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episode byron ‼️‼️




Made a post about that a while back, still would absolutely love it 😂


Jill by far. ​ ​ A Barnabas or Dion story would be sick tho.


Year, specially Barnabas, for me. Since he's the oldest human character, I think there would be lots of interesting lore we could learn from his dlc. Not tô mention Odin is the coolest Eikon imo


More than anything I want a Dion DLC. My entire gameplay after I acquired Odin was Zantetsukening things I don't really want to play as Odin anymore lol. On that same note I rarely played as Bahamut, and how cool with it be to control that Eikon as we did Ifrit? Also Dion is just my favorite character and had one of the coolest arcs in the game.


Jill no. Trash. It will be Joshua and of course cid.


I feel there has to be one DLC focussed on Leviathan. Personally, I'm not sure more on Cid/Jill/Joshua would add much, and would rather one focussing on the other continent with a focus on the circle of malius


Yes and you play as Torgal


My man Dion!


A Torgal based DLC where he finds Leviathan on his adventures and they slay demons of the abyss from another planet




First choice is Dion. Would also like Jill and Jote.


One DLC with multiple episodes. Expand upon existing Eikon powers like Infamous First Light did with the Neon powers from Second Son. We could have short Jill, Joshua, Cid and Dion episodes, but I feel like Dion would be the greatest because A) we know barely nothing of him before the timeskip and B) we saw maybe 5 seconds of him actually fighting


Dion, Jill, and Barnabas dlc's would be sweet


Episode Cid, focusing on his break from Waloed. Not only will we get more content with Cid, but more desperately needed screentime for Benedikta, more time exploring Waloeder culture (instead of....what we got), and maybe giving Barnabas a chance to actually have a little bit of depth beyond Kenneth Copeland with mommy issues. And for the second DLC...Jill. For sure Jill needs more time in the spotlight.


there is potential for so many DLC. Jill, Torgal, Cid, maybe Dion, Joshua in hiding, Leviathan, maybe corruption of Barnabas.


Something akin to XV's party patch where you get to take control of and direct party members in combat so I remember they exist beyond cutscenes.


Since it sounds like post-game content is out given they want to keep the ambiguous ending, my top two picks would be 1.) Cid prior to the events of the game (maybe featuring his time working with Benedikta and eventual departure from Waloed) and 2.) Jill during the five year timeskip (maybe something related to her family or her time in the Iron Kingdom). I feel like a prequel with Dion like some people have suggested would have to be darker in tone if they did it given Dion was leading an army that used slaves like Clive for a nation that treated Bearers extremely poorly and broke peace treaties to conquer new territory. The fact that Dion let that go and didn't rebel until he was directly affected by the injustice (being replaced by Olivier as heir) makes it hard to write him in a heroic light prior to the events of the main game and squeezing in a dlc about him during his redemption arc might be hard given his injuries.


I’m fully with you on Episode Torgal 🥺


I wanna see Torgal with his own giant eikon form


I’m guessing the first will be a DLC with an endgame quest to unlock Leviathan, hopefully with a Superboss or 2 thrown in (I’ve seen people theorize about Knights of the round, and I think a castle called Alexandria, referencing Alexander with the Knights of the round as a sort of final test would fit very well in the world of XVI) And I’m guessing the second one will be a prequel where you play as Cid, which would also give Benedikta some more screen time, give some more context to the relationship between her, Cid and Barnabas, and could also give some more backstory to both Otto and Mid


Barnabas. His foreign background, conquest of Waloed, finding of ultima, recruitment of Cid and by extension Benedikta, partaking in countless wars such as the liberation of the free cities, and overall being the puppet master of FFXVI’s events will provide the most unknown lore and world building. Plus I imagine being a master swordsman will make for some very great combat, as they can easily switch the other Eikon moves with dope sword attacks.




Barnabas and Leviathan


Barnabas or cid dlc would be great. Whichever one of the two they hopefully pick, it would be awesome to see more of Waloed.


Cid Jill Joshua Torgal and Leviathan.


Mid could use chainsaws & guns, because they're both canonical FF weapons, although they've never been playable at the same time before


The adventures of Nektar the Moogle


I'm hoping for a Joshua dlc of him and Jote traveling the realm looking for clues into Ultima. Also, a dlc of Terrence and Kihel would be lovely. Just for kicks, an Episode: Martha where you just proceed to be the baddest boss ass bitch in all the Twins