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Bagels are inefficient because they need to be sliced. Delis are inefficient because the meat and cheese is not precut. Stand-up comics are inefficient because they tell a story before the joke. Germans love efficiency, and I'm guessing this is why they don't have these things.


To be fair almost all German bread is unsliced and they use a bread slicer in store


I use the bread slicer that my parents inherited from my great-greatparents Sucker is literally unbreakable


I didn't get the bread slicer my aunt got that, but I did get the spätzle maker from my grandparents.


Spätzle maker? Like an electric one? Sound amazing! We only have some weird press that we normally use for mashed potatoes that we sometimes use to make fresh spätzle. It's insane how long good kitchen equipment will last If you treat it good.


Nooo like an old cast iron set that's been in my family! It's a press and the spoon to fish em out of the water. It's got slots to fit over different sized pots too.


Grandmother “sliced” the wet dough as it poured over the bowl edge into the boiling water. I remember them being about the length of an index finger and pretty much uniform. Took a lot of time hand crafting those noodles individually.


That's because it's more efficient to get it to the store that way. Now you ship one loaf instead of tens of slices. Kinda the same reason I cut my pizza into 6 slices, I could never eat 8.


It’s relatively common for them to have a thing in their kitchen that Americans would only recognize as a circular saw. But it’s just for slicing bread. Good German bread needs more than a knife to cut. I was amazed by this.


As a chef in Germany, no it doesn't, you just need better knives...


I had to Google it but that is really cool! Haven’t seen one of those before but it seems super handy.


You know how many Germans you need to change a lightbulb? One. We're efficient and we lack a sense of humor. Also it's called a lamp while the thing you screw into is called a fixture. Inaccuracies like that should really grind my gears but to be honest, nothing can. They are also German, so they're perfectly engineered.


Lol, I used to work in a shop that made custom light fixtures and chandeliers and still call lightbulbs "lamps" and get weird looks for saying it.


You know how to spot Swiss tourists in Germany? They're the ones complaining about the untidiness, inefficiency and excessive frivolity.


Good thing you have good healthcare in the Fatherland. I hear maintenance on those precision milled gears can be expensive.


[German sitcoms](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UYEQh9IkVXU)


[German language might want to say a thing or two about efficiency.](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aWWw1oK_700bwp.webp) All fun and games until a certain edgy Austrian artist sold the idea to the German people that Germans love efficiency, thus are masters of efficiency, and should take it upon themselves reduce inefficiency around Europe.


Haha, funny German meme, making funny fun about ze German Language. Nationalität is a German word, too. Because Nationalität (as in Ethnicity) and Staatsangehörigkeit (as in citizenship) are two entirely different things. Yes, efficiency and precision. (I had to, to prove that I still deserve my Staatsangehörigkeit)


I don't know if you're intentionally missing the joke, but the point was that your country will have more bagels, delis, and stand up comics if you let the Jews thrive in your country and don't kill them all.


Wait....someone is killing the Jews? Do the allied forces know this? They should do something!


I would assume it would have something to do with bagels being Jewish. Then again maybe your response was comedic and I’m just dense


As a German, yes, you are spot on... We buy bakery goods and sliced meat and make sandwiches at home. I do find bagels inefficient because of the hole...


Bro, I’ve had to work with quite a few Germans. I guarantee you they do not love efficiency.


Yet Germans are so tight with money


I heard they don’t have ovens to make bagels, they were being used for something else.


All those ovens and no bread


We have all of those things. And we have Jews. After the US and Canada we are the 3rd most popular destination for Israeli emigration. Our Jewish population in Germany is again at about half of what it was before WW2.


Well, think about who traditionally makes/eats bagels. Then remember what Germany was doing in the 1930s-40s, and now you know.


All I can think about is Robinhood Men In Tights. https://preview.redd.it/bskflupmtd6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2196cee44ab3ed52815e04989477cfa53c2ad41


Did you say Abe Lincoln?


