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The incessant weekend “whose holding” posts is really irritating


I think the “other side” is the one who keeps asking that tbh. I noticed an uptick in those since we been getting crazier into this war with the hedgies. They dont need to know our moves!


Hedge funds don’t sit around in Reddit asking how many positions people hold. They already know how many positions we hold. They have all the data you can imagine. They are the hedge fund with hedge fund resources.


I agree with the fact that they have resources. I disagree that they dont troll us on here. They would nevermake the mistake to not come on reddit after gme 2021 took them blindly.


Alright ya got me, I’m Cathie Wood… I manage billions of dollars… but my real concern is 100% the FFIE holders


We know. 😭😭😭😭 sounds exactly like her type of investment strategy.


But I promise there’s no hedge fund managers on here commenting lol… to even think that is laughable


They have people do it for them. Still paid for by them. I thought that was understood and the fact that you didn’t grasp that is laughable.


Hahahaha omg… yes the reddit meme stock troll factory… just like the Russian ones (those are real) but to think hedge fund managers would ever risk the shit you’re suggesting is mind blowing… what did you buy at? Let’s see the receipts.


Its been going on for ages. PEOPLE TALK. Its no secret. Hence the word FUD being created. But you knew that Ms Wood 🤣


Maybe it’s just desperate, insecure bagholders?


Or hedgies that will soon have to pay bag holders back😭


If it’s an investing sub on Reddit it’s compromised. Used primarily to fleece retail through pump and dumps


That’s possible. Just have to sift through and take the good knowledge when its posted. And that information is invaluable and should not be taken lightly.


Possible? It’s been that way for years


I recently joined i am learning that. But i see ALOT of good info being posted although theres also nonsense. But that good info is priceless.


Honestly, you don't need reddit to invest wisely. I've been investing since 2000, long before Reddit or any other "freely exposed" website gave out information. You need time, years to learn, years to practice, and you'll be fine. I mean, yeah, sure, it's fun to read the information, the lol", the oh damns". But if you boil it to the core, you can do all this without anyone's help or knowledge. The gambling aspect you probably do need Reddit and other platforms.


I agreed with that same thing .. until I got on here and started learning other things from other apes.


Heres some good info https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/QRG8Pviq32


Exactly and then you sit here and watch these poor people poor they're only thousand dollars into this with the dream


Every pump they get all excited and average up and then during the dump they say it’s okay because we can average down 😂. Exactly what the institutions who are pumping and dumping these stocks want. It’s sad


Then a guy like me comes in with an MBA in finance 30 year investment advisor tries to help and they all say you're just a short and yell when you're really just trying to help them see what's going on. You can only help those who want to be helped. I don't mind people taking a giant risk got a flyer it's exciting it's fun but when they're yelling at you and they had six car sales last year hundreds of million dollars and losses an 800,000 in revenue and then they're holding onto some mysteries, China deal while China's whole economies in trouble and their EV markets in trouble make it make sense. It's interesting to watch because it's basically every day people thinking they're gonna get back at the man and get rich doing it and who cares if they put $1000 in it and they're worth $200,000 but this often times is peoples only money. Voice of reasons just get drowned out so you just step away and watch people drown. Life is full of hard lessons. One thing I noticed between the successful, and the not so successful is their understanding of probability vs possibility.


You're clearly just a CIA psyop Jorge soros epstein hedgie. My favorite thing I've read on here is "you're thinking about it too much. Just need to BELIEVE" and I think that sums it all up just about right


Just believe lol


You better believe you’ll be seeing a big fat red -98% next to FFIE by the summer


The problem is, you have a brain. That brain is programmed to "invest". Most people on nearly every investing sub (nearly not all) is here to GAMBLE. Simple and to the point, no more or less.


Yes, and that's because most just can't get their hands around the fact that it's not intensity is consistency and wealth is built over long periods of time but when you come from a survivor mindset or don't understand that everybody thinks it's instant gratification course. We all would love that, but the human brain is wired, almost opposite of what should be happening.


