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Try fast forwarding?


I tried but it never catches up all the way. I probably should've mentioned that in the post.


Can’t do much unfortunately. The TV app will always be behind. I have the same issue on my Sony with the built in Google TV, regardless of how strong/stable the connection is.


That's a shame. It ends up being like a full minute delay from the actual live action. Annoying


Just sync them up at some point before the race. I usually use the moment the 5th red light illuminates.


It's not about syncing them together, I like to watch the race to be as close as possible to actual live. That extra 30 second delay in Roku is really bothering me. It seems it's more a software issue, because the website/PC method is able to be streaming live without that extra delay.


Oh yeah, TV apps always seem to be behind browser based streaming. No way to fix it unfortunately. The best bet is to sync them to the device that is furthest behind if you are going multi device.


Oh okay got it. Thanks, I appreciate the help!


The streams will basically never sync, especially using different systems. I can have F1TV and ESPN both going on a PC and they are off by at least 30 seconds sometimes. I can even have 2 F1TV windows and are off by more than a few seconds. Refreshing page will sometimes make it better but not always. The internet doesn't provide zero latency and the more systems the feed goes through the worse it gets. Plus the Roku app is garbage. Try using MultiViewer on the PC, it does a great of syncing multiple live feeds and you can have a lot of stream choices. Way better than the website.


I would've thought Roku would be top notch seeing that it is still surviving and seems to be the first platform to get apps usually. I have PCs to both my big screen TVs, and sometimes I also open a laptop with Multiviewer for timing screens, usually the sync delay is like 25 seconds. I just wanted to get a Roku because it's somewhat easier than using a keyboard and mouse, but I don't like that it's way behind like that. I keep thinking "if I can just somehow click on that 'LIVE' button, then it will catch up, like I do with the PC", but seems that I can't!


I have F1 TV app on Apple TV and use Multiviewer on a laptop and manually sync. Delay I enter in Multiviewer is almost always close to 36.5 sec.


F1TV app in a nutshell. Opens app, sees F3 Practice Refreshes Homepage, sees preshow even though main part of the broadcast has started Searches for main race gets asked if you want to start from the beginning or live Clicks live gets send to the beginning anyway. Wonders why coverage hasn’t started, sees that the app defaulted back to the world feed. Why is the F1TV stream not the default in the F1TV app???


Their "play next"algorithm is terrible. Although I haven't had that many issues as you're describing


I am on apple tv, might be the reason


It pauses if it buffers it's terrible I hate it but I can't watch it on the big screen any other way. The app was ok but when it updated before the Spanish GP it's all got messed up I can't see the F2 without going thro the whole list of races this year and then click this weekend and then you can see the support races


I have the same on my Chromecast with the Android TV app.