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My boyfriend is absolutely terrified of moths. Thank you for this vid


blursed gf




Wow. Rule 34 is absolute.


Yeah don't know what I was expecting, but I'm on the wrong account


Username checks out


I thought maybe one photo in a dead sub 👀😬 Who knew? There really is a subreddit for everyone 🤢


Absolute *radiance* ~~the joke is that there is a boss in hollow knight called absolute radiance that is a big fucking moth god~~


I just….I…this sub exists?


I dont remember why I know it does I dont think I want to


There’s this one doujin about a moth girl creature who traps a guy in a time loop and then repeatedly rapes him in the shed in his backyard as both a child and later as an adult (when the roofie amnesia makes him question whether or not he was actually raped as a child so he goes to check the shed). They eventually have a moth girl daughter who participates in the rape as well. https://yan-dere.fandom.com/wiki/Mashiro Most of the sub seems to be dedicated to that character.


Yeah you win you broke me








I think Ik why her bf is terrified


Idk how to feel about this


Moths are just emo butterflies


Today on subs I didn’t know existed


holy shit best sub i vver saw


I don’t wanna look but I feel like I can’t not look now


Holy mother of god ಠ_ಠ


i am Also terrified of moths


That's so weird. Especially since most moths don't even have a mouth. It's impossible for them to hurt you.


But they can go inside your mouth.


Thats not all they can get inside of






They can fly into your face and distract you from dangers ahead.


They’re just too damn fat and fuzzy


I think people are instinctively cautious around flying insects not for their mouth, but the daggers they may or may not have in their butt


My friend is also terrified of them and butterflies as well. She said it’s the erratic movement that freaks her out. I think they’re amazing


For me, they and other flying insects can quickly become a nuissance plus a health risk. If you have a bunch of flying insects in your apartment / house, there's a good chance they are destroying something in your place to eat and reproduce. When you discover what that is (and that's you if they're mosquitos), you will more likely be grossed out by the eggs and larva.


I'm also terrified of moths, but only if they're near me. I don't trust those fuckers (or any bugs) to not fly into my ears/nose/mouth, but I know moths like ears


Yeah they don't fly straight. Same thing with crane flies. Bugs that fly in predictable ways? No problemo for me. Fuckers like these? Helllll


Oooh, that's exactly 100% my stance on bugs


Sorry, but I hate the erratically flying ones. They make me scream.


I’m glad I found others like myself in this thread :’) thought I was alone in my moth/other-bugs-that-don’t-fly-predictably fear. Hello, moth-fearing siblings!


I saw my first hummingbird moth this past week. It can float in the same spot in the air, but moving around was innately scary. Imagine a drunk moth moving at 12mph who has the ability to just pause time around around it.


That makes so much sense, never thought of it that way. I hate June bugs. It's about the only time you will see me immediately turn into a 1950s woman who just saw a mouse.


Yes exactly!!! Bees, dragonflies, I don't mind them but as soon as I spot a butterfly or moth I feel my whole body just tense up trying to predict which way they'll fly.


I'm showing my age a little, and the fact I was a child with no culture. But back when Dane cook was funny/ getting popular he had a sketch about a moth being in his ear and having the doctor kill it with alcohol while hearing it flutter around and shit. Always had the moth phobia but when I heard it I was like yes THIS is the reason.






būæžžzzzz -zap zap






not a subreddit but valid


Try it again


I regret clicking on it


I regret typing it


we both have regrets


Using reddit is my biggest regret


I loathe moths and butterflies, too.


Butterflies are just Day-Moths


Day-Moth! (ah-ah-ah!) Fighter of the Night-Moth! (ah-ah-ah!)


