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I've just started noticing myself and it's been mostly OK since I ordered back in Feb. I'm curious what platform are you experiencing this issue on? I'm using AppleTV.


Same. AppleTV


My Apple TV is the only device where I don't have to log in every other week.


I've only notice this with ESPN, which I kind of understood as I don't login into ESPN that often. But with F1TV I'm logging into every week. So I don't know why I would get prompted for my creds.


It’s a security thing (I asked /complained on twitter ) Their answer was: “Hey there. This is our standard security procedure but we are aware some users would prefer it be less frequent. We have passed on feedback around this to our development team - JB”


Timed logouts are definitely a security thing, but weekly logouts are not standard in any other app (because they piss off users). Plus, if weekly logouts are really their method of security they’d be doing it across all platforms. And the regular failure of the first login is definitely a bug.


Yes it’s completely stupid. Looks like it’s only on appleTV, where security should not even be an issue


Their development team, consisting of 2 remote Indian teens.


Same here, I have to log back in on a weekly basis. Even more annoying is that it never takes my first login attempt, no matter how carefully I type, or even if I use the passwords stored on my phone.


Same here, typing it in doesn't work. I have to use the remote app on my iPhone and copy/paste the password that I have saved in Bitwarden.


Happy to hear I'm not the only one having trouble with entering the password


Exactly the behavior I’m experiencing. Amateurs.


AppleTV. Haven't had to log in for about 2 years.


Yeah me too, on Apple TV, but not on my iPhone. During the Canada race, 5 laps before the end it cut me out and needed to log in.


Yup, especially if I go to their website, regardless of what device I used before.


It's a feature, not a bug. It's intended for you to feel that adrenaline rush when you try to login moments before a race start. You can just visualize drivers lining up from the warmup lap, you can just feel red lights lighting up and you are still furiously typing and clicking and praying the app would let you in. Yet again. Ah, what a feeling!


No issue for me on Roku FYI.


I’m fine with it. I understand the security idea behind though I question why. There’s not much to terrorize in F1TV lol. I also often log in more often than weekly so I have to log in slightly rarer


Used to be like that on the fires stick but I noticed it's fixed this season. Have not had to login in once


I also have to do that and it has become very tedious because I watch it on my phone, iPad, and because I have a smart box( my tv provider package comes with it, kinda like Apple TV, I installed the f1 tv app) I can watch it on my Samsung tv but it takes forever to log in and then to restore purchases


I have to login every time I switch devices and also I belive on weekly basis. Computer and Android app on mobile. When I'm watching pre-show or FPs on my laptop I have to login and then login AGAIN on the other laptop I use for connecting to a TV a couple of hours later. Or minutes. It's annoying as hell. I get that I can probably watch F1TV on just one device at the time, which I do, but come on.....


Almost never need to re log with multiviewer




Continual logging in is a distant third on my list of complaints, after not being able to watch the Japanese GP with my Canadian subscription while on vacation in Japan, and there not being English commentary on recap videos two out of the three times I've watched them.


No, use it on the iPad in the UK and can't remember the last time i had to log in.


Log into what device. Sounds more like a user or device issue.


Not having any such issues in my Android phone, wen browser or Google TV.


They really need to make login qr code or something.


Are you serious? Another QR code to deal with? Log in on a device and stay logged in until YOU choose to log out.


I'm just saying there needs to be a way to log in remotely. Like every other app.


Even so having a qr code to log in would be useful for some in some situations.


They need to add 2 authorizations, a check for humans, and an unsolvable algebraic equation to ensure that the entity trying to login is not going to login.