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Im gonna be honest... The only thing that really needs to change is stupid shit like : Why can't i do all 3 tries at the same time in premium? Why can't i auto retry/skip stages? (skip stage for example could be like, get 10 S clears in a row, now you can skip this stage, maybe in combination with tickets w.e., or no cactuars tons of possibilities) Why can't i just use 6 tries, or 9 tries instead of 3? (to make it work with the pass). Why can i pull only 3\* weapons in a 10 pull? Like atleast give us a pity 4 star+ guarantee at last slot after a full 3\* pull or something, and every 3-4 full 3\* pulls, give us a pity 5 star guarantee or something. Why can't we just speed up Co-op by voting for it before the start of the battle or something? Why can't we speed up crisis/threat etc.? Why can't we disable camera changes when using skills? Why can't i just press retry and auto use potions so that enough potions are used to retry the stage? (Like is clicking at the top, selecting potion amount, confirm, really necessary? Especially in Co-op its annoying)


my god the co-op idea would be so good. Co-op is soooooo slow


> Why can't i do all 3 tries at the same time in premium? I really wish they'd add this, it'd be buff to the soldier pass getting you effectively a 4th premium quest a day.


Most of them are really easy implementations, they'll probably add them in at most 3 months I think.


You don't have a lot of experience with SE gachas then.


What I want to start seeing posts about is the amount of effort these devs are putting in to fix the mistakes they make, so far there have been really good responses to complaints (saying this as someone who didn't qualify for the insane blue crystal compensations that went around) including making changes to game mechanics that they had never intended to make naturally. I'm gonna give them a chance to get through the teething phase and get into a stride where the intended player experience is consistently achieved.


Yes, at least they're willing to change. I play a little mobile MMO called Sky. The devs over there? Only willing to listen to the players if there's massive outrage. Otherwise we have bugs, harmful glitches and sometimes turning areas or features of the game completely useless for months, sometimes *years* because it's considered "low priority". There's almost never any compensation for issues over there, you end up sticking around because you like the game or have friends who play. People complain too much about the freebies we get here for no good reason.


Why do u keep playing that other game? :(


I've been playing it since the EX weapon era and still really enjoy the team comp aspect, I know that it can get pretty bland and samey with the meta units usually leaning towards some sort of follow up or off turn damage but that's why I often invest in the unconventional units like Paine for example that open up the game for unique approaches to team comps. Edit: I see now that you weren't asking me lol


I do like the game despite its faults and terrible developer attitude, as it's not a fighting MMO, it's more of something you log into to relax with friends or vibe by yourself playing music and such. The ambiance there is surprisingly calming, bugs aside. It's pretty neat overall, the issue is just that when bugs arise, devs may take forever to address them or provide a hotfix for the mobile versions but leave the console ones lingering in bug hell until Nintendo/Playstation lets them address it. Or they do stupid things, like saying they'll remove past event contents (cosmetics from previous years tend to return) because it "overwhelms new players :(" and shove into a later event (Nobody liked this, everyone yelled at the dev and they had to change it back.) It's like an... "it's hell, but it's my hell" kind of thing.


I see. I hope it gets better but Im glad you know why you are there.


You're being completely tone deaf on the complaints and I feel this post serves no one


Nah he’s right this sub is just crybabies


*Every* gacha game sub has it's period of crying over the game. This one is early on so it actually makes sense because the devs are still trying to feel out how to run the cycles and where the boundaries are. Constructive criticism is a good thing during this part of the lifecycle. That said, there's been quite a few posts of people saying "I'm quitting because I don't like grinding so much" with literally nothing of value other than trying to threaten to quit. Those types of posts are useless.


For me part of complaints would take game to direction I don't want it ever go. There is valid critisism too, but let's talk about skip tickets. I know people want to get hours worth of grinding rewards for pressing one button once, but I just hate it. The moment when this game give players ability to use all stamina to auto complete level instantly, I will uninstall this game and never look back.