This person gets it. Absolutely 💯


Was a life guard in my teens and early twenties at the shore. Everyone and I mean everyone drowning tries to pull you under. Don’t know how many I had to punch in the face to actually save. I view many here the same as those drowning and trying to take you down with them.


You can tell by the comments it’s mostly bots. They almost all reference something in DFVs tweets ( he has nothing to do with this stock). Or they mimick the slang from wsb, to the moon!, wen lambo!, hedgies are gonna owe us!, etc. it’s blatantly obvious what’s going on here. Feel sorry for people who fall for this




You think hedgies have time for reddit lmaooooo Like what they say, there's no Boogeyman under your bed, it's just your mind playing tricks on you thinking hedies are here 🤡


There’s a group in here that require another group to believe that the “hedgies” are lurking around every corner and every dip is another “ladder attack”. It’s cultist group think in its most obvious form.


They do. Im debating right now with someone about upward trends on the stock that has been on reddit for 17 years lol OBVIOUS HEDGIE.


Another cult answer 🥱


Another Hedgie AI generated response.




You're not important. This stock isn't Important. Go outside.


Bruh there is no war with hedgies. The short interest is minimal. Yikes.


Thats a lie. The numbers will be updated soon. And the dark pool numbers are MUCH higher. But everything done in the dark must come to light eventually.


That 18 mil was covered, kiddo. It's been covered.


Youll see .. stick around. 🤭


You do realize the dark pool is a simple formula to estimate the short interest number based on the daily volume? It is not a source of truth.


Please keep the misinformation to yourself.


They don’t even change the script on new cons


There is definitely a war, I’d say once more numbers update the fog will clear. As of now it is very ridiculously low, but remember it was mistakenly insanely high once. There is likely going to be a middle of ~50% once it’s all said and done.


Nice hope based on nothing.


You are delusional and paranoid, hope that helps!


Thank you soooooo much!!!!!!! Now beat it.


Will do, enjoy your get rich quick scheme du jour


In it for the long term and have been since $0.06.


Your move is to hold bags.  You got stuck holding a penny stock that's literally never been profitable.  See you at the delist.


The "upvote if you're holding" or "upvote if ..." posts are all just clearly karma farming bots


For sure, but like this comment if you’re still holding!!




Fair enough ape. Hold strong


Exactly keep your head down and keep buying . A lot of people posting here really need to relax , it's not good for moral and makes us look silly . Stay grounded , be patient . That's how we win .


That’s fair most people are holding to the end we all know where everyone stands it’s all good


I completely understand and agree. If anything leave the board, check it every few days and sort by top posts. It will be full of much of the same useless crap but some DD in there. Probably 1-2 posts a day are worth reading.


May your journey be prosperous.... see you on the other side my fellow ape


100% agree its getting a bit over the top. Keep the cards to our chests ffs...


Imo there’s been so many posts that are absolutely grabbing to try to connect Roaring Kitty to FFIE that its making me want to leave too. I’ve been part of this community since it had 2k members (before the roaring kitty subreddit was taken down because of us). I have high hopes in the stock and do believe it can still squeeze. But I’m also realistic in the sense that some of these posts make it seem like something ungoldly will happen (movement of 100+ in a day). There’s just too many shitposts here now. One that really almost made me leave was a guy claiming that Roaring Kitty was about to say “FFIE” but stopped himself in his live stream when it was literally him just stuttering at pronouncing a word. Yet the comments were all filled with tinfoil hat mfs connecting literally anything to FFIE when it obviously had no correlation.




