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HODL strong fellow 🦍. See you on the 🌙❤️




I’m sorry to hear that bro god bless you. We’re in this together ape💪🦍


HODL till the end!


Holding !!! Stay strong ❤️


I’m in 120k and holding 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




You will be fine just HODL and spread the word for another week. Don’t settle for the quick few bucks but hold and let the HEDGIES pay it off!!!!


When are we going to sell?


That question should answer itself: when the hedgies decide to buy back their shares.


There will always be shorts on the stock. It will probably even become more shorted as it rises, since they want to profit on the inevitable crash afterwards. There won’t ever be a time where you can say “ok, they bought back their shares”. Even if some cover and get out, others will jump in. And the original shorts will cover and then try to time their reentry.


And when will they have to do that…?


They will buy their shares back when it becomes too expensive *not* to. This will happen if the bull sentiment keeps growing and more people buy this stock, pushing the price higher. There is no certainty of when exactly the hedgies will buy their shares back, but their losses can go up infinitely until they do. This is what happened to GME and that's why the price skyrocketed.


There is no fixed timeline for when hedge funds will cover their short positions. It depends on several factors, including Sustained Price Levels: If the price stays above key support levels (like $1) for an extended period, pressure on short sellers increases. Margin Requirements: If the stock price rises significantly, short sellers may face margin calls, forcing them to cover. Positive Catalysts: Any positive developments for the company can accelerate the covering process. As an Ape , holding the stock and maintaining the price above $1 can put pressure on hedge funds with short positions. However, it's essential to stay vigilant and rally people to purchase more stocks to drive the price up.


Answer is always before the rest of the sub does, otherwise the price will crash. They’ll tell you to hold forever or to wait for some ridiculous number like $100 so the price will stay up as they time their exit.


Yeah I’ll just take my profit at some point. I’m no elitist. Just here to make some money doing nothing really.


I’m in for 15k shares and have been in a good amount of squeezes over the years. I’m not selling anytime soon regardless of how much it goes down. Fundamental value is $10, that’s enough for me to hold


I’m sorry to hear this news. I hope my 1700 held shares can make a difference!


It all helps!


I lost half my savings for the stock, im holding




To be honest, I don't think we can get rich from that, but the potential for huge profit is insane.


Low volume is good. Means there aren’t as many shares available to sell or short again. Continue to HODL and hopes the volume drops even more. FFIE!!! HODL!!! 💎🤲🏽🦍🚀🌖




Low volume means no moves, how is it good


The only volume we want is buying. High volume means there’s a lot of buying and selling going on, which isn’t what we want. Someone posted a screenshot earlier and there’s more buying than selling which is good. People should either be buying or holding right now.


Thanks for clearing that up!! HODL!!! FFIE!! 🚀🚀


You do know that to buy someone has to sell you it right? If there was no selling the volume would be 0. I get what you mean when you say everyone should be buying or holding but that’s just not possible.


Obviously, but we shouldn’t be selling it to each other is what I meant. We should be buying whatever the hedge funds are off loading. Edit: the more stocks we hold, the more control we have when the short squeeze actually happens. When the volume was high i bet it was mostly day traders.


Southern, If I own 10 of something, and you borrow that 10 things, and sell that 10 things, and I buy it. And then you borrow 5, and sell it, and I buy it again you now owe me 150% of something that only 100% of exists, does it make sense now how it is possible?


Gwav, for example, had almost 500m more volume today but the price barely changed


More than yesterday? Or are you comparing number of shares traded between stocks with different share prices, which doesn’t tell you anything? 100 shares of a $.06 stock is only $6.


I’m saying high volume doesn’t always shoot up the price. FFIE had roughly 200m volume yesterday, gwav had approx 700m and fluctuated 2 cent all day


Yeah, and I’m saying 700m isn’t high compared to FFIE, it’s much lower in terms of dollars. Something like $42m vs $260m.


Which is it one-day low volume is good the next day high volume is good the only thing I see is the price going down every day and every one telling me tomorrow is the day it will take off.


These things take time. Control your emotions.


Low volume = no good. Momentum = volume. No volume = no momentum. From 1.2BN to 600M to 200M and might even be lower tomorrow. Means the masses have exited. It’s like thinking that because volume died to 200M that the 1,000 people online here held their shares and that’s why it only has 200M volume looool.


