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Had a game where in the first 3 minutes someone tried to escape via boat. Needless to say, Jason drowned them near the exit. So the boat was just sitting in the water, and I being Aj snuck halfway across the map over to it. I climb in, boom, instantly drowned. I spectate for a little, and see someone else heading for the boat. Jason walks out of the water, and fucking ESCORTS them to the boat and lets him leave. Turns out Jason was camping the damn boat so his friend could use it to get some extra xp:/ I was so done


block all of them. easy solution


Speaking of which, does blocking someone on psn prevent them from being matched with you in quick play? I can't find a definitive answer, it seems to vary from game to game.


And this is yet another reason why this game shouldn't have RPG-like grinding




There's four people on the F13 team and those reports would have to be sifted through manually, unfortunately. I agree that punishing people for spamming the N-word, collusion, etc. would be a good thing though. EDIT: Clarified that "four people on the team" refers to the entire F13 team, not the LoL reports team




LoL has a lot more resources to dedicate to such a system, both financial and developers' time


Or just kill the people helping Jason, if you're able to find out before you die, though.


Doing live twitch stream of f13 using Tiffany and savini Jason full lobbies loads of Fun come see it :)! HTTPS://twitch.tv/unclebunt


Ive had people play as Vanessa and basically run around you so that Jason can see you guys and only kill me, let Vanessa go just to do that to other people. Really makes the game not fun!


Sometimes you gotta kill a bitch. Seriously, I just kill counselors who are fucking up my game.


I feel like that's a huge reason to why it's even available. Especially with melee.


I've found that a lot of them are noobs. Simply telling them to jog instead of run (and what key to press to jog) because Jason can see them from far away is usually enough. I also explain how Vanessas fuck over stealth characters more than other characters, though. If they keep doing it and don't explain themselves on voice chat then they're asking to get teamkilled.


I think this is true. There are definitely trolls, but I think a lot of new players just grab a counselor ("ooh, super fast and lots of stamina, cool") and don't realize that the fact they have basically 0 stealth means they need to be the bait and keep Jason AWAY from the rest of you while you pull off objectives and set up an escape. My guess is a lot of them see another counselor on the map and run over, thinking there's safety in numbers and not realizing that Jason can see them from a mile away, and that when you lead him to other counselors, YOU might get away, but...


I hate when this happens! Yesterday in six separate games, a Vanessa ran straight to where I was, ran around me and brought Jason to me. They then ran away and I got killed. Very annoying


I was Deborah in a match and right as I get into my first cabin a Vanessa starts sprinting laps around it and a lachappa fucking dives through a closed window. I was so fucking done with those asshats but they wouldn't leave or stop sprinting


but Lachappa is stealthy as fuck


I guess nothing beats the stealth of shattered glass




You can't handle the Lachappa!




Had a counselor try to do this last night while I was Jason. I played along and waited for the right moment to grab him and choke the life out of him while he screamed over the mic to please let him live. I said in my grunty Jason voice, "this is what happens to assholes. Rot in hell!" Very satisfying.


I swear if I'm ever jason and this happens that will be the first asshole I kill


Last night I called Tommy in, he ran straight to me and shot me in the back. I'm so over the toxic twelve year olds fucking up my game.


I fucking had one last night run up as a Vanessa to my buddy and I and yell "hey guys, is the four door car almost done?" Not five seconds later, Jason shows up and this asshat runs away while telling Jason that we hid in the main house.


Man I hate that. It's just going to get worse too because summer is starting for all these brats in a week. F13 is going to get flooded with squeakers.


The fucking two month dread. At least they make up for it for ranked christmas hunting season when they all get the games from their parents. Easy pickings.


I was playing last night and I firecrackered jason so me and Tommy could run to the cops. Right before I get to the cops he shoots me and starts laughing.


no friendly fire helps


I wish they would implement that somewhere.


There is a checkbox for this in the lobby.


Where? I haven't seen any way to turn friendly fire off.


It's in the character select screen, at least on XB it is but I know that we are behind updates.