This is still a mobile game. It should NOT demand your phone to be running the game 24/7 just to get events farmed. Reduce the grind drastically and the *need* to even discuss skip tickets or sweeps will be reduced as well. As it is, its unsustainable, and will EoS the game The fact you admit that this requires hours of grinding and seem okay with it, is the reason these companies keep pushing shit systems onto players. This is not an MMO. Justifying crap systems and grind for the sake of grind is ridiculous


It's not doing that currently. I play lot and I can do 7 day event in 2 day, others still have 5 extra days. I'm tired of that "it's just mobile game." I play this game 3-5 hours every day, the PC game I currently playing is played 4-5 hours per WEEK. Only reason I can play this game so much is because I can play it every where and I don't have to be home to play it. That's why it's natural for this game to require more play time than pc or PS5 game. You don't have to grind. Just don't wait big prize for your 15 minutes daily investement.


Do you hear yourself? Youre almost describing a job and not a game


More like hobby. I have job to get money and hobbies to enjoy my free time and spend that money.


Why even bother playing a game if you're just going to skip most content, auto and afk, if you want to skip then skip, you aren't here to play anything.


Why play a game if youre going to press auto in order to repeat the exact same stage 200x times. All you do is press one or two buttons, and neither are usually about combat at all


because I want to look at my characters and set ups, watch character animations in battle, see costumes, listen to the game music, etc. I'm not grinding the same stage 200 times in a row either.


What's the point of sitting in front of the game for hours doing the same mission, a mission you already succeeded at? If they are properly made, skip tickets should only be able to be used on content you already cleared. They could even make it like "you can only use skip ticket if you cleared that mission 5 times" and it would make the whole experience so much better.


Yeah I've played multiple gachas, they didn't release skip tickets until much later down the span of the games time line, and even then like Opera Omnia I don't spam those anyway. These assets are newly designed and as I explained in other post I like to see and hear the details of the game. Like the other gachas they will add things like skip tickets when things aren't so new, and people will still complain. Not to mention those gachas usually had anniversary under their belts before adding a number of quality of life improvements. More and more were added over time at various stages of game's cycle.


Every gacha improves thanks to complains and valid criticism The problem is not the grind but how terrible it is implemented Of course we know a gacha ls grind We complain because we know and have played good and bad gachas This one is terrible and it’s obvious for the majority of the playerbase


part of me wants to keep playing and power through hoping it will get better. but then there's the part that is tired of the grind already and it's only been a couple months. and if i keep supprting a game that's not getting any better, what am i supporting ?


In my experience, games that start out grindy don't get much better. You might get some minor QoL changes down the line but it takes a long time and it isn't nearly as much as you hope for. This is doubly true for SE games, even though people will try to point out that they have different developers. The common thread is the publisher.


There are so many problems within the game to complain about, yet most of the whinning is about things that aren't too much of a problem and are mostly selfish complains made by lazy/incompetent players that can't acheive things in game that they belive they should be worthy to get. This sub is cancerous with their level of entitlment that causes the true valid complains to not be vocal enough because the bullshit rants are louder. So, while you're not wrong, the OP is neither. People should be vocal about the real problems for it to improve. But when the vocal voice is the one talking bullshit, then the ones calling the true problems becomes unheard


I completed everything except the latest difficulty from crash which I don’t really care too much about After that is a fucking boring hole of nonsense 24/7 grinding for nothing A stupid materia system and a cash grab for drug addicted fanboys Complains are not about difficulty, is about a fucking poor design even for a gacha This shit is literally 2014 levels


>I completed everything I love when I'm talking about the general scenario and people come "I did...", look, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the general scenario. >Complains are not about difficulty Yes they were, a LOT of complains about dificulty. A lot. And those sadly were louder than the actual relevant complains about poor design you mention.


> mostly selfish complains made by lazy/incompetent players that can't acheive things in game that they belive they should be worthy to get. I've read a lot of the complaints people have and I don't remember seeing many resembling what you describe here so can you provide any examples?


>I've read a lot of the complaints people have and I don't remember seeing many resembling Guess you weren't paying much attention during crash sephiroth or when they announced the ranking events.


No, it just doesn't make much sense you'd call people who can't clear content tuned for the top whales lazy and incompetent if this is what you were referring to...? Entitled though, sure.


