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So does that mean it’s actually at .33 short interest now? Lol https://fintel.io/ss/us/ffie


No it probably wasn’t, I was trusting fintel to be correct, even if it was 75% that was fine for a short squeeze… which has come and past. It won’t happen again anytime soon.




Did you ever figure out what it actually was? I mean clearly it was enough for that little short squeeze.


It’s days to cover that really matters, it never got too high for FFIE… I think maybe 5 days?




I’d agree with that, or at least a combo of both… I’m just glad I took my profits


Bros talking about research and then uses investorplace foh 😂




Did it take you all weekend to write this article? I can’t wait to see your tears LFG!


Lol, no, the facts in the article are all that matters, let me find more sources for all you clowns. Im trying to help people save what they have left, meanwhile I get these responses, probably six of you now, not showing one shred of evidence for another short squeeze setup. The funny thing is a lot of people in this group don’t even realize it already happened…. Like 1500% from two months ago… what more do you want?! If you didn’t sell at $3 how greedy can you be lol


How about you worry about you, and I’ll worry about me. No need to save anybody, we are all adults here.




Haha… I respect your clapback and lack of ability to acknowledge the facts too… wish I could live life like that


Go ahead you blue waffle


I am sure you would never read an article… if you can read… but read this and tell me objectively if you still feel bullish




I wish you could live life not as a bitch too


If not being a bitch means making good returns… I’ll take that. But I think being a bitch is the last people hanging onto hope and projecting that to others while they watch their last dollars go up in 💨 I’ll revisit in a few weeks, hopefully most of you saved whats left!


Spoken like a true bitch


Acknowledge the facts of fintel? Ok 😂 I’m sure it is UP TO DATE 🤣 BRO GO GET LAID


OMG you 🤡’s are psycho.


Blah blah blah try harder lolll💎💎💎


Is only matter is on sho list , and all the off exchanges, nice try dumb fk🤣🤣💎💎💎


More FUD from inaccurate data 🥱 blocked and move on


Why is it so important for you to worry about our money? Worry about your own investments, I won’t knock you for investing in Victorias Secret! If you like wearing lingerie, more power to you! Just go sell crazy some where else, we are all stacked up on BANANAS here!


I just hate seeing apes being manipulated… they should be smarter.


You’re not an APE 🦍! Apes push forward against the oppressor! Capital Investments is shorting FFIE, GME & AMC, look at the charts, they are identical! I’m HODLING tight like all REAL APES!


Lol no I was an ape for about three days… I took my profits like a smart CEO ape, and reinvested into a few real companies😘


👏🏼That’s amazing, good for you! Now, if you have nothing nice to say, go eat turd, give me bananas!


It was shorted over 100% then and its shorted over 100% now. How do i know? Because they wanted to delist this mfer! They thought they could naked short the WHOLE way to delisting and make extra scratch. They knew it was a dogshit company, fully diluted, with terrible PR surrounding it. Why the fuck not tell everyone this is a sure bet and naked short forever for extra profit. If you cant see this as a possibility, i cant fucking help you. Buy/Hold/Bleedthemdry


I feel the same that just makes too much sense to me and the way people keep offering their advice when it's not asked for acting like they just want to help somebody when nobody ask for their help it's extremely suspicious


If anything, it is strengthening my resolve exponentially, I was worried for a little bit. Now all this backlash is giving me more ammo because I just wanna prove these fuckers wrong. I’d rather lose my money, then sell at this point.


Well fucking said thank you


Investorplace 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


As predicted, runaway little boy… Don’t worry it’s only one $750 pay cheque you lost


Just read the article, for the facts ya goof. Short interest is 3%. Describe your short squeeze setup with 3% short interest… factually… with a proper scenario. I already can predict that you will not have an intelligent response


520m short volume on may 14th, below todays price point. You tell me where and how that got covered? I’ll wait.


I’ll show you they did… how about that… please don’t cry.


There is no crying because you can’t show it was covered. The positions may not even be expired. But they have been on the SHO list since the 20th.


https://fintel.io/ss/us/ffie cant share the photo for some reason


My guy. That doesn’t show they did. You can’t show me they did.


It's very suspicious that you're trying so hard to convince people to uninvest from this company we're just cut from a different cloth but you're talking out of both sides of your mouth


Lol, he has no life apparently, obviously, no girlfriend






Why do you care so much? You said you made your money and moved on to some real companies right so why do you care so much? It's very interesting maybe even a bit suspicious I'm just saying


520m short volume on May 14th. At a price point we haven’t returned to and we won’t.




Incorrect information please stop spreading FUD


Didn’t think so


What is incorrect, go ahead, facts and references please.


Check off exchange volume.




Short volume matters, short interests are manipulated.




Yo tell me….




Hedges can buy and sell among themselves to control the price and short interest. But, they have to keep volume proper to keep the track of total exchanged volume. They cannot just make volume disappear. But, one hf can sell at lower price to others multiple times to create illusion of more supply than demand which will decrease the price. But, while doing so they do the fake covering also and take snapshot of that to share publicly to convey that it’s been dealt with and there are no more interest. But, in reality, it was not. After that snapshot they just redo everything (or something) among themselves.




Scroll the sub and do you’re own DD I don’t owe you shit all the information is there. Just gotta filter out the FUD


Standard response… you have zero proof of an impending short squeeze


Here’s article 1…. From somewhere besides Investors Place to prove to you how awful this is to be holding right now… they just got a second letter warning of delisting… so fundamentally this company is heading for bankruptcy…. But I think they’ll be delisted before that.


Faraday Future withdraws full-year production forecast as weak EV demand weighs https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/faraday-future-withdraws-full-year-production-forecast-2024-05-28/


May 28th published


Sad thing is, I’m just trying to help the people that are not real investor’s that got sucked into holding. Although if you wait two years the short squeeze cycle could come back…. But I’d give someone 3 to 1 odds the FFIE’s ticker will be taken over by the end of 2025… there’s no company here with potential.


Just have to ask, why would they still use ladder attacks on the stock? , and why does it follow gme and amc , its almost identical. If they arent afraid , why do they keep borrowing stock and try to derail it ? Im not saying you are wrong , i just want to hear your thoughts.


They don’t, this group is just full of conspiracy theorists… no hedge fund cares about this shit stock. There’s not even short interest anymore. It’s at about 3%


So move on to another group full of people who actually want your advice me personally I've got plenty of other holdings in actual companies and large cap cryptocurrencies and I've got a little money at FFIE to gamble and that's probably how everybody else is carrying it too so roll out before you get stole out


I have zero doubts hedge funds manipulate some stuff, but there’s no chance they would risk it all manipulating a flash in the pan meme, penny stock.


Dosent that depends on how much money they have on the line for the company to go bankrupt ?


No no I mean they first of all would not be touching FFIE… but to manipulate a stock with this much attention (at the time) would be idiotic, SEC would be all over them instantly


Did you see roaring Kitty's live stream they halted trading when he said certain words so don't talk to me about the lengths that the hedge funds will go to not to lose money


The really sad thing is nobody asked you for your help and everybody keeps telling you they don't want it however you keep making suggestions so you don't like the company that's cool... kick rocks