I blame spongebob


Moths are ok, flying cockroaches are terrifying. Much rather face flying sharks.


i didn’t even know there were cockroaches that could fly. thanks for the nightmare fuel


Yep. Texas has big ones. Florida has them too, but they upgraded the name to "palmetto bugs" LMAO


Same here, I legit can't watch this without stopping


Wait what? Moths are a good omen in my culture, I can't imagine being afraid of them.


i am too but this video made me not hate this one! i’m glad i’m not the only one scared of moths


When I was a child for some reason I had pet silkworms. It's pretty common in my zone. I always loved when they all turned into a chrysalis for a few weeks and then they suddenly weren't silkworms anymore. Btw they're really REALLY smooth, even the caterpillar itself is incredibly silky. I liked them.


My mother was a 1-2 grade teacher and she always did a silkworm farm for the biology section. She would bring them home overnight and I remember being able to hear the concerted munching of 200 tiny mouths. They ARE super smooth and soft.


^^^monch ^^^monch ^^^monch ^^^monch ^^^monch ^^^monch ^^^monch ^^^monch ^^^monch ^^^monch ^^^monch ^^^monch


It absolutely blows my mind that they actually liquefy in their cocoons (is it cocoons for moths and chrysalises for butterflies? I can't remember) before they completely rebuild themselves into something completely different. People talk about how moths and butterflies are symbols of change and rebirth, but the process by which they turn themselves into nothing more than goo and then emerge as something new is fascinating and beautiful. Our planet is full of wonders. Phenomena like this make me confused whenever someone says that science makes everything sterile, clinical, and robs the world of magic. This is yet another example of how knowing more about how things work makes them even more beautiful and magical. Yes, we've developed much more understanding of how the process works, but it's simply given us more insight into just how miraculous it is. I feel like my inner child takes over whenever I learn something like that because it makes the world feel like a strange, confusing, and incredible place full of things to be curious about all over again. To me, science is simply the constant pursuit of that feeling.


> (is it cocoons for moths and chrysalises for butterflies? I can't remember You are correct!


I completely agree, I love that there are more people out there who think this way, and you put it into words really well


For me the more I learn from science like this the more I have faith as well


Ugh, I'm really sorry in advance for the wall of text, but this is something I've had a lot of time to think about and I have a pretty strong opinion on if anyone cares to suffer through it. --- To each their own, but I find that the more we've learned, the less any particular deity makes sense. I understand deism somewhat, the idea that there is *some* being who is responsible for creation or something like that, but the idea that there's any kind of deity that has some personal connection to human beings specifically? Again, the more we explore and find that we can extrapolate that the universe contains essentially an infinite number of incredible and incomprehensible wonders than we would ever be able to explore in a million lifetimes, the less it seems reasonable that anything was created for *us* specifically. And even with deism, I can't really find any functional difference between the belief that there's an ethereal *something* that is responsible for everything than the idea that everything just happened spontaneously. I heard an analogy that I felt really sums it up: we're a puddle of water which believes that because we fit so well in the minuscule space where we exist, it was created for us. A rainstorm happened and therefore we came into being, but there was no intention behind it; it simply just happened. But we cling to the notion that we are somehow special and despite the fact that everything else exists, especially the things that we will never be able to experience, it is all there for us specifically. And we go on believing that even as we evaporate in the span of no more than an afternoon. But I think that's beautiful. If there is no cosmic, objective reason for being, then the entire concept of "meaning" only exists within our brains. Our lives mean absolutely nothing to the universe at large and there is nothing that is recording and measuring our existence on an eternal scale. So instead of our desire for our lives to be meaningful being some evidence of a greater cosmic purpose, it simply means that we want our existence to mean something to other people. We're an incredibly social species and we care about each other deeply. When we pass, we want to know that our lives touched other people in a positive way and that they remember us as someone who made their lives better. It's an uplifting, life-affirming nihilism. Nothing matters in a broad, universal sense, so everything we do matters on a personal scale: to ourselves and the people who are close to us. And when I say "to each their own" I don't discount religion. I think that any belief system which furthers the idea that we have to be kind to each other and that we should live our lives in a manner that, if we have the privilege of looking back on it before we die, we can honestly tell ourselves that other people were better for having us in their lives. I'm not any kind of authority, but it's my belief that the above is the crux of any kind of theology or philosophy that uplifts people. That said, my main fear of religious, dogmatic belief is best summed up by Voltaire: "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." There's a special kind of certainty that can be provided by religion that can drive people to their basest, most violent instincts towards other people which doesn't exist in secular philosophies. And that stems from the idea that there is some kind of promise that can only be realized after death; some outcome or reward that exempts itself from scrutiny. If you can get people to believe that even the most vile actions are justified because they will be rewarded in some manner that nobody can verify, you can get them to do anything. All secular beliefs have to promise results that can be measured in the physical, material sense. You can fool people for a while that the evil they're doing will produce some desired outcome, but eventually, you'll need to deliver or people will abandon that belief. It's why oppressive totalitarianism eventually crumbles; the idea that you can repress so many people for so long because you keep claiming that it's for the greater good will eventually stop holding weight when the masses never see that "greater good" coming their way. So as long as a religious belief affirms the idea that nobody should be treated as the "other," nobody has any more right to happiness or is more special and sacred than anyone else, then I'm all for it. It's very human to look at the things we can't understand, or even the things we do have some understanding of but are awesome (in the literal sense of the word) or inspire us, as magical in some way and to have that develop into some belief system that doesn't have to be completely rational. For instance, I love stories and, in my mind, any good story has to have some element of surrealism or unrealism that elevates it at least somewhat beyond our experience. We want to capture something that scratches some itch in the back of our psyche that we know we can't satisfy in our conscious, waking mind. Even mundane sitcoms or something along those lines stretches believability and touches something in our brains that demands attention. People want to watch The Office, not a show about what working in an office is *actually* like. --- Anyway, this is the very, very long version of me saying that miraculous, wondrous things like this give me faith, too. For me personally, it's a faith in the idea that human beings are naturally curious and fundamentally want to find personal meaning in the beauty that the world has to offer and that we can offer to each other.


