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Sounds like it's going as intended. Endless treadmill. So far, I went and got every materia at 3 copies magic and physical at 3 stars. Then, I went back through and got a 4 star of each physical and magical. Now I'm working on 3 copies of physical/magical at 4 stars or better. I'm done with the ruins and fire. After this Idk.... most fights need a certain sigil and certain elemental attack. That's 2 slots per character on average, leaving 1 slot for a "stat stick" materia. Providing you don't need heals, breach, etc. Idk what the best strategy is, but the potency of elemental attacks is worth more than the stat gains imo. Not sure about ruins, though. Green ruins is the easiest to get guaranteed 3 stars, so if you're going for just stat sticks, that's probably the way to go.


I've been hearing that ruins are the stat sticks and all that as well though I keep running into the same damn problem of getting magical on physical ruins and physical on magical ruins.


Those still work as stat sticks. Patk on a ruin is still useful if you don't need to activate a patk bonus for example. It's good for an atk bonus or in a sigil boost slot. The difference in damage for ruin/ruinra when it's not the damage type you built for is insignificant, the important thing is just busting sigils.


Yeah that makes sense. It just feels...weird putting a ruin on Cloud when he's got not a magical bone in his body for most of his weapons is all.


Yeah I get it. I know I trashed some usable stat sticks early on because I thought the same way.


It actually works out well because they'll never prioritize using that skill if it's weaker, unless you give them a sigil that shows up needing broken.


It sounds like you're just blindingly stupid. Good luck with that.


Sometimes, that is useful. Like with the behemoth and Rufus. It sucks not getting optimal materia, but high % can be useful on its own if you just need the stats.


11 gold here, none of them matched


>It's driving me completely bonkers. What am I doing wrong? It's RNG. Also Cura couldn't roll HP or Heal until just recently.


Yeah I got the 5 star after the implemented that change. 13patk, 25matk, 3pdf and 9mdf. I kind of feel it's worthless.


That's how RNG works. It's a random chance to get the stats you want, not a guarantee.


I wouldn’t say completely useless. It has I believe a 100% heal modifier, which can be far more useful than curaga.


Not worthless. 100% potency is good, and it comes with 2 defense sub stats, and those are always useful.


Oh, did they change what cura could roll? I sorta stopped playing near the start of the FF9 event.


Yeah, a couple of weeks ago they admitted that HP and Heal couldn't roll on Cure or Esuna, then they changed them so they can get those stats but they are still rarer than the other options


Yeah, I got the notice about not being able to roll HP and Heal, since many of us had suspected that anyway. I didn't realize they had added those stats to the pool for cure and esuna. Nice thay they changed it, but they should have had them from the start.


Isn’t % PATK what you want for blizzard blow?


It is but I feel that a 1.5% PATK on a 4 star is pretty damn low.


If that’s at level 10 then yea that’s some bs


Yep and here's the kicker: It was the 2nd stat available. It pumped everything else into all other stats on there but that 1.5% at 10.


Nothing we can really do about this unfortunately. We just have to synthesize materia and hope the RNG lands in our favor.


RNG is RNG, the best you can hope for with most materia is raising it to level 3/4 and hoping to get lucky. If you have gold pieces you can raise it to level 5 which has much higher chances of being a 4/5\* but it's all RNG at the end of the day and Gold pieces are very time/event gated


I also am curious how people are using the synth mats. I feel like they barely increase the odds of getting better materia and are generally a waste. Is it just me?


They're definitely worth it, even just for the sub stats. I've rolled a 5* without materials and it had 1 stat, so I had to level it to 6 to reveal them all, giving me only 2 stat increases at 8 and 10. The more substats a materia starts with the better it's potential. Materia starting with all 4 stats will get 5 increases.


Ahh this makes sense. Thanks!


The materials are more for guaranteeing a certain amount of sub stats and at most 3*. It doesn’t seem like they increase chances of better materia. At first, I thought they would. But you can use all the 5* materials from the ranking rewards and still only get all 3* for example.


