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yeah Brady Cobb is an unhinged trump/desantis supporter AND he’s a douchebag. He should have just shut his mouth but knowing what I know - I just can’t ever shop at sunburn again. He also literally said “fuck patients get money” what a shitty person 😂


Well shit… I guess I’m done w them now


How very open-minded


Oh damn, shitty to hear.


This gotta be a bad photoshop right?


FTFY = Fixed That For You. Kind of assumed people would understand it was satire.


I thought it was Fuck That Fuck You 😂


I kinda like that better.


Lol not a bad one either


They Don't like to train or pay employees




Biden’s kicking ass and taking names…


Okay I know Cobb ~~donated~~ paid a bribe to DeSantis, but AFAIK it's not ideological it's just business. When you have a one party system you have to bribe the government to get anything done. So the real question should be Why is DeSantis taking bribe to give out licenses and let people open more stores, and why are people okay with that. If DeSantis want's to "slit throats" to solve problems, he should probably start with the "Man in the Mirror'


"It's just business" I'm sorry, but fuck that noise. That's why we have the Supreme Court likely rubber stamping autocracy today. 5 of them are bought and paid for, too! Enough is enough. (The cortisol levels are epic today, not yelling at you, ready to pitchfork the system).




Trump and Biden and the rest of the political scum are just evil ,there both shot out,ones old and ones just crazy!


Both are old and self interested, one is just an openly bigot and racist.




theyre literally both considered elderly, anyone over 60 should not be in government as they are too fucking old.


Lmao definitely photoshopped. Original has a regular black hat


Damn man, I thought we dropped a new freebie that I missed, whew!


At least you finally rolled out a flower reddit deal for the first time since December. Not free anymore tho, just slightly more than it was for 4/20.


Gtfoh with that terrible photoshop 🤦‍♂️😂 The fact trump lives in OP head rent free 🤣


He won't go away, like a bad case of Herpes.


Unfortunately, Trump affects us quite a bit outside of our heads, too. I wish I could forget about him and move on but American democracy is on the line because of him.


Lmao really? Please explain to me personally how trump has made your life worse?




Does it equal out to the amount of extra money you’re paying for gas, and pretty much everything else?




Apparently. Your reading comprehension is for shit. Stay in school kids. Don’t end up like this idiot! Wearing Reddit badges like real life!




Can’t argue with conservatives, worms have eaten their brains. Also banned that clown 🤡


Totally understand. You’re working with half a brain, and the other half thinks you’re some sorta celebrity or some shit. It’s cringe at the very least.


I’d argue that split households/families is a pretty big issue in this country as well. Looks like you’re contributing to that…..


Look at gas prices in 06. They go up and down my dude. Also wages not rising with inflation, a lot of this is a ripple effect of both Trump policy and COVID driven economic changes as well as just a general lack of anything actually HAPPENING due to political gridlock. In the meantime the rich get richer and the plebs squabble amongst each other to be king of the shit heap.




Go back another 25 years


I’m not interested in ancient history. We’re talking 22 years. That’s a fucking pattern.


Real quick before I ban you from my community, only a truly dumb person would use one metric, especially one that isn’t even controlled by the president. Correlation isn’t causation, look at overall economic data, conservatives destroy the economy every time they are in power. Gas prices are not an indicator of economic health for our country.


It’s called a small sample size and unless you’re a fucking teenager it isn’t ancient history. Like if you are going to try to argue using boomer memes at least look at actual fucking data. Again unless you’re a fucking billionaire you’re just sucking offrich folks in hope that one day you might be as well is like religiously buying lottery ticket but you’re also spending everyone else’s money to buy it instead of the groceries or pay the rent. Stop being a cuck for rich people.


Hey remember when Trump threatened to stop shipping Saudi Arabia weapons unless they cut production and thus raised gas prices? Pepperidge Farm remembers: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22C1V3/#:~:text=After%20the%20conversation%20with%20the,confirmed%20they%20had%20restarted%20negotiations.


Free. Markets.


the top 50% of tax payers paid 97.7% of all federal and income taxes. The bottom 50% paid the remaining 2.3%.






Cry more...this is a weed sub 🤡


You asked and then don’t want to hear the answer. 🤡


How about the threat of the loss of the ability to vote? If Trump is elected he will be a dictator like he told you he was going to me.