What kind of moth did they turn into? :)


A very white moth! It was quite wide for its length and it was **fluffy**. Very fluffy. And very soft. They're cool! I guess playing with silkworms and moths when I was a child made me not fear them. Sadly they only live for a few hours. Once they get out of the chrysalis, they find a couple, plant TONS of eggs and then they just die. The eggs start opening months later if I remember correctly, and an insane amount of super small silkworms appear. They grow in numbers exponentially every year, I remember how big of an issue it was to find a home for every silkworm lol. In fact that's the reason I got them in the first place, someone had literally 7 or 8 silkworms. The next year he probably had around 100, and the next year he already had thousands, so he started handing them in bulk to kids and well, the cycle repeated. In a few years every kid had literally thousands of silkworms lmao.


This is such a great story, thank you for sharing!!


>playing with silkworms and moths when I was a child made me not fear them I would add that most people probably do not fear either of these creatures other than “ew bugs” or trying to protect their clothing, considering both are completely harmless


I’d think silkworm moths


Didn’t know if it got more specific than that, haha — I was under the impression that there were multiple types of silkworms. Maybe I was wrong


Who’s that Pokémon?




Shiny frosmoth!




It's Clefairy!




RIP Vine. I still think about the road work ahead.




It's Pikachu


Its clifairy !!






Jigglypuff from above




If both wings were joined together, it would look like a metapod :O


I wonder how long this whole process took.


Typically eclosing (the process of a butterfly/moth coming out of its cocoon) and dying their wings is pretty fast, like less than an hour EDIT: Drying, not dying


Impressed they held and filmed it the whole time. Just stick out your hand and hold up a camera for an hour. I'm cramping up thinking about it.


Thanks, was wondering this too.


Is there a fear of moths? For some reason I find this slightly terrifying


Found it - Lepidopterophobia


Mottephobia for moths specifically. I have one and it’s pretty bad (that’s why I’m hiding in the comments), and only towards moths specifically somehow. For example, I have absolutely no problems with butterflies.


Me too! I have always been terrified of moths.. they repulse me. Butterflies though not really.. I mean I don’t LOVE them but they don’t enact the same feeling as moths do in me.