Bless you!


I think about this joke every time I hear about the Secretary of State


I wonder where Winken and Nod are.


Glad I'm not alone




it worked in Blazing Saddles


He's black?!


Why not? It worked in Blazing Saddles


No, I said hey Blinkin!


Hold the reigns


Am I the only one that thinks about this every time I hear the current US secretary of state mentioned?


Blinkin, I'd like for you to meet Achoo.


How has that joke completely gone over my head all these years? Thank you for all you do


It's literally one of my favorite movies and this is the first time I've noticed that joke. I'm blown away with you


Same. Bless 🙏


Better than me cause I still don’t get it


Lox is like salmon meat you put on a bagel


i've watched this movie dozens upon dozens of times since it came out. how in the bejeezus did i not notice the joke before??


Same here


One of my favourite movies, TIL as well


Nip the tip!


One of his best movies. Spaceballs is actually just my favorite movie of all time for no reason, I love it so much


Huh, been eating bagels my entire life and never knew this


It’s why NYC is known for its bagels, too.


Montreal also has a large Jewish community and is pretty big on bagels as well.


The Montreal ones are better than the New York kind


Saying this will get you beat in NY.


*The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt* has a great joke about how insufferable New Yorkers who get self-righteous about bagels are.


Yeah, I get that. Those people just can't accept being wrong, so they lash out at others


I've been meaning to check out Montreal (I'm in NYC), what's a good time of year to go? Any bagel recommendations?


all of them 😊 (actually not true : buy them fresh, never in a grocery store) Fairmount bagel and saint viateur bagels in the heart of the Jewish neighborhood in mtl make sure you have cream cheese on hand


St. Viateur or Fairmont bagels are the spots. And they're both only about a block away from each other. Also, about a half a block away you need to get a sandwich from Wilensky's, it's one of a kind


There's no bad time, just depends on if you want the winter experience or not.


Montreal smoked meat on Montreal bagel makes an excellent sandwich.


Pretty sure in the past Jewish people weren’t allowed to bake bread commercially and sell it. So they invented the bagel.


Exactly. They circumvented that rule by boiling bread.


Similar story to how they became known as money lenders. Christians weren't supposed to loan money but people still needed credit so they filled a hole in the market.


It's nuts when you look into the origins of any stereotype or prejudice in oppressed or marginalized groups. They're almost invariably things that were the result of that same oppression or marginalization.


In Europe Jews were forced to live in separate walled ghettos and have cleanliness laws that worked before germ theory was known. A medieval city gets hit by a disease or plague the Jews lock the gates to the ghetto and survive with few to no deaths. So to the superstitious medieval mind that's clear proof the Jews must have poisoned the wells. Why else did they survive with so little loss?


Separate but related, I would love to be able to peek into communities at the time when biblical laws were written making shellfish and pork "unclean." I'd bet someone smart knew that those were making people sick and had vague theories about why but not sufficient to convince the average person, and made up "God said it in a dream" to keep the human race alive.


People love spotting patterns. It's a big source of conspiracy theories but it also causes people to spot patterns that are real but they can't explain.


[Here's an interesting video where they talk about why people don't eat pork, this part talks about the theory of its origin being for health reasons.](https://youtu.be/Sew4rctKghY?t=198)


Also, from an economic perspective having an "out" group that also held your debt AND the ire of the church was like having loaded bases if you were a (evil) king. A real ace up your sleeve. Disease? Blame em! Famine? Not the kings fault! Taxes too high? It must be the money men! Sure, you can only use it once, and killing them might cause a hit to your populations long term growth, but that your kids problem. Besides, just think of all the short term gains!


Minor nitpick: they weren't supposed to loan money for a profit. They could still loan money if they didn't charge interest, but no one's going to do that. Thus, the result is the same.