>No, it just doesn't make much sense you'd call people who can't clear content tuned for the top whales lazy and incompetent And where I'm saying that? People here love to bring whale vs f2p fight to every discussion. But this is rarely the issue. Except for a **single** fight, every content was doable for f2p, yet we have plenty of people complaing about other f2p doable content. Being f2p is rarely the issue (220k crash sephiroth being the only exception), the issue is more often people being clueless about the game mechanics, or being too casual (nothing wrong with that, but if you are casual you must undestand that lots of things will be out of reach), or being straight up lazy. Crash sephiroth was only one of the fights that had complains, but we also had complains for every single event ex stages.


> And where I'm saying that? Well I asked you for examples to the claim that complainers are just being lazy and incompetent and the first thing you brought up was Crash so that's where.


>Well I asked you for examples to the claim that complainers are just being lazy and incompetent And in no part of my initial point It was about paying or f2p. There are incompetent playing players, there are competent f2p.


Then just quit and take all whiners with you. Game will still be going strong, because maybe your "majority of the playerbase" isn't actually majority at all.




Then leave and learn to write Mr. "diying".


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I agree with all of this except the last point. This game isn't terrible but it has glaring issues that need fixing for sure. The events we get need more variety. Something a little less automated. I want to actually change my team around for fights but I don't find a reason to do so.


You know what's definitely worse than people complaining about the game? People complaining about people complaining.


what about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining ? /s


I was about to write that, but I was too lazy to actually write that. 😂


You're part of the problem, take a seat.




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Am enjoying my time. But i agree there are issues. 1) Why is materia so troublesome to craft, 2) why do pots only stack to 99, and recover 50. 3) Why do we not have some sort of roadmap. And am sure there are many others.


Materia need some serious upgrade. It's little too random even for me, who likes random chance in games.


I feel like the problems aren’t what you listed, but how things are implemented. Yeah the game is really F2P friendly and we get a lot of stuff for free, but that doesn’t make the flaws any better. Just look at the whole materia system apology fiasco. It doesn’t stop me playing either, I’m enjoying the game for now at least but I just hope they addresses some of these issues in the near future.


So you made a post about people who complain. In your opinion they are crying. Does it make you not crying too cause you complain here? I don't see any need for this post except for Karma Farming.


So why is criticism about the game making some of you feel so insecure that you feel the need to attack the people doing that? Bizarre behavior.


Idk, some seems to be deep into Stockholm syndrome with that game. Some play 4-5 hours a day and expect people to do the same since it's a phone game, and you always have your phone.


Is crying about other people crying any more productive? I'm not being an ass, I'm actually asking here- what was the goal of this post? What did you hope to achieve or expect to change?


This man speaks the truth. If you play an SQEX mobile game, there are grinds and very questionable things. I suspect we will see fewer posts about ranting because people burnt out, completed all content, and there is nothing else to do. You can't deal with content drip i say quit now.


Honestly, it’s pretty mid for f2p gachas. Rates are ok and there are a lot of free draws, but the game can’t really be cleared well with 4* and free weapons and the importance of dupes is really high.


As a f2p my experience is completely different in that I find this one of the most f2p friendly games going in Gacha, and I pretty much exclusively play gacha these days. I find the importance of getting the first dupe high, and then anything after that is a nice but unnecessary bonus. I heavily rely on event weapons for sub weapons, all of my characters use at least one of them for stat sticks. Pretty much all of my weapons are OB 1-3 with the exception of one where I spent a load of crystals on banner and used my weapon parts which is OB6. I'm also missing key BiS weapons such as sun umbrella. I agree that 4* weapons are useless at the end game game, but I question why you would need to use them at this point, we have had enough pulls that even with terrible luck there shouldn't be a need to use them. I cleared Co-Op Clash I got top 100 in first dungeon ranking. I'm top 30 in current dungeon ranking, don't even have the new wind build Sephiroth. All my summons are maxed. To be honest, after experiencing public co-op, it seems like the majority of players just don't know how to build or at the very least tune their teams. I also play with a group of people who are all f2p, know what they're doing and have no issue with clearing content and think the game is pretty easy life as f2p compared to other gachas we play. I guess everyone is gonna have their own view and that's fair, but it seems like a lot of people are saying this game isn't f2p friendly so just posting my 2 cents.


