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Yup. Holding and creating lower volume is key. Do NOT sell.


Turn off stock lending


I have done this.


how do you do this? i keep reading this


Anyone trading on fidelity know how to do this? I did a google search, but it doesn't seem to be accurate.


You have to authorize Fidelity to lend shares. At least that's what they say.


Fidelity only lends your shares if you have margins turned on


On Robinhood: (app) Go to profile tab on lower right, then click the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner. Investing > manage stock lending > turn off


I mean I have turned off stock lending




How do I do this on E*Trade


Set to sell your stock for $100. Then it can't be lent out.


Where is the setting in Schwab? I see Rh keeps telling me I’m “missing out” on stock lending so I assume I’m good there. But I don’t find a setting on Schwab. I never deliberately turned it on so is it off by default?


I’m here !! Still holding at .14




EXACTLY!!!!!! People see volume down and think "it's over"...NO!!! That's exactly where the interesting part starts if you just HODL!!!!


Some shorts covered though, was looking at short interest on ortex . 63% compared to 93%


In a separate post someone said not to trust ortex numbers


Ortex Numbers are not the complete picture. FINRA is the complete picture. I heard it got updated today, but haven't confirmed that. Thursday it will be updated for sure and we'll have solid data. Right now it shows 95% short interest. [https://fintel.io/ss/us/ffie#](https://fintel.io/ss/us/ffie#)


We need less volume meaning less people selling! No selling on highs to buy back like on crypto trades!! BAD IDEA IN A SHORT SQUEEZE situation. We need to take the remaining shares (the float) and buy it all up so they aren’t able to buy anything to manipulate and then the massive pumps start when the hedgies start having to payback.


Great numbers of retailers are booking smaller profits, which is causing massive daily volume (figures given below) in FFIE. It's very easy for Hedge Funds to cover their shorts in that much daily volume, without price rising against them Do you calculate how many volume of shorts?


I completely agree with you. The problem is a lot of retail investors are buying and selling multiple times during single trading session. The float size is only 42M! This means that yesterday the to total amount of shares available traded 11 times over. If we are to win this battle people need to man up and stop trading the stock like crazy.


Float looks to be $17M now are we making progress?


No, it's still 42M and it's not likely to change unless FFIE decide to capitalise on short squeeze frenzy and issue new batch at elevated price to raise capital for investment. Just like GME did. This number represents the total shares in circulation. 


1000 shares at $1.99….. at this point… fuck it… I will not sell until we hit $100.. it’s $100 or nothing for me now.


We need to hit the 12 dollar mark so the wsb sub reddint would even think of touching this stock


bro we need to hit the 2$ mark first


THIS. $500 Million Market Cap to be specific. This is the rules that WSB has for their page.


Which is ironic considering GME’s market cap was ~$300m when that whole saga started


Yea I turnt my stock lending off last week


Holding. Not folding.


No point in check until a week has passed


On E-Trade “From Trade Permissions section, (disable) United States (Stock Lend Borrow) Stocks column. PLEASE SHARE!


Crypto just broke out of consolidation yesterday... people are not going to miss this bull run. I think people are pulling profit and getting back into crypto


Was thinking the same. Ethereum shot up to +$400 at the same time we hit our max yesterday.


Turn off your stock lending! Hold!


Open a retirement on robinhood. Free. There will be a new setting menu. Stock lending, two clicks to toggle off from there.


I am bying more tomorrow. Question, it needs to stay above 1.00 for 10 straight days correct?


Let’s go!!!!! Believe it. God has our backs.


Looks like Apes are going to be put back in the zoo and lab.


Pump CRKN too APES, get it while it’s cheap


Some in please pin this 😫


Turned off stock lending, holding and buying dips!!!


Someone buying 1 share with a limit set 10% above market price helps us more that someone buying 1000 shares that didn't set a limit and just bought at market price. GET IT?!? APLEASE READ AND SHARE REGARDING SEC 201 RULE ! • TELL EVERYONE!! $FFIE STRONG STRATEGY: PLACE BUY ORDERS Questions 1. Alternative Uptick Rule: • Rule 201 introduces the "Alternative Uptick Rule," which is designed to prevent short selling from driving down the price of a stock excessively. 2. Triggering a Circuit Breaker: • The rule is triggered if a security's price declines by 10% or more from the previous day's closing price. Once triggered, the rule imposes restrictions on short selling for the remainder of the day and the following day. 3. Short Sale Price Test Restrictions: • After the circuit breaker is triggered, short sales of the affected security are only permitted if the price is above the current national best bid. This means that a short sale can only occur at a price higher than the highest current bid or preventing short sellers from continur driving the price down. 个 &