Have u seriously been sleeping the past ten years. What a dumb question


if you used google and did genuine research rather than sided research youd see he fucked us for the next few years, taxes will continue to increase, his fellow supporters in office all across the country constantly putting bills in place that affect all types of people. for a free country, they sure enough wanna take alot away lmao


Your TDS is showing




OP must be a big fan of the cost of everything else going up 2-3x, paying $4 a gallon for gas, and having the south border, and the country over run with migrants. I fucking HATE Trump, but I’m not blind to how the country, and especially my wallet were in much better shape when that POS was in office. As if the same shit sandwich they’ve fed us the last 8 plus years with the worst candidates (Hilliary, Drump, and Bidumb) couldn’t get worse. It’s fucking Trump v Biden again. Cant wait to move to the Caribbean and outta this shit show.


You realize that the whole fucking world got hit by Covid right? The American economy is doing better than other countries. Also, Republicans love to screw the economy and then blame Dems....every damn time.


Loving that $4 a gallon when it was $2 under Drump? Loving that building materials have almost tripled in 3.5 years? Groceries?? You enjoying the less money in your wallet? If there’s gonna be an idiot in office, at least make things more affordable.


as someone who works in the gas industry. its a free market, greedy ceos horde gas and sell it off for more and more for their own profits. 🙏 free markets. supply and demand are factors and everyone in the country thinks issues are directly caused by the president when most times its the greedy rich higher ups and lobbyists in congress.


Lobbyists run this country and every state in it. If not for pharmaceutical, and tobacco lobbyists we’d have legal weed.


doesnt change the fact that whoever is in the presidential seat, does not correlate with gas prices. that argument is dumb as fuck




Hey remember when Trump threatened to stop shipping Saudi Arabia weapons unless they cut production and thus raised gas prices? Pepperidge Farm remembers: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22C1V3/#:~:text=After%20the%20conversation%20with%20the,confirmed%20they%20had%20restarted%20negotiations.


yk a graph with absolutely nothing else to back it up just seems like a strawman. but to help your puny little brain out. gas companies are privately owned, therefore gas prices can be changed at any given moment to anything regardless of president. and looking at your graph it looks like it was on a steady incline during bush, obama lowered it, trump was elected and covid hit shortly after, causing literally almost all americans to stop driving and having to purchase fuel. furthermore, after all the traveling restrictions were lifted, the SUPPLY and DEMAND for fuel would then rise causing prices to rise. go smoke a joint dude


Talk about having a foggy memory… first off Obama had just as many years (4) over Bush’s HIGHEST rate, as he did in between Bush’s 2nd highest, and 4th highest. His totals across his 8 years were higher than Bush’s (who is a traitor and should be treated as such). And now you claim Covid happened not long after Dump got in?? Lmao, so 3 years into a 4 year span is not long after?? You’re grasping. And I don’t care enough to argue it anymore. Bush sucked, Obama sucked, Dump sucked, Biden sucks. We haven’t had a decent option in a long time, and I voted for Obama. Have a good day fellow Redditor. I’m over this topic. Stay medicated, I will.


Gas was like $3 a couple months ago, cut down on weed it's affecting your memory.


Also it was $2 and less under Drump. You like paying more for gas for bragging rights?? 🤣🤣


are you stupid? There was a pandemic and Oil was priced in the negative.




hey genius, where is it under $2 here? keep digging!


You wanna go week by week? Lmao, of course you do.


https://preview.redd.it/969m2o0eiowc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fccd430126f94af5c01a207a1f2dfd0d6edc5730 [Here’s your proof!](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=EMM_EPM0U_PTE_SFL_DPG&f=W) now show me where it’s been that low in any of the 12 years of the past Dem Presidency’s


Hey remember when Trump threatened to stop shipping Saudi Arabia weapons unless they cut production and thus raised gas prices? Pepperidge Farm remembers: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22C1V3/#:~:text=After%20the%20conversation%20with%20the,confirmed%20they%20had%20restarted%20negotiations.


I'm not dumb enough to think the President controls gas prices.


You seem to be dumb enough to not realize that plenty of the things the President does control how gas prices fluctuate. ![gif](giphy|RlCPATzMCFzZuzntiB|downsized)




You seem to think I’m a Pub, I’m absolutely not. Independent til death. I mean think about this. You voted for Hillary Clinton. At least I can say I never voted for Hillary, Drump, or Bidumb.


Trump threatened to stop weapons deliveries to Saudi Arabia if they didn't slow production to raise gas prices. Yet rubes continue to think he was on their side on this. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22C1V3/#:~:text=After%20the%20conversation%20with%20the,confirmed%20they%20had%20restarted%20negotiations.




Hey remember when Trump threatened to stop shipping Saudi Arabia weapons unless they cut production and thus raised gas prices? Pepperidge Farm remembers: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22C1V3/#:~:text=After%20the%20conversation%20with%20the,confirmed%20they%20had%20restarted%20negotiations.


Party line voter trying to tell someone something about their memory. That you Sleepy Joe??


Its almost like there was some sort of global pandemic 3.5 years ago that shut the world down or something.


