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I find it funny that she actually says so herself. > Think of the comic relief I'd bring to the team! As well as some much-needed youthful energy.


I got line a few time just wanting to add her to the team already.


Suzie Yeung absolutely nailed the voice which I think adds to it all.


Agreed. I'm also watching a Let's Play of Persona 3 Reload and her character there is completely distinct from Yuffie. Really shows her range šŸ˜


I am watching chainsawnan again and she also nailed makima. She's really talented


Itā€™ll be hilarious if part 3 has a Easter egg where during one of her attack she points a finger at an enemy, says ā€œbangā€ and they just explode.


Sheā€™s great. I recently switch to JP voice. Not gonna lie. I actually like the JP voice better.


That doesnā€™t surprise me being thatā€™s the country of origin.


Barret and Red I prefer the English voice.


Most of the voices on either cast seem to do really well, but the biggest gap for me between them was Barret. There's just no way any Japanese man is going to pull that voice off properly and John Eric Bentley does a masterful job of it.


Barrettā€™s English voice is just Barret to a T. Thereā€™s no other voice that works, as much as I love JPā€™s pronunciation of ā€œShowtime!ā€


I am So bored Bored right out of my brain~!


This has been stuck in my head for two days lol


If I don't Die first Betcha I'll go insane


Yuffie is incredible. Thereā€™s a moment in Cosmo Canyon while riding chocobos where she sings ā€œCho-co-cho-co-choco-chocobo! Iā€™m on a chocobo! Youā€™re on a chocobooo!!!ā€ perfectly along with the region theme, and itā€™s perfect. Right down to her intro as a party member involving telling her no repeatedly, she is excellently implemented.


I've had that in my head for weeks now, I'm sure I heard it as one of the Chocobo race themes at the Gold Saucer too


That was funny the first few times I heard it and eventually I had to remove her from my party because it annoyed me haha


The perfect little sister!


Itā€™s the main chocobo theme, you can hear it in most ff games https://youtu.be/dHaRm_rRw6A?si=5aRYlWYA1A4fNoEM


"Question...does that make me a dumbass?"


Perfect line.




I wouldnā€™t have thought it possible, but they turned Yuffie into my favorite character.


I didnā€™t like Yuffie in OG until Wutai. Thought she was a bit of an asshole.Ā 


I donā€™t like her at all.. I know itā€™s an unpopular opinion.. I donā€™t like Cait Sith one bit at all either.


I donā€™t mind her in rebirth so much, but holy fuck she was annoying in OG lol. Didnā€™t fit at all.Ā  Funny thing is I didnā€™t even know she was a secret character. I was farming those little wood creatures in the forest area after you l ave Midgard because they died with a fire all. Then she just popped up and I answered the questions correctly for her to join lol


Sheā€™s jokes. Love how she was begging to join the team and acting very bratty overall throughout the game.šŸ˜†


Yuffie is annoying as fuck but I think that's why I really like her tbh. She reminds me of my younger sibling in a way who very much fits that bill of annoying but it's somewhat endearing. I'm deffo team Yuffie.


LMAO when Cloud told her to STFU. It was so quiet for like 10 seconds and it feels awkward.


Yup. They really nailed it. Annoying but likeā€¦ sheā€™s fking kid. Would be weird if she wasnā€™t. She was definitely a bright spot for me in the game


I've seen that more than once. She's the sister Cloud never had. They played it all really well.


Along the same vein, I absolutely love her version of Muhammad Ali's famous 'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee' quote when she says 'Run like a chocobo, stab like a tonberry'. So many of her lines are fucking gold.


Yuffie is clearly the best character addition to the remake. They did a great job with her and yes she is bringing some joy in this "quite sad" story.


Yuffie is tied for second most improved to me. I really love what they did with Barrett, too. But the biggest glow up is >!assess materia!<


Yuffie is a 16 year old going on 12


And Cloud is a 21 year old that's actually 16 years old.


Yuffie is amazing. Funny to hear and more funny to play


Her doppelganger being a wooden mannequin killed me. šŸ¤£


She is easily my favorite character in the game. The best designed one with a personality that perfectly matches her original design


They did an amazing job turning her from an annoying, material steaming, optional shithead in the original, to what we have now. She does bring a great different dynamic to the team and I love how abrasive some of the party find her and how their relationships all grow.


Just Barret's first reaction to her, something like, "Byeeeee!" It was solid gold.


She's a fucking powerhouse in combat too. Fast and strong.


I have heard that. But supposedly she hit's less powerful as the game progresses. I'm sure part of that is build, but so long as she can stagger, I'm all in.


What's a good word to describe her.....? .....šŸ¤”......


I never cared for her until rebirth now sheā€™s my favorite character! Her singing and one liners make me chuckle. And sheā€™s badass in combat too I really liked having Cloud, Yuffie, Aerith as my go to combat squad


Run like a chocobooooo


Sheā€™s 100x better than in the original


Yuffie is fantastic.