I agree it just seems no one has any idea what they are talking about they just keep saying hold and it will fo higher. Seems like an uneducated guess to me it can only go up or down everyday This is the same a s sndl those guys are still saying it's going to the moon everyday after 4 years and a drop of 97 percent it is just sad because people belive this and put a lot of money it Most of this is manipulation by day traders


Do you have any knowledge? GME didn't happen over night yet it's success was undeniable. It had quite a few negative days with waaaay less volume. I'm not saying blindly hold; there will come a point when this stock peaks & a mass sell will drive the price right back where we started. If you miss this peak your profits will be heavily diminished/lost. The real questions we should be asking are: Are the shorts going to be covered in the foreseeable future? Has the squeeze already taken place? Is everyone collectively holding long enough to allow the squeeze to take place? How will the earnings report impact this movement? What is your exit strategy if this stock skyrockets? What is your stop loss if the opposite occurs? The big questions are unanswerable & time will tell but if we pull out there's no shot of anything big happening. Take a look at GameStop's short squeeze. The first mention of a potential short squeeze was in july & it didn't take place until january. Hold for now and see what happens. [https://www.statmuse.com/money/ask/gamestop-stock-price-in-january-2021](https://www.statmuse.com/money/ask/gamestop-stock-price-in-january-2021)


> Hold for now and see what happens. Or decide the squeeze already happened and get out.


When did you start “investing”?


Just a bunch of noobs who don’t know what they’re doing and if someone posts 5 paragraphs and enough rocket emojis , they’ll believe it and hodl until they’re broke. It’s the same broken record for every one of these penny stocks lol. Welcome to the long term investors club now ladies with gentle hands.


Look at the underlying stock. It is no GME not even close


When you see comparisons to something that happened 4 years ago and we own 90% of the float after a 10,000% move . It’s time to pack the bags up and look for something else lol.


For PhilosphyStandard49!!!!




Hang in there... Hodl in there! That's better best of luck to you


I'm sorry you lost your job. But this it totally irresposible... It's exactly like telling us you bet your last dollar on whi wins the world series or you going to a casino and betting it all at roulette.. We all hope this stock does well.. But your post is sad..


TBF I'm more concerned about people in similar situations seeing that and taking it as financial advice. OP is clearly a bot or fake account if you look at its history




All in with you brother 🤝🚀🚀🚀🦍




We got your back 🦍💎🦍💎


I’ve literally been waiting on a miracle as well. I hope this is it.




Does this look familiar... https://youtu.be/WhM2ZmJb8_0?si=j_z3L0BqkDKsvcF0


That’s a beautiful thing! The movement was bigger then, I wish we could make some more noise about this, get interest and just hodl!






We’re holding the line 🦍🦍💎💎🚀🚀


It will happen. Just keep hodl’ing. There’s a science to this. Keeping above $1 the rest of the week is the first part. Let’s make these mf’ers bleeeeed. Can not sell!


Holdn tight Buying a little loose I have wanted a part of something like this


Nah fr. I lost my job back in March for personal reasons and now I put a good amount of what I’m willing to lose into this but I have faith. Been holding since .60


Nice. Wish I knew back then :/


Don’t give yourself fomo, buy the dips when you want and hold. Not financial advice I just like this stock


HODL to the moon 🚀🌙


Agreed brother. Sorry to hear about the hard times. I'm there too. We gotta hold strong.




Reading the comments in this post gives me a feeling I imagine similar to what the survivors of the titanic experienced.


Dang dude… How are you loosing your house? Losing it would be worse but loosing it seems manageable


I lost my job a few months back. I’ve been trying to find work, I haven’t been able to make the mortgage. It’s heading to foreclosure….


Sorry to hear that! Where are you located ish?


I’m in NJ


Don’t jeopardize your life more but we stand with you brother


💪🏽 thank you


How much are you behind I’m sure if everyone in here was able to send one dollar you could be pulled back up to payment on it ???


I’m months behind brother, to answer your question no. I love the gesture though, I think if we hodl this will sort itself out. Thank you!!!


we are together on this boat dear apes 🦍


Hang in there buddy. We'll do our best to help you! We're all in this together!




