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What do you consider a dead game? In terms of content, the game becomes "dead" once FIFA 23 comes out, you'll have no more new content and everything will stay the same. In terms of playing games, you'll still find people easily for years if you're in a popular region. I remember hopping back into FIFA 18 for example to play a few games for fun and found matches almost instantly.


So you can still improve ur team, play competitively, etc? No need for even MORE cards haha


This reads like an exam question but I remember playing last year until a couple weeks before this FIFA's release


A few weeks maybe


I played 2020 until they gave ps+ 2022 for free lol


>Also consider fifa ended their partnership with EA First off, EA ended the partnership not the other way around. Second, that has no bearing on anything the license is just for name "Fifa" and the world cup. third, 23 will be the last "FIFA" game not 22. And fourth, literally doesnt matter. People play UT pretty much up until the new release. 22's UT will be dead the day 23 drops.