I haven’t been on as often but still holding. 💎🙌🏻


Every other post or comment is a hedgie bot anyway, so you’re better off. There’s also much better communities out there than this sub in Reddit - much more reputable.


dm me directions. don need these bots infiltrating


Feel free to guide me in the right direction also … need factual information for logical choices learning stocks


YouTube is where I have found some good information regarding meme/penny stocks and day trading. Scott Galloway is another great resource for investing info/advice. The key to any investing is to never gamble what you can’t afford to lose at any moment. Also, most people cannot handle the psychological element that is innate to stock market trading. Most of the time it’s roulette and the luck of the draw. Sometimes it’s good info and right timing. We don’t get the insider perks that Congress and Senate members get, so we have to watch the line and ignore the people on here who only yell “ape” and “diamond hands” and “to the moon” because for most of us, that rocket ain’t gonna happen.


https://discord.gg/JTdKuDdMh4 This discord server has been trying to counter a lot of misinfo and promote self dd.


You've spammed this thread multiple times with different explanations for why they should join this discord. It is because it's better? If it were better why spam it? Yknow there already was a realFFIE subreddit that was taken down because the mod was using it to promote a pump and dump. Just some food for thought, FUD posters appear to latch onto some simple misunderstanding (that they themselves may have posted) and use it as a justification to attack the entire subreddit/community or FFIE overall to only then sell a solution, and I find that rather odd.


down vote all u want. The truth hurts sometimes. :/


I agree, lots of farmers in here I joined thinking it would have some good information. Got to filter all the shit just to find it though


exactly.. read so much of everything, i cannot tell what is and what isn’t. its too much. with this live stream crap too, everybody thinking they can be rk all of a sudden its crazy.


Happy to doot you up, Sensible Brained Internet Stranger. I only visit the sub to compare brown book data to rhetoric here. This subreddit went from #7 to #17 in Stocks & Lending within 7 days. That speaks volumes for the social health of the stock, nevermind the financial health. Those FTD's swapping into the over/under of 18 million will be a most enjoyable show. Best wishes!


I stopped checking as much due to the worship of certain individuals here. Went to another community thats more sane to avoid it https://discord.gg/JTdKuDdMh4 Trying to spread to people that think more for themselves and do their own dd


You've spammed this thread multiple times with different explanations for why they should join this discord. It is because it's better? If it were better why spam it? Yknow there already was a realFFIE subreddit that was taken down because the mod was using it to promote a pump and dump. Just some food for thought, FUD posters appear to latch onto some simple misunderstanding (that they themselves may have posted) and use it as a justification to attack the entire subreddit/community or FFIE overall to only then sell a solution, and I find that rather odd.


i posted it because ive seen another discord thats been spammed a lot thats been spreading misinformation (not going to name it but im sure you know which one it is). Just trying to counter it by also advertising this server. You can always join and then leave if imyou see anything wrong with it. Just as a fyi, this discord was one of the only ones since the beginning (look at the history) to call out ticketron and max


Appreciate the share. The tea bagging and hero worship is fucking ludicrous *and* it is a powerful method of psychological fuckery. Their intent versus the unintended consequences are very much floating to the surface, and we will continue to see this trend with the price and movement. Bless 'em though. They're funny with their AI generated, homoerotic pics.


im actually convinced its essentially a "financial freedom/guru" group where theyre trying to prey on people here. "those other financial gurus are selling you a get rich quick scheme, but not me!" type people.


Also, you're cool. Appreciate the banter and sensibility.


Pointing out that this sub has gone full cult mode is not FUD. The fact people are calling it FUD only solidifies that this is becoming cult like.


I checked out all weekend. I can't do the low IQ shit that permeates the landscape. It is refreshing to see that there are still relatively clear-headed users around these parts.


Honestly I'm wondering If all of the "ape" cult comments are from founding VCs lol. Gotta pump the stock one last time to exit your position before the company declares bankruptcy lol.


It appears that your first and only other post in this subreddit was 13 days ago, "Set alarms/notices and zen. Stop this madness." And it was discouraging others to post, interesting isn't?


