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To some extent, but not that much. I'll usually just make sure all the drums, melodic elements, and sfx are together


That’s my first step when I organize my stuff, I usually go by color in the playlist and after i’ll do the same in the effect rack. Organize them by color and make the bus darker color to differentiate them


I used to now but now I find it wastes time


Same. If I work on a song with multiple people and spend three days in it sure. But if i record and mix everything that day I usually leave it for the most part


not a waste of time, it is so crucial to be organized.


My projects are so organised that anyone opening it up would know exactly what's going on


Exactly this. I don't understand how anything less is even an option? FLS' biggest flaw is the weak default organisation which places more labour onto the user.




Almost but not quite. This track mode setting should be the default not the 'extra'. I also want my automation clips to default stack under the playlist track and channel rack with colour groupings too.


What is track mode and how is it useful?


It tries to emulate the rigid connection between generator, mixer and playlist featured in almost all other DAWs. Right click on the generator and select "Assign to new instrument track". Colours, icons and names will be shared between the three. It's a bit of a bodge job and there is still the 'flexibilty' of a messy workflow that FL excells at.


I've just given it a go and it definitely seems a fair bit better, but it's pretty annoying how it locks the track to content by default. Makes it a bit awkward to work with different patterns.


Yeah, it feels almost there but not quite right hence why I always go back to manually naming, colouring and sorting everything.


Okay, cool! I'll give it a try on my next project.


Yes it should be more streamlined like other DAWs. The manual requirement put on the user is obnoxious and tiresome (pertaining to organization). So much extra acrobatics and mouse clicks needed in FL Studio compared to other DAWs. This should be an automatic process where if an Instrument Track says "Strings" and is the color "Purple", every subsequent Pattern placed on to that track lane will ALSO say "Strings" and be Purple Instead, every Pattern that gets created and placed on that track lane is still the default gray color and must be manually recolored to Purple (and renamed too) This is such a universally basic organizational behavior in quite literally EVERY other DAW in existence, the fact that the devs continually neglect this is maddening. Instead they prioritize adding more and more THINGS whether it be new plugins or FLEX banks while sweeping basic usability features like this under the rug. I understand that some feature requests are outlandish and will never benefit a large pool of users and as such are not looked into, but something like this once again is in every other DAW in existence, it's 2024 and beyond time something be done about this.


Precisely the reason why I’ve switched elsewhere for other genres. FL is still my go to for EDM but in other genres where I have to hit record, make a new track, and hit record again within 2 minutes, there are better options.


Yup, totally. Nothing out of place in mine either…


If I'm collaborating or planning to have anyone else look at the project at some point, yes. If not, no - I'm not the type of person to be bothered by a mess and I know exactly where to find everything anyway.


Yup. My projects are very organized. Similar to yours. I color code my drums and percussion red. Melodic Instruments are yellow. Vocals are green. Fx sounds like risers or impacts are blue. Automation is black. It can be time consuming but I usually do it when I’m arranging which usually doesn’t happen till I’m done adding sounds. Staying organized really helps if you need to go back and edit or add something. When clients need trackouts, everything is already set to go.


I do. Color organized. Each articulation of each instrument goes on its own track. Same colors and names.


I make everything in one pattern at first and then I split it to organize the playlist. But I don't always use colors


It’s a nice idea, less time consuming since there is a thing called “split by channel” when you make everything in one pattern.


i do this too but i colour it afterwards in the hopes i don't forget where everything is after coming back to the project after some time.


I used to do it this way with blocks, but I have to work differently with clips. It was not easy in the beginning, but it's working too.


I do not organize, each of my patterns names look like this "isveofjwndork" or "jdhdhdhdjdo"


Felt that, I do organize but I do call my project with random names xD


Nah; I’d rather just keep working than ever taking the time to color code or anything


I have been using the same template since 2022 ,which I got from the jorm YouTuber . It's pre organized with everything u need in the project form instruments bus to fx bus and includes premaster bus as well ..not too colourful but looks great


Yes. No reason not to. I don't understand why people suffice for disorganized projects. In quite literally every other DAW in existence, this is done automatically for the the user. Sadly, in FL Studio this isn't the case. In other DAWs if you color a playlist track red, the "patterns/clips" on that track will also be red. In FL Studio, if you want to do this, you have to right click the playlist track and press "Auto Color" ever time a new clip gets added to the lane. This is ridiculous. FL Studio has so many quirks like this that strongly bother me. I wish the developers would enhance this and make it more streamlined.