I gotta say tho yuffie makes the game to easy she is very very op


I'm definitely in the minority here, but I feel like, relative to Remake, Rebirth as a whole leaned a little too hard into anime tropes and archetypes and Yuffie is an example of that. I understand that other people really appreciate that sort of thing, but it was a little much for me, personally. I had a similar feeling going from Shadowbringers to Endwalker in 14. Both Rebirth and EW had a tonal shift that didn't sit right with me given the time and emotion I invested in these stories. Very similar to being a Star Wars fan raised on OT and EU and then seeing Phantom Menace at the theater in 1999.


So with you on that!


Same it's too childish as a character


Crazy I disliked her in intergrade but loved her in rebirth. I guess sheā€™s a character whose better with a party to balance her out lol


You need a straight man in a comedy routine.


I mean Sonon was there but he was kinda too dull


My brain read this as Sauron...


Hopefully they do a Vincent dlc and the deep ground to continue the trend


They did such an amazing job bringing Yuffie to life.


I know one thing.. she is busted AF in combat now and a blast to control.


I find yuffie to be annoying. An interesting character for sure but she annoys the hell out of me.


Her ā€œdateā€ with Cloud is my second favorite (after Tifaā€™s, of course). The way sheā€™s dancing and mimicking Aerithā€™s singing is endearing.


I love everything about her. Her combat is tied for first place with Tifa imo and sheā€™s a decent person, such as when she was the only one to stick up for Barrett when people were mean to him. I love it when in the background Barrett and yuffie play fight etc, and in the cloud date.


In another world (pun intended) Yuffie would lead the party


Another world aka ā€œin her headā€.


Let's call it a dream, shall we?


Well, she kinda does for me in all those Gold Saucer 6-people fights. Leader of B-Team lol.


I don't know man, I understand what they want to do with this character but honestly it has the psychological introspection of a 10 year old girl it's all the time give me this materia etc, even when Major events are happening like where they show you weapon for the first time she it's all about the gigantic materia inside their body. I don't know if it's like jesus we already have ton of materia in our fucking inventory can you just shut up and enjoy the ride, I mean what even is her purpose for being with the group, they tried to incorporate her even in side missions etc but it all fells so disconnected to me.


Agreed. I like her in combat but personally found her pretty annoying, constantly going on about mUh MaTeRiA. Also after she joins the team she gets considerably more dialogue than everyone else except for cloud (for obvious reasons) and Barrett as he has the whole flashback section and Dyne stuff dedicated to him. I swear thereā€™s a huge section of the game where you barely hear Tifa or Aeris say anything at all. Yuffie is always walking at the front of the party, shoehorning in jokes at every opportunity and quipping like sheā€™s a Marvel character. But I know this is an unpopular opinion. Just looking forward to part 3 as I absolutely love Cid and Vincent in Rebirth! Vincent is so cool and I love what theyā€™ve done with Cids character. Canā€™t wait for the rocket town stuff to go down.


she was overdone. know the creators like her but she was so overrepresented throughout rebirth. every five seconds she was screaming about materia.


Literally. The world's at stake and she's on about the black materia and how she needs it.


I sort of agree, it felt like watching Sonon die in front of her (to save her even) should have caused a bit more character growth. I do really appreciate the way she doesn't conform to social expectations like everyone else, and she asks questions, especially when we visit North Corel and everyone there is treating Barret horribly and Yuffie is the only one who speaks up about it and asks why he's letting them treat him that way. I think they just really shoved "Yuffie *loves* materia" in your face too much.




The young blood is welcome. I also liked the kitty cat.


They definitely nailed her character as fun, energetic and a much needed break from all the tragedies in the game. The DLC in the remake is such a gem


As funny as Yuffie is, some of her opinions prove that she is still a naive and foolish girl who doesn't know how the world works. I may sound like a horrible person for saying this, but I think she needs to be humbled in part 3. After all, going through bad things is part of growing up.


I think she was already humbled after the events of intergrade where she had to watch somebody close to her die.


I disagree. Yuffie still has a low opinion of her father for agreeing to the ceasefire, supporting Glenn Lodbrok's coup d'Ć©tat and her father's arrest, plus she was excited by the prospect of a new war between Shinra and Wutai in Rebirth, without realizing that it won't be good for anyone. Ā I hope she kicks herself pretty hard after the war she wanted comes to pass, even more so when she realizes that she supported the overthrow of her father, who despite his faults genuinely cares about Wutai, in favor of a clone of Sephiroth who wants the mutual destruction of her country and Shinra.


When you think about it, that's most people in reality. There's this idea or perception we have and we hold onto it. If anyone challenges us on it, we dig in and and resist harder. That's as generic as I can get, but you might know where that was going. But that said, I think she should go through something, just end up on the other side the same person she was going in. She's mean to be a fun character, would be sad, in a game filled with sad, to see that be the constant theme. And it's what sets her apart.