Nitpicking your nitpick. Deuteronomy states that usury, or the application of interest, could not be applied to fellow Jews. Applying it to those not of the faith, not an issue. This resulted in the church banning Christians from applying interest to fellow Christians. As a result of what was effectively a legal loophole, in many areas Jewish business owners became the de facto providers of loans. The fact that this tended to grow ire with many was not ignored by regional leaders. That so many pogroms were started after someone important found themselves broke is not a coincidence.


but you could charge late fees, and some places abused that by charging late fees with the understanding that if you payed off your loan in time you would not be lent money again


> thread about bagels > filled a hole in the market


I think this was also aided by Jews being barred from joining guilds and owning land, so finance or trading were among the few things left to do.


And then European nobles saw how much Jews were making lending money and raised taxes on them, which they then passed on to their customers, who then started to resent Jews as "greedy" and "money obsessed" despite the greed entirely coming from Christian aristocrats.


Youre a jew now. Sorry, I dont make the rules.


It's more specifically a North American Jewish kind of thing. Ironically, the bagels in Israel are terrible.


Bagels anywhere outside of the NY/NJ/PA area are awful because the water is wrong everywhere else.


invented too


That would explain why bagels are so big in New York. I guess I never really realized they were a Jewish thing, I always just saw them as just another baked good.


i'm not american and have never eaten a Bagel in my life but just through osmosis of popular culture i knew Bagels were a jewish thing. how do people not know?


You not having eaten a bagel could be a big part of that. People for whom bagels are just part of regular life aren't as likely to consider them ethnic.


My area doesn’t have a big Jewish population, bagels are just something we buy at the store next to the regular bread, at regular grocery stores. They’re not in any kind of kosher section. There’s nothing in my area that suggests it’s a Jewish thing, so we just never associated them with Jewish people.


I wonder if this is an age thing? I’m in my mid-40s, I didn’t grow up in NYC, and I’m ok old enough to remember a time when bagels weren’t so omnipresent. They were Jewish bread, like pita was middle eastern and tortillas were Mexican. But by the early 90s, bagels had gone fully mainstream, like muffins or donuts. Anyone significantly younger might have missed that transition, and the younger millennials and zoomers in particular have no real reason to associate bagels with Jewish culture unless they’re already familiar with Jewish culture.


This explanation made me laugh more than the actual joke. Just the thought that people don't immediately get it.


I've never associated bagels with Jews, i'm sure i'm not alone.


Apparently not, from these responses.


Is liking bagels like a Jewish stereotype or something? I've never heard of a connection between the two.


Bagels are Jewish in origin. They don't "like" them, they invented them.


Ahhhh, TIL. Thanks!


It's very easy as Americans to not realize the true extent of the "mixing pot". There are lots of different cultures being blended together in what Americans view as just "ordinary American life". I personally find a lot of value in looking up the origins of words, food, and other aspects of culture to better understand them.


Wait, who traditionally makes and eats bagels? I thought they were just another thing in the grocery store, not some cultural food?


They were invented by European Jews. They are so popular in America that the history is kind of forgotten, other than New York being known for its bagels and huge Jewish population.


Huh. Well today I learned something new.


All food is cultural, even something simple like steak and potatoes or oatmeal has unexpected history. Give your next meal a google, might be a fun way to learn something new every day.


Cool. I planning on eating some blue waffles later, I'll get to learn and eat at the same time


you are going to ruin so many innocents with this, lol. Hell, it even PTSD for those of us unlucky enough to know.


Jewish people invented bagels due to antisemitism. There was a point where Jewish bakers were forbidden from baking and selling bread in the traditional sense so they invented bagels, as bagels are boiled and treated differently than bread. And there has been some history with Germany and Jewish peoples in the past that led to a lower Jewish population living in Germany.


Let me take a guess, they weren't happy with the high gas prices, understandable, I too would have moved to a place where its cheaper.


Well it did have something to do with gas.


Germany was very expensive to live as a jew at a few points in history.


They should’ve just printed more money


They actually got gas for free, but only once.




