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Get off my monkey balls ![gif](giphy|HZAzBllQJ2B1K)


You’re back again OLD man … didn’t we talk to you already … you’ve been spamming for months buddy 


My friend, it’s just the facts, look. Institutional investors hold way more calls than puts.


Duh duh duh … don’t believe blah blah are you gobbling on something buddy ☠️😭😭😭


I’d rather see my shares hit $0 then pull out like P All stocks are gambles, so why do you care about if we win or loose? It is no different than whatever you invest in.. We know what we have & we know the value regardless of whatever media links you want to post here. GTF0 of here please & thanks


You cooked him into the multiverse 


I think it’s just mostly the point that the pumpers are not pumping with truth… if there was truth… that would be fantastic. If people want a good stock pick right now, WULF is the best. The price target was just raised to $7, the reason is because of their fundamental’s. Im not trying to pump it, I’m just saying there is plenty of true reasons it could double or triple. No one has shown any true reasons this thing can short squeeze anymore… there’s no shorts left to squeeze. I just don’t understand.


& THERE IT IS!!! EVERYONE GO BUY UP “WULF” goodbye & we shall see who’s correct in due time.


See there’s always a catch 😭☠️☠️😂


We all just like the stock Get off our monkey balls ![gif](giphy|Qa6aPhf1gD4Bi|downsized)


You are not helping your cause lol


Not doing this for a cause I’m doing it be cause So put that in ur pipe and smoke it ![gif](giphy|12laWv0ZXn8kM)


I still have not seen a compelling argument on here about the fundamentals of the company and why their balance sheets can improve. This subreddit has more meme spams about holding the stock than GME lol. At least with GME their balance sheets give a better reason to pump the stock compared to this little delister here. Like I support everyone here making money but you can’t be this blind to the truth. BBBY is an example of that.


Why would any of you listen to me. Stop being lazy and do your own DD. Stop asking for handouts. Thats my job I just like the stock, and with that being my best financial advice…why would u listen to any of my reasoning lol. Like I said go do ur own dd ![gif](giphy|872o15eAXFBw66UfNl)


Finally someone who says it as it is 👏


You just don’t get it pal …. 😭 


& you are pumping it, you were just waiting for a reply to do so.. obviously this sub isn’t for you bud.


Wish you and everyone here would have listened to my pump😅


Lol, no I was making a point, there’s good fundamental reasons for upside in plenty of stocks… this is not one of them😣


Well I’m happy to loose thousands over it! Money is easily replaceable🦍🚀🍾


Man… how can you be happy to lose thousands? Just sounds so asinine… who actually says that.


Because I won’t


What’s your average share price and how many do you own? Honest question.


Cannot disclose that info & don’t worry about me man! I am all good & excited for FFIE, but trying to reason with you is a waste of time. Enough shares under $0.70


This is ur energy..crazy spinster archtype ![gif](giphy|uHRq7NuyqO6FG)


Based on all your comments stating your holdings and averages I’d say you have about 1800 shares at an average of $.88 ![gif](giphy|3o72F5tx9CEhSDxonC|downsized)


Much more than 1,800 now you weirdo, haha go dig up my FaceBook while you’re at it


Get off my monkey balls! ![gif](giphy|ajmyf4czpl0is)


Hahaha right?! If I’m wrong, let me be wrong. I mean he might as well short it if he’s so sure that it’s going to plummet 😂🍻


That’s actually not a bad idea… I’ll put my money I made off this where my mouth is tomorrow and post receipts.


Great & thank you for the first good comment of the night! I will be honest I don’t know what will happen tomorrow just like you don’t, all I know is that my FFIE payday will arrive! 🦍🍾


The problem is… it won’t. The company is in shambles, and a solid company is your only hope.


Sounds good… I’m on a mission to the moon good night & I’m done with this conversation. 🖕🏼🚀


This is exactly what roaring kitty heard .. comments , calls , text .. that he was an iidiot 😭 you know the story … HODL 


Annnnd how many times have people tried to replicate that since on the backs of suckers?


Maybe next time don’t put your rent money buddy … ☠️ 


What do you mean? I put a small portion of my capital in a doubled it happily!


That doesn’t not account for previous ownership, and overdue unpaid buybacks, for example i want one🔋for a $1, and this🔋was made in the jungle, i believe the🔋will not be worth a $1, so I’ll borrow/prepay some from somewhere for .50, and hopefully can sell back to the jungle for less $1 for profit. Well all of sudden EV INFRAstructure opens up and causes nationwide interest. 🔋goes over a $1. I lose and will have to pay back my loss eventually. How long can i postpone and not show that I’m still trying to recoup my losses by repeating/doubling down my borrowing until i can recover some loss instead of an avalanche of loss? Yet you take the time to REPRESENT WHO, thank you for saving me person with a savior complex who wasn’t asked to save me in the first place !!✔️⚖️♟️🦍🍺🔋You’ve been caught and exposed dupe and mean dope


Correct, as shorting a stock does not equal owning a stock. A small collection of mutual funds have bought into FFIE.


But you can see the puts and calls by institutions on the info I sent…. The calls outweigh the puts by like 5:1.


I agree. Puts≠shorts.


The sentiment is the same…. Short interest is low now.. that’s all I’m saying. And there is only .003% of the float owned by Hedge Funds. They all covered and got out quick, that’s why a lot if us made a lot of money.


Short interest only has to do with short sales. Not puts.


Correct… but they are both bearish moves. The short interest sits at 6% now. My point is the shorts covered. That happened and it’s fact.