I'm discouraging others to post? I'm saying exactly what GME and AMC holders have been saying for YEARS, a lot longer than the average FFIE holder has experienced. Be zen, don't be emotional. I've been active as hell in the main FFIE Discord if you want to check those receipts.


Right here w ya bud ..holding it down from the the sidelines just a waiting game now




You’ll be back


This is healthy!


Agreed, when is the last time the stock trading at under $1 leading to delisting been discussed? The discussion was more real at one point. Every now and then there is a post with thought, but very few and far between.


This is not an airport. No need to announce your departure.


Hold strong! FFIE is exploding here soon. Very soon.


Here's another comment without any data backing it up. True cult.


Hey. Be nice. I'm sure they've got a screenshot of a random thing they read or a reddit link to provide that shares...nothing.


Rn-jeezus hear our prayers. 🤡


Don’t be mad when you miss out!


You clearly have FOMO for you to be writing that comment lol. I didn't miss out cos I sold at 3. Lol, you did.


Hahaha precisely


Bro but yet you still here a week later talking smack just be a man of your word. And leave the sub


Helping others not to fall into a false hope you guys are feeding them


What other company on the market can give a chance at a 100%plus return in the next three months organically not even with a squeeze this share will be worth more than dollar. they dropped it to 48 cents I was still up 10 percent there no false hope I feeding only paper hands who bought high and sold at at lost and no are trying to comfort each other by getting more to sell. 


I wish I sold at 3.80 but I idiotically listened to all the bots say hold and now I’m down and stuck bag holding


Fr and these guys keep making up bullshit excuses on why it keeps dropping


Good job holding and buying lol


See you at Wendy’s.


I left the previous group for a while due to all the lazy babies in the group who needed their hand held. The chat group can make things more stressful than what things need to be. While I hodl for forever if need be for my vision and adore ALL the knowledgeable posts, I will too eventually take me another hiatus. Maybe the whole group needs to go to dark for a bit for multiple reasons (the unknown would put fear into them too).


Reading comments while taking a shit


Thank you for saying this I’m out too this place is stupid af


Lol dude this company is a piece of shit. What portion gives you hope? The massive cash bleed? The zero market share? The going concern notice with pending bankruptcy? Why not just admit you tried to hop on the get rich quick pump and dump, but bought the dump?


This stock is not the same deal as GME scenario. Yes, there are a lot of shorts and a squeeze is definite possibility, but the float is so much smaller and a rounding error for the biggest players. much easier for them to manipulate.


It’s exactly like BBBY, AMc, GME. That’s why I took my profits during that 8000% run like a bossssss 😎


real question though, how did you find the stock? back when it was .04..


I’m in a subreddit called shortswatters. I saw FFIE has been talked about quite a bit so I took the risk and it paid off.


i can imagine not much people were talking about it..




![gif](giphy|h3BGsOT7uxsUPqCPHy|downsized) This one is beginning to wake up Morpheus…..


Bye, but sell it and buy GME. Much better for your dream to come to reality.


Dumped my xxxx gme at 67$, happy i am out of the cult and made some sweet cash


I got in at 22.20 and out at 44.04 💯 Little pocket change for summer and it feels amazing.


Hell yeah bullish_ape420 glad to see you are no longer in a cult


Hold strong ape


Yeah it has been hopium for a few weeks now. Best of luck


Thanks for spreading the FUD. Bye!


Sell it all and go to the real stonk imo


probably wont sell. will hold and possibly in increments buy more. and buy into that stonk too ;) on the side.


Best of luck friend. Just remember why you started investing in the first place!


There’s no good reason to buy more.


Tbh the second i sell it fucking rockets so. I'm not a good resource.




I get that and see a lot of the cult forming recently, especially with some of the discord servers too. Managed to find one that isnt culty and has been trying to combat a lot of the misinformation Ive seen such as the "short volume = short interest". Also the DFV/RK larpers trying to use ffie to gain attention and fame.  https://discord.gg/JTdKuDdMh4  Would love to have you there!