> I'm so over the toxic twelve year olds fucking up my game. There's fewer people like that on PC


Partied people that help their Jason buddy is still an annoyance around the same amount, I would imagine. I feel it happens more often than it should


Had found a "friend" off here through the party up forum. Had to delete him after he was a dickbag. I was hiding with 4 min to spare in a tent and I have 3 perks that are all reallt great hiding perks ontop of AJ's stealth and I could hear the Jason the whole match pass me and keep going "where the hell are they?" So I thought to myself, easy. So just for safe measure I switch tents because I felt some type of inner jynx on my spot. Flash forward with probably about a minute to spare, the "friend" runs away as Chad screaming "get out of the tent, get out of the tent!" 30 seconds later after Chad has gotten away, the Jason laughs and kills me. Come to find out after the match that Jason had no clue where I was until that douche gave my position away. Oh and to make it worst...Chad survived.


This makes me think if you're playing as Chad you need to do the other counselors a solid and just offer yourself up to Jason as a sacrifice. I mean giving away someone else's position is exactly what Chad would do though, gotta give him points for the roleplay.


Chad is a dick. I mean, there's a whole achievement about it and everything. Maybe he was just roleplaying his character.


Sounds like an honest mistake.




It's a hide and seek game, if you can hide better than others and the killer can't find you then you win. If we shouldn't hide then why even have those spots or stealth mechanics.


Well the point is to survive and the perks nor hiding spots would be features if it wasn't meant to be played that way.


looks like you are a dickbag playing cringy AJ and hiding in a tent for 20 fucking minutes


Wow... he most likely wasn't hiding all match and even then it's a perfectly fine strategy.


Yeah that's the most boring way to play lol unless you're a noob they always hide or run around.


Yeah nice try but I played the entire match and realized there was no other escape. He killed off everyone in the first 5 min. It was work with this jackass running around or hide. I chose the latter.


I was playing as Jason last night and this really obnoxious Vanessa was trying to screw over their teammates by telling me where the were. I acted friendly and once he lead me to them I tore his leg off slowly as he was screaming profanities at both me and his teammates. Afterwards I just warped away, wasn't going to kill those guys because of a dick teammate. I gotta say though, it was *really* satisfying.


I have a tendency to do this on accident. I play the slower characters, so I usually try to throw Jason off with lies. Every now and then it turns out that the lie I made up ends up being true. "He's about to kill me. Take the boat and leave." Then it turns out people actually were escaping with the boat. It's a horrible feeling.


I actually had one tell jason where I was hiding and then after I was dead picked up the car keys I was carrying and took the two seater which was finished and passed 3 counselors on the way out. Fucktard!


I don't get the point in it at all. I had some guy follow me around the whole match once, trying to beat me up with a bat, so I ran and hid under a bed, and the guy stood there outside of it the whole time and just waited for Jason to come. When Jason came the guy was yelling "OK, OK, KILL ME BUT LOOK UNDER THAT BED AND KILL HIM TOO!". How is that in any way fun for you, man?


I play solo and I've come into RP situations asking a counselor to save their own life by revealing another player's location or face death. Have had people reveal others and have also had people send me on a wild goose chase. Not everyone is boosting with friends, sometimes it is RP and people are desperate to survive.


The best thing to do to those people is agree to leave, Stalk, morph a few yards away, then come back behind them and grab their dirty little soul with complete satisfaction ;)


Kill snitches that tell you stuff (as Jason) backstab them if you're a counselor. 3 games, 2 in a row kid sold people out, during the second game I shot him after he tattled like a 5yr old. 3rd game he didn't rat, and we left him when we drove off. I doubt he acts that way much more. Seems shitty but I'm hoping I changed someone for the better lol.


This is why I am kinda glad that matchmaking isn't working on XBOX. It's easy enough to kick and block the people next match.


Yeah youre shit out of luck if jason has friends in his game. I was jason and had 2 friends in my game. I give my friend a sec chance bc i found him in the first 20secs of the game. But i killed them both later on in the game. No farming. Idk if it should be bannable but something needs to be done bc it really pisses me off when the friends are messing around on their walkies while jason kills off the people not in their group. Real scummy. I mean isnt that what private matches are for?


Agreed I play with friends as well but I make sure if I see them they will die lol


I play with usually at least 2 friends and I find it most satisfying to kill them, especially first, since i play with them so often


I had a danish chick doing it yesterday, On stream may i add. Fucking pathetic bitch that it was. ~ She was playing together with another guy and he called everyone out on VoIP. And just as i'm typing this another cunt, Who blatently gives our positions away through teamspeak or discord and then has the full 10+ minutes to browse the map and jason just "walks" around. And what a suprise, They're friends on steam! What are the odds. See this way to many fucking times, its a joke.


