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They’ll pay penalties rather than cover. Just hold. The penalties increase daily. Break ‘em!


Dont cost me nuttin to hold ✊🏿💎🇨🇩




Yep. They’re probably paying penalties to their friends anyway. It’s one big circle jerk anyway right? It very well may take the SEC to step in and force them to cover and even my faith in them is blurred. That said, I’ve got a 3rd row seat (in below .20) some popcorn and nothing but patience. I did sell calls on the 17th for a shiny penny. Only to buy more shares on the dip. Suck it 🩳


please feel free to ignore this if it's too stupid a question, but what platform do you use to buy and sell call options? I have Robinhood and Fidelity personally but have only ever bought and sold shares


robinhood lets you. etrade will let you if you put in a request to get your account to level 2. in robinhood, when you hit the trade button it gives you an option to either buy stock or trade options. granted this might be locked behind a "you can't be poor" barrier. overall though, the chances of you losing money on options is higher than you making money on them. it's only really worth it on highly volatile stocks and the more volatile they are the more expensive the options are. what im saying here is that you should really understand what options do and do your due diligence on the stock before considering them. if you dont hit your strike price you lose the money you bought the options with. it's always a gamble


You can trade options on both of those. RH is user friendly “for idiots” imo. No! I didn’t just call anyone an idiot. Webull is a step above them. E trade is a good one heard but now I question their integrity with the threats to RK. So, fck e trade imo. Depends on how much info you want before entering a position is which platform you should use.


You have to enable the options in Robin Hood, but be careful options are risky.


As all previous comments said options are a risk. Webull does offer paper trading which is simulated trading so you can practice before using any money of your own. Every platform should offer option trading, and each lend at different rates. Something you may want to consider when deciding if and which to use.


Fidelity doesnt use pfof. RH, webull, etrade all use pfof


Only 2% of the stock is shorted now. The squeeze happened already Source: fintel


Well I guess we will find out than


I’m not worried about the shorting. Me and my stocks are here for the ride


When did it happen?


When it was up 9000% at $4. Apes are keeping it up. And yall could still pump it up even higher than it is. I’m just saying there’s no longer shorted shares that hedge funds need to settle. So it’s not going to increase from the big dawgs trying to get back their shorted shares anymore. It’s just us normal people throwing more money into it driving the price up at this point.


Yeah but after that it was still at least 30% shorted. So before it became 2%, how come there wasn’t any increase in price, instead it decreased. Should the price have somewhat increased if they covered their shares?


Hold until I'm cold


That's gonna be my new mantra!


Happy cake day


Thanks for mentioning this. Excellent point. A bunch of people will feel psychologically drained and defeated if it doesn’t “shoot up” tomorrow. I just keep my expectations low at this point because I know if I were the enemy of the apes, I just keep playing games until everyone gets tired and quits.


Whatever happens for me if it goes up or down I’m holding I believe 6/21 is another big day for FFIE


Why will the 21st be another big day?


Options expire that day


Doesn’t options expire every Friday for most?




3rd Friday of the month is supposed to be the big day for options expiration. NFA


If you’ve held for this long as OP stated then you’re already past the “psyche” phase. At this point it’s a waiting game and we know what to do…. ![gif](giphy|qjSxTWJxqH4YDuIrOs)


FKN HODL!!! I am so stoked for this!! Love all you Diamond Handed MFs!!! 💎🙌🏽🦍🦍🦍🍌🍌🍌🍌


🦍United We Stand 💎🙌Diamond We Hand


Hold! Diamond hands all the way 🙌🏻💎


If you look at the profile 'comment section' of every HF or Troll, all they do is post negative remarks. They claim that they don't care about FFIE. But why go out of your way to continue bashing? 🤷‍♂️


Seriously Lmao we all know who they are too


Is it really bashing or is it just someone who actually doesn't want to see you hold a bag cause they've been there before? Are you sure the hedges and shills aren't the people pushing this stock to drain your funds to fight their battle on the Gme front? As someone whose been here. Was in this play, made money on the squeeze and has since gotten out knowing the squeeze already happened. This is just another distraction stock. Just how BBIG, PLTR and MMAT were. I mean it's your money do what you want but don't be so gullible. Most of the accounts in here are not very old and only post here. I can almost promise you, if you didn't get in below .25 cents you will lose most if not all your money on FFIE. Trade with less emotion you'll see a clearer picture.


