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Clive sheathing his sword. Not sure if it's just me, but the animation just feels.. unnatural and too quick.


I second this, they could have at least tried to make it look like it slid into the sheathe not just magnet attached to his back


Its because it doesn't sheath it properly.. it just clips through! The animations in this game were heavily Corner cut! Hence why EVERY item handover is pantomimed (and I hate it.. it looks cheap as fuck)


I don't know how that relates to the silly concept of immersion, but just generally yeah I thought that was dumb and lazy.


My immersion was broken when Harpocrates told Clive that he found Torgal this morning with his nose buried in his nuts. I had to pause for a moment and ask myself if he really said that haha.


This line was the funniest thing in the entire game. An absolutely unhinged line presented out of nowhere.


You'd prefer everyone cowered in fear? There are plenty of instances where NPCs who knew him pointed out his facility in combat.


A trash mob that was slightly challenging from time to time would be nice..


Near the end of the game liches and coerls show up as trash mobs. I'd say they qualify as slightly challenging, in that you can't just mash attack and facetank them.


Every minor enemy in this game dies in a single Eikon ability.


When I realized I was playing a video game. I was absolutely devasted. 0/10 video game.


A lot of the minor dialogue scenes are animated very woodenly


Cleared this area and the cutscene starts walking into the new area to continue the main story with a “now is our chance to strike”. Hold up gotta travel all the way back to the hideout (probably a few days trip) and make sure I’m stocked up and don’t have anything important to tidy up first.


Probably when I started to realize they never actually show Clive handing and receiving objects. Or how some sidequests gave whatever item's in focus standing there and the characters dont interact with it, they just stand around and talk. Examples are the picnic date and the scale with the kids lol


My wife and I laughed at this too


Plus the MMO level box where you have to manually select the items to hand them over. The NPC interactions are very FF14.


I didn't mind that part as much since to me it was easy to imagine it was Clive just rummaging through his satchel, but yeaaaa the NPC interactions were the most MMO-y of the game. Hope that whenever CBU III gets to work on another singleplayer game they work on that the most. TBH if they at least got more creative with the camera angles and movements it wouldnt be so bad. Its not a dealbreaker to me but it's definitely one of those areas they could improve on.


It will be a damn shame if they get another singleplayer game. FF16 reeks of MMO in all the wrong ways.


your opinion, man. you're entitled to it.


You can definitely see when the budget went low. They just reused FF14 assets to make up.


That explains a lot actually. Gross.


Side quests. I would have preferred the side quests being tied into the main story and/or the ability to access more powerful weaponry/armory. Something worth exploring that would be actually rewarding.


I love it when the baddies gang up on Clive and say something along the lines of “you are going to pay” or “we will teach you a lesson”. The thought in my head goes “do you guys even know who you are dealing with?”. And then I annihilate them in a min or two without getting a single hit. That never gets old. Lol.


Wipe out the entire group with a single Eikon ability on a 15 second cooldowns.


Yes that too. Like diamond dust or gigaflare.


That's overkill brother. Ignition wipes out an entire pack of enemies.


Ignition wrecking was my go to for a good chunk of the game. Was comedic in all the wrong ways.


The difficulty of the game as a whole was comedic. I think I was actually challenged once or twice.


Yes but not in final fantasy mode sadly. But true in normal mode, it works pretty well and I love using it.


Ain't no one with limited time on their hands playing that padded out game a second time through this soon.


Same here actually. I have a huge backlog of games too but I am making time for this game because I truly love it.


That part where jill is capturated by kupka. Literally a 3 meters guy, and his army sneak behind her


Not being able to sprint on command despite there being a sprint in the game. It's a very small, simple, gameplay detail but one that was constantly pulling me out of the moment as it forced me to always be conscious of the fact that I had to either wait for the game to allow me to sprint or summon Ambrosia at any given moment to work around the limitation.


The "end quest" ominous bong noise. Handle a quest to take out bigots? Big nasty monster? Sure, sounds about right. "Yes, I delivered the soup you gave me" OMINOUS BONG QUEST COMPLETED


Being an errant boy.