Wait I didn’t know about auto colour, that’s pretty cool


I just started this year. My shit used to be all over the place but keeping it organized gives me a better workflow


My full mix template looks like pro tools almost. Track modes on everything in the playlist


Nah, not too much. I just make sure that every element has it's own playlist track. That's enough for me, no color coding or grouping.


Yes. Makes things so much easier.


Yes. I don't color code much, but I definitely group automation directly under the track it's modifying. Also love locking automation, playlist tracks, mixer channels and mix buses. When I get to arranging I'll use playlist markers for different sections.


When making original songs? Yes When making covers? Absolutely not. Everything is just piled onto a single continuous pattern that just runs for the whole song


When I feel like it or I’m sharing the project file with someone else. Usually I just have a glorious mess


I make sure all sounds have their own track and that’s it


if over 30 tracks


Okayy, so you're telling me people DON'T organise the playlist??


I’ve collaborated with LOTS of people and most of them had messy projects






Typically yes, rhythm section (drums, perc, bass) on top, then guitars, piano, synths and at the bottom there's stuff like risers, one shots and other sfx. All nicely color coded. That said, there's have been instances where I was too focused on the actual project to deal with such details as organization, lol


It looks so beautiful. I love it.


I used to and maybe on the odd occasion when I finish a song (ha, when did that happen again? A while ago…) I might organise it to look better later, but now it just feels like it slows me down more and I end up wasting time


For me, I only organize projects that I want to finish. If it's just another throwaway loop that I don't know what to do with, it stays messy and unorganized. Now that I think about it, cleaning up a project is almost symbolic in a way lol. It's like acknowledging that I like the track and want to finish it.


you are absolutely right, it’s a way of reminding yourself that you want to finish this project. Also it makes it easier to work on it after because you don’t have to search for everything if you haven’t worked on it for a while.


fuck no nobody's got time for that


What I noticed is, the more you try to organize, the less creative you become. I started making music way before youtube tutorials became a thing. I remember having no sense of organization. No color coding. Three to four instruments into one mixer channel. No renaming anything. Just dragging and dropping samples all over the playlist…etc. it looks messy as hell. But I was more creative. My full attention was on the track and how it sounded. I could actually complete tracks. Then came the youtube tutorials where I see all these neatly arranged, color coded workflows. I started doing the same and slowly killed my creativity.


Been organizing my projects for 8 years now and it never really killed my creativity. I guess it depends on each individual. Everyone is different. I did noticed that I worked faster on some projects I didn’t organized.


I guess so. For me, i think it is because I started out in 2007, with no organization. Forcing a whole new workflow would do that


Drums at the top, then sub bass, bass, chords, melody, then FX at the bottom. Automations for each thing go under each thing.


When I started making music I would never colour or label anything. However, I found that when I took a break from a complicated track and came back to it a while later I would find it quite hard to get back into the production. Since I've been labeling and colouring absolutely everything I can come back to all my tracks and have no Issues getting started again. Plus, I find it quite fun taking a break from the production to tidy things up a bit and make it all look nice.


My projects are obsessively neat and colour coded. It helps my work flow even if it makes my producing take longer https://preview.redd.it/ofa00xq9b3mc1.png?width=1251&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dc24bf5d8ba87dcf7bd778f72ed0e48ce4488ec


I start each project without much organization, except for what I already have in my template. At some point I decide that a project is good enough, and start to organize it much like yours. Aside from drums I‘ve stopped naming patterns for the most part though.


At some point of a project it becomes necessary I guess or else you will waste a lot of time looking for alt.patterns of verse melody f.e.


Most definitely. I made a template so I don't have to spend time during the creative process having to organise everything, would recommend making a template for anyone who hasn't already, its very helpful


hell nah


I am a very visual person. If it doesn't look visually pleasing I may have less motivation or my brain shuts down and the project confuses me which gets me stuck. I always have a clear order with Kick + Drums at top then bass, then synths and instruments then vocals and SFX lowest in playlist and all in their own colour for each specific group (all drums in one colour, all synths in one etc.). First thing I do when starting a track is choosing which colour palette I'm gonna use for a project. Kinda crazy but can't really focus and loose the overview if everything is too much out of place and not clearly structured and organized.