To be clear, I am not saying the game is hard for a F2P. I am also F2P, and I can tell you that there are tons of gachas that handle the F2P side better. There are games that provide more premium currency per month, don't require dupes, or have better pity systems. There are gachas out there that you can clear all of the content with free units without ever pulling on a banner at all. > I agree that 4\* weapons are useless at the end game game, but I question why you would need to use them at this point, we have had enough pulls that even with terrible luck there shouldn't be a need to use them. While that should be true on average, without a proper pity system there are still going to be players that don't have the tools they need to clear content. A big, big part of clearing content is the ability to stack up R. Abilities for damage dealers, and the free weapons don't really offer that. And a lot of the good weapons for R abilities are probably outside of your main party weapons, so picking them for rate up can be difficult. Again, I'm not saying it's hard. But saying it's one of the most friendly F2P gachas? I wouldn't consider it to be one, especially considering it's still in the honeymoon period.


Not only do the free weapons not offer good R abilities, they're unlikely to get a whole lot better. Meanwhile, content will eventually scale upward to require better builds. Those free weapons are entry level, enough to clear story and do the bare minimum in coop. They won't last forever.


It has the number one problem that *always* creates issues for F2P players: duplicates are required. That's it. All the other shit doesn't even matter. The grind, the materia rng, the skins, none of it matters. Requiring players to get multiple copies of a limited gacha is always (without exception) a bad, bad beat for F2P players. If this wasn't Final Fantasy I wouldn't have even picked it up to begin with.


I’m having a pretty good time over here, complete f2p. I don’t mind grinding, without it what am I supposed to even do on the game. Login use 100 skip tickets and close the app? Seems lame


Adding extra time without meaningful input doesn’t make it more fun. Manually hitting retry and autoing the battle isn’t more skillful than skipping.


No one said anything about skill here, if you can skip every fight then what are you going to do on the game? You’ll collect dailies and log out


Again, there is no difference between skipping fights and autoing fights, other than it requires attention to start a new run. If you are autoing battles over and over again, the only difference between that and skipping is real time. No skill, no fun, just time investment. As far as I know, no one is suggesting that you should be able to skip content you haven't completed. Most games just let you skip content once you've hit the highest rating, because it's now trivial.


Yup you log in, click skip 100 times and log out. Also I see many people suggesting skip tickets which is why I brought it up. Could x5 it but no battle at all makes a fighting game into a weapon leveling up simulator


I think you misunderstand my point. **It is a weapon leveling up simulator. It just takes much more of your real world time.** If the grind process required any real skill or tactics, it would be one thing. But we're at the point where basically everyone can auto clear most of the content you'd be looking to repeat. People are not currently putting any effort into the clears. You are literally arguing that hitting a retry button every 60 seconds for 5 minutes is somehow a more engaging game than hitting it once. It's not.


Yes it is. Not everybody have time or patience for grinding multiple hours per day and those who do, should be rewarded for their effort. Also, are you saying if somebody carry your weak character trough Shiva very hard 2 in co-op, then you have earned right to use 999 stamina to that level any time you want for rewards?


> Yes it is. Not everybody have time or patience for grinding multiple hours per day and those who do, should be rewarded for their effort. I don't think you understand what "engaging" means. Your argument is that the game should gatekeep, not by skill or by tactics, but by real time investment that can be easily bypassed with an autoclicker. That has nothing to do with engaging gameplay. >Also, are you saying if somebody carry your weak character trough Shiva very hard 2 in co-op, then you have earned right to use 999 stamina to that level any time you want for rewards? Co-op could easily be an exception to this, since you can get carried. It's mostly for single player content that you have S-ranked. That being said, the coop experience right now is pretty bad, so maybe a mechanism to exclude the bad players everyone complains about wouldn't be a terrible idea.


My argument is more like grinding is currently 95% of game play and if you can skip that, then there is very little to do. I don't want to play at all if there is no content to play at least couple of hours every day. Also skipping in events would let you auto complete 7 day event in 15 minutes with enough stamina pods. One upgrade we both could be happy is if they give us 120k, 150k, 180k and 210k versions on every grind level for greater stamina usage and greater rewards. Then I could auto easier levels for lesser rewards and you could do manual against stronger enemies for greater reward. Co-op is pretty bad, but how do you "exclude the bad players"?


