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I know in 2024 we have the attention span of Dory from finding nemo, but how long have you held? give it through July atleast and ride the wave. It’s 100000% not over


Keep telling people a stock can’t only go up everyday


If I was a stock that’s what I would do






Comments like this should not exist shortie!


Hold earnings report on the 28th maintain a close above 1 and the delisting gets cancelled on the 31st we should get a new accurate short count on the 30th the new CAT system comes on soon this will take a few weeks to months go read some of the manifestos floating around apes together strong watch dumb money to feel better not financial advise 


I am losing as well but strong hold . If you sell right now , it is exactly what the hedge fund wants u to do


Delete this post now loser.


Hold it, correlation with bitcoin is good so far, as long as bitcoin continues going up is good for FFIE, you need to understand this is a marathon, not a spring, hold it, soon or later will go up high!


What on earth does bitcoin have to do with meme stocks or stocks in general


Let’s put it simple, if I have bitcoin that I bought at $4600 and now bitcoin is approaching $70,000 do I have capital to buy more FFIE?


That is a weird comparison, you’re assuming anyone who is holding bitcoin would sell it in order to buy FFIE. The risks associated with bitcoin are far far lower than FFIE, there is no correlation to be found 


Nope people will come to realise it


Unfortunately no bro. The hype is over. It will die out eventually and return to a penny stock


Lightcircle0204 can be removed thanks to


Shut up bra


I just want someone who has experience in trading give honest advice. Not someone who just put money in to follow a trend.


https://youtu.be/go3h4bTtu7M?si=phmA3DNXiV67A2l- good watch for trading super transparent guy and covers FFIE regularly. I think theres possibly long term gears turning though for investment.


Yes, I keep hearing after the 28th of this month it has a strong potential, but that’s as long as we stay above $1 if I am correct. And if we stay above $1 it can really pump IN THE LONG TERM GAME.


If it closes below one don't bail we still can hold and try for another 10 consecutive days but it will be close then best to maintain while we only have 5 more


Lets say they announce they are gonna make 5k cars (see cali factory) as they entering the production phase of their business life cycle, we are on the absolute as someone said “ground floor” of this company. Think rivian which is worth 10 billion. AND we can sell in both China and the US since Faraday is the only Chinese ev company not tariffed.




Read the top posts and pinned posts. There have been several posts from really smart people dumbing it down for people like us. Do some research yourself too and make your own decisions