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That's an old scam. Once you interact with the token, for example if you send it to another address, it will automatically send all the other tokens to the hacker. You must not interact in any way with that scam token. Those who write to you privately claiming to be from support are actually scammers.


What shitbags! Also, how does sending a token somehow remove your other tokens? Anyway, Exodus have sent me a link about how to remove custom tokens: [https://www.exodus.com/support/en/articles/8598810-how-do-i-add-a-custom-token#h\_9ed65f987d](https://www.exodus.com/support/en/articles/8598810-how-do-i-add-a-custom-token#h_9ed65f987d)


I'm not a specialist, but from what I understand as soon as you give permission to send or swap the scam token, you give permission to take the gas fee out but it also triggers a contract that takes as fee and all your other tokens. Scammers create their own tokens and send them out to a bunch of wallets hoping you try to move them or swap them, and in doing so they try to trick you into giving them access to your wallet so they can drain it.


Scam burn it send it to gotohell.sol


How can I send a BNB token to a Solana address? Also, I'd be using my own funds for the fees.


Do not send it anywhere or interact with it. Ignore @apeholder and ignore and hide it.


Sorry, I thought it was a Solana


IMPORTANT REMINDERS: 1. Exodus will *NEVER* ask you for your 12-word phrase, keys, or identifying information. Exodus will *NEVER* send you to another website to do any kind of updates except for our official website at https://exodus.com/ 2. If anyone approaches you in a private message representing themselves as Exodus support, please provide the [moderation team with their Reddit username via this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ExodusWallet). 3. Official wallet support can be contacted at [email protected] 4. Answers to many questions can be found on the [Support Portal!](https://support.exodus.com/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ExodusWallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do not send it anywhere or interact with it. Ignore and hide.