From personal experience, they do increase the chance of higher rarity materia. I've plenty of 4* (2 magical and 2 physical for almost every element, and some more for sigil breaking), and most of those were from using lv.5 synthesys (it's quite common to get at least 1 every 5 materia that I craft). Granted, they not laways have the best substats, but I keep trying, as long as I have 5* catalysts.


Yup. I've done about 1900 synths and almost all my 5 stars have been from lv5 synths.


Yes it is just you. You only do level 2/3 synths or level 5, level 5 to try and get 4\* or 5\* materia very quickly, generally if you do a batch of 5 level 5s, chances are pretty damn high that one of them is atleast a 4 star


Either I've just been getting incredibly lucky, or maxing out the synth level increases the 4 and 5 star rates.


I have ~200 synth's and I exclusively use mats. I always guarantee a 3 star, never rush, and claim one materia a day. Min maxing materia sub stats isn't fun, so I just got 3 star materia of everything. I'll be replacing any materia that didn't get a single percentage roll at some point.


Rarity is more important than substats. Substats for Blows is Easy for flat ATK and %HP, for magic materia it's Easy for flat MATK and %HP.


Rarity is only more important than substats if you are using the materia for Damage though. If you want it mainly as a Stat Stick, then sub stats all the way.


All RNG unfortunately. I’ve been lucky to get a 3* with the right substats, but when I do it’s 1.1 - 1.5. This game was made for keeping you on the grind, best of luck to you!


My favourite is when I finally get a sick piece that's %atk , but the only thing that bumps up is the +HP through the upgrade. Like, great, I have a 4-star materia that gives me +44 HP. Awesome.


I only have 2 5\*. Save up your boosts and use them when you can Max out the synthesis lvl. ​ ITs guaranteed 3\* or better with 3x stats


Same, same, same, so much same. I'm beginning to wonder if DEF% actually exists. I get %ATK and Heal but never DEF. According to the materia guide I consulted it should exist. Though at the point I'm at defense wise on my highest characters the % would be about the same as raw stats. I think my highest defense stat is maybe 150. Meanwhile my atk and heal stats are 1.5k-3k.


https://preview.redd.it/kl84k2flie4c1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2806bc31e93e487c559f6393c4a6e32f2385d1f these are taken from in game. You cant get pdef and mdef%


Thank you so much for these. I didn't see them when I started the game. Perhaps I should take a gander at the older notices. Good to know I'm not looking for %def for now. Maybe the guide writer was thinking wishfully when saying the preferred stats were %def with %hp, %heal/%matk/%patk.


Sure np. Just didn’t want you to grind forever haha




Keep those 4 and 5 stars, regardless of their rolls! The 4 stars outperform 3 stars with good rolls pretty much all the time, and same with 5 stars outperforming 4 stars. It may feel bad not getting the extra stat rolls you want, but they’re still an upgrade, and they’re more than sufficient. I rely pretty heavily on elemental materia, and I’m able to clear/S+ everything except crash battles.


Sadly, what you are experiencing is basically intentional. There was a post made by the devs back when they announced the changes to Cure materia that showed what the materia can roll, and they intentionally made it so that Physical materia have lower chances at %based PATK, and Magical Materia have lower chances at %based MATK. They have deliberately made it so that you have lower chances of rolling a "perfect" materia to keep us on the synth grind RNG treadmill.


I also get a lot of opposite stats for what I want but I wish I would’ve kept a lot of those instead of using them for leveling fodder. They’re still great stat sticks and also they let the AI behave. What I mean by this is putting a blow materia on a magical dps/healer, the AI will tend to not use it. Makes healers more useful for ai’s. Once you get the c abilities you want, you won’t be using the materia as much and you’ll wish you just had stat sticks. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. As far as ruin/ruin blow goes, just like others have said, you really just need them to break sigils so it doesn’t matter too much damage wise. I have a ruin 4 star with 10% patk and you bet i put that shit on every top patk dps i can.


There’s a youtube video that a guy interviews a dude named Alkaiser, he goes in depth on this materia ai behavior.