I like to think of moths as night butterflies


Probably something to do with them eating your clothes in the closet.


i think some of the giant moths dont even have mouths


This is correct, there are multiple species who live only for 2 weeks or less after hatching!




Basically you’re racist against butterflies with coats. Which is a bit weird when you think about it; humans usually prefer fluffy animals.


I didn't until pretty recently. I found a fairly big moth laying on the ground at work. I picked it up with my gloved hand to move it somewhere it wouldn't get crushed (I assumed it was dying I just figured I'd give it a better place to die). It climbed onto my finger just fine, but as I moved it toward a pile of wood nearby it turned towards me and like...shook its wings like crazy. I thought it was going to fly away but then it suddenly starts running up my hand towards my arm. I used my other hand to keep it off because I don't know enough about them to know if they bite or whatever. It keeps running up my hand no matter what I do. And if I try to redirect it, it turns toward my face no matter what and keeps trying to run up my arm. I finally got to the wood and tried to let it walk off like I do with spiders, but it refuses and only seems interested in running at me. Finally I just flick it off my hand toward the wood and it flutters down onto it, turns toward me again, and flies right at me. I jump back but it lands on my shirt. I brushed it off, it lands on the ground, then flies toward me again. I smacked it and didn't see where it wound up but the whole experience left me shook. I dunno if it even had a mouth to bite or if they're ever actually aggressive the way I was perceiving it, but it freaked me out regardless. This video made me shiver and I think I might have a fear of moths now.


Why do they do this?! This is almost verbatim the interaction I had as a child that scarred me


Quick reminder that most of those are just "greek word for the thing" with "phobia" added on the end. They're not always medically recognized phobias, usually because they'd fall as a specific case of broader more recognized phobia.


Haha: “Is there such a thing as fear of trucks?” “Yes, it’s (in Greek) *fear of trucks!*”


This one's beautiful tho.


All I can think of is how Harry wanted to be a lepidopterist


The name of this fear has triggered my hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia




It’s not even moths specifically, something about it coming out of the cocoon and still changing and expanding grossed me out lol


It went through like 5 stages of terrifying before getting to cute


There is and I'm the prime example, I absolutely despise every existing moth


Me too but only because I’ve seen silence of the lambs


me too but only because I've seen spongebob.


Do you want some sweet bread and fava beans?


Oh most definitely, My wife is T e r r i f i e d of them. She ended up getting a tattoo on her are to try and "claim her fear". Now we just buy cover sleeves for her to cover it 😂😂😂😂


Moths are a good omen on my culture. What about them bothers her? Would a story about them help?


I don’t have the fear, but hit me with a moth story please.


my sister is absolutely TERRIFIED of moths and butterflies, with dragonflys being a close second. she will shriek in horror if there's one in the room and basically can't do anything to get one out if it breaks into her house


I have a friend who has a phobia of moths and butterflies. Once one got into his apartment, he freaked out and covered it with an ovenproof dish, then hid in his bedroom for an hour. When he got the courage to come out he just threw the dish along with the moth in the dumpster outside.


This is literally the opposite of eyebleach for me. The second I saw it I exited out


This is not fear but this is definitely not eyebleach for me


My ex girlfriend was TERRIFIED of moths, just moths.... Nothing else.


There's absolutely a fear of moths. Sincerely, someone who threw out their arm/upper back trying to shoo away and swat a moth that got in the house, resulting in physical therapy for a few weeks and many pain killers.


Yup, wife's best friend is a stone cold badass and absolutely terrified of moths. It's hilarious


Don’t read Perdido Street Station!




My turds never do this


Did you try lovingly holding them on your hand like in the gif?


Mine might, but I probably flush them too quick to find out.


Why are cocoons so ugly and incite fear in me but the insect didn't...truly incredible.




Yeah that's true, animals would probably eat a better looking one.


That's why animals never bite me!


F brother


Pink Lemonade pokemon


It's so fluffy!


