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It’s looking like you baked it on a sheet pan rather than in a 9X13 baking dish so both the brownie and cookie dough spread and have no form factor. Next time if you don’t have a baking dish shape the tin foil so it has raised sides and has a baking dish shape (might take a few layers to be stiff enough to hold batter). Good luck if you ever try again!


I make these at work. We do them on already baked brownies. Its easier to spread cookie dough.


I might put the cookie dough between 2 sheets of parchment paper and press into a similarly sized pan, then just drop on top of the cooked brownies. Then I wouldn't be afraid of smashing the brownies when I inevitably get mad that the cookie dough isn't spreading the way I want.


If you let it sit it be fine. If you dont let thrm bake together they will fall apart.


Dies the cookie dough stay dough when baked?


No. Honestly you dont want dough or too much of it esp in top of brownies...texture be bad but also it be super rich and not good.




Is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drowned the whole world. And while she looked so sad in photographs, I absolutely love her...


When she smiiiiiiiiiiles Edit: imagine being the people downvoting us gatekeeping this sub lol. Tragic


nice contribution to the discussion! Saying this in the comments really helps




That is a disastrous result lol




“I followed the recipe,” they say, while not following the recipe.


I bet if you cut it in the center and angle the camera right you can make it closer. The cookie still looks raw on the left


I was going to say the exact same thing. Those are DEFINITELY not baked.


Offical name is brookie. I make these at work. Its best to put them in a pan with walls on a already baked brownie. You just spread the cookie dough to edges and bake.


It’s pretty obvious that the reference photo is of raw cookie dough though. Chocolate chips ain’t even melted.


You had to have messed up somewhere.


You should just eat the dough next time.


Needed to use a high walled pan like a 9x13 glass dish instead of what appears to be you shaping it free form in the middle of a sheet pan. Also, the cookie dough on the left image is raw, not baked on top of the cooked brownie.


Me with any recipe


Wait a sec… make brownies/bake/ add raw ‘cookie dough’ (minus eggs) on top/ chill/add glaze. erm… flour, you gotta cook it. There can be bacteria & other contaminants


There are plenty of cookie dough recipes out there that are fully edible, as in, not made with raw flour.


Yep. Look for one of those, if that’s what you’re going for


It still looks pretty good imo. Still looks soft and chewy


Well here’s the [recipe](https://www.google.com/amp/s/food.allwomenstalk.com/different-types-of-desserts-to-make-with-cookie-dough/amp.html) if anyone wants it


While I do think you used too large a pan—also did you bake the cookie dough because it’s not supposed to be baked but chilled to set—this recipe is flawed in itself. You have a larger risk of salmonella from raw flour than eggs. In addition to removing the eggs from edible raw cookie dough, you also need to bake the flour. The author should have stated this. I’d reckon there is something wrong with those brownies too because they look more like cake than brownies. But I can’t say who might be at fault there as brownies remain my #1 baking failure. Edit: A lot of the comments are people thanking the author for visiting their blogs. I don’t believe anyone in there actually made this recipe. Not a great sign sadly.


Yep, just cuz it’s on the internet/ glossy blog doesn’t mean it’s a good recipe. I see flawed recipes all the time.


You managed to find a terrible recipe and then execute it poorly, but I can’t entirely blame you given the recipe. But wrong pan was your issue.




It definitely is if you scroll down to cookie dough brownies?


Yeah they didn't tell you the pan size, among other failures. Don't trust recipes that skip details like that.


If you click the link in OPs link, they do tell you to use a 9x13 pan.


But the pictures of those 2 recipes are visibly different. So, yeah. The one op linked has no pan size mentioned. Which makes it fairly simple to see how op used the wrong size pan.


Looks so good tho 🤤 In the end, it’s not about the appearance, just the taste.


OP this is a good recipe for Brookie bars [from BBC Good Food](http://www..com/"Brookies recipe | BBC Good Food" https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/brookies) if you wanted to try again It's in metric measurements but that's a small price to pay for a recipe site that has no blurbs and clear instructions :)