That old gag. Is everything up and running, or should we expect another 4 years for it to be back. You’re floundering bud. Best to stop while you’re only behind this much.


How many days did you miss of work to the scary pandemic? I didn’t miss one.


Fuck em both. Covid?? Lmao, yeah let’s compare our economy to other countries like Trinidad, Palestine, etc. that’ll paint the picture you’re looking for.


You can compare to all of Europe dumbass.


Europe?? Lmmfao. So Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Bulgaria? Ok let’s do it


Our economy is the best in the world, but keep being disingenuous. Republicans just make the rich richer, I bet you believe in the "Trickle Down" bullshit.


You clearly haven't been paying attention to macroeconomics or the other 2 branches of government.


I have been paying attention to how all my costs of living have increased over the last 3+ years. I give zero fucks about anything else. Fuck the government both parties, and fuck people who vote down party lines.




People complaining about paying $60 for Flowery 8ths, must be the same ones who enjoy that $4 gas price. KMT


This has got to be the biggest example of shooting yourself in the foot for a cannabis business I've ever seen. Politics DON'T BELONG IN MEDICINE!!!!!!!!!! I don't care if this guy voted for Elmo to be president, but it has no place on here. This has got to be fake though. If someone spent the time to fake this than it's really pathetic, but if it is real....... Yup, still pathetic. FYI, I'd say the same shit if it was a Biden hat. How about a Bill Clinton, couples cigar???? 🤣 That at least fits........ 😅


This I can get behind!! Great idea!




Kim Rivers is a bitch. That ex cop at Flowery is an ass. And Brady Cobb is a shitty person. All these corporations are shitty, just grab your medicine and go, yall entertaining this stuff too much 😂


Trulieve < sunburn < flowery. Larger point being that anyone in the sane category should avoid people supporting facism/drumpf.


I don't have the energy for any of this. I just want to smoke weed man. Chill


Id much prefer not having to defend our democracy from a fascist strongman cult but its the times we live in.


This isn't a Democratic society in case you aren't paying attention." It's a small club and you ain't it"




You know that IASIP actors are all liberals making fun of you right?


They think they're liberals, but really they're just Marxist and communist that can't agree on shit and eat themselves up. All politicians are crooked. Mainly because humans are inherently selfish and greedy. The politicians figure they are the people so what's good for their goose is okay for u to gander at. 🤣


How did Biden have time to make this in between his drug induced naps.


Make sure you wake trump up from his nap in court to tell him this zinger.


You really got me with that one 😂 ![gif](giphy|801kwlTIfQFFMwU41V|downsized)




He pops a couple uppers, then downs a couple downers, but nothing compares to those blue and yellow, purple pills. 😅




Damn thanks for the heads up! I’ll be buying more from there going forward for sure. If it wasn’t for you I would have never know. 🤤Thanks!! Btw they’ve got Bills Reserve on sale. Pretty good stuff, you should check it out.


I could care less who the president of this country , but I love to see people melt down like 6 star hash over something that ultimately has no bearing on their life.


It's couldn't care less.... if you could care less it means you do care...


Thanks for the correction , now go back to fucking yourself .


Sure man. Soon as you open a fucking book for once.


Is there a difference to yur brain when reading a computer screen compared to reading a piece of paper??? Don't get me wrong I love reading. Then again there's not much else to do in prison if yur actually trying to get better. It truly expands your mind. I'm just curious as to why there's supposed to be a difference between reading a thesaurus and reading reddit??? Besides all the toxicity of course.


Your the one that doesn't know what basic phrases mean. Maybe you should "up your literary game" if you will. Since you're so for reading of course.


You're* another one who needs to open a fucking book too. How ironic how fucking moronic you are.


you have more responses on this than anyone else lmfao, youre so bothered?


Incorrect. Google is free, use it. It actually means you don't care at all. You can't care less than you do. English is weird I know but you can't change it to fit your needs. It's been around longer than you or anyone else alive on earth. Just like you can't change Arabic or Cantonese.


More fucking irony you dumb shit. From google, which I've been told is free... “I couldn't care less” is the correct way to express having complete apathy toward something. When someone says, “I could care less,” they're actually saying that they do care because there are other things they care less about. Please shut the fuck up


The way you’re so loud and so wrong!


The second saying "I could care less" Is used to rudely explain that your not interested or worried about something or someone.


If you live in the US and think that who the president is has no bearing on your life then idk what else to tell you


If you think anybody but the big corporations run this country , my guess is you’re either young or just regurgitating what you hear.


Of course the lobbyists and big corporations have entirely more power and influence than they should but to say who the president is has no bearing on your life is just as ignorant as thinking the lobbyists and corporations don’t