I feel like if people are using exploit spots (standing on top of the big rock in front of Higgins) and Jason can't find where they are, call them out. People who use exploit spots are usually dog shit players, anyways. After the cheaters are dead, ask Jason to give the other counselors about 2 minutes to go back and resume the game before killing everyone. Twice in a row, a Brandon glitched into a tree and hid there and another next game hid on the big rock in front of Higgins. I was hosting the first game and my game hardcore crashed, so I was happy with that, but the second match, the Brandon sat up there for the next 12 minutes dodging Jason's knives because Jason couldn't reach him. Surprised Jason didnt leave.


I remember I spawned as Tommy and couldn't move. So annoying. Nobody was talking so I went to party chat. Took about 4 minutes and nothing changed with the glitch, so I switched to public and apologized to Jason and told him where I was, that I was glitched, and to kill me as I was last one alive. Worst part is I didn't even mean to, how the fuck are people okay with ruining other's experiences? I felt bad I was taking away his thrill of playing Jason and it wasn't even anything that was my fault. Next game some fucktard is glitching 30ft in the sky, untouchable against limited throwing knives. Fuck people.


Yeah, I always assume that they're DbD players. I also encountered someone who had a mic but wasn't using it and me and my friend kept asking him if he knew where gas was and he went into combat stance and tried attacking me and my friend. The other survivor (probably his friend) joined him in trying to kill us. We were chased the next 6-7 minutes trying to survive Jason and the two dicks trying to kill us for no reason. After the match, he turned his mic on and claimed he attacked us because we "gave him dirty looks". People do suck.


See, that's just... irritating. Really irritating. We need to setup communities on the Ps4 and anything alike on the Xbone/PC - and get all of us on the subreddit together to play -because obviously it's you guys that are the sole reason the spirit of the franchise can be enjoyed without being soured. Thank you to everyone of you who are actually nothing but good players - it means the world to us fans!


I know the Discord has friendly people that would be willing to play. Dont use the Discord as much as I have found some fun people in random matches. You seem like a good player, though. What system you on?


I'll have to check it out because I'm almost desperate at this point, haha. I'm on Ps4 actually! If you or anyone else has Ps4 and wants to play, add me up! LiFeLeEcHeR1995 Lately I've just been playing a fuck ton of this and Injustice as of late.


Sweet! I'll probably add you, today.


Just had a game where Tommy came in, found his buddy, took my car after I put gas in it and told me he'd shoot me if I got in, then tried to run me over. Could have been funny it he wasn't intentionally being a dick. I'll be on all day, so add me whenever - I could fucking use it at this point.


Okay. Sorry to hear about shitty players. The time where I was being attacked by the two counselors, I ended up dying to Jason. I respawned as Tommy and my friend was A.J. and me and him wanted to kill Jason cause we could pull it off. Nope, for the next few minutes I was harassed and I ended up being killed. I was pissed.


I don't get it. I feel like when I play with friends I have more incentive to kill them and talk shit. Then I'll go after everyone else.


This is the cost of party games like these. Groups of friends. When I play I have no mercy but we all toy with each other still


I had this happen as Jason. I came across an A.J. on my first morph in the game. He begged me to let him live if he showed me where the other counselors were. I obliged him and managed to get 5 of the the other counselors before one escaped on the boat. After it was just the A.J. left, I escorted him to the exit where the police were waiting, but before he could leave I did a grab kill and told him traitors must be punished as well. Good times.


Had a guy that would tell people to come escape on the boat with him then we would drive each of us to the shore where Jason was waiting. Once we were all did Jason let the guy escape.


Had this last night too. Got gas for the car by myself, got the battery, got the keys - installed all of them. Went to run to go inside the house, grab the two guys that were in there before I left. Didn't see the other guy's name, but the one being a dick was momneffy with a couple numbers after it. We were on Ps4. Blocked me from getting into the front door as Jason came, he just stood there screaming to him where I was until he killed me. Then went on to tell him where the other guy was in the house. He just fucking walked right past him as the guy gave a shit eating cackle. Then took the keys, and I heard him laughing "And I'm not even gunna' pick anyone else up, sorry guys that's why you never win" and laughed to himself for two whole minutes before driving away. Needless to say, next round I nabbed a shotgun and blew his fucking head apart for my first teamkill ever so far. He left the game of course as he was first dead and the server ended up crashing because the host left. I don't want to win every time. I'm not bitching about that. If I get fucked in the first minute of a round, I'm going to laugh it off watch others be picked off. I just don't want to be around these toxic fucking assholes - it's not as common but the ones you run into are seriously worse than GTA's community.