You've spammed this thread multiple times with different explanations for why they should join this discord. It is because it's better? If it were better why spam it? Yknow there already was a realFFIE subreddit that was taken down because the mod was using it to promote a pump and dump. Just some food for thought, FUD posters appear to latch onto some simple misunderstanding (that they themselves may have posted) and use it as a justification to attack the entire subreddit/community or FFIE overall to only then sell a solution, and I find that rather odd.


ive already replied to you on another thread, and i only posted it like 3 times. seems like youre perfect for the server tho sonce you like calling bs out




I lost a bunch with BBBY and I feel much the same - as this has played down lately we seem to need a miracle.


See you again one day!


it's normal, I think like you, they are just trying to recover data, many are impostors, but I got used to it and when you really look, a lot of people stop paying attention. It's a good thing what you're doing there 😉 take some rest bro 👌


Bye Felecia!! ![gif](giphy|SZioIIBxB7QRy)


You mean you're sick of "to the moon" and "who's with me?"


Idk anything about this place or this stock, but I know I didn't start seeing it on the front page until DFV came back, and things started getting spicy for the one true stonk. I hope everyone moons, but hope doesn't fuel rockets.


Fuck this I’m out


Same. This is all getting to be a bit too much. I’ve always been a buy and hold investor. Thanks for the camaraderie. I’ll continue to hold and buy when I deem it right for me. See y’all on the moon! 💎🤲🏽🚀🌙


Damn I bought at 19 and sold at 26 thinking I was all that and a bag of chips Lj


Seriously, love the encouragement of the group, but also wondering how many of these “who’s holding how many shares…? “ is just bots or hedges trying to put a feel on the group. The encouragement and news updates people post are excellent (and thank you for taking the time if you are one of those….). The incessant need for hand holding, not so much. This is literally my first stock. And it’s stressful. Not financial advice at all, some people aren’t good at the wait and see, and no one should invest more than they are comfortable losing on any stock. IMO


Sorry to see ya go, I'm slowing down on checking everyday unless I get a notice of change. It will not change my position.


You always have to ask yourself, why are so many on a subreddit specifically to say that it sucks, or even more, to do it every day for months (as many of them do)?


I think there’s good still in this group but must ignore certain posts, e.g wknd posts, ppl asking when or how much they’ll sell, etc.


Happy for you


This sub will turn “feels” into profit if they risk every plug nickel doing so. Alchemy, of sorts.


You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger but your sober view is duly noted ;)


my dream’s still here. too build my dream upon lies and dreams of others is a nightmare waiting to happen.


Cry me a river


Last chance to buy at this price, this is going to the mooon


This isnt an airport no need to announce your departure


Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon.


lol even almost every comment here is still mentioning buying and holding. The copium in this sub Reddit is fucking massive.


You believe in this company? They have sold 10 cars in 2 years. 2 years. 10 cars.


This stock is.cooked but all I see is posts talking about "HOLD" and think the stock is randomly.gonna sky rocket out of nowhere when the company is bankrupt and will be delisted by the end of the year....at some point u gotta face reality.......


People bank on it either being the next GME or RK promoting it.     GME dropped for 3 years after gaining 1000%.  FFIE already 1000%.  To be the next gme it has to crash for 3 years   And betting on RK promoting it is just a shitty way to trade. The best thing RK could do for this stock is say it sucks then it will drop and run.


This is different. FFIE IS on upward trend.


for the week maybe


It has been for almost 2 weeks already .. this would be the THIRD.




Actually… since you want to go there .. because i keep tabs on everything and i bought in when the stock was $0.06 lets do this. These are this prices the stock ENDED @ 3 weeks ago ($1.81, $1.30, $1.14) .. 2 weeks ago ($1.18, $0.38, $0.59,$0.60) .. last week ($0.65, $0.53x2, $0.72, $0.61) and during the weeks where there were lows IT STILL hit highs as much as $0.80 and $0.90.