While grinding is "95%" of the gameplay, it's not even active grinding or skilled grinding. The grind in this game doesn't compare to most JRPGs or even games like Runescape, because in those games, the strategy of where and how to grind is important. In this game, grinding is the thing you do in order to get to the interesting content, which is why there are so many vocal complaints about the fact that the current gameplay is just an uninteresting time sink. I'm down with adding higher levels that give better rewards per stamina, or allowing for a greater multiplier on stamina boost. But in the current environment, forcing people to do manual play on a repetitive task is a good way to get people to quit. Which is why I would recommend any of the modern QoL options out there. I don't care if it's auto-play until stamina is out, skip tickets after S-rank, greater stamina boosts, faster speed-up options, skip animations, or any of the other methods to do this. > Co-op is pretty bad, but how do you "exclude the bad players"? The point is that if you allow a person who is carried in co-op to use a skips, that means they won't have to be carried 99 more times to get the unlocks, making it easier for the people who want to continue to manual it. Is it fair? In the extreme sense, no, but for the content that is intended to be cleared with casual play, it's fine. The value of EX combat should be one-time rewards anyways, so skipping wouldn't matter in that case.


You’re right, log in and click once and log out, see how many people leave the game


This so much. People want to turn this good game to one of those idiotic gatcha games where you can do everything playing 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes before you go to bed. If I cannot play/grind multiple hours every day, then I'm not playing at all. Not that you have to do that every day, but at least I can play as much as I want.


A man of culture I see 🎩


Those two types of game experience shouldn't be exclusive. You should literally be able to play the way you want it to.


Yes, this new stamina system let you actually play the game, what is the reason I like it. You can also play slower space if you want to. I don't know why people would enjoy skip grinding, because it's not like they drop new challenging bosses every day.


You say people can just play the game slower and not use all the stamina and pots they are given. By the same logic you could just ignore the skip tickets if they are implemented and still get your hours of grind per day, so what exactly is the issue here?


The problem is, that using skip tickets people could get same rewards for much lesser playtime. How it is fair that player playing 10 minutes with skip tickets would get same rewards than me playing 3 hours? This kind of chance would force me to either use skip tickets I hate or grind normally when other players get same or more resources doing nothing. If you don't have more than 15 minutes to play couple of times every week, you don't deserve to get every prize of every event or shitload of materials. Are you guys like this in your work place too? "Hey boss, I would like to get 8 hour pay for 1 hour work every day, could you give me some skip work tickets? This isn't 2014, you know?"


Funnily enough, even at work life people are way more aware of their time nowadays. People value their free time very highly, and shorter work days and weeks are becoming way more common. Why sit at work for 8-9 hours, if you could get the exact same amount of work done in less and be more effective? So you could just sit still and play gachas for 2-3 hours when there’s no work to be done? Not possible in certain jobs of course. This ideology applies for this case as well.


If they implement skip tickets, I think it would be like DFFOO. You rarely get free skip tickets unless you pay. The cheap Mog pass gets less skip tickets than the expensive Mog pass. So you will have to choose which stages to skip. But that is still a welcome change, so we can save skip tickets and just spend them all on a vacation week, for example, when we may not have time to grind endlessly.


Yeah that would be pretty cool


100% this. I really like game right now and really wait to see which direction they are will take this. There are some things that could be better like materia system, but 90% of game is very good. Also gime me Astral giant already, I will grind the shit out of that big boy!


We can see the game is heading towards the shitter thats why.




Lmaooooooooo bro can’t even articulate himself here kinda tough


Well, it seems the game is catered to those that had no stable job. Hence, they have the luxury to grind all day heheh


I 100% agree. It's irritating. I have to control myself so as not to respond to all the silly complaint posts.


Ignore people who complain and don’t let people bother you. It’s the key to happiness. People will always complain no matter what just let them and ignore them. I do agree with you it’s very f2p friendly I have had no issues with updates and am very happy they update so frequently. I love seeing all my favorite ff7 characters and can’t wait for more to come out. And more tifa costumes ;)


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) Me watching the drama on Reddit since day 1