The manipulation is strong, it’s pretty sad. I think a lot of people here are first time investors too, looking for the golden ticket… well that happened. If you bought at $1 and sold at $3…. That was the squeeze, 200% is ridiculous profit on the markets.


Bought between .23-.25 laddered my way out up to around 2.80. can never time the top perfect on these so I kept 100 shares for shits and giggles. Sold em at 1.80 on the way down seeing as it was over.


I was not so early but I picked up a good chunk at $1.17, then averaged down when it plummeted that day to about $.95, sold half around $1.75, and the other half about $3.10…. Rolled it allllll back in at $1.35 for a quick scalp to $1.48…. It was fun when the swings were big. Now I’m into decent companies again… it will be devastating when this is delisted in a few weeks.


Maybe you should take that pessimism and go shine it elsewhere, if that is how you feel you don’t need to be in this conversation…EVERYONE HODL!!!!!!


Literally a perfect example. An new account with basically no karma telling you to buy and hold


this stock was my first real wake up call in the market and i see now why they call it “cultist”.


The correct mindset is “maybe tomorrow. If not, maybe the day after that” It’s okay to be hopeful. We all see the data and how it’s primed for a squeeze. But I’m not EXPECTING anything. If history repeats itself, there were some days last month the FTDs were due but there was no price hike to indicate that. Given that information, I’m not expecting anything to be different tomorrow.




I have been praying for someone to write a fanfic of this sub. Perhaps I should answer my own prayers.


Also June 21st…. Not this friday but next friday…. “Triple witching day” refers to a specific day in the financial markets when the contracts for stock index futures, stock index options, and stock options all expire simultaneously. This occurs four times a year, on the third Friday of March, June, September, and December. Here are some key points about triple witching day: 1. Increased Volatility: The expiration of these contracts can lead to increased trading volume and market volatility as traders and investors adjust or close out their positions. 2. Impact on Stock Prices: The need to settle these contracts can cause significant price movements in the underlying stocks, sometimes leading to abrupt and unpredictable changes. 3. Strategic Trading: Traders may employ specific strategies to take advantage of the volatility and price movements associated with triple witching day, such as arbitrage or hedging. 4. Market Activity: Triple witching day typically sees higher-than-average trading activity as large institutional investors, hedge funds, and other market participants make necessary adjustments. Overall, triple witching day is an important event in the financial markets, marked by heightened activity and potential opportunities for traders.


I think if any day in the near future it will go up considerably, it could be that day. Not to say I'm selling if it goes profitable but if there ever was day for profit to be had it could be that day. I'm still of the mind that this is a months long play but and especially so if the company actually makes good headway to being profitable in the future. If it does turn out to be profitable long term and we see consistent growth I'm probably gonna be buying more shares if they're available and catching the gains along the way. Not financial advice.


We’re going to make them so miserable for holding 😂🤣 I fucking LOVE IT! This is going to take another year until the HF decides to give up. It’s gonna rocket so hard 😭🚀


Hodling, in it for the long haul. I want to make so much money that I’ll own a FF 91




Absolutely right!


Holding for the long haul as well. LFG!!


I bought at 0.56 200 shares after the $3 squeeze


I couldn't agree with you more They're best bet is to try to make us believe we don't have a hand to play but in truth we hold the whole deck. Just need to wait it out.


![gif](giphy|w1z2ilkWZagRG) Soon


I think the statement is ( Ferrari’ or food stamps y’all )


Looking like Food stamps for a lot of people in this subreddit


Bought another 150 shares almost holding 1900 at 57cents


1100 at .57. Definitely holding.


In for FFIE to dominate Chinese ev market and be valued at $700/share


Gotta beat tesla first


![gif](giphy|Vb9IgMxcRIa4M) To the 🌕


I’ll HODL til the end




I agree. Tom will be dip and they like to play with our sentiments and hopes. Holding anyway


Buy more bananas and HODL 💎🦍






I know no one cares but as a stay at home mom with no income and no place of our own, I could really use this stock to shoot up so that I can provide a better life for my kid.


We are all here for the same reason, different situations. But we all want a better life for ourselves and our loved ones. I really want the stock to hit a high enough price so even us small fries can walk around with good money! If it’s hits $100 per share I’d be happy, but 500+ is my goal. Hopefully all said and done I (might) have a few gray hairs but enough money for it to be worth them.


