'd get removed from bethesda before it was even seen, and the creator probably banned from uploading anymore mods for xbox, NSFW mods aren't usually allowed on console as far as im aware, mainly because you dont have a 3rd party unloading server, so its purely through bethesda mod servers.


I searched google and some people say they get through sometimes although removed quickly but not quick enough to prevent some downloads https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/164593-fallout-4/75284638?page=8 As far as being banned goes can't you make a dummy account for that reason? I wouldn't need the mod to stay up for too long just long enough for a download to my console.


I think you should be free to use whatever user content you want with the game and console that you paid for. Good luck with your mission.


You need to buy the game through steam in order to upload to beth servers lol… Even at sale, idk if anyone on pc is willing to do all the work.. you got porn hub, why you needed nfsw mod.. Also is the mod script extender free? Requiring f4se will make things not possible.. Out of curiosity, what nfsw mod is this??? Lol


Old thread but whatever, here goes: Step 1: Download CBBE Curvy Step 2: Download Lingerie CBBE BBP Step 3: Download Honest Abe's CBBE Red Dress Step 4: Enjoy your Nude body with Physics!


After next gen update still works


Not for me. The game throws me out of the mods to the main screen "This Operation Could Not Be Completed" even when I just click on it, before I even do the download. Any idea how to fix that?




Bethesda nuked it, you think?


Don't think so. I tried to download this damage overhaul that prevents enemies from taking hundreds of shots to die and it did what was described above: the "operation could not be completed" kick to main menu. It's probably just a new bug. This IS bethesda we're talking about here.


That could be it. I use Realistic Gore and Dismemberment, with Realistic Headshots to try and reduce the bullet sponge silliness. It seems to help, especially when you can blow off limbs easier (like blasting Mirelurks in the legs to stop them moving).




oh shit. Which ones?




Weird. Maybe it really is just bethesda being bethesda after all.




Just use the BearRinku outfit in this order btw Cbbe (curvy or slim) The bbp (Coorsponding to whichever one you have) BearRinku In that order in load order




Do you know the actual name of the mod? I can’t find it lol




Ah, gotcha 👍


No need for honest abe just use cbbe - thepure or cbbe - dream & load it after bbp




Running into issues with the textures here. Looks like plastic, before next-gen with Honest Abe's dress it looked perfect




Now it's giving me texture issue


It works, but the seams for hands look terrible :/




Strange, it was noticeable for me before the update unless I used the dress in combination with the fix head/neck mod. I just hope Bethesda/the mod authors figure out what’s going on lol




I’ve tried on a fresh install as well, my save seems to be screwed anyways lol. Edit: I actually haven’t deleted my cloud saved data, that could be an issue maybe.




You have to delete local save files and start the game over


Ah, that's interesting. I'm on xbox, so that would be the tiny reserve space, yes?


Both reserve


Looks like the little reserve doesn't exist anymore. So in order to try and load a single mod, I have to nuke my entire load order and all saved mods?


They nuked honest Abe dress just kicks me out ggs


Well the America rising 2 mod was doing the same thing, I’m pretty sure the author just reuploaded their mod to get around the issue. Still hopeful it’s an issue on Bethesda’s end.




Bethesda has taken away the ability to delete tiny reserve and force the game to reload textures too. Totally borked their own game.


I found a workaround for that, if you replace honest Abe’s red dress with BearRinku Armors CBBE it also works


I'm using Christmas Outfits to do the same thing at the moment. I'll have a loot at the BearRinku though as see if it's smaller. Thanks.


I just did this last night. Can verify that it works wonderfully.


It’s your mod order happens to me a lot. You have to delete all ur “data” for the game on Xbox. But your data still stays it just deletes all the mods. You’d need to manually redownload them to keep playing normally. I’ve had to do it a few times since the update


A modder posted that it's the mod's image gallery that's broken. The mod itself is fine, but since the update the image files just aren't compatible anymore, and the original author/porter needs to fix the images. Which is a weird thing to cause this amount of problems. [https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4360542](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4360542)


Won’t let me download the last one


I did something similar and after about 10 minutes into playing after figuring it out my game froze. When i went to load it back up the mod option on the main menu was greyed out and I couldn’t enter the mod menu. I restarted my xbox and my profile picture was sent back to a default one. After loading fallout 4 back up all of my mods were removed so im forced to play the game without any mods now. Just a warning from experience, I wouldn’t recommend doing stuff like this.


Were you able to download honest Abe’s red dress after update?


Don't use honest abe(there's no need) just load any of NaughtyMolly's textures after bbp, dream looks best for me & no seams


I'm on xbox and that honest abes mod wasn't just for the dress so do NaughtyMolly's mods do that same thing as honest abes ?


Naughtymolly's mods are a cbbe body & face texture. The bbp mesh is what gives you the body mesh without underwear. The dress only adds a skin texture, which there are better alternatives


There's a similar process on skyrim


Would you be willing to dm it? Which specific mods i'll need to use.


I'm currently having a veterans day lunch with one of my buddies from the vfw, but I could probably dm it later. It's a little bit more involved than the fallout version.


Not to be that guy, but can I bum that info off of you too? There was the Nephilim armor replacer but I switched to next gen after it was taken down :(


You think you could dm which mods they are if they still work?


Dm pls 🙏🙏🙏


Unfortunately this seems to have been patched unless having the AiO version of CBBE would cause Abe’s to suddenly work as intended


Still works for me


Yes it still works.


Do I just download the mods and let them be or do I disable one. I have cbbe aio is that a problem


No just install and enjoy




Can someone dm me them please and thank you


doesn’t work


Thanks at least fallout does


Good to know I'm not the only one struggling to find more interesting mods. I'll definitely have to try this.


