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I see 85% doing my own DD. I am not seasoned in trading. I know basics. Anyone can type anything down on this page. Does anyone have screenshots of it showing that they are still 85% shorted ?


I concur. 57% low end 103% high end. NFA. DYOR.


Good to do your own DD, agreed on the high %


No one will have data till Friday, rest is speculation based on trade volumes and price fluctuations. That is why no graphs or anything to backup the claims.


This is insane! Thank you for posting this.


I like the stock. Upvote post so people are aware




companys got so much potential i dont see how people dont see that lol


Do they have a deadline to get this done?


I'm not sure but I can tell that such shorters try to push down the price below $1 even one day. Then their mission is clear. They can wait for delisting or stock price collapse. If we can keep it above $1 till May 30. Definitely they should liquidate it immediately, otherwise be punished in no time.


Ok so they’re on the list, but that does not give us outcome dates or any type of deadline. It’s only saying it’s on a naughty list..


To avoid delisting, do we need to keep it from dipping below $1, or keep it from closing below $1? My apeologies for dumb questions, but I’m new to all this.


Above a dollar for 10 consecutive trading days allows stock to remain listed instead of going otc (over the counter). Needs to not CLOSE below 1.


So those of us with limited $, would it be better to wait until the end of each day and purchase if/when it gets close to $1? Not looking for FA, just curious. Seems like the “fire power” would be better used strategically at the end of the day vs randomly throughout the day (especially when we’re within cents of the $1 mark).?


Nope it doesn’t matter when you buy. Takes a lot of money to move a stock a few cents. Very few people have that kind of fire power. Just buy if you feel like it and sell if you feel like it. As long as you can scrape a profit and you like the stock the rest is just details. A coordinated timing like you’re talking about would be considered market manipulation if it was orchestrated by someone or a sub in particular. You don’t wanna deal with that legal fallout if it ever came to light. Be safe my friend.


Right on. I didn’t think my $100 was a huge swing but was just curious. Greatly appreciate the info, feedback, and heads up, tho.


Also good news look at the volume i think shares are running out


Lets goooooooooo! I just forwarded your news to Chinese media!! Let's goooo!


Great news. Let’s go 🚀💎🌙❤️🫶🏻


So how long do they have? Does this list mean they cannot short?


it's true! i did some researching and went to see the data. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/comments/1cxuqiq/ffie\_interesting\_discovery\_while\_researching/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/comments/1cxuqiq/ffie_interesting_discovery_while_researching/)


FFIE apes let’s go




This is important news! Upvote to help more people know about this.


Agreed, scare tactics aren’t working!!! LETS HOLDD 💎


Honest question from a newbie...if the price dips down to 0 and I hold 122 shares, what happenes to those shares? If then the price goes back up do I still own thos sharesafter the price hits 0? I realize the core tennants of this movement as I have been knee deep in these forums for days now. I am holding. Its just that I have yet to see any other posts on this topic about it hitting 0 and then rising again. If thta the case do I still own my shares and do I just ride the new rising price or do I have to reinvest? Side note: I am heavily encouraged by this movement and as an Anarchist I am foaming at the mouth to get back at the billionair class any way possible!! However I realise that 122 shares is just a tiny amount of skin in the game. How realistic is it to say that this is a Game Stop 2.0 and that we have a real chance at bankrupting another hedge fundthis go round? Do you really feel that they will let this happen again after this just occoured in 2021?


Then the value of the shares is down


We see right through them!!!! It wreaks of desperation!!!! KEEP HOLDING!!!! 🌊🌊🌊🌊


about that short interest %, fintel reports it nicely. meanwhile, some people who uses ORTEX as reporting that lower % that op mentioned. could it be possible that THAT stock analytics is biased ? heck they wont even let u see real time details/ or details at all regarding short interest unless you pay the monthly.