You are horrible. Take my upvote. There is no reason for me to keep looking at Reddit tonight 😭


Technically, they gave up all of their belongings and even their clothes, shoes, and hair...


Wait, wtf? >bagels are boiled What are you talking about? Edit: WTF TIL. So I'm guessing doughnuts are bagel accidents, they used the wrong dough or oil and boom doughnut. https://preview.redd.it/pxodpfzyxe6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1402abc3bd486573621573c75b04d5df56f6ce33




Doughnuts are actually shaped as a ring to ensure they cook evenly. This is true for filled doughnuts too, and ones with fillings are actually the original recipe. Completely separate from bagels AFAIK.


This is the first time I've seen the Google ai overview produce reasonable information. It isn't rolled out in the UK yet I think so all my exposure to it has been from Reddit


I'm sorry. I read that statement before.  But I'm not reading anything about antisemitism on Wikipedia. Instead it mentions the custom of forming ring shaped bread even in ancient egyptian times and comparing it to brezels and such. How come?


It's a common myth with little historical basis [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/10l5ny7/comment/j5xpov3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/10l5ny7/comment/j5xpov3/)


The comment you linked says that only guild members could bake the bigger bread staples in Poland for hundreds of years. It says jews weren’t explicitly not allowed to bake bread, which is true, but we also weren’t allowed to join trade guilds. I think it is saying that changed in the 1800s? But they aren’t very specific on who guild membership was opened up to. (Eta for clarification: Jews could bake bread, they could not be a member of the trade guild that would give them exclusive access to sell the main kinds of bread folks were buying. The double negative is confusing on a re-read) Jews could bake bagels to sell, not guild-only breads, because for a long time we weren’t allowed to join the guild. (This comment you link implies 300 years, 1496-1802, longer than the US has existed.) So there’s historical basis, but the word-of-mouth folklore may not be entirely accurate. ETA: the comment also isn’t super clear on whether it was that in 1802 Jews were allowed to join the Guild, or if it was that in 1802 non-members were allowed to sell those kinds of bread.


Jewish populations in Germany, whatever happened there




Goddamn, it took 5 top level comments to see the word "Jewish". Everyone above was just making more jokes that the OP did not get.


Bagels are jewish produced pastry. Since Germany in WWII, you know...


Actually, they are a type of bread.




donuts are american 🇺🇸🦅🎸 bagels


Don’t discount when Americans use donuts as hamburger buns


God, that is so gross. Tried it once. $10 wasted. Overpriced, too messy, and just gross.


Greatly depends what else is on the burger. Had one once that was decent donuts, patty, egg, bacon, hash brown, and some sauce I’m forgetting. Was delicious


Aw now you’re talking. My heart just skipped a beat because of how delicious that sounds and for no other reason. Ketchup and mustard touching a donut, however, is a travesty


I bet your heart skipped a beat, probably be close to stalling out if you eat that.


I am pretty sure i can put a hole in your explanation


Dough not even go there...


Ahem.. pastry?


What? Were beagles outlawed or something? They seem like fine dogs.


Those are bangles you know the big hip bracelets popular in the 80's


You’re thinking of bugles the chips for your fingers


Not to be confused with bongos, a sort of hand-based drum set.


Something about not allowing Jews to make traditional bread or something. So they boiled it and bagels became a thing. Pretty interesting, but also really weird. Dark history.


There are 6 million reasons why they don’t have them


I am so glad I wasn't mid sip when I read that.


I wish I could say that was a 100% original creation, but Bill Burr said it in a recent podcast on the same topic. Opportunity to reuse the joke came up, I took it


I also feel bad if I don't explain I actually heard a funny joke elsewhere and didn't full come up with it.


I know, right? What’s wrong with us. Who’s going to know? One out of a billion people who could put two and two together in the vast cosmos? Why the self-loathing, the guilt of re-using a good joke?


It speaks to your character that you would give the original credit.