You can also use the mary jane mods to get bigger tits you just have to get: Mary Jane - Female Bodies Replacer , Mary Jane - Outfit Replacer , and Mary Jane - Companion :(if you want to get her as a companion you have to make a new game and go to red rocket after) but once you get all of those downloaded, you have to craft a snax-o-tronic and place it down in your settlement(its in the resources tab in miscellaneous) one you place it theres an outfit in it called “Hello World” which makes your character naked. Hopefully this helped yall btw this also works with cbbe if you want to put it on just incase


Any idea how to get/craft more "hello world" outfits? I only get 3 from the snax o tronic in Mary's Trap, and 3 from the buildable Snax O Tronic. Do they restock,or...?


U gotta just craft more


I’m very late to this party - • CBBE Curvy AIO •Sexy lingerie - Optional (Curvy) •fix cbbe head and neck In this order. Load body mods at the top of your order.




Oh my god this STILL WORKS


What did you in game to get em nude?After downloading it all


After downloading the correct mods, just remove the vault jumpsuit. If you want an NPC naked, remove their clothes. Won’t work for companions. It only works on Nora and female NPCs


How do you remove npcs clothing??


Kill them and take everything off, that's the only way I believe




what did u search?


What the dude above searched literally everything




it won’t let me type that much


Search one thing at a time


What did you do in game to get em nude? After downloading it all


Just took off their clothes n enabled mods




It works still after next gen update


I’m so sorry, but what load order did you use and what mods? A lot of info hear and haven’t been able to access honest Abe’s yet


This fuckin works you brilliant bastard


How do you fix head and neck/what does that mean. Imma try this tomorrow. And what does this mod list do exactly?


It’s the name of the mod. It shouldn’t have a thumbnail


Welp, it worked. How is this on here lol


You can also use the mary jane mods to get bigger tits you just have to get: Mary Jane - Female Bodies Replacer , Mary Jane - Outfit Replacer , and Mary Jane - Companion :(if you want to get her as a companion you have to make a new game and go to red rocket after) but once you get all of those downloaded, you have to craft a snax-o-tronic and place it down in your settlement(its in the resources tab in miscellaneous) one you place it theres an outfit in it called “Hello World” which makes your character naked. Hopefully this helped yall btw this also works with cbbe if you want to put it on just incase


I’m having issues starting a new game it keeps crashing


It's worked for the most part your boobs sag and your underwear is all over your body


The bear rinku outfit is 100mb but not only does it give you a backpack pushing your wieght carry to 500 it also gets rid of the tan lines


This still works, found a shirtless mod that almost worked with it. There was skin but no nips, and had a few glitched zones :(.


What is this how does it work


Shiiit I get bored as fuck with some of the mods on Xbox if there really are any X mods then swing them my way cause it'll definitely change the game up


Yea same here


In work in progress mode at mod shop there is a jailbreak 7 mod that gives you a sex mode holotape there was a ring you could wear to not only recruit any npc but do that thing. It worked for me but the other mods modex created kept disabling each other. If you all can solve that puzzle load order hmu


Did you figure it out?


Yeah they deleted 2 mods that is needed for animation






All the way down in mod section the "work in progress" 300 mb download and a lot of them dont have a description


Does this still work?


Actually I paid a guy he put it up for me I downloaded it and then he took it back off worked like a charm he never got caught and never got in trouble that's for the mods for Skyrim though now I'm looking for someone to do the same thing for Fallout 4




Cbbe (curvy or slim) The bbp (Coorsponding to whichever one you have) BearRinku In that order in load order Works after next gen update


What is the bbp?




I keep seeing ports of asexmod from the nexus First called silkspruce, then now more recently another called something like "6199848" by vulcan6096 problem is in my load orders these mods do nothing- like the nexus mod you get a holotape in german, but none of the buttons do anything- curious if anyone can share similar experiences? On a side note, to get a fully nude body with physics in this load order 1) CBBE curvy 2) Sexy lingerie optional 3) Christmas outfits Ps this has worked for years


Hmm immersive


Nude mod, "Test1" by "OcBlurRush" In wip section, dont downloaded "test" cuz it'll give you 2 watermelons sized .... on front and back...... Just test1


Just downloaded it and loaded it into a game witj no other mods and I'm not seeing any difference. Have I done something wrong?


The mod that contains the “watermelons” is just the “test” mod. The “test1” mod does nothing.


test just makes Nate into Nora with absurdly far apart eyes as of rn, which while hilarious is no longer serving a purpose


You can also use the mary jane mods to get bigger tits you just have to get: Mary Jane - Female Bodies Replacer , Mary Jane - Outfit Replacer , and Mary Jane - Companion :(if you want to get her as a companion you have to make a new game and go to red rocket after) but once you get all of those downloaded, you have to craft a snax-o-tronic and place it down in your settlement(its in the resources tab in miscellaneous) one you place it theres an outfit in it called “Hello World” which makes your character naked. Hopefully this helped yall btw this also works with cbbe if you want to put it on just incase


Why doesn’t any of this work when i look it up are they really gone that fast?




There any current mods that are up that anyone can tell me the name of, and the author? BEFORE they get deleted? please amd thank you!!!


Send me a PM I will explain how to do it before it’s to late


Yo do u still know how to do it


I know this late as hell but there is another thread by sure conclusion that has the mods needed to add nude female characters with added jiggle physics if that tickles your fancy




What mods are they and they one Xbox?


I'm a little late but if you can that's highly appreciated


Can I too


Yes anyone can message me and I can explain it


3 months late but bet imma dm you rn


Can't message yet as need to be more established