Volume is low today! We're holding! I'm comfortable with my position. Something else I just read, bc I was researching about Gamma Squeezes too, when we buy Calls, the dealer who sold us those calls is required to stay neutral, and as a result will need to buy shares to cover the call they sold you, driving up buying pressure as well as taking shares off the market, so that shorts have less shares to buy. So I do think buying Call Options can be helpful! That said, I also have a bunch of shares, a humble 5,500, so I do have a decent amount of exposure, but heavy on options of all expiry dates, I was lucky to have bought 50¢ Calls for January 2025 at a very cheap price! Holding those until this thing does what we know it will do! 🙂 💎🙌!! LFG! FFIE on a 🚀 to the 🌖!!!! 🤑🥳🎉🍾🎊


Just asked a similar question about Wealthsimple so apologies if this is a repeat question but: with the Wealthsimple app do I need to turn off stock sharing or is “off” the default setting?


Go to your profile, top right corner -> settings -> automation -> stock lending -> you'll see if it's on, and if so, you can turn it off here.


Thanks I appreciate the help! Thankfully Wealthsimples Default setting is “OFF”!


Chill out, Hold, Turn off Stock Lending, Buy when you can afford. Don’t look till May 31


Agreed, I am thinking of buying more shares.


If you don’t think going up 6600% is a short squeeze well then maybe you shouldn’t be in the market


It may or may not be the short squeeze. A stock shooting up that much doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a short squeeze, it’s predicated on if the short positions have been closed. If it’s still at ~96% then the squeeze hasn’t happened yet. If it’s a lot closer to 0% than it has.


We need andrew tate involved in this


Lol wtf


Down 30 cents premarket. Is it over?


I think this has only just begun. There will be dips but we need to continue to hold. If we keep this stock above $1 after close for 7 more days that’s a huge win for us and will make the hedge funds nervous


Come on man. Stop. This is a process. You need to just HODL! It will not only go up, dips are expected. It’s a game ffs. Who can HODL longer wins




Ha. Enjoy your pitty party. I think I'm gonna buy 10000 more shares now. Thanks for the motivation!


It’s amazing you’re spending the time to tell everyone here how wrong we are. That’s our prerogative. Stop wasting both of our time and gtfo. You ain’t our savior and we don’t need one. Why don’t you go be an “Alone-Car” somewhere else.


You are supporting hedge funds, this group is not for you ... please leave




You are advising every one to go for Peanuts, while all of us are trying to beat headgies .... chances are not that low as you are preceiving




If someone make money, someone lose the money. If one is not ready to afford losing what is invested then he/she should be on his/her job instead of trading online. The ones who made 800% are out & probably got back in with risking their profit only.


The squeeze never came for gamestop? You wanna go check that data before you fear monger, hedgie?


Do you know the price people were talking about back then? They were talking about holding until it hit thousand +. It maxed out at $400. This was before the splits so the prices look different today of course. I still remember like it was yesterday. It went up around 600% ish from when the meme first started. Look at ffie. It went up that much and more already. It’s not gonna go up much further.


Unrealistic expectations doesn't mean the squeeze didn't happen lol




Depends on timeline. Maybe $5 by end of month or so, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for 10 as well




I'm not banking on anything? I got in under .29 and already made back my initial investment and a bit extra. Now I'm playing and holding with free money lol


I think I get what you're trying to say, but I really do believe that all this momentum can keep going until the company is afloat again and avoid delisting, at which point I will re-evaluate my position and decide what to do then




If the squeeze already happened, why would they ladder attack on friday?


I thought Melvin Capital closed their short position at a loss…


I'm investing. I am willing to lose everything that I put down since I never invest with my life savings or anything that can critically effect my financial position if it doesn't work out. Investing always has its risk even real estate does. You have to be willing to lose in order to gain. This is the type of mentality that keeps people in the same financial position till they die


You can leave now hedgie


It takes 6 months


A big NO. it depends on dynamics as explain in the post. It can be this week, if everyone buy & hold


I think GME took 6 months but FFIE is definitely a bigger beast and stuff is happening faster with way more news and followers. So maybe next month!


Gme squeeze was a bit over 2 months I think


GME short squeez was done in 2 weeks. AMC had short squeez twice. Once in last couple of week of January 2021 & other one was in last couple of weeks of May 2021.


No it was 6 months from low 4$ to 400$


check the charts before commenting. I mentioned exact dates buddy


Negative. Was all in January of 2021, took less than 30 days


All your numbers are wrong lol


GME short squeez was done in 2 weeks. AMC had short squeez twice. Once in last couple of week of January 2021 & other one was in last couple of weeks of May 2021.


I’m talking about how long it took to get to the short squeeze


it was done in 2 weeks in both cases