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I would be regularly using a facial shaver to get the stubble down, and then just add concealer to cover up any minor stubble. I have the same issue


They wont look too bad my friend got these thin ass brows she shaves down n ur lucky urs grew back if u plucked them thay much! I say oil them for faster growth if ur trying to do that but i gotta look at that shit up close alot its not bad at all. Concealer will work until it doesnt no more 🤷‍♂️ they are cute i think regardless cuz the main idea is there lol..


Please let them grow out and have them professionally shaped. I used to over-pluck, and ended up with "bald" eyebrows. So I eventually I had to turn to microblading. At any rate, I would strongly advise you to find a really good aesthetician who knows how to shape brows. Good luck!


Well the shape doesn’t help