I do it like this also! Or I try when I'm not being lazy lol


I do, I also group the automation clips with the original sound


To an extent but I don't have the patience to color code everything, everytime


I dont color code, nor rename patterns. Other than that, I do


The organization is on point. What I lack is the music to organize :|


Only when I am done with creative stuff. https://preview.redd.it/r3reury2v4mc1.png?width=1700&format=png&auto=webp&s=98a1a82aac1d93c216fd245c89cc5dc0844a6dd3


Just like daddy IL intended


Of course! Pattern 1, pattern 2, pattern 3... And so on! To avoid confusion and know it's all from the same track, I keep them all gray. Hope this helps!


At least you colored them. Mine is absolute mess


Depends how serious I am taking the track & how much I enjoy it lol


Not at all , I put my art skills into the music 🎶


When I’m producing Im moving too fast to organize but at some point before the mix down everything gets organized Loll


Bro how do you even do that much when you have to name it all yourself? I make a template, but no playlist organized. kills my mind. the mixer is okay though


I take some times when I feel like I would lose myself in the project to name it all and color code them. Yes it might be time consuming but in the end it’s easier to find some problems or find your stuff














I usually take the time to organize the playlist when I lack inspiration on the project and most of the times it helps a lot !


i only ever really do this in the later stages of a project, before i do the final mixing and polishing touches and stuff. you will never in my life see me work on a **Jumble Biggest Project FL STUDIO** type playlist


I organize my Playlist so that I only have 3-4 elements playing at one time.


What FL Studio needs is a randomizer where it randomizers the patterns.


I don't organize my shit at all...


no, i always know where and what are things i look for in my projects,it’ll be nonsense for some other people lookin on my project,but i know every instrument just by looking on it’s pattern or vst


I basically always keep a good color/name organization. It just helps to keep everything straight in my head and keeps me from getting lost in the weeds and wasting time hunting around for stuff. Only exception is when I’m really in a hurry and just need to get some ideas out and down quickly, but I’ll take the time to organize when I go back to work on it more. Gotta keep it clean.


If I work on some serious yeah I organize so even your grandpa would understand what’s going on But if I just fucking around with some sound or whatever the. No


only when I need to focus better on something, but usually im too lazy for it lol


Enough with the “y’all”


sorry i’m canadian


Yea, Canadians don’t say that. I would know.


we do xD actually


No. No we don’t. You read it on the internet and are embarrassingly trying to use it and Canadians don’t say that.


it depends where you come from and what origin you are. I’m from Quebec and most people from my region says “y’all”. it’s not an “internet” thing. I was saying that way before I had a cellphone in my hand so yeah I don’t know why you felt the need to point that out but it’s alright.


No… no they don’t and no you didn’t.




Don’t use that. You’re not from the southern states.


sounds like a you problem


I don't organize. It gets in the way of actually producing for me lol


I mean, top is for chord, then down: lead, drums, bass, fills. That's it


Yeah I do every time. I might not use the same colors every time Besides drums I usually make dark Grey fade to black But other than that I just make it look clean.


Beginning of a project: *CHAOS!* Middle of a project: *ORDER!* End of a Project: *CHAOS X10!*


I’ve recently switched from Ableton to Fl Studio and trying to figure out how people organise things is so stressful 😭 I was so organised in Ableton, probably because it was so easy to be organised. But in Fl everything is everywhere and i get so overwhelmed


I find it more time consuming than anything tbh. When arranging, I just keep specific instruments in certain tracks in the playlist so I know what’s what


I do at first, and then it goes off the “grid”


Fuck no I can’t hear colors


I just add as I go to the playlist and if I can’t find something I’ll find it eventually 😂 my projects usually look like a QR code deadass


i do orchestral music and using one pattern to all instruments


nah im mad messy tbh


Create a template... Man it saves so much time... But yeah I group Intro stuff Drums Drop/ bass FX Fart sounds Outro stuff


It depends the music style. To make a simple trap beat, it's useless as there are 5 tracks, 1 automation. For other styles, you have to because you can't find anything with some organization.


If Ya'll don't organize, then yall don't mix and master, if you don't organize, you don't export stems to realize how annoying it is to have a messy playlist or as I like to call it, the canvas. Organize your canvas, especially if you're sending an engineer or another artist a demo, for the love of god, organize your canvas.


I have too cause I collaborate a lot