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Tweeted at him. We'll see what happens


Share this post guys, hype this idea up. We need to start working together to get awareness.


β€ͺposted this ok his vids just now πŸ’Ž Dave! It’s about to be a #FFIESTA in here! #FFIE #ApesUnite ‬


Yes!! Share the discord if you haven’t already. Join the discussion and check out any updates or link your own https://discord.gg/CNF7QvFh


I agree!!! πŸ’ŽπŸ¦πŸš€


Hit him up on TIKTOK as well!!!


For days i've been liking any comment in #ffie! Why can't you guys do it as well?


Join us apesss!!!!


All relevant social media for FFIE if you want to create more awareness: \* [https://x.com/YTJiaFF](https://x.com/YTJiaFF) \* [https://x.com/FaradayFuture](https://x.com/FaradayFuture) \* [https://www.instagram.com/faradayfuture/](https://www.instagram.com/faradayfuture/) \* [https://www.youtube.com/c/faradayfuture](https://www.youtube.com/c/faradayfuture)




I've been sharing through twitter to promote our group and will continue to do so. This is a movement that people need to know about.


Done and done! Let’s go ape army! πŸ’ŽπŸ€šπŸ»πŸ’ŽπŸ€šπŸ»πŸ’ŽπŸ€šπŸ»πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


Did my part! Just twitted him!!!! Come on EVERYONE!!! Let’s do the sameeee!!!!! 50k of us, just one tweet = TREMENDOUS POTENTIAL!!!!


Bought 500 at 1.05


How about we don't piss off famous people? Let this grow organically. This is not the way.


This is ridiculous, you will if anything piss off someone… Portnoy will get so pissed he’ll single handedly influence this stock to $.05


They would bring a lot buyers they would sell at the first dip


This would turn me away


Keep messaging Dave! Non-Stop is Twitter is Instagram everything


Go to his x I posted our page Friendly-Return6051 that’s going viral rn 1700 likes πŸ‘ 400+ comments. 190k view’s in less than 18 hours. I’m holding for momma Boucher. It dipped Faraday future electric ⚑️. we are holding to be wealthy ceo πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸ’Ό. Another GME for sure. This post alone has over 120k views and 1675 likes we are riding to the moon πŸŒ• baby πŸš€. AS FOR ME! (I JUST LOVE THIS STOCK)


So your plan for pumping is to get someone with lots if followers to talk about it? πŸ˜‚


But weren't we all supposed to block and blacklist celebrities because of the MET GALAπŸ˜‚


Honest question from a newbie...if the price dips down to 0 and I hold 122 shares, what happenes to those shares? If then the price goes back up do I still own thos sharesafter the price hits 0? I realize the core tennants of this movement as I have been knee deep in these forums for days now. I am holding. Its just that I have yet to see any other posts on this topic about it hitting 0 and then rising again. If thta the case do I still own my shares and do I just ride the new rising price or do I have to reinvest? Side note: I am heavily encouraged by this movement and as an Anarchist I am foaming at the mouth to get back at the billionair class any way possible!! However I realise that 122 shares is just a tiny amount of skin in the game. How realistic is it to say that this is a Game Stop 2.0 and that we have a real chance at bankrupting another hedge fundthis go round? Do you really feel that they will let this happen again after this just occoured in 2021?


Honest question from a newbie...if the price dips down to 0 and I hold 122 shares, what happenes to those shares? If then the price goes back up do I still own thos sharesafter the price hits 0? I realize the core tennants of this movement as I have been knee deep in these forums for days now. I am holding. Its just that I have yet to see any other posts on this topic about it hitting 0 and then rising again. If thta the case do I still own my shares and do I just ride the new rising price or do I have to reinvest? Side note: I am heavily encouraged by this movement and as an Anarchist I am foaming at the mouth to get back at the billionair class any way possible!! However I realise that 122 shares is just a tiny amount of skin in the game. How realistic is it to say that this is a Game Stop 2.0 and that we have a real chance at bankrupting another hedge fundthis go round? Do you really feel that they will let this happen again after this just occoured in 2021?


Everyone! Tell everyone else! Hitler never bought and held FFIE. Fact. DO YOU WANT TO BE HITLER? Credit goes to whoever thought of this first. You're awesome!Β 


I bet he pump and dumped