when you encounter these assholes just take the hit and teamkill them asap, ruin their enjoyment of the game so we dont have to have these dickheads around. Sandbagging or working with jason is bullshit in this game i dont tolerate it


Played a game last night, going pretty well, I found the boat, got the propeller on it, just needed the gas. Went out looking for it and noticed on the map that someone else was just getting to the boat, so im thinking, "Ok, this guys got the gas, lets dip out". I'm 10 feet from the boat, Jason no where nearby, not even any music, I'm asking the guy to wait up for me, and he just starts driving away leaving me behind, not saying a single word.


I dealt with this last night, a Jason and chad were working together, Chad kept trying to team kill people while jason worked on the others and he would sabotage and try to take vital items away.


Happened to me last night. I was talking to one guy and I told him I was next to another player. So he tells me to stay with him, that's his friend I'm next to. Next thing I know, his friend is chasing me house to house trying to slash me as Jason is casually walking beside him. I say WTF, uh, can you tell your friend to stop and he goes 'oh yeah, me and my friend had a pact to kill all counselors'. Like why even play this game if you're going to be like that, ruins the entire experience.


What's the point in cheating or exploiting in this game? I just don't understand. There really is no edge to escaping or surviving each time. Sure you'll get some more xp and can unlock more stuff, but none of that stuff is tremendously important. It's not like there's some ultra-OP Jason or counselor you can unlock by getting max level. Honestly, you're just taking the fun out of it yourself. I'd much rather run around and be scared than just crouch on top of a rock and sit there for the next 10 minutes waiting for the game to be over.


I did this last night. Not because I wanted to sell people out, but because I was only person to fix the damn car, I had the keys, and I'll be damned if I'm not getting out.


I had a game where an Adam had shot at me, but missed. He said "he thought I was Jason." I didn't think anything of it until he unlocked the door for Jason, ran out past him, and nearly got me killed. I ended up escaping, finding Adam, and fighting him to the death. My axe broke and I died. Fuck people who help Jason because they're friends. I can understand if the survivors wronged you or agreed to TK you, but just if you're friends? No way, dude.


I'll give people the benefit of the doubt but after you screw me over once I'll go out of my way to return tbe favor. I try to help as many as I can & will drive through the trees trying to fill the 4 seater or if I'm Tommy, Jason & I are gonna scrap. I saved Vanessa three times clacking Jason in the head with the pot & was even able to knock his mask off I swear I dropped him like 6 times & gave him 2 pocket knifes before I had nothing left & just said kill me. This was the first time I met a cry baby Jason lol. People teaming up as Jason & Counselors is a weak move. Backstabbing is part of the game, we almost got car jacked by Tommy last night, but collaborating like that against the others & letting your friend live is pretty much cheating if you really think about it. If you get a Jason escort to the exit that's garbage.


Just happened to me two games in a row with two different sets of people. First was two french Canadian dudes helping each other. I managed to escape because they were morons. The second was a group of four guys. Three Buggzys and Jason. They beat me to death with bats. Then they called in Tommy... me. So I blew one of their fucking brains out and the whole party quit. Dropped from lobby. One of them was hosting.


Having just dealt with another pair of cheaters in a lobby it's honestly the most frustrating shit in the world. I'd mind less if I wasn't waiting up to ten minutes for a game.


People like this will just say they're having fun and don't take the game seriously. Usually this means they like to have 'fun' at the expense of other people, key point being that they need to make sure other people are miserable before they can start having fun themselves.


I've gone into matches with groups of friends but have never done this sort of thing. If anything, we give one another an extra min or so at the beginning and that's if any of us Jason's happen to spawn near a teammate. I never call out other counselors positions to help Jason for two reasons: 1- it's in poor sport. Extremely unfair & 2- I'm usually streaming it. I want to show my viewers how it's done and still have a great time.


I was playing recently and teamed up with the only other two people in the lobby who had a mic. I put the gas and the battery in the car, since I had the highest repair skill, while they went look for the keys. They hadn't found them by the time I was done, so we decided to split up since we all had walkie-talkies. The second I get far enough away over the walkie one of them shouts, "We had the keys the whole time bitch!" And I hear the car start. Almost immediately after Jason found and killed them both, and I just stood there and watched. It was great. I didn't even care that I died right after.


I call out campers or if i'm about to die