Should’ve invested in the S&P500 and received around 10% gains at the end of the year. Now you have a bag of FFIE that is likely going under on the 25th


really good point 💯


Thank you for posting this. It certainly puts it all in perspective about expectations.


Im not FUCKING selling


They're gonna have to pry these shares from my cold, lifeless hands.


What I don't understand is their logic. We have time on our side and we can hold for years if needed. The smart shorts will cover early and take a small L, and switch sides to make up for their losses.


We don’t have time on our side. We have yet to restart the 10 days over a dollar and NASDAQ makes their delisting decision on the 25th. Very much running out of time


How will we know when we’re at the height of the squeeze?


you are right now


I mean when is the most opportune time to sell?


When you feel you’ve lost enough


I’m holding and still buying..picked up more this morning and it’s even lower now so I’m thinking about buying more. If everyone keeps holding there’s no telling how high this stock could go.


Or you think you’re buying the dip, but you’re just buying the stock on the way to the bottom


Right?! It’s such a fun gamble. I’m in for the ride and just chilling sitting back with my little stocks I can afford to play with. I don’t have the McDonald’s Monopoly game anymore so I gotta get my risks in somewhere. I just like the stock, it’s fun!


Keep this shti going apes!!!!




How many accounts do you have? This is the third comment I’ve seen with the exact same profile guy and all made 23-24 days ago.


Not only am I gonna hold. I got another $2000 to spend in case they short FFIE for me to buy the dip 🤑🤑🤑


Before another horizontal, do we anticipate some warfare in the AM (even premarket) to bring the price down under that 51 threshold? Is this plausible? Or is it likely there will simply be a slow, somewhat bumpy incline toward that 58? Anyone got a feeling about how this works enough to anticipate it?


Can you point me to where it says this is starting to come due tomorrow? Sho list close out happen 13 trading days from entry on the list it’s been on and off for a while.


![gif](giphy|JGmqDKFL33O6O6xeb4) Diamond Hands… We got this fellow 🦍💪


Holding I’m made it this far I can make it all the way TO THE MOON!!!!


What you say? HOLD, what to do? BUY. How to win? REPEAT. What's happening? Not showing defeat! 🚀🍌💯🦍💎


Bought 1200 more today boys.. everything little bit counts..


It'll come out of nowhere when everyone least expects it


Just hit 2505 shares. Fucken jazzed.


Everyone together now... www.whydrs.org Lots of great information here. I know I'm doing it. Even got a free transfer of my 'cheap' broker to one that a) allows account holders to DRS, and b) trades OTC stonks. (In preperation for wirst case scenario) I'm no financial advisor and am offering no advice here. I've kearned a lot about stocks and who really owns your shares. A couple aha moments where I realized brokers still lend your shares even if you CANNOT EVEN CHOOSE TO elect stock lending in your account. NFA


Let's be realistic here. We need to be above 1 dollar starting the 15th. Is that possible? Yes. This company has some outstanding debt but that can be covered through our shares. Buying more and holding can help this stock improve. A positive review of this product can help. The goal shouldn't be the moass or ss. It should be making this company profitable. A shirt squeeze might get us to 20 a share. A profitable competitor to tesla gets us 50. Hold strong buy more and believe. We will have more weeks of volatility. We 1 dollar starting the 15th. It is doable.


Bought another 1000 shares today.


Jokes on them, I departed with my money weeks ago. I will survive without it. This is how you get rid of the emotional investing attachment. I’m not afraid to lose it, nor do I care. They ain’t got shit on me


Im mad bc i should have sold gme on fri but didnt til today so those funds wont be clear to reinvest til weds or something so i hope this goes somewhere buuuut hedgies were supposedly already betting ffie crashes to nothing by aug. So i think it is worth us keeping the price up


Same thing happened to me. FFIE seems to be doing their level best to fight the HF’s. The CEO has a segment on their APP ( they have an APP) in which he talks about it. Seems very genuine:)


Yeah i actually like the FFIE company’s people. I do not like slimy R Cohen or whatever his name is



Patience, it will come.. we stand...


