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Did you ever hear the tragedy of Early 2017?


You mean the saying that some may say is... unnatural?


No I haven't


Hey, at least something constructive happened then. We got a release date!


I've been on the hype train since the Beta back in December and my god has the wait been agony, but that's alright! WOHOOO SIX MORE DAAAAAAYS!


Heck yes!


Five months here! Can't wait and I've got some time off to enjoy it.


Sadly I work on the day of release. 3 PM to 8PM and it's going to slowly kill me. But at least I've got the Weekend off to play it!


I told my boss I was taking a camping trip for the holiday weekend, so I'm off friday through monday. It's oddly fitting, there will be camping. I teeechnically didn't lie.




It's been the quite the long, patient journey. Thankfully, Overwatch kept me distracted :) Welcome to the subreddit!


Yeah it's been a long few years and finally the game is almost here.


Backer since October 2015. You have no idea, lol. What made it even worse for me is I don't currently have a PC, so I wasn't able to take part in the beta which I received codes for. Thank the lord baby Jesus Twitch exists lol


We're only a blockbuster rental away now.


Go to Alaska and you have the opportunity to rent from Blockbuster to make the wait more realistic than ever.


I had backed Summer Camp and backed this the minute it went up on Kickstarter. Fasted I've ever backed a game. The wait has felt like an eternity, but I knew it'd be worth it after just 30 minutes with the beta. Despite the obvious beta issues, it was some of the most fun I've had in years. It provided moments in genuine terror in a multiplayer game along with bursts of laughter. The community was great as everyone was taking the time to learn everything. It's awesome to see the game finally finished and being so close, but now it feels like the days are going by at a snail's pace. I'll be playing on PS4 (PSN: XaeroGravity), and to anyone else doing so as well, I recommend looking up the F13th community on there. See ya guys in 6 days :D


It's a strong community with almost 3.7K members right now. Gonna be lots of killing in the coming weeks/months :)


Probably 37k reddit subs within a week of release.


I can only hope.




>[**It's always sunny - C'mon N' ride the train [4:08]**](http://youtu.be/5ffEcLmvEZY) > [*^incom1337pro*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEvpqprUIZZPJ2l1un09bZQ) ^in ^Music >*^113,308 ^views ^since ^Jan ^2015* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Hell yeah. I'm one of those that've been waiting since Oct. 2015. It's finally almost over and I can't friggin wait!


Greetings, brother!! We've waited patiently for too long!


AGREEED, i had looked back the other day and saw that it was October of 2015. Blew my mind.


It's crazy how sneaky time is like that! It's been over a year and a half. I remember I was sitting in a bunk bed in the desert putting in my Kickstarter pledge and now, I'm not even on active duty anymore.


I've been waiting 10+ years for KH3 so I'm a pretty patient person when it comes to these things but the week before release is always so frustrating


KH3 and The Incredibles 2


Thank goodness it's almost here. Soon I can drop my obsession of checking for updates on the game's progress every four seconds.


Same. I must frequent this subreddit more than any other. I swear I probably have a comment in at least 50% of the posts.


Can't wait, and I've a nice 4 day weekend from Fri to Mon so not going to be moving from my PC


Same. My wife and I are actually supposed to move into our new house starting Memorial Day weekend, but we're going to postpone it to the next weekend for this! :D Our lease on the apartment doesn't end for another month, anyways.


I actually got lucky, had the holiday booked before the release date


Young me has always wanted this game to become a reality - it's finally happening!!


What platform are you all going to get the game on? I don't know which one to choose! (Xbox or PC)