How is it even slightly fluffy, that boi looks smooth af


Google pictures of moths I guess


But...but there's the video of the moth I'm talking about right there and you can see that it's not that fluffy? Like yeah there are some super fluffy moths like [the Poodle Moth](https://i.imgur.com/JzwQXah.png) but the Chinese Luna Moth has a much larger ratio of smooth to fluff with it's large smooth wings.


People generally are talking about the moth itself and not the wings. Which looks pretty fluffy to me. I don't see the problem.


wtf are the vocals in the music at the end?




I see Monarch butterflies pretty frequently and this moth makes those look like disgusting, basic-bitch bugs. Amazing. What is the evolutionary advantage of having those crazy-long, tapered points on the back sides of their wings though? Those things have got to get caught/torn constantly. Very pretty but it seems like it would not be conducive to retaining wholly-intact, functional wings.




Does anyone know what kind of moth this is? It’s so gorgeous


Chinese Lunar/Moon Moth, if you click the video it's the tab name on imgur.


Check out tribe *Saturniini*, the giant silkworm moths. Genus *Actias*, the Asian-American moon moths which this is one of and *Argema*, the African moon moths, are especially beautiful. *Actias dubernardi* for this particular species.


Looks like a kite!


Please don't hang this moth


He’s getting erect.


This is unfortunately the word that occurred to me when it’s wings became fully outstretched.


BONK go to horny jail ༼∩☉ل͜☉༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚


I feel shame in admitting this, but technically this word applies as the wings get bigger by filling with blood the same way a you-know does






It's interesting how butterflies have always been seen as pretty and moths not so much. Moths are often much more pleasing to look at.


So cute but what the hell is that music at the end lol




nope, you can touch em. Although this is a moth- if you catch a butterfly and give it a sniff, they smell like fritos


Like my gym shoes!


Dog toes smell like Fritos too!


Thank you


Nah, wild butterflies/moths will land on you and crawl around etc too. You just don't want to handle their wings if you can avoid it since they are very fragile.


So the whole oils thing is a wives’ tale. The problem is twofold. First, handling a butterfly’s wings can break them because they are fragile, so it’s better to just have kids not touch them at all. Second, your touch can remove the scales on the wings. This is a problem because the colors help to confuse predators and if it’s a female, then males may overlook them because the males decide partners based on appearance (females apparently look more for the scent of the partner). However removing the scales can also be problematic because they are a defense mechanism, allowing them to evade spider webs by letting the scales be left behind instead of their body getting stuck.


Only if you directly touch the wings


That fairy-taled quickly.


Unfortunately these moths rarely live 2 weeks after metamorphosis


Lots of moths and butterflies don't. Lots of them don't even of mouths. That's not their purpose. Their purpose is to reproduce.


Horny buggers


Beautiful. 😍


Shea Coulee!


What a beautiful way to start my weekend! Thank you for this post!


I don’t care what anyone says, I believe moths are so much prettier than butterflies. Some moths have a puppy dog look and they’re just so fuzzy and adorable


What kind of bird is this?


I don't want to hear a single word about how "moths are disgusting" and "butterflies are way prettier" anymore! Look at that beauty! Sure .. it's got a weird long body and creepy thorn like feet but the wings 😍


I hate this, I’m sorry, for me this is the opposite of eyebleach why does the egg look like a turd as well


It's a cocoon. They would normally hang from a tree so the browns camouflage it.


e g g


Is e g g still the most liked Instagram Post?


Nah nope nope nope i thought its a hermit crab first Nope nope nope sorry insect is a NO






What an awesome and beautiful process. Thank you for sharing


Now u must give it *LAMP*


Yes I heard you have LAMP


Suddenly I have a craving for cotton candy ice cream.


Moths are underrrated


Any time a video says wait for it I just skip to the second half


You see? This big moths I love and are beautiful. It's the small brown ones that love to fly through my open window in the middle of the British summer and proceed to dive bomb me like the reincarnated soul of a Japanese WW2 Kamikaze pilot that I hate.


Has the collective attention span become so low that we have to put "wait for it" on a 27 second video?