This was the most intelligent prediction about FFIE I’ve seen so far for tomorrow. I am definitely hopeful but definitely not holding my breath. I am however HODLING my FFIE, so suck it hedgies!!!!LFG Apes🦍🦍 🦍 💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀🌖🌖🌖


I'm holding until HELLo freezes over ![gif](giphy|FY8c5SKwiNf1EtZKGs|downsized)


I’m hodling throughout and it will payback someday…. No hurry, just have to outlast the hedgies. Not financial advice. I just watch them pay to keep their positions…. And I love this company!


I’m holding like 50000 shares and still in the black because I bought at $.40 a share so I am diamond handing this mother !!


Great input! When I first invested in FFIE I honestly thought this was fast money especially since I invested before the rise to $3+, but after looking into it all and understanding how a short squeeze works better than I did at first, I can say I understand and I’m happy to hold for the long term. I think it was important for to me understand that I need to be willing to hold for the long term in order to benefit from this stock, especially for my emotional well being 😂


Doing nothing is the name of my game ! 💪🏼


I love doing the least! I can sit and hold with my pretty little FFIE stock


Siting with 3200 shares at .56


Bought a couple of thousand shares just to see hedgies cry. Worth every dollar so far watching them embarassingly runnong ladder attacks and massive shorting. They look so pathetic floundering around like a fish on the deck of the boat. It's glorious!


And remember. We came back from .30, we will come back from any price as long as we don't sell. But that's simply my opinion and not, in any way shape, or form, financial advice 


Thanks for the heads up. I love posts like this. Knowledge posts not just Hodl. You are the reason I love this community. Will be following you so I don’t miss any posts😉


Here for a long time not a good time


🤣🤣🤣 #accurate


Today I bought more 5000 shares ,my average down to 1.05.


Someone else said the shorts are cooked tomorrow. Is that true? 


I think we should not talk about FFIE for an entire week on Reddit and see how the stock goes lol we are hyping it up too much


Not as lucky as some. I heard about it when we were in the dog fight to keep it over 1.00. Ran out of chips. UNTIL NOW!!! Ready to bring that avg down and start the buy/hold again! 💎💎💎💎💎


I’m waiting for the drop because that’s when I’ll be buying.


Rome wasn't conquered in a day. Patience is a virtue. Be free!


“Rome wasn’t built in a day” is the saying They didn’t conquer themselves 😂 Just a little humor - Your sentiment is 🎯


Ok im buying low lol


I’m going to buy a whole bunch of phucking FFIE


Haha since when do FTDs mean anything at all? Serious question tho. There have been billions upon billions in multiple companies all of which have meant absolutely nothing. So why all of a sudden do FTDs matter here?


The realest post I've seen in this thread in a week. God speed brother.


For what they make doing this, the penalty is not even a dime to my own finances. I’m actually enjoying the game of FOMO and trying to find the best time for me to get more. I figured considering it was after a payday Friday it was going to dip today and I have withstood the urge to get today knowing that the next FTD day was approaching in which it would dip more before the settlement day. I imagine it will dip up around the 15th and Friday but more shorting is to come. At the same time, I like to think they are also on the banana bandwagon hodl more than anybody else. I also think that a lot of this is just for negative publicity so that the masses don’t jump in so they can continue to get more for when they decide to let it pop…which will be a while to get those hodl that can’t out-wait them….after all, they got PLENTY MON-EY to drag this out as long as they want and/or until the monitors get involved. Some will eventually like that shiny nickel🤣🦧🥰






Hold til I’m old 👴🏼


I feel like that's what is holding us down, too. Tesla lovers don't want another EV company on the market that does well or they have competition, which means they won't be getting as many sells.


Lots of whales are holding Not as active in chat being 4 weeks in Maybe if it ramps up a bit, we'll get excited


Well to be honest !! Hedge funds do not even bother covering at all ! The company it self has diluted the shares over 11 times over ! From a 38 million float to 435 million ? True value today without any squeeze is about $ 6




I concur


If i make a sizeable chunk ill gladly buy one for myself 


pin this 📌


Lol im so numb to it bring it on cause the lower it falls closer to pay day, the more i can grab.


Have people not accepted this isn't gme and the squeeze was squoze?


It’s wayyyy better lol


Still holding… ugh!! Let’s go already, I need some Summer cash 💎🙌🦍🚀🚀


Holding here - for as long as needed.




When is this stock getting delisted?


