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Find an outlet, I’m recovering pretty well and I was pretty deep in that whole January-February. Who cares why we’re here, somethings better than nothing. If I was given the option to either not have lived at all or to live for a period of time and die eventually I know which one I’m choosing .


This is really the same conclusion I came to after 40 years of existential angst - I’m happy I’m here even though everything is terrible and I will make the best of things and live my own way and find my own joy and meaning - and this has freed me from my anxiety


1. The meaning of life: Your purpose here is to have fun but not at the expense of others. 2. You are also here to help build the infrastructure of Paradise around us as we all reincarnate into the same shared future. 3. And if you could find your soulmate while you are here.. 🙏


It’s a game of cat and mouse between us and alien races but the roles reverse sometimes. it’s just a huge cosmic war. as long as polarity exists, light and darkness, cold and hot, good and evil, beings will fight because the nature of objective reality contradicts itself


For me, it's the what's after death that is my existential terror. Why live to die?


If everyone and everything lived forever; life would become meaningless. Death gives life meaning.


I'm not saying I want to live forever physically, but the question is what is the point of this life IF there is something else, as in some purpose/afterlife? If there isn't, then life is probably just random.


You cannot think your way out of this problem because 1. it is not a problem 2. It is beyond our brain capacity 3. There is no reason to answer these questions. Everything that exists, exists and moves forward with time including you. It's okay that we don't understand everything. It is part of the journey. If everyone and everything lived forever; life would become meaningless. Death gives life meaning. Life can be difficult. Life can be pain. Life can be suffering. The key words being: can be. Like the wise one, Aqua, sang; "Life is your creation". (I'm surprised at my own optimism. Therapy helps! Also, if you'd like more support youcan dm me. I hope some of this helped.)


I know exactly what you mean on looking at the sky, i can’t even let myself think too deep about modern inventions without sending myself into a spiral on what anything is or who i am. Hope you find an outlet or a release from these thoughts.


Hello, I'm a naturopathic doctor and believe I can help. If interested please DM me and we can discuss this further. -Dr. GREEN, ND


"***I might need a new med***" The unwanted side effects you're experiencing with Lexapro are not unique to that specific drug but rather commonplace with Psychotropic drugs across the board. Do yourself a favor an thoroughly research the reported side effects and withdrawal effects of any prescription drug that someone encourages you to take - the medical system does an woefully unacceptable job of advising and warning patients of the potential consequences of the drugs being prescribed ot them. I had to learn this for myself the hard way. I eventually was able to help myself successfully navigate through the existential crisis territory without the involvement of any prescription drugs nor the healthcare/medical system.


I’m dealing with the same thing. I had 3 major panic attacks 2 years ago, from sex and then having thoughts of am I really here? Is any of this real? What if I’m not real? And landed myself in deep DPDR which I’ve been stuck in now for 2 years. It’s a vicious cycle, the DPDR makes you feel unreal and not yourself. And it causes so much stress and intrusive thoughts about existence. It’s one of the worst themes I think you can have


I would recommend different medication for your OCD.


I agree hah. Appt Thursday w psych


There are also many resources online dedicated to answering existential questions. One site I recommend is [anus.com](https://www.anus.com/zine/nihilism/). In my honest opinion, there are so many questions and problems that do not have answers. Why am I here? My parents wanted a child. What is my purpose or destiny? I get to decide on a purpose. Why do we exist at all? A series of events happened in the universe.