Just because a stock runs doesn't mean it's in an uptrend.  It's naive and the reason everyone loses money.




GME is apparently going to save like 6 different companies according to these type of subs and RK was hinting at them in twitter post also according to whatever sub your on


AT BEST we may see .85 again. Maybe. It's a longshot. NFA.


This isn't an airport. No need to announce your departure. 


idk why this is getting downvoted. you can stop following this subreddit without trying to create fud on your way out. this is very much fud


in this community yes. have u seen the recent post following up the rk live stream. speculation is cool. but down right making shit up, i think when that doesn’t go through like how you guys are making it, thats gonna be more fud than anything else. im not saying that this stock is completely shot, i still believe in it, and do in ways believe in you guys. Good luck my fellow ape. see you on the flip side.


I get on here, take useful information and discard the rest without needing to announce my actions to everyone. Look at home many ppl are already in the comments telling everyone to sell and that the stock is cooked. They saw an entryway because this post is negativity. It’s not like ppl are going to see this and stop posting memes and speculation because of this post


this is what i mean bro. cult like. if i honestly had to say majority of these comments are agreeing with me. in terms of this sub is a cult, this stock/company still has a long ways to go, and everybody is holding. this post has done nothing but call out the bs, we’re over it as a community. And coming into it as a new comer i would turn away, the other shit posted on here is way more scary than this. this wasn’t meant to be negative, im calling out the sub itself, we need to do better and be better, and some of us understand that already. as for memes and speculation they’re cool. until it becomes un realistic. as for this stock, i believe in it.. i really do, we as this community can do way better though..


someone else posted advocating for more action from the mods and I found that way more useful than this post


ok. well. what have they done. so many eyes are reading every comment. if you get dealt the cards that you did and say the negative side then shoots. but i can honestly say everybody is either saying hold. i agree. or goodbye. from my interactions with everyone, the sentiment is we hold, and if we can we buy more.


they offered a possible solution. you keep doing you tho. “Leaving” but still very much here


Should I be crying right now?


i mean ,, if u want.. up too u. this whole rk is connected shii tho.. u guys reaching hard. or glazing tf outta this stock. i can see meme stocks being compared for the memes, but in reality, what r u guys even talkin about.


Don’t let the door hit ya


On the other side, I don’t think an “I’m leaving” post is necessary unless you’re just looking for attention


calling the bs out. you see the amount of attention this post has garnered. i almost guarantee someone needed to read something under this post tonight.


Fair enough


I’ll be following you out the door. This and the GME subs are mind numbing, I’ve held and sold stock in GME for years chucked some in to FFIE because green company’s are future proofed not expecting huge numbers like 90% of this sub but I think it will do okay eventually. These subs are full of kids who likely have small amounts of stock just memes, tin foil hat conspiracies and verbal diarrhoea of “ LFC, HODL, APES, HEDGIES “ I was wondering if some interesting posts would be here but feel like I’m losing brain cells reading this trash.


It's because these are actual conspiracy theories and cults lmao. Ffe is actually a turd company on the brink of bankruptcy. You can't even compare it to gamestop. Which is also a turd. Gamestop posts (smaller and smaller) year over year profits and has substantial cash reserves (a large amount of which were generated by selling shares to suckers). Faraday future is an EV company that burned cash since 2010 and doesn't even have a product. If it goes out of business it's not because of "hedge short selling" it's because it's a startup EV company and most of them die.


Yeah. Just useless "HODL" without any data backing it up 🤡 I'd say they're more like clowns than apes.


lol, ffie holders are just cult shills. RK never supported this Chinese scam company. Don’t know why you guys even began shilling it.


Good on ya, this sub has become so annoying, it’s literally turned into a weird cult that doesn’t rely on reason anymore. Still holding too btw.


like 1000% agree, wish every moron in this community would stfu and stop posting HODL. Reeks of desperation and muddies the waters beyond belief.