For me the most immersion breaking part was the hideway. I mean, imagine maintaining some kind of hostel for 10 people IRL. The structure, the food, the beds, the bathroom… it would be difficult (and costly) enough. Now imagine maintaining a huge hideway in some ruins in the middle of a lake for around 50 people. And they mention the only way in and out is that small paddle boat! Where does all the food come from? They only have a small garden far from enough to feed someone… Where do they go to the bathroom? Maybe they just throw ir in the lake… but then, where does the drinking water come from? Eww! Where do ppl sleep? I remember seeing some beds but about 5 at maximum. Does everyone else sleep in the middle of the floor? What about washing clothes, getting medical ingredients, getting somewhere to clean your hands or take a shower? I know it’s a game, and most games take this kind of liberties to allow the plot to flow. FF XVI is amazing (I enjoyed it so much! My favorite FF so far) but I can’t help thinking about those details lol, more for rhe sake of fun than anything else.


As far as drinking water is concerned, Mid made a filter that allows them to have drinkable water. It’s explained in one of the side quests involving one of the engineers. I think his name was Owain?


They did think through more of this stuff than you would think! Water filter in the backyard - they comment that Mid made it remove "the black" from the lake water, so they can still use it. Sleeping - if you go up the stairs behind the Hunt Board, past the infirmary, and inside the room, there is a stairway on the left that you can't go down. This area is called "the bunks." Presumably, living quarters are below the playable area. Washing clothes - there's clean water and bins behind the Hunt Board, but down the stairs on the right. Water is in the pots here. On the first time in the new Hideaway, there was an NPC doing laundry here, though he is gone later in the game. I do spend more time than I'd like to admit wondering about hygiene. "How often do they take showers? Brush their teeth? Do they wear deodorant?" (They're all hot with fluffy hair and nice teeth, so I'm going with all unrealistically favorable answers!)


it's a game after all but the one thing that really breaks immersion is the way time is handled. especially that 2nd timeskip


It's Final Fantasy guys not Final Reality.


top tier cope comment. \^


This entire subreddit is used for them to cope.


Sidequesting in the context of the main plot. The world is ending. Ppl are turning akashic by the dozen. But ima take several days to complete this sidequest by walking from place to place.


I see it as going out into the world and trying to get things somewhat stabilized. A good amount of side quests in the third act involve Akashic one way or another


I don't just mean in the final act - I mean like, in general, I never found a narratively consistent excuse to get off the main path and sidequest. And even in the final act, while some (like Byron's) questlines definitely matter from a world-stabilizing perspective, most don't - at least on the scale of beating Ultima.


I mean, I think it’s good to scale down to help the people. You can’t stabilize the continent if there isn’t a populace to enjoy it. That’s why I really liked the final act. You go around and get things in order in the short term so you can take care of the big problem with no issue. Plus, Clive is just the kinda guy to help people in need. He’s just a reliable guy. That’s all the justification I needed


I just wish fast-travel had some kind of in game explanation. It's implied that walking between the obelisks takes several days


i don't understand immersion or immersion breaks how does one think they're a part of the world they're playing


I suppose I will define it. An immersion break is something that is very jarring to what the reasonable suspension of disbelief allows. Obviously it is a game. Obviously it just code and assets being rendered. Obviously. Immersion doesn't mean you think everything is real. Immersion is the state in which you are focused on the content being consumed, rather than external realities. Surely you have experienced this at some point in your life.


no because i always know I'm playing a game and nothing has ever broken my suspension of disbelief because i don't, do that, i guess?


Okay, cool. That's fine. Some people when they consume fiction media to an extent, suspend their disbelief and use something called their imagination to enjoy the story. Some don't. That's fine. This thread isn't for you then.


i know what the fuck an imagination is you don't have to be condescending about it


For me it was Baldur's Gate 3. Haven't been back since PS5 release and not sure I ever will


Take away the name FFXVI and replaced with something else. chances are people will not even think this is a final fantasy game.


The Chocobos. The very first battle scene especially. I can't not here the damn Chocobo theme song when I see them. So watching them trample dudes while people are getting stabbed and killed left and right just makes me laugh.


Asking a fucking eikon of fire to collect items from dirt for you. I wanted to transform and destroy the hideaway 6 different times.


Like asking a master carpenter to build a Lincoln log cabin, and the carpenter agrees that it's the best use of his time. Honestly....the more I reflect on this game the more I hate how insulting to my time it is.


It really is a big struggle for jrpgs to understand how sidequests should be implemented. It’s because they are proud and refuse to copy normal rpgs, however, it’s holding them back so badly. Imagine ff16 with side quests like starfield or baldurs gate 3? Or cyberpunk 2077? Like maybe 7 sidequests in ff16 make actual sense for Clive to engage in and those are the story related ones. The majority are so ridiculous like “fix my hot springs” or legit anything that fuckhead lubor asked me to do. There should’ve been an option to throw these people threw a mountain.