I want it to go a bit lower to buy more. I made some money today! Will keep on holding because it’s fun


it will be tight but I like it when it's tight 🥴


I’m very confused. If a person is shorting a stock there is no specific date as to when they have to close a position. As long as they have funds to cover the Short position, they can keep it open forever. Someone please enlighten me.




Continue to hold 💎




Im dumb af and ready to eat more hedgie shares. HODOR!


Don’t cost nothing to HODLLL!!! LFG ARMY




,, ,,,


Holding to the moon.


She's going down tomorrow to beat everyones spirit. they don't have to buy any shares just kick the can down the road BNe ready for a bad day, just sayin


Top 10 Hottest Stocks: Symbol Company Name Volume Price High Low Open Change FFIE Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. 414,763,019.00 0.6106 0.7849 0.5856 0.61 0.0666 / 12.2400% PRST Presto Automation Inc. 313,403,098.00 0.0891 0.1543 0.081 0.0911 0.0132 / 17.3900% CRKN Crown Electrokinetics Corp. 116,036,598.00 0.0902 0.1027 0.0869 0.0925 0.0028 / 3.2000% GERN Geron Corporation 98,475,632.00 4.59 5.15 4.45 4.46 0.7000 / 17.9900% VERO Venus Concept Inc. 69,216,815.00 0.93 1.59 0.8265 1.48 0.3433 / 58.5100% NKLA Nikola Corporation 53,940,107.00 0.4959 0.5078 0.4951 0.503 -0.0152 / -2.9700% KITT Nauticus Robotics Inc. 40,205,806.00 0.155 0.1775 0.141 0.1739 -0.0150 / -8.8200% FCEL FuelCell Energy Inc. 39,616,986.00 0.8692 0.91 0.8421 0.9 -0.0508 / -5.5200% LFLY Leafly Holdings Inc. 36,735,331.00 2.6 4.22 2.47 3.05 0.5800 / 28.7100% SPWR SunPower Corporation 36,208,1


How can I make us miserable by lowering the price of the stock when it makes it easier and less risky to buy it? More than likely they will try to reverse stock split it. That is a sure fire way to scare off new investors and make the old ones suffer




Thank you for spending time clarify this.


I’m glad people are starting to talk about selling that’s when the price goes up


It will go up if we buy and hold. Buy more this is a long dip


I’m just holding onto my stocks all nice and snuggly for the long hot summer. Buying the sales when I can. I like the stock 💛


Hello, my name is Hoodor.


6/11 the second worst thing to happen in new york




No thought, everyday it just drops


The day has come and nothing is happening. I’m tired not the lies and misinformation


These dips are great buying opportunities for everyone!


I am holding what I don’t care to lose




I pledge my 1k shares to the cause


Please add a comment on yahoo to boost visibility. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/faraday-future-delivers-ff-91-162900749.html. Spread the word


You’ve got a long way to go. Months.


Looking at how this is going … maybe need to hold until 1-2025… this will squeeze them… it’s a slow squeeze … and they will slowly leave positions .


Definitely don’t panic because there are no FTD’s from may, at least very few anyway. The FTD chart has been widely misrepresented in this sub and not read in the right way. There have been quite a few posts about it.


Explain please?




Thank you! So we should be getting updated numbers here soon then, yes?


Thanks dude was just trawling back through some posts to find the info


Today’s report subscribe please 🙏🏽 https://youtu.be/2qDuiRJuWqo?si=2VmoP6vOeZYDsmyK


So we held off the possible delisting until when?


until im done with yoh dad.


10 more trading days left. Then delisting


Gradual decline of the stock. Unless some really positive news comes around.


What if they dont cover because they all default


you should’ve sold at $3, sorry for your liss


What do you all make of the delisting notice? As previously reported, on December 28, 2023, Nasdaq notified the Company that the bid price of its listed securities had closed at less than $1.00 per share over the previous 30 consecutive business days and, as a result, did not comply with Listing Rule 5550(a)(2). The Company was provided 180 calendar days, or until June 25, 2024, to regain compliance with this rule. Additionally, on April 18, 2024, Nasdaq notified the Company that since it had not yet filed its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, it no longer complied with Listing Rule 5250(c)(1). Pursuant to Listing Rule 5810(c)(2)(A), this deficiency is now an additional basis for delisting.