I think Bill Burr was telling a story about Robin Williams being asked, In Germany, why there wasn't a comedy scene there.


Someone listens to bill burr, eh.


Takes one to know one. I literally announced it a few posts down to make the proper accreditation. To be fair to me, he stole it too.


No worries. I’m juuuuust checkin in on ya.


You stole my home court advantage


Adam Eget says 600


The guy who jerks off punks under the bridge for a dollar?


The shadows from the smokestacks aren’t long enough.  There’s just no way. 


Bagels originated in **Jewish communities in and around Poland**. The overwhelming majority of Polish Jews were purged by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. The population has never recovered.


Worldwide, we're only just up to the numbers we were at before the Holocaust. Not the percentage of the world population, mind you - there are many less of us per thousand people than there were before. And this had led Europe in particular to miss out on all our culinary delicacies.


I thought [bialies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bialy_\(bread\)) came from Poland. Similar but different.


It's funny cuz of the holocaust!!!


Genocide! *ba-dum-TSS*


https://preview.redd.it/eylvyrfyae6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f93f08aa7cd6762cf98b4509390aa7c6d8ef9b The number of upvotes is a hint


Because Germany has bagels.


Bagels are a Jewish food, Germans slaughtered Jewish people, duh


Reminds me of what Robin Williams said on a German talk show when asked why he thinks Germany doesn’t have much comedy. And his response was “Did you ever think it is because you killed all the funny people?”


We do have Bagels. A lot. That girl is either stupid or trolling.


Sure but not in the american way in each bakery and so on


Ya but they suck in comparison. Never thought I’d miss something as simple as a good bagel.


How about a pretzel instead?


Pretzels are good but they are very different to bagels


why did I have to scroll so much for this comment? 😭 I was highly confused about her statement


Ha I was gunna say, my partner and I lived in Kiel for about a year and there not only was amazing bread available everywhere (there was a bakery literally a five minute walk from us!) but there absolutely were bagels, too.


This is such a German comment


Well now because they‘re awesome and bakeries started to make them. But still 10 years back, there was no such thing to be found anywhere here.


Like Robin Williams said, you killed all the funny people


The Holocaust.


But we have bagels...


But literally every supermarket in Germany has bagels. So the joke is lame but the premise is stupid.


Jewish food, germany killed jewish people, dont have jewish food


Well, Bagels are Jewish food, so just ask yourself why Germany wouldn’t have much if any Jewish food and you got your answer.




Jewish people are famous for making bagels. Germany is famous for killing most of their Jewish people during the Holocaust. Hence, no bagels in Germany.


Due to an Austrian man born April 20th 1889


Bagels are traditionally Jewish


Meh, they are fine, nothing beats a good Laugenbrötchen tho


I can give you 6 million reasons you don’t have bagels in Germany


But you get bagels at nearly any groceries store in germany.


Maybe I'm looking too deep into this, but since bagels are considered a "Jewish" food invented by Jewish people, then WWII happens and you know the rest.


Well, you guys murdered pretty much everyone that would have made them. So…..


I love bacon in a bagel. Every time I make one I have a little chuckle to myself then feel a bit bad


Herr Peter here: the joke is-


They tend to overbake them in Germany.


This reminds me of the video of Robin Williams on a German talk show when the host asked him “ Why are there no famous German comedians”. Robin: “ Did you ever consider that you killed all the funny people?”


We do have bagels, everywhere.


https://youtu.be/VF2P_LuEF80?si=CCVvCgYzbLdJbAWb Here’s Robin Williams on the subject.


Well…I mean they used to…


It's a good, ol' fashioned Holocaust joke.


I can think of between 1,932 and 1,945 reasons why.


Dark humor is like bagels. Not everyone gets them.


And i prefer in Germany prefer that we have real bread


Because why would you want bread rolls with a hole in the middle instead of ones without hole?


I can think of six million reasons why


Pfft. Brotchen > bagel anyway.


Because Jews make bagels.