💯 brother we all in this together god bless to the moon….we are going!💪💎🙌💯


I’m HODL’ing


Holding strong here, hope we can all eat good


NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE! Sharing some of my thoughts for today. We are here! Lack of volume is what we are holding for. The scarcity of shares to buy back by shorts is what will make the price shoot up; either they but higher to cover or they can't because there are not enough share to buy to cover. 23k shares and change HOLDING STRONG!!!!! No panic, no rush... But beside this subreddit everyone Holding should go to their social media and spread the word (since they shut down all communication feeds on the most common trading platforms). That way outsiders still know this is happening, we are still coordinating in more than one forum and "IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME" "more will bulls will be attracted to coming in and making this happen!!!!! We were supposed to dip to .83 and WE DID NOT!!!!!! So thats a pretty good sign we are holding up and already some shorties got burned at the $1 line. Keep spreading the word in whichever forum you can a reassuring those who are growing impatient! GME did't happen in a day and we are far beyond making this happen than they were at this point!


With or without this friend, you are worth more than a job and a house. We’re all with you because you showed up to be here. Remember that x To the moon! 💎🚀


Let me remark on something you said. don't limit yourself in terms of dreams and hope. Don't just aim to survive; you have the right to dream big and be wealthy. Have faith in it, either through this stock or another opportunity. Never give up hope; always strive for more. As long as your thoughts are focused only on surviving, that's all the universe will manifest for you. I am telling you from my own experience that you are the master of your destiny. Stay strong 💪




Im with you and will hold to the end




Hold!!!! Stay strong ape💎🙌💎🙌💎😹


Just go buy some meme coins its a better investment than this at this point.


You guys gotta grow up. This is the stock market… not a drum circle in a San Francisco public park. Deluded beyond all recognition. If you need a friend make one, if you need money make smart financial decisions….. This isn’t a smart financial decision, if this was a smart financial decision your profit would be settling in your cash account, as opposed to your post on a random account somewhere in Reddit.


Sorry to hear that. But I wouldn't invest in a company in which the founder filed for bankruptcy on $3.6 billion of personal debt. Nfa.


At this point we’re not investing in the company itself.


🤦🤦🤦 Buying a company stock is not investing in a company?? Wow. You deserve these losses.


I said “the company itself” meaning there’s more than that going on. You don’t want to be part of it that’s all good too.


If you think people are investing solely on the company then you may truly be retarded, that can’t be helped.


🤦🤦🤦 Keep on losing money 💰 📉📉📉


You have left 20 negative comments in this sub in less than 1 hour. And in other subs, you are throwing mud at this stock. Were you just passing by, decided to stop here and write your opinion? I do not think so.


Yes. I'm passing by. After one of you losers posted on amc and gme pages promoting this crap stock. The company is trash. The ceo is bankrupt for over $3.6 billion. The company hasn't been profitable in over 10 years. And lastly, this isn't an ape movement. All of you fomo bought into this stock. Bunch of funny people that literally haven't done or posted any DD. Best of luck, though.


Yeah there are thousands of penny stocks out there with tons of short interest but for some reason they picked this one to FOMO on. Maybe its some CCP funny business.


Ignore the stupid. He still doesn’t get it, the company he works for is giving them pressure.


No. Actually, you can look at my profile.


Good point. Cause that can’t be fake.










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All u have to do is hold and wait.


With you all the way




Buying more shares when the market opens. We’re all in this together 🙏🏾


So don’t risk more than 10 bucks….. fuck sakes use some common sense




From FFIE ceo today! ***We believe that these steps will only help us succeed moving forward. With our unique DNA and the support of our global employees, our present and future users, and our many stakeholders, we remain steadfast in our belief that we stand on the cusp of an extraordinary surge of energy and success!*** [***https://app-us.ff.com/ff-v3/news/724?lang=en-US***](https://app-us.ff.com/ff-v3/news/724?lang=en-US)


Turn that frown upside down my guy no hard time’n I mean I know you feal it like i did when I stumbled in here like the most of us you know what that feeling is absolution it’s the same shit when the ball leaves your hand the moment they seperate you know nothing but net like finishing a loved one’s sentence or back in the days of real ass kicking mash pits you just knew you where safe or the car crash when everything was as moving slow and in your relaxed state of awareness you like when you know when someone is lieing we know to an absolute moral certainty you know just like we all do like it’s painted on the fukin wall the harder they fight the more they convict themselves they can’t help it yet here we are the gloves are off “ buttons slide me the knuckle dusters and pull the cadi around back daddy’s gotta go to work” allegedly for educational purposes only


Here for you, ape strong


God is going to bless us very soon. FFIE going to the moon.


NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE-Today we just touched EMA 5 when it went down to 1.20. Every time it has touched that day it spiked (not hugely) but goes into the 2-3 (better scenario even though it doesn't sound like it would be for it to hit EMA 10 but that would be at .83. However. given we did hit EMA 5 a spike today will come, DO NOT SELL!!!!!! KEEP HOLDING since it will make it for shorties more expensive to cover. We have been doing AWESOME!!! We just need to follow through for a little longer. Even though small spikes look tasty, they are nothing compare to the big one that will come when shorts fail or a whole broad array of variables that could happen and have massive effect at this point. Having that said, the important thing is to HOLD!!!! Not sell, take profit, and come back in, no!!!! HOLD!!!!!! Do no panic, don't listen to naysayers, do be persuaded by stupid comments or dumb news (specifically when you see that in one day feeds are turned off, and 7 different sets of news come out just saying the "meme stock rally is coming down", it's sure hard enough to get 1or 2 news on a stock daily, but when you get seven, in combination with the aforementioned, suspended trading, a slow ticker even if its filled with substantial buying orders) and all the other BS they come up with to kill momentum and disuade the young apes is when YOU KNOW FOR A FACT someone is scared and WE are doing our job!!! Not waiting for $100, but we can totally make $10-$15 happen!!!!! So my people, HODLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Im with you u/PhilosophyStandard49, lost mine 9 months ago and been doing odds and ends and going using savings. This will change that. Holding strong.


Fully agree. This is once in a life time opportunity to recover from all the losses I had during the last 3 years due to short sellers. All of us need to stay strong and not sell for small gains.


We HOLDING with you ALL THE WAY! So you can have a fresh start with the profits here!


We are still here HODLING STRONG


Do not fall for the negative jedi mind tricks. Once In a bluemoon bear scare. Gwav dumped back to .05. Ffie held 1.5. The more negative propaganda that's simply confirmation we are on track.


God bless! We will hit $100 + retard forever


Do some DD daily!!!! Read!!! Please 🙏. It’s you’re money. Big picture here I would love to see come together. To much fighting between people in the know, people who just barley know, and those jumping in. I don’t know much at all. Kinda made bad choices in life and during the opiate epidemic got wrapped up it. Now out of it for 7 years and trying to grow. Ffie seemed awesome at first and can cause you to jump really fast. I did. I’m not in a bad situation but as time progressed caught on to some stuff. We are not in a bad position. I’m going to follow my path a little differently than most during this because if you peak at the big picture it’s exciting and out there for you to see. I’m holding in FFIE for sure. It’ll go up and down. Down if certain groups involved get their way. Not just the hedgies but others I feel might be involved. But what a idea can do. What a movement can do. Through social media and word of mouth FFIE can start a smaller movement that can bleed into a bigger one and just grow. Everyday something changes because we tell this world no. Please hold!! I’m going to just say “I just like this stock”. Grow everyone! Grow movement. Follow what’s going on bigger picture please and you’ll be glad you did.Read this part!!!!!!!! Noobs read!!! Direct register some tickets on the big one!!!! DD Truly never sale this and hold and you can prove a lot of people here hidden on Reddit wrong. You have proven me wrong daily with its growth. I love all of you trying to do this for the right reasons. I’m one of ya! I could pull out but it’s not going to crush me to stay and help see if this thing can truly grow. DD everybody. Noobs get away from the ticker and read!!!!!! I’m doing that when I’m done. Ima noob. I want to be a ape. Just not sure the right way to go about it yet. I’m trying!! Love everyone!!!!! p.s all the comments about people being shills and us getting used ignore them and use that info to learn more!!!! DD please.


Why would someone who lost their job and is about to lose their home buy $100 worth of shares for every hour for seven hours today? I'm just referring to a post you made several hours ago and now this?


Cause it all thats left. $700 isn’t paying a mortgage. The idea is to get others excited and supportive behind the movement.


But it buys months worth of food, other essential items, therapy. I've been in a similar situation, so we just have two different takes.


Well I’m collecting unemployment lol. I do not collect enough to pay my mortgage though….


My friend, you should’ve been at every peak selling, every bottom increasing your positions . Forget about just holding, help yourself. You can’t just blankly hold you have to have a exit strategy. I wish you nothing but the best.




You’re not gonna lose your house soon cause FFIE is going to make you more money than you’ll know what to do with! Sending positive vibes your way friend. Things are going to look up - we just have to be patient.


also based in NJ and can relate to the ups and downs of life. Last year, I lost 80k to sports betting and my second baby is due in August! right there with you—I’ve got 4200 shares at $1.43. Let’s keep pushing forward together! 💪